path: root/x86_64
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1 files changed, 1580 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/x86_64/locore.S b/x86_64/locore.S
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3246d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x86_64/locore.S
@@ -0,0 +1,1580 @@
+ * Mach Operating System
+ * Copyright (c) 1993,1992,1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University
+ * Copyright (c) 1991 IBM Corporation
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
+ * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
+ * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
+ * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation,
+ * and that the nema IBM not be used in advertising or publicity
+ * pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written
+ * prior permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
+ *
+ * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
+ * School of Computer Science
+ * Carnegie Mellon University
+ * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
+ *
+ * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
+ * the rights to redistribute these changes.
+ */
+#include <mach/machine/asm.h>
+#include <mach/machine/eflags.h>
+#include <i386/i386/proc_reg.h>
+#include <i386/i386/trap.h>
+#include <i386/i386/seg.h>
+#include <i386/i386/ldt.h>
+#include <i386/i386/i386asm.h>
+#include <i386/i386/cpu_number.h>
+#include <i386/i386/xen.h>
+#define pusha pushq %rax ; pushq %rcx ; pushq %rdx ; pushq %rbx ; subq $8,%rsp ; pushq %rbp ; pushq %rsi ; pushq %rdi ; pushq %r8 ; pushq %r9 ; pushq %r10 ; pushq %r11 ; pushq %r12 ; pushq %r13 ; pushq %r14 ; pushq %r15
+#define popa popq %r15 ; popq %r14 ; popq %r13 ; popq %r12 ; popq %r11 ; popq %r10 ; popq %r9 ; popq %r8 ; popq %rdi ; popq %rsi ; popq %rbp ; addq $8,%rsp ; popq %rbx ; popq %rdx ; popq %rcx ; popq %rax
+ * Fault recovery.
+ */
+ .text 2 ;\
+DATA(recover_table) ;\
+ .text
+#define RECOVER(addr) \
+ .text 2 ;\
+ .quad 9f ;\
+ .quad addr ;\
+ .text ;\
+ .text 2 ;\
+ .globl EXT(recover_table_end) ;\
+LEXT(recover_table_end) ;\
+ .text
+ * Retry table for certain successful faults.
+ */
+ .text 3 ;\
+DATA(retry_table) ;\
+ .text
+#define RETRY(addr) \
+ .text 3 ;\
+ .quad 9f ;\
+ .quad addr ;\
+ .text ;\
+#define RETRY_TABLE_END \
+ .text 3 ;\
+ .globl EXT(retry_table_end) ;\
+LEXT(retry_table_end) ;\
+ .text
+ * Allocate recovery and retry tables.
+ */
+ * Timing routines.
+ */
+#define TIME_INT_EXIT
+#else /* microsecond timing */
+ * Microsecond timing.
+ * Assumes a free-running microsecond counter.
+ * no TIMER_MAX check needed.
+ */
+ * There is only one current time-stamp per CPU, since only
+ * the time-stamp in the current timer is used.
+ * To save time, we allocate the current time-stamps here.
+ */
+ .comm EXT(current_tstamp), 4*NCPUS
+ * Update time on user trap entry.
+ * 11 instructions (including cli on entry)
+ * Assumes CPU number in %edx.
+ * Uses %eax, %ebx, %ecx.
+ */
+ cli /* block interrupts */ ;\
+ movl VA_ETC,%ebx /* get timer value */ ;\
+ movl CX(EXT(current_tstamp),%edx),%ecx /* get old time stamp */;\
+ movl %ebx,CX(EXT(current_tstamp),%edx) /* set new time stamp */;\
+ subl %ecx,%ebx /* elapsed = new-old */ ;\
+ movl CX(EXT(current_timer),%edx),%ecx /* get current timer */ ;\
+ addl %ebx,LOW_BITS(%ecx) /* add to low bits */ ;\
+ jns 0f /* if overflow, */ ;\
+ call timer_normalize /* normalize timer */ ;\
+0: addl $(TH_SYSTEM_TIMER-TH_USER_TIMER),%ecx ;\
+ /* switch to sys timer */;\
+ movl %ecx,CX(EXT(current_timer),%edx) /* make it current */ ;\
+ sti /* allow interrupts */
+ * Update time on system call entry.
+ * 11 instructions (including cli on entry)
+ * Assumes CPU number in %edx.
+ * Uses %ebx, %ecx.
+ * Same as TIME_TRAP_UENTRY, but preserves %eax.
+ */
+ cli /* block interrupts */ ;\
+ movl VA_ETC,%ebx /* get timer value */ ;\
+ movl CX(EXT(current_tstamp),%edx),%ecx /* get old time stamp */;\
+ movl %ebx,CX(EXT(current_tstamp),%edx) /* set new time stamp */;\
+ subl %ecx,%ebx /* elapsed = new-old */ ;\
+ movl CX(EXT(current_timer),%edx),%ecx /* get current timer */ ;\
+ addl %ebx,LOW_BITS(%ecx) /* add to low bits */ ;\
+ jns 0f /* if overflow, */ ;\
+ pushq %rax /* save %rax */ ;\
+ call timer_normalize /* normalize timer */ ;\
+ popq %rax /* restore %rax */ ;\
+0: addl $(TH_SYSTEM_TIMER-TH_USER_TIMER),%ecx ;\
+ /* switch to sys timer */;\
+ movl %ecx,CX(EXT(current_timer),%edx) /* make it current */ ;\
+ sti /* allow interrupts */
+ * update time on user trap exit.
+ * 10 instructions.
+ * Assumes CPU number in %edx.
+ * Uses %ebx, %ecx.
+ */
+#define TIME_TRAP_UEXIT \
+ cli /* block interrupts */ ;\
+ movl VA_ETC,%ebx /* get timer */ ;\
+ movl CX(EXT(current_tstamp),%edx),%ecx /* get old time stamp */;\
+ movl %ebx,CX(EXT(current_tstamp),%edx) /* set new time stamp */;\
+ subl %ecx,%ebx /* elapsed = new-old */ ;\
+ movl CX(EXT(current_timer),%edx),%ecx /* get current timer */ ;\
+ addl %ebx,LOW_BITS(%ecx) /* add to low bits */ ;\
+ jns 0f /* if overflow, */ ;\
+ call timer_normalize /* normalize timer */ ;\
+0: addl $(TH_USER_TIMER-TH_SYSTEM_TIMER),%ecx ;\
+ /* switch to user timer */;\
+ movl %ecx,CX(EXT(current_timer),%edx) /* make it current */
+ * update time on interrupt entry.
+ * 9 instructions.
+ * Assumes CPU number in %edx.
+ * Leaves old timer in %ebx.
+ * Uses %ecx.
+ */
+#define TIME_INT_ENTRY \
+ movl VA_ETC,%ecx /* get timer */ ;\
+ movl CX(EXT(current_tstamp),%edx),%ebx /* get old time stamp */;\
+ movl %ecx,CX(EXT(current_tstamp),%edx) /* set new time stamp */;\
+ subl %ebx,%ecx /* elapsed = new-old */ ;\
+ movl CX(EXT(current_timer),%edx),%ebx /* get current timer */ ;\
+ addl %ecx,LOW_BITS(%ebx) /* add to low bits */ ;\
+ leal CX(0,%edx),%ecx /* timer is 16 bytes */ ;\
+ lea CX(EXT(kernel_timer),%edx),%ecx /* get interrupt timer*/;\
+ movl %ecx,CX(EXT(current_timer),%edx) /* set timer */
+ * update time on interrupt exit.
+ * 11 instructions
+ * Assumes CPU number in %edx, old timer in %ebx.
+ * Uses %eax, %ecx.
+ */
+#define TIME_INT_EXIT \
+ movl VA_ETC,%eax /* get timer */ ;\
+ movl CX(EXT(current_tstamp),%edx),%ecx /* get old time stamp */;\
+ movl %eax,CX(EXT(current_tstamp),%edx) /* set new time stamp */;\
+ subl %ecx,%eax /* elapsed = new-old */ ;\
+ movl CX(EXT(current_timer),%edx),%ecx /* get current timer */ ;\
+ addl %eax,LOW_BITS(%ecx) /* add to low bits */ ;\
+ jns 0f /* if overflow, */ ;\
+ call timer_normalize /* normalize timer */ ;\
+0: testb $0x80,LOW_BITS+3(%ebx) /* old timer overflow? */;\
+ jz 0f /* if overflow, */ ;\
+ movl %ebx,%ecx /* get old timer */ ;\
+ call timer_normalize /* normalize timer */ ;\
+0: movl %ebx,CX(EXT(current_timer),%edx) /* set timer */
+ * Normalize timer in ecx.
+ * Preserves edx; clobbers eax.
+ */
+ .align 2
+ .long TIMER_HIGH_UNIT /* div has no immediate opnd */
+ pushq %rdx /* save register */
+ xorl %edx,%edx /* clear divisor high */
+ movl LOW_BITS(%ecx),%eax /* get divisor low */
+ divl timer_high_unit,%eax /* quotient in eax */
+ /* remainder in edx */
+ addl %eax,HIGH_BITS_CHECK(%ecx) /* add high_inc to check */
+ movl %edx,LOW_BITS(%ecx) /* remainder to low_bits */
+ addl %eax,HIGH_BITS(%ecx) /* add high_inc to high bits */
+ popq %rdx /* restore register */
+ ret
+ * Switch to a new timer.
+ */
+ CPU_NUMBER(%edx) /* get this CPU */
+ movl VA_ETC,%ecx /* get timer */
+ movl CX(EXT(current_tstamp),%edx),%eax /* get old time stamp */
+ movl %ecx,CX(EXT(current_tstamp),%edx) /* set new time stamp */
+ subl %ecx,%eax /* elapsed = new - old */
+ movl CX(EXT(current_timer),%edx),%ecx /* get current timer */
+ addl %eax,LOW_BITS(%ecx) /* add to low bits */
+ jns 0f /* if overflow, */
+ call timer_normalize /* normalize timer */
+ movl S_ARG0,%ecx /* get new timer */
+ movl %ecx,CX(EXT(current_timer),%edx) /* set timer */
+ ret
+ * Initialize the first timer for a CPU.
+ */
+ CPU_NUMBER(%edx) /* get this CPU */
+ movl VA_ETC,%ecx /* get timer */
+ movl %ecx,CX(EXT(current_tstamp),%edx) /* set initial time stamp */
+ movl S_ARG0,%ecx /* get timer */
+ movl %ecx,CX(EXT(current_timer),%edx) /* set initial timer */
+ ret
+#endif /* accurate timing */
+/* */
+ * Trap/interrupt entry points.
+ *
+ * All traps must create the following save area on the kernel stack:
+ *
+ * gs
+ * fs
+ * es
+ * ds
+ * edi
+ * esi
+ * ebp
+ * cr2 if page fault - otherwise unused
+ * ebx
+ * edx
+ * ecx
+ * eax
+ * trap number
+ * error code
+ * eip
+ * cs
+ * eflags
+ * user rsp - if from user
+ * user ss - if from user
+ * es - if from V86 thread
+ * ds - if from V86 thread
+ * fs - if from V86 thread
+ * gs - if from V86 thread
+ *
+ */
+ * General protection or segment-not-present fault.
+ * Check for a GP/NP fault in the kernel_return
+ * sequence; if there, report it as a GP/NP fault on the user's instruction.
+ *
+ * rsp-> 0: trap code (NP or GP)
+ * 8: segment number in error
+ * 16 eip
+ * 24 cs
+ * 32 eflags
+ * 40 old registers (trap is from kernel)
+ */
+ pushq $(T_GENERAL_PROTECTION) /* indicate fault type */
+ jmp trap_check_kernel_exit /* check for kernel exit sequence */
+ /* indicate fault type */
+ testq $(EFL_VM),32(%rsp) /* is trap from V86 mode? */
+ jnz EXT(alltraps) /* isn`t kernel trap if so */
+ /* Note: handling KERNEL_RING value by hand */
+ testq $2,24(%rsp) /* is trap from kernel mode? */
+ jnz EXT(alltraps) /* if so: */
+ /* check for the kernel exit sequence */
+ cmpq $_kret_iret,16(%rsp) /* on IRET? */
+ je fault_iret
+#if 0
+ cmpq $_kret_popl_ds,16(%rsp) /* popping DS? */
+ je fault_popl_ds
+ cmpq $_kret_popl_es,16(%rsp) /* popping ES? */
+ je fault_popl_es
+ cmpq $_kret_popl_fs,16(%rsp) /* popping FS? */
+ je fault_popl_fs
+ cmpq $_kret_popl_gs,16(%rsp) /* popping GS? */
+ je fault_popl_gs
+take_fault: /* if none of the above: */
+ jmp EXT(alltraps) /* treat as normal trap. */
+ * GP/NP fault on IRET: CS or SS is in error.
+ * All registers contain the user's values.
+ *
+ * on SP is
+ * 0 trap number
+ * 8 errcode
+ * 16 eip
+ * 24 cs --> trapno
+ * 32 efl --> errcode
+ * 40 user eip
+ * 48 user cs
+ * 56 user eflags
+ * 64 user rsp
+ * 72 user ss
+ */
+ movq %rax,16(%rsp) /* save eax (we don`t need saved eip) */
+ popq %rax /* get trap number */
+ movq %rax,24-8(%rsp) /* put in user trap number */
+ popq %rax /* get error code */
+ movq %rax,32-16(%rsp) /* put in user errcode */
+ popq %rax /* restore eax */
+ jmp EXT(alltraps) /* take fault */
+ * Fault restoring a segment register. The user's registers are still
+ * saved on the stack. The offending segment register has not been
+ * popped.
+ */
+ popq %rax /* get trap number */
+ popq %rdx /* get error code */
+ addq $24,%rsp /* pop stack to user regs */
+ jmp push_es /* (DS on top of stack) */
+ popq %rax /* get trap number */
+ popq %rdx /* get error code */
+ addq $24,%rsp /* pop stack to user regs */
+ jmp push_fs /* (ES on top of stack) */
+ popq %rax /* get trap number */
+ popq %rdx /* get error code */
+ addq $24,%rsp /* pop stack to user regs */
+ jmp push_gs /* (FS on top of stack) */
+ popq %rax /* get trap number */
+ popq %rdx /* get error code */
+ addq $24,%rsp /* pop stack to user regs */
+ jmp push_segregs /* (GS on top of stack) */
+ //pushq %es /* restore es, */
+ pushq %fs /* restore fs, */
+ pushq %gs /* restore gs. */
+ movq %rax,R_TRAPNO(%rsp) /* set trap number */
+ movq %rdx,R_ERR(%rsp) /* set error code */
+ jmp trap_set_segs /* take trap */
+ * Debug trap. Check for single-stepping across system call into
+ * kernel. If this is the case, taking the debug trap has turned
+ * off single-stepping - save the flags register with the trace
+ * bit set.
+ */
+ testq $(EFL_VM),16(%rsp) /* is trap from V86 mode? */
+ jnz 0f /* isn`t kernel trap if so */
+ /* Note: handling KERNEL_RING value by hand */
+ testq $2,8(%rsp) /* is trap from kernel mode? */
+ jnz 0f /* if so: */
+ cmpq $syscall_entry,(%rsp) /* system call entry? */
+ jne 0f /* if so: */
+ /* flags are sitting where syscall */
+ /* wants them */
+ addq $32,%rsp /* remove eip/cs */
+ jmp syscall_entry_2 /* continue system call entry */
+0: pushq $0 /* otherwise: */
+ pushq $(T_DEBUG) /* handle as normal */
+ jmp EXT(alltraps) /* debug fault */
+ * Page fault traps save cr2.
+ */
+ pushq $(T_PAGE_FAULT) /* mark a page fault trap */
+ pusha /* save the general registers */
+#ifdef MACH_XEN
+ movq %ss:hyp_shared_info+CR2,%rax
+#else /* MACH_XEN */
+ movq %cr2,%rax /* get the faulting address */
+#endif /* MACH_XEN */
+ movq %rax,R_CR2-R_R15(%rsp) /* save in rsp save slot */
+ jmp trap_push_segs /* continue fault */
+ * All 'exceptions' enter here with:
+ * rsp-> trap number
+ * error code
+ * old eip
+ * old cs
+ * old eflags
+ * old rsp if trapped from user
+ * old ss if trapped from user
+ */
+ pusha /* save the general registers */
+ movq %ds,%rax /* and the segment registers */
+ pushq %rax
+ movq %es,%rax /* and the segment registers */
+ pushq %rax
+ pushq %fs
+ pushq %gs
+ /* Note that we have to load the segment registers
+ even if this is a trap from the kernel,
+ because the kernel uses user segment registers for copyin/copyout.
+ (XXX Would it be smarter just to use fs or gs for that?) */
+ mov %ss,%ax /* switch to kernel data segment */
+ mov %ax,%ds /* (same as kernel stack segment) */
+ mov %ax,%es
+ mov %ax,%fs
+ mov %ax,%gs
+ cld /* clear direction flag */
+ testl $(EFL_VM),R_EFLAGS(%rsp) /* in V86 mode? */
+ jnz trap_from_user /* user mode trap if so */
+ /* Note: handling KERNEL_RING value by hand */
+ testb $2,R_CS(%rsp) /* user mode trap? */
+ jz trap_from_kernel /* kernel trap if not */
+ CPU_NUMBER(%edx)
+ movq CX(EXT(kernel_stack),%edx),%rbx
+ xchgq %rbx,%rsp /* switch to kernel stack */
+ /* user regs pointer already set */
+ movq %rbx,%rdi /* pass register save area to trap */
+ call EXT(user_trap) /* call user trap routine */
+ orq %rax,%rax /* emulated syscall? */
+ jz 1f /* no, just return */
+ movq R_EAX(%rbx),%rax /* yes, get syscall number */
+ jmp syscall_entry_3 /* and emulate it */
+ movq (%rsp),%rsp /* switch back to PCB stack */
+ * Return from trap or system call, checking for ASTs.
+ * On PCB stack.
+ */
+ CPU_NUMBER(%edx)
+ cmpl $0,CX(EXT(need_ast),%edx)
+ jz _return_to_user /* if we need an AST: */
+ movq CX(EXT(kernel_stack),%edx),%rsp
+ /* switch to kernel stack */
+ call EXT(i386_astintr) /* take the AST */
+ popq %rsp /* switch back to PCB stack */
+ jmp _return_from_trap /* and check again (rare) */
+ /* ASTs after this point will */
+ /* have to wait */
+ * Return from kernel mode to interrupted thread.
+ */
+ popq %gs /* restore segment registers */
+ popq %fs
+ popq %rax
+ movq %rax,%es
+ popq %rax
+ movq %rax,%ds
+ popa /* restore general registers */
+ addq $16,%rsp /* discard trap number and error code */
+ iretq /* return from interrupt */
+ * Trap from kernel mode. No need to switch stacks.
+ */
+ movq %rsp,%rbx /* save current stack */
+ movq %rsp,%rdx /* on an interrupt stack? */
+ and $(~(KERNEL_STACK_SIZE-1)),%rdx
+ cmpq EXT(int_stack_base),%rdx
+ je 1f /* OK if so */
+ CPU_NUMBER(%edx) /* get CPU number */
+ cmpq CX(EXT(kernel_stack),%edx),%rsp
+ /* already on kernel stack? */
+ ja 0f
+ cmpq CX(EXT(active_stacks),%edx),%rsp
+ ja 1f /* switch if not */
+ movq CX(EXT(kernel_stack),%edx),%rsp
+ pushq %rbx /* save old stack */
+ movq %rbx,%rdi /* pass as parameter */
+ call EXT(kernel_trap) /* to kernel trap routine */
+ popq %rsp /* return to old stack */
+#else /* MACH_KDB || MACH_TTD */
+ movq %rsp,%rdi /* pass parameter */
+ call EXT(kernel_trap) /* to kernel trap routine */
+#endif /* MACH_KDB || MACH_TTD */
+ jmp _return_from_kernel
+ * Called as a function, makes the current thread
+ * return from the kernel as if from an exception.
+ */
+ movq %rsp,%rcx /* get kernel stack */
+ or $(KERNEL_STACK_SIZE-1),%ecx
+ movq -7-IKS_SIZE(%rcx),%rsp /* switch back to PCB stack */
+ jmp _return_from_trap
+ * Called as a function, makes the current thread
+ * return from the kernel as if from a syscall.
+ * Takes the syscall's return code as an argument.
+ */
+ movq S_ARG0,%rax /* get return value */
+ movq %rsp,%rcx /* get kernel stack */
+ or $(KERNEL_STACK_SIZE-1),%ecx
+ movq -7-IKS_SIZE(%rcx),%rsp /* switch back to PCB stack */
+ movq %rax,R_EAX(%rsp) /* save return value */
+ jmp _return_from_trap
+ movq S_ARG0,%rax /* get continuation */
+ movq %rsp,%rcx /* get kernel stack */
+ or $(KERNEL_STACK_SIZE-1),%rcx
+ addq $(-7-IKS_SIZE),%rcx
+ movq %rcx,%rsp /* pop the stack */
+ xorq %rbp,%rbp /* zero frame pointer */
+ pushq $0 /* Dummy return address */
+ jmp *%rax /* goto continuation */
+#define INTERRUPT(n) \
+ .data 2 ;\
+ .quad 0f ;\
+ .text ;\
+0: ;\
+ INT_FIX ;\
+ pushq %rax ;\
+ movq $(n),%rax ;\
+ jmp EXT(all_intrs)
+ .data 2
+ .text
+/* XXX handle NMI - at least print a warning like Linux does. */
+ * All interrupts enter here.
+ * old %eax on stack; interrupt number in %eax.
+ */
+ pushq %rcx /* save registers */
+ pushq %rdx
+ pushq %rsi
+ pushq %rdi
+ pushq %r8
+ pushq %r9
+ pushq %r10
+ pushq %r11
+ cld /* clear direction flag */
+ movq %rsp,%rdx /* on an interrupt stack? */
+ and $(~(KERNEL_STACK_SIZE-1)),%rdx
+ cmpq %ss:EXT(int_stack_base),%rdx
+ je int_from_intstack /* if not: */
+ movq %ds,%rdx /* save segment registers */
+ pushq %rdx
+ movq %es,%rdx
+ pushq %rdx
+ pushq %fs
+ pushq %gs
+ mov %ss,%dx /* switch to kernel segments */
+ mov %dx,%ds
+ mov %dx,%es
+ mov %dx,%fs
+ mov %dx,%gs
+ CPU_NUMBER(%edx)
+ movq CX(EXT(int_stack_top),%edx),%rcx
+ xchgq %rcx,%rsp /* switch to interrupt stack */
+ pushq %rcx /* save pointer to old stack */
+ pushq %rbx /* save %ebx - out of the way */
+ /* so stack looks the same */
+ pushq %rcx /* save pointer to old stack */
+ TIME_INT_ENTRY /* do timing */
+ call EXT(interrupt) /* call generic interrupt routine */
+ .globl EXT(return_to_iret)
+LEXT(return_to_iret) /* ( label for kdb_kintr and hardclock) */
+ CPU_NUMBER(%edx)
+ TIME_INT_EXIT /* do timing */
+ movq 8(%rsp),%rbx /* restore the extra reg we saved */
+ popq %rsp /* switch back to old stack */
+ testl $(EFL_VM),I_EFL(%rsp) /* if in V86 */
+ jnz 0f /* or */
+ /* Note: handling KERNEL_RING value by hand */
+ testb $2,I_CS(%rsp) /* user mode, */
+ jz 1f /* check for ASTs */
+ cmpq $0,CX(EXT(need_ast),%edx)
+ jnz ast_from_interrupt /* take it if so */
+ pop %gs /* restore segment regs */
+ pop %fs
+ pop %rdx
+ mov %rdx,%es
+ pop %rdx
+ mov %rdx,%ds
+ pop %r11
+ pop %r10
+ pop %r9
+ pop %r8
+ pop %rdi
+ pop %rsi
+ pop %rdx
+ pop %rcx
+ pop %rax
+ iretq /* return to caller */
+ cmpq EXT(int_stack_base),%rsp /* seemingly looping? */
+ jb stack_overflowed /* if not: */
+ call EXT(interrupt) /* call interrupt routine */
+_return_to_iret_i: /* ( label for kdb_kintr) */
+ pop %r11
+ pop %r10
+ pop %r9
+ pop %r8
+ pop %rdi
+ pop %rsi
+ pop %rdx /* must have been on kernel segs */
+ pop %rcx
+ pop %rax /* no ASTs */
+ iretq
+ ud2
+ * Take an AST from an interrupt.
+ * On PCB stack.
+ * sp-> gs -> edx
+ * fs -> ecx
+ * es -> eax
+ * ds -> trapno
+ * edx -> code
+ * ecx
+ * eax
+ * eip
+ * cs
+ * efl
+ * rsp
+ * ss
+ */
+ pop %gs /* restore all registers ... */
+ pop %fs
+ pop %rdx
+ mov %rdx,%es
+ pop %rdx
+ mov %rdx,%ds
+ popq %r11
+ popq %r10
+ popq %r9
+ popq %r8
+ popq %rdi
+ popq %rsi
+ popq %rdx
+ popq %rcx
+ popq %rax
+ pushq $0 /* zero code */
+ pushq $0 /* zero trap number */
+ pusha /* save general registers */
+ mov %ds,%rdx /* save segment registers */
+ push %rdx
+ mov %es,%rdx
+ push %rdx
+ push %fs
+ push %gs
+ mov %ss,%dx /* switch to kernel segments */
+ mov %dx,%ds
+ mov %dx,%es
+ mov %dx,%fs
+ mov %dx,%gs
+ CPU_NUMBER(%edx)
+ movq CX(EXT(kernel_stack),%edx),%rsp
+ /* switch to kernel stack */
+ call EXT(i386_astintr) /* take the AST */
+ popq %rsp /* back to PCB stack */
+ jmp _return_from_trap /* return */
+ * kdb_kintr: enter kdb from keyboard interrupt.
+ * Chase down the stack frames until we find one whose return
+ * address is the interrupt handler. At that point, we have:
+ *
+ * frame-> saved %rbp
+ * return address in interrupt handler
+ * return address == return_to_iret_i
+ * saved %r11
+ * saved %r10
+ * saved %r9
+ * saved %r8
+ * saved %rdx
+ * saved %rcx
+ * saved %rax
+ * saved %rip
+ * saved %cs
+ * saved %rfl
+ *
+ * OR:
+ * frame-> saved %rbp
+ * return address in interrupt handler
+ * return address == return_to_iret
+ * pointer to save area on old stack
+ * [ saved %ebx, if accurate timing ]
+ *
+ * old stack: saved %gs
+ * saved %fs
+ * saved %es
+ * saved %ds
+ * saved %r11
+ * saved %r10
+ * saved %r9
+ * saved %r8
+ * saved %rdi
+ * saved %rsi
+ * saved %rdx
+ * saved %rcx
+ * saved %eax
+ * saved %rip
+ * saved %cs
+ * saved %rfl
+ *
+ * Call kdb, passing it that register save area.
+ */
+#define RET_OFFSET 16
+ movq %rbp,%rax /* save caller`s frame pointer */
+ movq $EXT(return_to_iret),%rcx /* interrupt return address 1 */
+ movq $_return_to_iret_i,%rdx /* interrupt return address 2 */
+0: cmpq RET_OFFSET(%rax),%rcx /* does this frame return to */
+ /* interrupt handler (1)? */
+ je 1f
+ cmpq RET_OFFSET(%rax),%rdx /* interrupt handler (2)? */
+ je 2f /* if not: */
+ movq (%rax),%rax /* try next frame */
+ jmp 0b
+1: movq $kdb_from_iret,RET_OFFSET(%rax)
+ ret /* returns to kernel/user stack */
+2: movq $kdb_from_iret_i,RET_OFFSET(%rax)
+ /* returns to interrupt stack */
+ ret
+ * On return from keyboard interrupt, we will execute
+ * kdb_from_iret_i
+ * if returning to an interrupt on the interrupt stack
+ * kdb_from_iret
+ * if returning to an interrupt on the user or kernel stack
+ */
+ /* save regs in known locations */
+ pushq %rbx /* caller`s %ebx is in reg */
+ movq 8(%rsp),%rax /* get caller`s %ebx */
+ pushq %rax /* push on stack */
+ pushq %rbp
+ movq %rsp,%rdi /* pass regs */
+ call EXT(kdb_kentry) /* to kdb */
+ popq %rbp
+ popq %rbx
+ popq %rax
+ movq %rax,8(%rsp)
+ jmp EXT(return_to_iret) /* normal interrupt return */
+kdb_from_iret_i: /* on interrupt stack */
+ pop %rdx /* restore saved registers */
+ pop %rcx
+ pop %rax
+ pushq $0 /* zero error code */
+ pushq $0 /* zero trap number */
+ pusha /* save general registers */
+ mov %ds,%rdx /* save segment registers */
+ push %rdx
+ mov %es,%rdx
+ push %rdx
+ push %fs
+ push %gs
+ movq %rsp,%rdx /* pass regs, */
+ movq $0,%rsi /* code, */
+ movq $-1,%rdi /* type to kdb */
+ call EXT(kdb_trap)
+ pop %gs /* restore segment registers */
+ pop %fs
+ pop %rdx
+ mov %rdx,%es
+ pop %rdx
+ mov %rdx,%ds
+ popa /* restore general registers */
+ addq $16,%rsp
+// TODO: test it before dropping ud2
+movq (%rsp),%rax
+ iretq
+#endif /* MACH_KDB */
+ * Same code as that above for the keyboard entry into kdb.
+ */
+// TODO: test it before dropping ud2
+ movq %rbp,%rax /* save caller`s frame pointer */
+ movq $EXT(return_to_iret),%rcx /* interrupt return address 1 */
+ movq $_return_to_iret_i,%rdx /* interrupt return address 2 */
+0: cmpq 32(%rax),%rcx /* does this frame return to */
+ /* interrupt handler (1)? */
+ je 1f
+ cmpq 32(%rax),%rdx /* interrupt handler (2)? */
+ je 2f /* if not: */
+ movq (%rax),%rax /* try next frame */
+ jmp 0b
+1: movq $ttd_from_iret,32(%rax) /* returns to kernel/user stack */
+ ret
+2: movq $ttd_from_iret_i,32(%rax)
+ /* returns to interrupt stack */
+ ret
+ * On return from keyboard interrupt, we will execute
+ * ttd_from_iret_i
+ * if returning to an interrupt on the interrupt stack
+ * ttd_from_iret
+ * if returning to an interrupt on the user or kernel stack
+ */
+ /* save regs in known locations */
+ pushq %rbx /* caller`s %ebx is in reg */
+ movq 8(%rsp),%rax /* get caller`s %ebx */
+ pushq %rax /* push on stack */
+ pushq %rbp
+ pushq %rsi
+ pushq %rdi
+ movq %rsp,%rdi /* pass regs */
+ call _kttd_netentry /* to kdb */
+ popq %rdi /* restore registers */
+ popq %rsi
+ popq %rbp
+ popq %rbx
+ popq %rax
+ movq %rax,8(%rsp)
+ jmp EXT(return_to_iret) /* normal interrupt return */
+ttd_from_iret_i: /* on interrupt stack */
+ pop %rdx /* restore saved registers */
+ pop %rcx
+ pop %rax
+ pushq $0 /* zero error code */
+ pushq $0 /* zero trap number */
+ pusha /* save general registers */
+ mov %ds,%rdx /* save segment registers */
+ push %rdx
+ mov %es,%rdx
+ push %rdx
+ push %fs
+ push %gs
+ movq %rsp,%rdx /* pass regs, */
+ movq $0,%rsi /* code, */
+ movq $-1,%rdi /* type to kdb */
+ call _kttd_trap
+ pop %gs /* restore segment registers */
+ pop %fs
+ pop %rdx
+ mov %rdx,%es
+ pop %rdx
+ mov %rdx,%ds
+ popa /* restore general registers */
+ addq $16,%rsp
+// TODO: test it before dropping ud2
+movq (%rsp),%rax
+ iretq
+#endif /* MACH_TTD */
+ * System call enters through a call gate. Flags are not saved -
+ * we must shuffle stack to look like trap save area.
+ *
+ * rsp-> old eip
+ * old cs
+ * old rsp
+ * old ss
+ *
+ * eax contains system call number.
+ */
+ pushf /* save flags as soon as possible */
+ cld /* clear direction flag */
+ pushq %rax /* save system call number */
+ pushq $0 /* clear trap number slot */
+// TODO: test it before dropping ud2
+ ud2
+ pusha /* save the general registers */
+ movq %ds,%rdx /* and the segment registers */
+ pushq %rdx
+ movq %es,%rdx
+ pushq %rdx
+ pushq %fs
+ pushq %gs
+ mov %ss,%dx /* switch to kernel data segment */
+ mov %dx,%ds
+ mov %dx,%es
+ mov %dx,%fs
+ mov %dx,%gs
+ * Shuffle eflags,eip,cs into proper places
+ */
+ movq R_EIP(%rsp),%rbx /* eflags are in EIP slot */
+ movq R_CS(%rsp),%rcx /* eip is in CS slot */
+ movq R_EFLAGS(%rsp),%rdx /* cs is in EFLAGS slot */
+ movq %rcx,R_EIP(%rsp) /* fix eip */
+ movq %rdx,R_CS(%rsp) /* fix cs */
+ movq %rbx,R_EFLAGS(%rsp) /* fix eflags */
+ CPU_NUMBER(%edx)
+ movq CX(EXT(kernel_stack),%edx),%rbx
+ /* get current kernel stack */
+ xchgq %rbx,%rsp /* switch stacks - %ebx points to */
+ /* user registers. */
+ /* user regs pointer already set */
+ * Check for MACH or emulated system call
+ */
+ movq CX(EXT(active_threads),%edx),%rdx
+ /* point to current thread */
+ movq TH_TASK(%rdx),%rdx /* point to task */
+ movq TASK_EMUL(%rdx),%rdx /* get emulation vector */
+ orq %rdx,%rdx /* if none, */
+ je syscall_native /* do native system call */
+ movq %rax,%rcx /* copy system call number */
+ subq DISP_MIN(%rdx),%rcx /* get displacement into syscall */
+ /* vector table */
+ jl syscall_native /* too low - native system call */
+ cmpq DISP_COUNT(%rdx),%rcx /* check range */
+ jnl syscall_native /* too high - native system call */
+ movq DISP_VECTOR(%rdx,%rcx,4),%rdx
+ /* get the emulation vector */
+ orq %rdx,%rdx /* emulated system call if not zero */
+ jnz syscall_emul
+ * Native system call.
+ */
+ negl %eax /* get system call number */
+ jl mach_call_range /* out of range if it was positive */
+ cmpl EXT(mach_trap_count),%eax /* check system call table bounds */
+ jg mach_call_range /* error if out of range */
+#if 0 /* debug hack to show the syscall number on the screen */
+ movb %al,%dl
+ shrb $4,%dl
+ orb $0x30,%dl
+ movb $0x0f,%dh
+ movw %dx,0xb800a
+ movb %al,%dl
+ andb $0xf,%dl
+ orb $0x30,%dl
+ movb $0xf,%dh
+ movw %dx,0xb800c
+ shll $5,%eax /* manual indexing */
+ xorq %r10,%r10
+ movl EXT(mach_trap_table)(%eax),%r10d
+ /* get number of arguments */
+ andq %r10,%r10
+ jz mach_call_call /* skip argument copy if none */
+ movq R_UESP(%rbx),%rbx /* get user stack pointer */
+ addq $4,%rbx /* Skip user return address */
+ movq $USER_DS,%rdx /* use user data segment for accesses */
+ mov %dx,%fs
+ movq %rsp,%r11 /* save kernel ESP for error recovery */
+#define PARAM(reg,ereg) \
+ RECOVER(mach_call_addr_push) \
+ xorq %reg,%reg ;\
+ movl %fs:(%rbx),%ereg /* 1st parameter */ ;\
+ addq $4,%rbx ;\
+ dec %r10 ;\
+ jz mach_call_call
+ PARAM(rdi,edi) /* 1st parameter */
+ PARAM(rsi,esi) /* 2nd parameter */
+ PARAM(rdx,edx) /* 3rd parameter */
+ PARAM(rcx,ecx) /* 4th parameter */
+ PARAM(r8,r8d) /* 5th parameter */
+ PARAM(r9,r9d) /* 6th parameter */
+ lea (%rbx,%r10,4),%rbx /* point past last argument */
+ xorq %r12,%r12
+0: subq $4,%rbx
+ RECOVER(mach_call_addr_push)
+ movl %fs:(%rbx),%r12d
+ pushq %r12 /* push argument on stack */
+ dec %r10
+ jnz 0b /* loop for all arguments */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ testb $0xff,EXT(syscall_trace)
+ jz 0f
+ movq %rax,%rdi
+ call EXT(syscall_trace_print)
+ /* will return with syscallofs still (or again) in eax */
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+ call *EXT(mach_trap_table)+8(%eax)
+ /* call procedure */
+ movq %rsp,%rcx /* get kernel stack */
+ or $(KERNEL_STACK_SIZE-1),%rcx
+ movq -7-IKS_SIZE(%rcx),%rsp /* switch back to PCB stack */
+ movq %rax,R_EAX(%rsp) /* save return value */
+ jmp _return_from_trap /* return to user */
+ * Address out of range. Change to page fault.
+ * %esi holds failing address.
+ */
+ movq %r11,%rsp /* clean parameters from stack */
+ movq %rsi,R_CR2(%rbx) /* set fault address */
+ movq $(T_PAGE_FAULT),R_TRAPNO(%rbx)
+ /* set page-fault trap */
+ movq $(T_PF_USER),R_ERR(%rbx)
+ /* set error code - read user space */
+ jmp _take_trap /* treat as a trap */
+ * System call out of range. Treat as invalid-instruction trap.
+ * (? general protection?)
+ */
+ /* set invalid-operation trap */
+ movq $0,R_ERR(%rbx) /* clear error code */
+ jmp _take_trap /* treat as a trap */
+ * User space emulation of system calls.
+ * edx - user address to handle syscall
+ *
+ * User stack will become:
+ * ursp-> eflags
+ * eip
+ * eax still contains syscall number.
+ */
+ movq $USER_DS,%rdi /* use user data segment for accesses */
+ mov %di,%fs
+/* XXX what about write-protected pages? */
+ movq R_UESP(%rbx),%rdi /* get user stack pointer */
+ subq $16,%rdi /* push space for new arguments */
+ movq R_EFLAGS(%rbx),%rax /* move flags */
+ RECOVER(syscall_addr)
+ movl %eax,%fs:0(%rdi) /* to user stack */
+ movl R_EIP(%rbx),%eax /* move eip */
+ RECOVER(syscall_addr)
+ movl %eax,%fs:4(%rdi) /* to user stack */
+ movq %rdi,R_UESP(%rbx) /* set new user stack pointer */
+ movq %rdx,R_EIP(%rbx) /* change return address to trap */
+ movq %rbx,%rsp /* back to PCB stack */
+// TODO: test it before dropping ud2
+ jmp _return_from_trap /* return to user */
+ * Address error - address is in %edi.
+ */
+ movq %rdi,R_CR2(%rbx) /* set fault address */
+ movq $(T_PAGE_FAULT),R_TRAPNO(%rbx)
+ /* set page-fault trap */
+ movq $(T_PF_USER),R_ERR(%rbx)
+ /* set error code - read user space */
+ jmp _take_trap /* treat as a trap */
+ .data
+ .long 0
+ .text
+/* Discover what kind of cpu we have; return the family number
+ (3, 4, 5, 6, for 386, 486, 586, 686 respectively). */
+ /* We are a modern enough processor to have the CPUID instruction;
+ use it to find out what we are. */
+ movl $1,%eax /* Fetch CPU type info ... */
+ cpuid /* ... into eax */
+ movl %edx,cpu_features /* Keep a copy */
+ shrl $8,%eax /* Slide family bits down */
+ andl $15,%eax /* And select them */
+ ret /* And return */
+/* */
+ * Utility routines.
+ */
+ xchgq %rsi,%rdi /* Get user source and kernel destination */
+ /*cld*/ /* count up: default mode in all GCC code */
+ movq %rdx,%rcx /* move by longwords first */
+ shrq $3,%rcx
+ RECOVER(copyin_fail)
+ rep
+ movsq /* move longwords */
+ movq %rdx,%rcx /* now move remaining bytes */
+ andq $7,%rcx
+ RECOVER(copyin_fail)
+ rep
+ movsb
+ xorq %rax,%rax /* return 0 for success */
+ ret /* and return */
+ movq $1,%rax /* return 1 for failure */
+ jmp copyin_ret /* pop frame and return */
+ * Copy from user address space - version for copying messages.
+ * arg0: user address
+ * arg1: kernel address
+ * arg2: byte count
+ */
+ xchgq %rsi,%rdi /* Get user source and kernel destination */
+/* 32 on 64 conversion */
+ subq $32,%rdx
+ js bogus
+ /* Copy msgh_bits */
+ RECOVER(copyin_fail)
+ movsl
+ /* Copy msgh_size */
+ RECOVER(copyin_fail)
+ lodsl
+ addl $8,%eax
+ stosl
+ xorq %rax,%rax
+ /* Copy msgh_remote_port */
+ RECOVER(copyin_fail)
+ lodsl
+ stosq
+ /* Copy msgh_local_port */
+ RECOVER(copyin_fail)
+ lodsl
+ stosq
+ /* Copy msgh_seqno and msgh_id */
+ RECOVER(copyin_fail)
+ movsq
+ jmp copyin_remainder
+ ud2
+ xchgq %rsi,%rdi /* Get user source and kernel destination */
+ movq %rdx,%rax /* use count */
+ /*cld*/ /* count up: always this way in GCC code */
+ movq %rax,%rcx /* move by longwords first */
+ shrq $3,%rcx
+ RECOVER(copyout_fail)
+ rep
+ movsq
+ movq %rax,%rcx /* now move remaining bytes */
+ andq $7,%rcx
+ RECOVER(copyout_fail)
+ rep
+ movsb /* move */
+ xorq %rax,%rax /* return 0 for success */
+ ret /* and return */
+ movq $1,%rax /* return 1 for failure */
+ jmp copyout_ret /* pop frame and return */
+ * Copy to user address space.
+ * arg0: kernel address
+ * arg1: user address
+ * arg2: byte count
+ */
+ xchgq %rsi,%rdi /* Get user source and kernel destination */
+/* 32 on 64 conversion */
+ subq $32,%rdx
+ js bogus
+ /* Copy msgh_bits */
+ RECOVER(copyout_fail)
+ movsl
+ /* Copy msgh_size */
+ lodsl
+ subl $8,%eax
+ RECOVER(copyout_fail)
+ stosl
+ /* Copy msgh_remote_port */
+ lodsq
+ RECOVER(copyout_fail)
+ stosl
+ /* Copy msgh_local_port */
+ lodsq
+ RECOVER(copyout_fail)
+ stosl
+ /* Copy msgh_seqno and msgh_id */
+ RECOVER(copyout_fail)
+ movsq
+ jmp copyin_remainder
+ * int inst_fetch(int eip, int cs);
+ *
+ * Fetch instruction byte. Return -1 if invalid address.
+ */
+ movq S_ARG1, %rax /* get segment */
+ movw %ax,%fs /* into FS */
+ movq S_ARG0, %rax /* get offset */
+ RETRY(EXT(inst_fetch)) /* re-load FS on retry */
+ RECOVER(_inst_fetch_fault)
+ movzbq %fs:(%rax),%rax /* load instruction byte */
+ ret
+ movq $-1,%rax /* return -1 if error */
+ ret
+ * Done with recovery and retry tables.
+ */
+#ifdef MACH_XEN
+ pushq %rbx
+ movq $6, %rbx
+ call __hyp_get_debugreg
+ popq %rbx
+#else /* MACH_XEN */
+ movq %db6, %rax
+#endif /* MACH_XEN */
+ ret
+/* dr<i>(address, type, len, persistence)
+ */
+ movq S_ARG0, %rax
+ movq %rax,EXT(dr_addr)
+#ifdef MACH_XEN
+ pushq %rbx
+ movq $0,%rbx
+ movq %rax,%rcx
+ call __hyp_set_debugreg
+#else /* MACH_XEN */
+ movq %rax, %db0
+#endif /* MACH_XEN */
+ movq $0, %rcx
+ jmp 0f
+ movq S_ARG0, %rax
+ movq %rax,EXT(dr_addr)+1*4
+#ifdef MACH_XEN
+ pushq %rbx
+ movq $1,%rbx
+ movq %rax,%rcx
+ call __hyp_set_debugreg
+#else /* MACH_XEN */
+ movq %rax, %db1
+#endif /* MACH_XEN */
+ movq $2, %rcx
+ jmp 0f
+ movq S_ARG0, %rax
+ movq %rax,EXT(dr_addr)+2*4
+#ifdef MACH_XEN
+ pushq %rbx
+ movq $2,%rbx
+ movq %rax,%rcx
+ call __hyp_set_debugreg
+#else /* MACH_XEN */
+ movq %rax, %db2
+#endif /* MACH_XEN */
+ movq $4, %rcx
+ jmp 0f
+ movq S_ARG0, %rax
+ movq %rax,EXT(dr_addr)+3*4
+#ifdef MACH_XEN
+ pushq %rbx
+ movq $3,%rbx
+ movq %rax,%rcx
+ call __hyp_set_debugreg
+#else /* MACH_XEN */
+ movq %rax, %db3
+#endif /* MACH_XEN */
+ movq $6, %rcx
+ pushq %rbp
+ movq %rsp, %rbp
+#ifdef MACH_XEN
+ movq $7,%rbx
+ call __hyp_get_debugreg
+ movq %rax, %rdx
+#else /* MACH_XEN */
+ movq %db7, %rdx
+#endif /* MACH_XEN */
+ movq %rdx,EXT(dr_addr)+4*4
+ andq dr_msk(,%rcx,2),%rdx /* clear out new entry */
+ movq %rdx,EXT(dr_addr)+5*4
+ movq B_ARG3, %rax
+ andb $3, %al
+ shlq %cl, %rax
+ orq %rax, %rdx
+ movq B_ARG1, %rax
+ andb $3, %al
+ addb %cl, %cl
+ addb $0x10, %cl
+ shlq %cl, %rax
+ orq %rax, %rdx
+ movq B_ARG2, %rax
+ andb $3, %al
+ addb $0x2, %cl
+ shlq %cl, %rax
+ orq %rax, %rdx
+#ifdef MACH_XEN
+ movq $7,%rbx
+ movq %rdx, %rcx
+ call __hyp_set_debugreg
+ popq %rbx
+#else /* MACH_XEN */
+ movq %rdx, %db7
+#endif /* MACH_XEN */
+ movq %rdx,EXT(dr_addr)+7*4
+ movq %rdx, %rax
+ leave
+ ret
+ .data
+ .long ~0x000f0003
+ .long ~0x00f0000c
+ .long ~0x0f000030
+ .long ~0xf00000c0
+ .long 0,0,0,0
+ .long 0,0,0,0
+ .text
+ * cpu_shutdown()
+ * Force reboot
+ */
+ .space 8 * 32
+ .word 8 * 32 - 1
+ .quad null_idt
+ lidt null_idtr /* disable the interrupt handler */
+ xor %rcx,%rcx /* generate a divide by zero */
+ div %rcx,%rax /* reboot now */
+ ret /* this will "never" be executed */