path: root/share/scripts/mixer_settings_store.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'share/scripts/mixer_settings_store.lua')
1 files changed, 383 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/scripts/mixer_settings_store.lua b/share/scripts/mixer_settings_store.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1718a83ddd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/scripts/mixer_settings_store.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+ardour {
+ ["type"] = "EditorAction",
+ name = "Store Mixer Settings",
+ author = "Mixbus Team",
+ description = [[
+ Stores the current Mixer state as a file
+ that can be read and recalled arbitrarily
+ by it's companion script, Recall Mixer Settings.
+ Supports: processor settings, grouping,
+ mute, solo, gain, trim, pan and processor ordering,
+ plus re-adding certain deleted plugins.
+ ]]
+function factory () return function ()
+ local user_cfg = ARDOUR.user_config_directory(-1)
+ local local_path = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.build_filename(Session:path(), 'mixer_settings')
+ local global_path = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.build_filename(user_cfg, 'mixer_settings')
+ function exists(file)
+ local ok, err, code = os.rename(file, file)
+ if not ok then
+ if code == 13 then -- Permission denied, but it exists
+ return true
+ end
+ end return ok, err
+ end
+ function whoami()
+ if not pcall(function() local first_check = Session:get_mixbus(0) end) then
+ return "Ardour"
+ else
+ local second_check = Session:get_mixbus(11)
+ if second_check:isnil() then
+ return "Mixbus"
+ else
+ return "32C"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function isdir(path)
+ return exists(path.."/")
+ end
+ function setup_paths()
+ local global_ok, local_ok = false, false
+ if not(isdir(global_path)) then
+ global_ok, _, _ = os.execute('mkdir '.. global_path)
+ if global_ok == 0 then
+ global_ok = true
+ end
+ else
+ global_ok = true
+ end
+ if not(isdir(local_path)) then
+ local_ok, _, _ = os.execute('mkdir '.. local_path)
+ if local_ok == 0 then
+ local_ok = true
+ end
+ else
+ local_ok = true
+ end
+ return global_ok, local_ok
+ end
+ function get_processor_by_name(track, name)
+ local i = 0
+ local proc = track:nth_processor(i)
+ repeat
+ if(proc:display_name() == name) then
+ return proc
+ else
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ proc = track:nth_processor(i)
+ until proc:isnil()
+ end
+ function group_by_id(id)
+ local id = tonumber(id)
+ for g in Session:route_groups():iter() do
+ local group_id = tonumber(g:to_stateful():id():to_s())
+ if group_id == id then return g end
+ end
+ end
+ function group_by_name(name)
+ for g in Session:route_groups():iter() do
+ if g:name() == name then return g end
+ end
+ end
+ function route_groupid_interrogate(t)
+ local group = false
+ for g in Session:route_groups():iter() do
+ for r in g:route_list():iter() do
+ if r:name() == t:name() then group = g:to_stateful():id():to_s() end
+ end
+ end return group
+ end
+ function route_group_interrogate(t)
+ for g in Session:route_groups():iter() do
+ for r in g:route_list():iter() do
+ if r:name() == t:name() then return g end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function empty_last_store(path) --empty current file from last run
+ local file =, "w")
+ --file:write(string.format("instance = { whoami = '%s' }", whoami())
+ file:write("")
+ file:close()
+ end
+ function mark_tracks(selected, path)
+ empty_last_store(path)
+ local route_string = [[instance = {
+ route_id = %d,
+ route_name = '%s',
+ gain_control = %s,
+ trim_control = %s,
+ pan_control = %s,
+ sends = {%s},
+ muted = %s,
+ soloed = %s,
+ order = {%s},
+ cache = {%s},
+ group = %s,
+ group_name = '%s',
+ pi_order = %d
+ }]]
+ local group_string = [[instance = {
+ group_id = %s,
+ name = '%s',
+ routes = {%s},
+ }]]
+ local processor_string = [[instance = {
+ plugin_id = %d,
+ type = %d,
+ display_name = '%s',
+ owned_by_route_name = '%s',
+ owned_by_route_id = %d,
+ parameters = {%s},
+ active = %s,
+ }]]
+ local group_route_string = " [%d] = %s,"
+ local proc_order_string = " [%d] = %d,"
+ local proc_cache_string = " [%d] = {'%s', %d},"
+ local params_string = " [%d] = %s,"
+ --ensure easy-to-read formatting doesn't make it through
+ local route_string = string.gsub(route_string, "[\n\t%s]", "")
+ local group_string = string.gsub(group_string, "[\n\t%s]", "")
+ local processor_string = string.gsub(processor_string, "[\n\t%s]", "")
+ local sel = Editor:get_selection ()
+ local groups_to_write = {}
+ local i = 0
+ local tracks = Session:get_stripables()
+ if selected then tracks = sel.tracks:routelist() end
+ for r in tracks:iter() do
+ local group = route_group_interrogate(r)
+ if group then
+ local already_there = false
+ for _, v in pairs(groups_to_write) do
+ if group == v then
+ already_there = true
+ end
+ end
+ if not(already_there) then
+ groups_to_write[#groups_to_write + 1] = group
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for _, g in pairs(groups_to_write) do
+ local tmp_str = ""
+ for t in g:route_list():iter() do
+ tmp_str = tmp_str .. string.format(group_route_string, i, t:to_stateful():id():to_s())
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ local group_str = string.format(
+ group_string,
+ g:to_stateful():id():to_s(),
+ g:name(),
+ tmp_str
+ )
+ file =, "a")
+ file:write(group_str, "\r\n")
+ file:close()
+ end
+ for r in tracks:iter() do
+ if r:is_monitor () or r:is_auditioner () or not(r:to_vca():isnil()) then goto nextroute end -- skip special routes
+ r = r:to_route()
+ if r:isnil() then goto nextroute end
+ local order = ARDOUR.ProcessorList()
+ local x = 0
+ repeat
+ local proc = r:nth_processor(x)
+ if not proc:isnil() then
+ order:push_back(proc)
+ end
+ x = x + 1
+ until proc:isnil()
+ local route_group = route_group_interrogate(r)
+ if route_group then route_group = route_group:name() else route_group = "" end
+ local rid = r:to_stateful():id():to_s()
+ local pan = r:pan_azimuth_control()
+ if pan:isnil() then pan = false else pan = pan:get_value() end --sometimes a route doesn't have pan, like the master.
+ -- Get send information, if any.
+ local send_string = ""
+ local i = 0
+ repeat
+ local fmt = "{%s, %s, %s, %s}"
+ string.gsub(fmt, "[\n\t]", "")
+ local values = {}
+ for j, ctrl in pairs({
+ r:send_level_controllable(i),
+ r:send_enable_controllable(i),
+ r:send_pan_azimuth_controllable(i),
+ r:send_pan_azimuth_enable_controllable(i),
+ }) do
+ if not(ctrl:isnil()) then
+ values[#values + 1] = ctrl:get_value()
+ else
+ values[#values + 1] = "nil"
+ end
+ end
+ send_string = send_string .. string.format(fmt, table.unpack(values))
+ send_string = send_string .. ","
+ i = i + 1
+ until r:send_enable_controllable(i):isnil()
+ print(send_string)
+ local order_nmbr = 0
+ local tmp_order_str, tmp_cache_str = "", ""
+ for p in order:iter() do
+ local ptype
+ if not(p:to_insert():isnil()) then
+ ptype = p:to_insert():plugin(0):get_info().type
+ else
+ ptype = 99
+ end
+ local pid = p:to_stateful():id():to_s()
+ if not(string.find(p:display_name(), "latcomp")) then
+ tmp_order_str = tmp_order_str .. string.format(proc_order_string, order_nmbr, pid)
+ tmp_cache_str = tmp_cache_str .. string.format(proc_cache_string, pid, p:display_name(), ptype)
+ end
+ order_nmbr = order_nmbr + 1
+ end
+ local route_str = string.format(
+ route_string,
+ rid,
+ r:name(),
+ ARDOUR.LuaAPI.ascii_dtostr(r:gain_control():get_value()),
+ ARDOUR.LuaAPI.ascii_dtostr(r:trim_control():get_value()),
+ tostring(pan),
+ send_string,
+ r:muted(),
+ r:soloed(),
+ tmp_order_str,
+ tmp_cache_str,
+ route_groupid_interrogate(r),
+ route_group,
+ r:presentation_info_ptr():order()
+ )
+ file =, "a")
+ file:write(route_str, "\n")
+ file:close()
+ local i = 0
+ while true do
+ local params = {}
+ local proc = r:nth_plugin (i)
+ if proc:isnil () then break end
+ local active = proc:active()
+ local id = proc:to_stateful():id():to_s()
+ local plug = proc:to_insert ():plugin (0)
+ local ptype = proc:to_insert():plugin(0):get_info().type
+ local n = 0 -- count control-ports
+ for j = 0, plug:parameter_count () - 1 do -- iterate over all plugin parameters
+ if plug:parameter_is_control (j) then
+ local label = plug:parameter_label (j)
+ if plug:parameter_is_input (j) and label ~= "hidden" and label:sub (1,1) ~= "#" then
+ --local _, _, pd = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.plugin_automation(proc, n)
+ local val = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.get_processor_param(proc, j, true)
+ print(r:name(), "->", proc:display_name(), label, val)
+ params[j] = val
+ end
+ n = n + 1
+ end
+ end
+ i = i + 1
+ local tmp_params_str = ""
+ for k, v in pairs(params) do
+ tmp_params_str = tmp_params_str .. string.format(params_string, k, ARDOUR.LuaAPI.ascii_dtostr(v))
+ end
+ local proc_str = string.format(
+ processor_string,
+ id,
+ ptype,
+ proc:display_name(),
+ r:name(),
+ r:to_stateful():id():to_s(),
+ tmp_params_str,
+ active
+ )
+ file =, "a")
+ file:write(proc_str, "\n")
+ file:close()
+ end
+ ::nextroute::
+ end
+ end
+ local store_options = {
+ { type = "label", col=0, colspan=1, align="right", title = "Name:" },
+ { type = "entry", col=1, colspan=1, align="left" , key = "filename", default = Session:name(), title=""},
+ { type = "label", col=0, colspan=1, align="right", title = "Location:" },
+ {
+ type = "radio", col=1, colspan=3, align="left", key = "store-dir", title = "", values =
+ {
+ ['Global (accessible from any session)'] = 1, ['Local (this session only)'] = 2
+ },
+ default = 'Locally (this session only)'
+ },
+ { type = "hseparator", title="", col=0, colspan = 3},
+ { type = "label", col=0, colspan=1, align="right", title = "Selected Tracks Only:" },
+ { type = "checkbox", col=1, colspan=1, align="left", key = "selected", default = false, title = ""},
+ --{ type = "label", col=0, colspan=2, align="left", title = ''},
+ --{ type = "label", col=0, colspan=2, align="left", title = "Global Path: " .. global_path},
+ --{ type = "label", col=0, colspan=2, align="left", title = "Local Path: " .. local_path},
+ }
+ local global_ok, local_ok = setup_paths()
+ if global_ok and local_ok then
+ local rv = LuaDialog.Dialog("Store Mixer Settings:", store_options):run()
+ if not(rv) then return end
+ local filename = rv['filename']
+ if rv['store-dir'] == 1 then
+ local store_path = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.build_filename(global_path, string.format("%s-%s.lua", filename, whoami()))
+ local selected = rv['selected']
+ mark_tracks(selected, store_path)
+ end
+ if rv['store-dir'] == 2 then
+ local store_path = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.build_filename(local_path, string.format("%s-%s.lua", filename, whoami()))
+ print(store_path)
+ local selected = rv['selected']
+ mark_tracks(selected, store_path)
+ end
+ end
+end end