path: root/libs/pbd/msvc/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/pbd/msvc/')
1 files changed, 124 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/pbd/msvc/ b/libs/pbd/msvc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6997405928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/pbd/msvc/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+#ifdef COMPILER_MSVC // Added by JE - 05-12-2009. Inline assembler instructions
+ // have been changed to Intel format and (in the case of
+ // cpuid) was replaced by the equivalent VC++ system call).
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <intrin.h> // Added by JE - 05-12-2009
+#include <pbd/fpu.h>
+#include <pbd/error.h>
+#include "i18n.h"
+using namespace PBD;
+using namespace std;
+FPU::FPU ()
+ unsigned long cpuflags = 0;
+ _flags = (Flags)0;
+#ifndef ARCH_X86
+ return;
+#ifndef USE_X86_64_ASM
+int cpuInfo[4];
+ __cpuid (cpuInfo, 1);
+ cpuflags = cpuInfo[3];
+ __asm { // This is how the original section would look if converted to Intel syntax.
+ // However, I have grave doubts about whether it's doing the right thing.
+ // It seems as if the intention was to retrieve feature information from
+ // the processor. However, feature information is returned in the ebx register
+ // (if you believe Wikipedia) or in edx (if you believe Microsoft). Unfortunately,
+ // both registers get ignored in the original code!! Confused?? Join the club!!
+ mov eax, 1
+ push ebx
+ cpuid
+ mov edx, 0
+ pop ebx
+ mov cpuflags, ecx // This can't be right, surely???
+ }; */
+// Note that this syntax is currently still in AT&T format !
+ asm volatile (
+ "pushq %%rbx\n"
+ "movq $1, %%rax\n"
+ "cpuid\n"
+ "movq %%rdx, %0\n"
+ "popq %%rbx\n"
+ : "=r" (cpuflags)
+ :
+ : "%rax", "%rcx", "%rdx", "memory"
+ );
+#endif /* USE_X86_64_ASM */
+ if (cpuflags & (1<<25)) {
+ _flags = Flags (_flags | (HasSSE|HasFlushToZero));
+ }
+ if (cpuflags & (1<<26)) {
+ _flags = Flags (_flags | HasSSE2);
+ }
+ if (cpuflags & (1 << 24)) {
+ bool aligned_malloc = false; // Added by JE - 05-12-2009
+ char* fxbuf = 0;
+// This section changed by JE - 05-12-2009
+#if defined(COMPILER_MSVC) || defined(COMPILER_MINGW) // All of these support '_aligned_malloc()'
+ fxbuf = (char *) _aligned_malloc(512, 16); // (note that they all need at least MSVC runtime 7.0)
+ aligned_malloc = true;
+ fxbuf = (char *) malloc(512);
+ fxbuf = posix_memalign ((void**)&fxbuf, 16, 512);
+ // Verify that fxbuf is correctly aligned
+ unsigned long buf_addr = (unsigned long)(void*)fxbuf;
+ if ((0 == buf_addr) || (buf_addr % 16))
+ error << _("cannot allocate 16 byte aligned buffer for h/w feature detection") << endmsg;
+ else
+ {
+ memset(fxbuf, 0, 512); // Initialize the buffer !!! Added by JE - 12-12-2009
+ __asm {
+ mov eax, fxbuf
+ fxsave [eax]
+ };
+ uint32_t mxcsr_mask = *((uint32_t*) &fxbuf[28]);
+ /* if the mask is zero, set its default value (from intel specs) */
+ if (mxcsr_mask == 0) {
+ mxcsr_mask = 0xffbf;
+ }
+ if (mxcsr_mask & (1<<6)) {
+ _flags = Flags (_flags | HasDenormalsAreZero);
+ }
+ if (aligned_malloc)
+ _aligned_free (fxbuf);
+ else
+ free (fxbuf);
+ }
+ }
+#endif // ARCH_X86
+FPU::~FPU ()
+#else // !COMPILER_MSVC
+ const char* pbd_fpu = "original pbd/ takes precedence over this file";
+#endif // COMPILER_MSVC