path: root/libs/audiographer/audiographer
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Diffstat (limited to 'libs/audiographer/audiographer')
2 files changed, 172 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/libs/audiographer/audiographer/sndfile/tmp_file.h b/libs/audiographer/audiographer/sndfile/tmp_file.h
index 296fcdf057..c53557beda 100644
--- a/libs/audiographer/audiographer/sndfile/tmp_file.h
+++ b/libs/audiographer/audiographer/sndfile/tmp_file.h
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class TmpFile : public SndfileWriter<T>, public SndfileReader<T>
/* explicitly close first, some OS (yes I'm looking at you windows)
- * cannot delet files that are still open
+ * cannot delete files that are still open
if (!filename.empty()) {
diff --git a/libs/audiographer/audiographer/sndfile/tmp_file_rt.h b/libs/audiographer/audiographer/sndfile/tmp_file_rt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec1f85c773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/audiographer/audiographer/sndfile/tmp_file_rt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <string>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include "pbd/gstdio_compat.h"
+#include "pbd/ringbuffer.h"
+#include "audiographer/flag_debuggable.h"
+#include "audiographer/sink.h"
+#include "sndfile_reader.h"
+namespace AudioGrapher
+/// A temporary file deleted after this class is destructed
+template<typename T = DefaultSampleType>
+class TmpFileRt
+ : public virtual SndfileReader<T>
+ , public virtual SndfileBase
+ , public Sink<T>
+ , public FlagDebuggable<>
+ public:
+ /// \a filename_template must match the requirements for mkstemp, i.e. end in "XXXXXX"
+ TmpFileRt (char * filename_template, int format, ChannelCount channels, framecnt_t samplerate)
+ : SndfileHandle (g_mkstemp(filename_template), true, SndfileBase::ReadWrite, format, channels, samplerate)
+ , filename (filename_template)
+ , _rb (samplerate * channels)
+ {
+ init ();
+ }
+ using SndfileHandle::operator=;
+ ~TmpFileRt()
+ {
+ end_write ();
+ /* explicitly close first, some OS (yes I'm looking at you windows)
+ * cannot delete files that are still open
+ */
+ if (!filename.empty()) {
+ SndfileBase::close();
+ std::remove(filename.c_str());
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_destroy (&_disk_thread_lock);
+ pthread_cond_destroy (&_data_ready);
+ }
+ framecnt_t get_frames_written() const { return frames_written; }
+ void reset_frames_written_count() { frames_written = 0; }
+ /// Writes data to file
+ void process (ProcessContext<T> const & c)
+ {
+ check_flags (*this, c);
+ if (SndfileReader<T>::throw_level (ThrowStrict) && c.channels() != channels()) {
+ throw Exception (*this, boost::str (boost::format
+ ("Wrong number of channels given to process(), %1% instead of %2%")
+ % c.channels() % channels()));
+ }
+ if (SndfileReader<T>::throw_level (ThrowProcess) && _rb.write_space() < c.frames()) {
+ throw Exception (*this, boost::str (boost::format
+ ("Could not write data to ringbuffer/output file (%1%)")
+ % strError()));
+ }
+ _rb.write (, c.frames());
+ if (pthread_mutex_trylock (&_disk_thread_lock) == 0) {
+ pthread_cond_signal (&_data_ready);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock (&_disk_thread_lock);
+ }
+ if (c.has_flag(ProcessContext<T>::EndOfInput)) {
+ end_write (); // XXX not rt-safe -- TODO add API call to flush
+ FileWritten (filename);
+ }
+ }
+ using Sink<T>::process;
+ PBD::Signal1<void, std::string> FileWritten;
+ void disk_thread ()
+ {
+ const size_t chunksize = 8192; // samples
+ T *framebuf = (T*) malloc (chunksize * sizeof (T));
+ pthread_mutex_lock (&_disk_thread_lock);
+ while (1) {
+ if (!_capture) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (_rb.read_space () >= chunksize) {
+ (framebuf, chunksize);
+ framecnt_t const written = write (framebuf, chunksize);
+ assert (written == chunksize);
+ frames_written += written;
+ }
+ pthread_cond_wait (&_data_ready, &_disk_thread_lock);
+ }
+ // flush ringbuffer
+ while (_rb.read_space () > 0) {
+ size_t remain = std::min ((size_t)_rb.read_space (), chunksize);
+ (framebuf, remain);
+ framecnt_t const written = write (framebuf, remain);
+ frames_written += written;
+ }
+ writeSync();
+ pthread_mutex_unlock (&_disk_thread_lock);
+ free (framebuf);
+ }
+ protected:
+ std::string filename;
+ framecnt_t frames_written;
+ bool _capture;
+ RingBuffer<T> _rb;
+ pthread_mutex_t _disk_thread_lock;
+ pthread_cond_t _data_ready;
+ pthread_t _thread_id;
+ static void * _disk_thread (void *arg)
+ {
+ TmpFileRt *d = static_cast<TmpFileRt *>(arg);
+ d->disk_thread ();
+ pthread_exit (0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void end_write () {
+ pthread_mutex_lock (&_disk_thread_lock);
+ if (!_capture) {
+ pthread_mutex_unlock (&_disk_thread_lock);
+ return;
+ }
+ _capture = false;
+ pthread_cond_signal (&_data_ready);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock (&_disk_thread_lock);
+ pthread_join (_thread_id, NULL);
+ }
+ void init()
+ {
+ frames_written = 0;
+ _capture = true;
+ add_supported_flag (ProcessContext<T>::EndOfInput);
+ pthread_mutex_init (&_disk_thread_lock, 0);
+ pthread_cond_init (&_data_ready, 0);
+ pthread_create (&_thread_id, NULL, _disk_thread, this);
+ }
+ private:
+ TmpFileRt (TmpFileRt const & other) : SndfileHandle (other) {}
+} // namespace