path: root/libs
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-12-14truncate unnecessarily verbose debug set/bits outputPaul Davis
2019-12-14Add Inline Control Port PropertyRobin Gareus
This allows to indicate that a control should by default be displayed inline in the mixer-strip. Previously that was hard-coded for and enabled for send-level controls only.
2019-12-14Make BusSendLevel 1st class citizen (1/2)Robin Gareus
Equivalent to Gain and Trim (gain-coefficient, not dB) and use it for Sends.
2019-12-13Add Lua bindings to query AutomationControl paramater rangesRobin Gareus
2019-12-13Fix mismatched deleteRobin Gareus
2019-12-12Add method to look up Lua script by nameRobin Gareus
2019-12-12reduce another race condition riskPaul Davis
overwrite_queued == true is equivalent to _pending_overwrite != 0
2019-12-12remove debug outputPaul Davis
2019-12-12remove useless lockPaul Davis
rbuf allocation/use is protected by process_lock
2019-12-12fix playback of newly added/modified MIDI dataPaul Davis
2019-12-12expand DEBUG_TRACE() statementPaul Davis
2019-12-12BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT is n/a in boost 1.62Robin Gareus
Even though the method that is overridden (shared_ptr<t>::operator=), has that signature in modern boost, it's of no real significance for the case at hand (ExportChannel, ExportTimespan)
2019-12-11use process lock to lock out process() during playback buffer resizingPaul Davis
2019-12-11remove MIDI readahead parameterPaul Davis
We just don't do this anymore
2019-12-11variable renaming in Butler for various buffer sizesPaul Davis
2019-12-12Fix stackoverflow, endless recursion on ComparableSharedPtr assignmentRobin Gareus
boost::shared_ptr & operator=(shared_ptr const & r); is not declared virtual and cannot safely be overloaded.
2019-12-11Fix loading plugin state from sessionsRobin Gareus
While loading a session XML state, set_state must use `Stateful::loading_state_version`. When later copying processor state, `Stateful::current_state_version` is correct.
2019-12-11Remove hardcoded session-state versionsRobin Gareus
2019-12-10should probably resolve MIDI notes when loop bounds changePaul Davis
We don't really need to do this if the bounds have moved "outwards", but at present we don't know if that is the case, so be safe and resolve in case the loop bounds moved "inwards" and we would otherwise get stuck notes caused by the now-missing noteOffs
2019-12-10fix unnecssary disruption of MIDI stream when disabling loopPaul Davis
2019-12-10use PlayistChanged appropriately to fix MIDI outputPaul Davis
We didn't render the MIDI data when a playlist was set, only when modified.
2019-12-10use bitmask values for OverwriteReason, as was intendedPaul Davis
2019-12-10revert to single buffer for disk playback, and 5.x-style overwritePaul Davis
Also address issues with MIDI and also atomicity of _pending_overwrite
2019-12-09Fix font size on Push2David Robillard
At least on my machine, the fonts on the Push display were ridiculously large, making everything overlapping and unusable. I suspect this is because pango_cairo_font_map_get_default() inherits DPI from the system, so the monitor scaling factor got applied to the Push display as well. This commit instead creates a new plain font map, and sets the resolution to 96, which looks like what the UI was designed for. Some more tweaking of the Pango context might make things more optimal on the Push, but just setting the resolution makes things look reasonable to me anyway.
2019-12-09Fix deprecated-copy warningsDavid Robillard
It's long been a guideline (and IIRC a Weff-c++ warning) that either all, or none, of the copy methods should be defined, but this became a standard warning in GCC9. Presumably to account for a later language change though I'm not sure which. I don't remember why the ChanMapping copy constructor can't just be a simple copy (it's just a map of POD), but figure it's safer to just copy what that does.
2019-12-09Use labs() for long instead of abs()David Robillard
2019-12-09Fix catch of polymorphic type by valueDavid Robillard
2019-12-09Remove unused variableDavid Robillard
2019-12-09Fix automation alignment for latent pluginsRobin Gareus
This also solves bi-stable automation for plugins where latency can change due to automation. e.g. cycle 1: run (t): automation (t) = on: -> increase latency cycle 2: run (t-latency): automation (t-latency) = off -> decrease latency repeat.
2019-12-08fix error when continuing to refill audio playback buffers after a buffer switchPaul Davis
The file_sample[AUDIO] member was not updated to reflect the last-read sample in the switched-to buffer. Also move several methods and members from DiskIO to DiskReader where they belong.
2019-12-09Fix two compiler warningsRobin Gareus
2019-12-08more debug outputPaul Davis
2019-12-08avoid a locate-to-loop-start from cancelling loopingPaul Davis
2019-12-08correct logic errors related to roll-after-locate in TransportFSMPaul Davis
This might have broken some other subtle behavior, but testing hasn't shown it thus far
2019-12-08fix missing SessionEvent when **all** tracks need a buffer overwritePaul Davis
2019-12-09Better, more consistent fix for d0dcca109Robin Gareus
2019-12-08Fix Pan automation when using "Touch"Robin Gareus
Pan->touching was left uninitialized, and usually non-zero. So pan automation was assumed to be currently touched, and hence never interpolated.
2019-12-08MSVC project changes needed to support the new 'mp3 import' stuffJohn Emmas
2019-12-08Minor changes needed to make the 'mp3 import' sources build with MSVCJohn Emmas
(MSVC project changes to follow...)
2019-12-08Add support for LV2 state:freePath featureRobin Gareus
This fixes a memory-leak issue for Windows builds. see also
2019-12-08NO-OP: whitespaceRobin Gareus
2019-12-07fix behavior when pressing l to loop (not in loop-is-mode) and the required ↵Paul Davis
stop-during locate cancels looping
2019-12-07functional double buffering when using DiskReader::overwrite_existing_buffersPaul Davis
2019-12-07a few parameter changes, and flesh out code to switch rbufs in DiskReaderPaul Davis
2019-12-07initial conversion to double buffering inside DiskReaderPaul Davis
Second buffer is not used (or allocated) yet.
2019-12-07Fix 64bit OSX/MacOS buildsRobin Gareus
2019-12-07Do not allow to embed ogg/vorbis files, require importRobin Gareus
2019-12-07Remove #ifdef'ed format-specific error-log messagesRobin Gareus
With inclusion of Mp3FileSource, this would get tricky. On MacOS, the SndFileSource's sf_error_str message is never displayed, anyway, also calling methods all handle failed-constructor. So error-log is less important.
2019-12-07Flatten nested try/catch clausesRobin Gareus
This also consistently throws a failed_constructor() when instantiating a CoreAudioSource fails, regardless of the actual exception
2019-12-07Remove unused API, reduce sndfile/coreaudio specializationRobin Gareus