path: root/libs/glibmm2/glibmm/ustring.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'libs/glibmm2/glibmm/ustring.h')
1 files changed, 997 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/glibmm2/glibmm/ustring.h b/libs/glibmm2/glibmm/ustring.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86578b43bb
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+++ b/libs/glibmm2/glibmm/ustring.h
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+// -*- c++ -*-
+/* $Id$ */
+/* Copyright (C) 2002 The gtkmm Development Team
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ */
+#include <glib/gmacros.h>
+#include <glib/gunicode.h>
+#include <glibmm/unicode.h>
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <string>
+#include <glibmmconfig.h>
+#include <cstddef> /* for ptrdiff_t */
+namespace Glib
+template <class T>
+struct IteratorTraits
+ typedef typename T::iterator_category iterator_category;
+ typedef typename T::value_type value_type;
+ typedef typename T::difference_type difference_type;
+ typedef typename T::pointer pointer;
+ typedef typename T::reference reference;
+template <class T>
+struct IteratorTraits<T*>
+ typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+ typedef T value_type;
+ typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef T* pointer;
+ typedef T& reference;
+template <class T>
+struct IteratorTraits<const T*>
+ typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+ typedef T value_type;
+ typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef const T* pointer;
+ typedef const T& reference;
+/** The iterator type of Glib::ustring.
+ * Note this is not a random access iterator but a bidirectional one,
+ * since all index operations need to iterate over the UTF-8 data. Use
+ * std::advance() to move to a certain position. However, all of the
+ * relational operators are available:
+ * <tt>==&nbsp;!=&nbsp;<&nbsp;>&nbsp;<=&nbsp;>=</tt>
+ *
+ * A writeable iterator isn't provided because: The number of bytes of
+ * the old UTF-8 character and the new one to write could be different.
+ * Therefore, any write operation would invalidate all other iterators
+ * pointing into the same string.
+ */
+template <class T>
+class ustring_Iterator
+ typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+ typedef gunichar value_type;
+ typedef std::string::difference_type difference_type;
+ typedef value_type reference;
+ typedef void pointer;
+ inline ustring_Iterator();
+ inline ustring_Iterator(const ustring_Iterator<std::string::iterator>& other);
+ inline value_type operator*() const;
+ inline ustring_Iterator<T> & operator++();
+ inline const ustring_Iterator<T> operator++(int);
+ inline ustring_Iterator<T> & operator--();
+ inline const ustring_Iterator<T> operator--(int);
+ explicit inline ustring_Iterator(T pos);
+ inline T base() const;
+ T pos_;
+/** Extract a UCS-4 character from UTF-8 data.
+ * Convert a single UTF-8 (multibyte) character starting at @p pos to
+ * a UCS-4 wide character. This may read up to 6 bytes after the start
+ * position, depending on the UTF-8 character width. You have to make
+ * sure the source contains at least one valid UTF-8 character.
+ *
+ * This is mainly used by the implementation of Glib::ustring::iterator,
+ * but it might be useful as utility function if you prefer using
+ * std::string even for UTF-8 encoding.
+ */
+gunichar get_unichar_from_std_iterator(std::string::const_iterator pos) G_GNUC_PURE;
+/** Glib::ustring has much the same interface as std::string, but contains
+ * %Unicode characters encoded as UTF-8.
+ *
+ * @par About UTF-8 and ASCII
+ * @par
+ * The standard character set ANSI_X3.4-1968&nbsp;-- more commonly known as
+ * ASCII&nbsp;-- is a subset of UTF-8. So, if you want to, you can use
+ * Glib::ustring without even thinking about UTF-8.
+ * @par
+ * Whenever ASCII is mentioned in this manual, we mean the @em real ASCII
+ * (i.e. as defined in ANSI_X3.4-1968), which contains only 7-bit characters.
+ * Glib::ustring can @em not be used with ASCII-compatible extended 8-bit
+ * charsets like ISO-8859-1. It's a good idea to avoid string literals
+ * containing non-ASCII characters (e.g. German umlauts) in source code,
+ * or at least you should use UTF-8 literals.
+ * @par
+ * You can find a detailed UTF-8 and %Unicode FAQ here:
+ *
+ *
+ * @par Glib::ustring vs. std::string
+ * @par
+ * Glib::ustring has implicit type conversions to and from std::string.
+ * These conversions do @em not convert to/from the current locale (see
+ * Glib::locale_from_utf8() and Glib::locale_to_utf8() if you need that). You
+ * can always use std::string instead of Glib::ustring&nbsp;-- however, using
+ * std::string with multi-byte characters is quite hard. For instance,
+ * <tt>std::string::operator[]</tt> might return a byte in the middle of a
+ * character, and <tt>std::string::length()</tt> returns the number of bytes
+ * rather than characters. So don't do that without a good reason.
+ * @par
+ * In a perfect world the C++ Standard Library would contain a UTF-8 string
+ * class. Unfortunately, the C++ standard doesn't mention UTF-8 at all. Note
+ * that std::wstring is not a UTF-8 string class because it contains only
+ * fixed-width characters (where width could be 32, 16, or even 8 bits).
+ *
+ * @par Glib::ustring and stream input/output
+ * @par
+ * The stream I/O operators, that is operator<<() and operator>>(), perform
+ * implicit charset conversion to/from the current locale. If that's not
+ * what you intented (e.g. when writing to a configuration file that should
+ * always be UTF-8 encoded) use ustring::raw() to override this behaviour.
+ * @par
+ * If you're using std::ostringstream to build strings for display in the
+ * user interface, you must convert the result back to UTF-8 as shown below:
+ * @code
+ * std::ostringstream output;
+ * output.imbue(std::locale("")); // use the user's locale for this stream
+ * output << percentage << " % done";
+ * label->set_text(Glib::locale_to_utf8(output.str()));
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @par Implementation notes
+ * @par
+ * Glib::ustring does not inherit from std::string, because std::string was
+ * intended to be a final class. For instance, it does not have a virtual
+ * destructor. Also, a HAS-A relationship is more appropriate because
+ * ustring can't just enhance the std::string interface. Rather, it has to
+ * reimplement the interface so that all operations are based on characters
+ * instead of bytes.
+ */
+class ustring
+ typedef std::string::size_type size_type;
+ typedef std::string::difference_type difference_type;
+ typedef gunichar value_type;
+ typedef gunichar & reference;
+ typedef const gunichar & const_reference;
+ typedef ustring_Iterator<std::string::iterator> iterator;
+ typedef ustring_Iterator<std::string::const_iterator> const_iterator;
+ typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
+ typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
+ typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator,
+ iterator::iterator_category,
+ iterator::value_type,
+ iterator::reference,
+ iterator::pointer,
+ iterator::difference_type> reverse_iterator;
+ typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator,
+ const_iterator::iterator_category,
+ const_iterator::value_type,
+ const_iterator::reference,
+ const_iterator::pointer,
+ const_iterator::difference_type> const_reverse_iterator;
+ static const size_type npos = std::string::npos;
+ //The IRIX MipsPro compiler says "The indicated constant value is not known",
+ //so we need to initalize the static member data elsewhere.
+ static const size_type npos;
+ /*! Default constructor, which creates an empty string.
+ */
+ ustring();
+ ~ustring();
+ /*! Construct a ustring as a copy of another ustring.
+ * @param other A source string.
+ */
+ ustring(const ustring& other);
+ /*! Assign the value of another string to this string.
+ * @param other A source string.
+ */
+ ustring& operator=(const ustring& other);
+ /*! Swap contents with another string.
+ * @param other String to swap with.
+ */
+ void swap(ustring& other);
+ /*! Construct a ustring as a copy of another std::string.
+ * @param src A source <tt>std::string</tt> containing text encoded as UTF-8.
+ */
+ ustring(const std::string& src);
+ /*! Construct a ustring as a copy of a substring.
+ * @param src %Source ustring.
+ * @param i Index of first character to copy from.
+ * @param n Number of characters to copy (defaults to copying the remainder).
+ */
+ ustring(const ustring& src, size_type i, size_type n=npos);
+ /*! Construct a ustring as a partial copy of a C string.
+ * @param src %Source C string encoded as UTF-8.
+ * @param n Number of characters to copy.
+ */
+ ustring(const char* src, size_type n);
+ /*! Construct a ustring as a copy of a C string.
+ * @param src %Source C string encoded as UTF-8.
+ */
+ ustring(const char* src);
+ /*! Construct a ustring as multiple characters.
+ * @param n Number of characters.
+ * @param uc UCS-4 code point to use.
+ */
+ ustring(size_type n, gunichar uc);
+ /*! Construct a ustring as multiple characters.
+ * @param n Number of characters.
+ * @param c ASCII character to use.
+ */
+ ustring(size_type n, char c);
+ /*! Construct a ustring as a copy of a range.
+ * @param pbegin Start of range.
+ * @param pend End of range.
+ */
+ template <class In> ustring(In pbegin, In pend);
+//! @name Assign new contents.
+//! @{
+ ustring& operator=(const std::string& src);
+ ustring& operator=(const char* src);
+ ustring& operator=(gunichar uc);
+ ustring& operator=(char c);
+ ustring& assign(const ustring& src);
+ ustring& assign(const ustring& src, size_type i, size_type n);
+ ustring& assign(const char* src, size_type n);
+ ustring& assign(const char* src);
+ ustring& assign(size_type n, gunichar uc);
+ ustring& assign(size_type n, char c);
+ template <class In> ustring& assign(In pbegin, In pend);
+//! @}
+//! @name Append to the string.
+//! @{
+ ustring& operator+=(const ustring& src);
+ ustring& operator+=(const char* src);
+ ustring& operator+=(gunichar uc);
+ ustring& operator+=(char c);
+ void push_back(gunichar uc);
+ void push_back(char c);
+ ustring& append(const ustring& src);
+ ustring& append(const ustring& src, size_type i, size_type n);
+ ustring& append(const char* src, size_type n);
+ ustring& append(const char* src);
+ ustring& append(size_type n, gunichar uc);
+ ustring& append(size_type n, char c);
+ template <class In> ustring& append(In pbegin, In pend);
+//! @}
+//! @name Insert into the string.
+//! @{
+ ustring& insert(size_type i, const ustring& src);
+ ustring& insert(size_type i, const ustring& src, size_type i2, size_type n);
+ ustring& insert(size_type i, const char* src, size_type n);
+ ustring& insert(size_type i, const char* src);
+ ustring& insert(size_type i, size_type n, gunichar uc);
+ ustring& insert(size_type i, size_type n, char c);
+ iterator insert(iterator p, gunichar uc);
+ iterator insert(iterator p, char c);
+ void insert(iterator p, size_type n, gunichar uc);
+ void insert(iterator p, size_type n, char c);
+ template <class In> void insert(iterator p, In pbegin, In pend);
+//! @}
+//! @name Replace sub-strings.
+//! @{
+ ustring& replace(size_type i, size_type n, const ustring& src);
+ ustring& replace(size_type i, size_type n, const ustring& src, size_type i2, size_type n2);
+ ustring& replace(size_type i, size_type n, const char* src, size_type n2);
+ ustring& replace(size_type i, size_type n, const char* src);
+ ustring& replace(size_type i, size_type n, size_type n2, gunichar uc);
+ ustring& replace(size_type i, size_type n, size_type n2, char c);
+ ustring& replace(iterator pbegin, iterator pend, const ustring& src);
+ ustring& replace(iterator pbegin, iterator pend, const char* src, size_type n);
+ ustring& replace(iterator pbegin, iterator pend, const char* src);
+ ustring& replace(iterator pbegin, iterator pend, size_type n, gunichar uc);
+ ustring& replace(iterator pbegin, iterator pend, size_type n, char c);
+ template <class In> ustring& replace(iterator pbegin, iterator pend, In pbegin2, In pend2);
+//! @}
+//! @name Erase sub-strings.
+//! @{
+ void clear();
+ ustring& erase(size_type i, size_type n=npos);
+ ustring& erase();
+ iterator erase(iterator p);
+ iterator erase(iterator pbegin, iterator pend);
+//! @}
+//! @name Compare and collate.
+//! @{
+ int compare(const ustring& rhs) const;
+ int compare(const char* rhs) const;
+ int compare(size_type i, size_type n, const ustring& rhs) const;
+ int compare(size_type i, size_type n, const ustring& rhs, size_type i2, size_type n2) const;
+ int compare(size_type i, size_type n, const char* rhs, size_type n2) const;
+ int compare(size_type i, size_type n, const char* rhs) const;
+ /*! Create a unique sorting key for the UTF-8 string. If you need to
+ * compare UTF-8 strings regularly, e.g. for sorted containers such as
+ * <tt>std::set<></tt>, you should consider creating a collate key first
+ * and compare this key instead of the actual string.
+ *
+ * The ustring::compare() methods as well as the relational operators
+ * <tt>==&nbsp;!=&nbsp;<&nbsp;>&nbsp;<=&nbsp;>=</tt> are quite costly
+ * because they have to deal with %Unicode and the collation rules defined by
+ * the current locale. Converting both operands to UCS-4 is just the first
+ * of several costly steps involved when comparing ustrings. So be careful.
+ */
+ std::string collate_key() const;
+ /*! Create a unique key for the UTF-8 string that can be used for caseless
+ * sorting. <tt>ustr.casefold_collate_key()</tt> results in the same string
+ * as <tt>ustr.casefold().collate_key()</tt>, but the former is likely more
+ * efficient.
+ */
+ std::string casefold_collate_key() const;
+//! @}
+//! @name Extract characters and sub-strings.
+//! @{
+ /*! No reference return; use replace() to write characters. */
+ value_type operator[](size_type i) const;
+ /*! No reference return; use replace() to write characters. @throw std::out_of_range */
+ value_type at(size_type i) const;
+ inline ustring substr(size_type i=0, size_type n=npos) const;
+//! @}
+//! @name Access a sequence of characters.
+//! @{
+ iterator begin();
+ iterator end();
+ const_iterator begin() const;
+ const_iterator end() const;
+ reverse_iterator rbegin();
+ reverse_iterator rend();
+ const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
+ const_reverse_iterator rend() const;
+//! @}
+//! @name Find sub-strings.
+//! @{
+ size_type find(const ustring& str, size_type i=0) const;
+ size_type find(const char* str, size_type i, size_type n) const;
+ size_type find(const char* str, size_type i=0) const;
+ size_type find(gunichar uc, size_type i=0) const;
+ size_type find(char c, size_type i=0) const;
+ size_type rfind(const ustring& str, size_type i=npos) const;
+ size_type rfind(const char* str, size_type i, size_type n) const;
+ size_type rfind(const char* str, size_type i=npos) const;
+ size_type rfind(gunichar uc, size_type i=npos) const;
+ size_type rfind(char c, size_type i=npos) const;
+//! @}
+//! @name Match against a set of characters.
+//! @{
+ size_type find_first_of(const ustring& match, size_type i=0) const;
+ size_type find_first_of(const char* match, size_type i, size_type n) const;
+ size_type find_first_of(const char* match, size_type i=0) const;
+ size_type find_first_of(gunichar uc, size_type i=0) const;
+ size_type find_first_of(char c, size_type i=0) const;
+ size_type find_last_of(const ustring& match, size_type i=npos) const;
+ size_type find_last_of(const char* match, size_type i, size_type n) const;
+ size_type find_last_of(const char* match, size_type i=npos) const;
+ size_type find_last_of(gunichar uc, size_type i=npos) const;
+ size_type find_last_of(char c, size_type i=npos) const;
+ size_type find_first_not_of(const ustring& match, size_type i=0) const;
+ size_type find_first_not_of(const char* match, size_type i, size_type n) const;
+ size_type find_first_not_of(const char* match, size_type i=0) const;
+ size_type find_first_not_of(gunichar uc, size_type i=0) const;
+ size_type find_first_not_of(char c, size_type i=0) const;
+ size_type find_last_not_of(const ustring& match, size_type i=npos) const;
+ size_type find_last_not_of(const char* match, size_type i, size_type n) const;
+ size_type find_last_not_of(const char* match, size_type i=npos) const;
+ size_type find_last_not_of(gunichar uc, size_type i=npos) const;
+ size_type find_last_not_of(char c, size_type i=npos) const;
+//! @}
+//! @name Retrieve the string's size.
+//! @{
+ /** Returns true if the string is empty. Equivalent to *this == "".
+ * @result Whether the string is empty.
+ */
+ bool empty() const;
+ /** Returns the number of characters in the string, not including any null-termination.
+ * @result The number of UTF-8 characters.
+ *
+ * @see bytes(), empty()
+ */
+ size_type size() const;
+ //We have length() as well as size(), because std::string has both.
+ /** This is the same as size().
+ */
+ size_type length() const;
+ /** Returns the number of bytes in the string, not including any null-termination.
+ * @result The number of bytes.
+ *
+ * @see size(), empty()
+ */
+ size_type bytes() const;
+//! @}
+//! @name Change the string's size.
+//! @{
+ void resize(size_type n, gunichar uc);
+ void resize(size_type n, char c='\0');
+//! @}
+//! @name Control the allocated memory.
+//! @{
+ size_type capacity() const;
+ size_type max_size() const;
+ void reserve(size_type n=0);
+//! @}
+//! @name Get a per-byte representation of the string.
+//! @{
+ inline operator std::string() const; // e.g. std::string str = ustring();
+ inline const std::string& raw() const;
+ // Not necessarily an ASCII char*. Use g_utf8_*() where necessary.
+ const char* data() const;
+ const char* c_str() const;
+ /*! @return Number of copied @em bytes, not characters. */
+ size_type copy(char* dest, size_type n, size_type i=0) const;
+//! @}
+//! @name UTF-8 utilities.
+//! @{
+ /*! Check whether the string is valid UTF-8. */
+ bool validate() const;
+ /*! Check whether the string is valid UTF-8. */
+ bool validate(iterator& first_invalid);
+ /*! Check whether the string is valid UTF-8. */
+ bool validate(const_iterator& first_invalid) const;
+ /*! Check whether the string is plain 7-bit ASCII. @par
+ * Unlike any other ustring method, is_ascii() is safe to use on invalid
+ * UTF-8 strings. If the string isn't valid UTF-8, it cannot be valid
+ * ASCII either, therefore is_ascii() will just return @c false then.
+ * @return Whether the string contains only ASCII characters.
+ */
+ bool is_ascii() const;
+ /*! "Normalize" the %Unicode character representation of the string. */
+ ustring normalize(NormalizeMode mode = NORMALIZE_DEFAULT_COMPOSE) const;
+//! @}
+//! @name Character case conversion.
+//! @{
+ /*! Returns a new UTF-8 string with all characters characters converted to
+ * their lowercase equivalent, while honoring the current locale. The
+ * resulting string may change in the number of bytes as well as in the
+ * number of characters. For instance, the German sharp&nbsp;s
+ * <tt>&quot;&szlig;&quot;</tt> will be replaced by two characters
+ * <tt>"SS"</tt> because there is no capital <tt>&quot;&szlig;&quot;</tt>.
+ */
+ ustring uppercase() const;
+ /*! Returns a new UTF-8 string with all characters characters converted to
+ * their lowercase equivalent, while honoring the current locale. The
+ * resulting string may change in the number of bytes as well as in the
+ * number of characters.
+ */
+ ustring lowercase() const;
+ /*! Returns a caseless representation of the UTF-8 string. The resulting
+ * string doesn't correspond to any particular case, therefore the result
+ * is only useful to compare strings and should never be displayed to the
+ * user.
+ */
+ ustring casefold() const;
+//! @}
+ template <class In, class ValueType = typename std::iterator_traits<In>::value_type>
+ template <class In, class ValueType = typename Glib::IteratorTraits<In>::value_type>
+ struct SequenceToString;
+ //The Tru64 compiler needs these partial specializations to be declared here,
+ //as well as defined later. That's probably correct. murrayc.
+ template <class In>
+ struct SequenceToString<In, char>;
+ template <class In>
+ struct SequenceToString<In, gunichar>;
+ /*
+ template <>
+ struct ustring::SequenceToString<Glib::ustring::iterator, gunichar>;
+ template <>
+ struct ustring::SequenceToString<Glib::ustring::const_iterator, gunichar>;
+ */
+ std::string string_;
+template <class In, class ValueType>
+struct ustring::SequenceToString
+template <class In>
+struct ustring::SequenceToString<In, char> : public std::string
+ SequenceToString(In pbegin, In pend);
+template <class In>
+struct ustring::SequenceToString<In, gunichar> : public std::string
+ SequenceToString(In pbegin, In pend);
+template <>
+struct ustring::SequenceToString<Glib::ustring::iterator, gunichar> : public std::string
+ SequenceToString(Glib::ustring::iterator pbegin, Glib::ustring::iterator pend);
+template <>
+struct ustring::SequenceToString<Glib::ustring::const_iterator, gunichar> : public std::string
+ SequenceToString(Glib::ustring::const_iterator pbegin, Glib::ustring::const_iterator pend);
+/** Stream input operator.
+ * @relates Glib::ustring
+ * @throw Glib::ConvertError
+ */
+std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Glib::ustring& utf8_string);
+/** Stream output operator.
+ * @relates Glib::ustring
+ * @throw Glib::ConvertError
+ */
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Glib::ustring& utf8_string);
+/* Inline implementation */
+/**** Glib::ustring_Iterator<> *********************************************/
+template <class T> inline
+ustring_Iterator<T>::ustring_Iterator(T pos)
+ pos_ (pos)
+template <class T> inline
+T ustring_Iterator<T>::base() const
+ return pos_;
+template <class T> inline
+ pos_ ()
+template <class T> inline
+ustring_Iterator<T>::ustring_Iterator(const ustring_Iterator<std::string::iterator>& other)
+ pos_ (other.base())
+template <class T> inline
+typename ustring_Iterator<T>::value_type ustring_Iterator<T>::operator*() const
+ return Glib::get_unichar_from_std_iterator(pos_);
+template <class T> inline
+ustring_Iterator<T>& ustring_Iterator<T>::operator++()
+ pos_ += g_utf8_skip[static_cast<unsigned char>(*pos_)];
+ return *this;
+template <class T> inline
+const ustring_Iterator<T> ustring_Iterator<T>::operator++(int)
+ const ustring_Iterator<T> temp (*this);
+ this->operator++();
+ return temp;
+template <class T> inline
+ustring_Iterator<T>& ustring_Iterator<T>::operator--()
+ do --pos_; while((*pos_ & '\xC0') == '\x80');
+ return *this;
+template <class T> inline
+const ustring_Iterator<T> ustring_Iterator<T>::operator--(int)
+ const ustring_Iterator<T> temp (*this);
+ this->operator--();
+ return temp;
+/** @relates Glib::ustring_Iterator */
+template <class T> inline
+bool operator==(const ustring_Iterator<T>& lhs, const ustring_Iterator<T>& rhs)
+ return (lhs.base() == rhs.base());
+/** @relates Glib::ustring_Iterator */
+template <class T> inline
+bool operator!=(const ustring_Iterator<T>& lhs, const ustring_Iterator<T>& rhs)
+ return (lhs.base() != rhs.base());
+/** @relates Glib::ustring_Iterator */
+template <class T> inline
+bool operator<(const ustring_Iterator<T>& lhs, const ustring_Iterator<T>& rhs)
+ return (lhs.base() < rhs.base());
+/** @relates Glib::ustring_Iterator */
+template <class T> inline
+bool operator>(const ustring_Iterator<T>& lhs, const ustring_Iterator<T>& rhs)
+ return (lhs.base() > rhs.base());
+/** @relates Glib::ustring_Iterator */
+template <class T> inline
+bool operator<=(const ustring_Iterator<T>& lhs, const ustring_Iterator<T>& rhs)
+ return (lhs.base() <= rhs.base());
+/** @relates Glib::ustring_Iterator */
+template <class T> inline
+bool operator>=(const ustring_Iterator<T>& lhs, const ustring_Iterator<T>& rhs)
+ return (lhs.base() >= rhs.base());
+/**** Glib::ustring::SequenceToString **************************************/
+template <class In>
+ustring::SequenceToString<In,char>::SequenceToString(In pbegin, In pend)
+ std::string(pbegin, pend)
+template <class In>
+ustring::SequenceToString<In,gunichar>::SequenceToString(In pbegin, In pend)
+ char utf8_buf[6]; // stores a single UTF-8 character
+ for(; pbegin != pend; ++pbegin)
+ {
+ const std::string::size_type utf8_len = g_unichar_to_utf8(*pbegin, utf8_buf);
+ this->append(utf8_buf, utf8_len);
+ }
+/**** Glib::ustring ********************************************************/
+template <class In>
+ustring::ustring(In pbegin, In pend)
+ string_ (Glib::ustring::SequenceToString<In>(pbegin, pend))
+template <class In>
+ustring& ustring::assign(In pbegin, In pend)
+ Glib::ustring::SequenceToString<In> temp_string (pbegin, pend);
+ string_.swap(temp_string); // constant-time operation
+ return *this;
+template <class In>
+ustring& ustring::append(In pbegin, In pend)
+ string_.append(Glib::ustring::SequenceToString<In>(pbegin, pend));
+ return *this;
+template <class In>
+void ustring::insert(ustring::iterator p, In pbegin, In pend)
+ string_.insert(p.base(), Glib::ustring::SequenceToString<In>(pbegin, pend));
+template <class In>
+ustring& ustring::replace(ustring::iterator pbegin, ustring::iterator pend, In pbegin2, In pend2)
+ string_.replace(
+ pbegin.base(), pend.base(),
+ Glib::ustring::SequenceToString<In>(pbegin2, pend2));
+ return *this;
+// The ustring methods substr() and operator std::string() are inline,
+// so that the compiler has a fair chance to optimize the copy ctor away.
+ustring ustring::substr(ustring::size_type i, ustring::size_type n) const
+ return ustring(*this, i, n);
+ustring::operator std::string() const
+ return string_;
+const std::string& ustring::raw() const
+ return string_;
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+void swap(ustring& lhs, ustring& rhs)
+ lhs.swap(rhs);
+/**** Glib::ustring -- comparison operators ********************************/
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline bool operator==(const ustring& lhs, const ustring& rhs)
+ { return ( == 0); }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline bool operator==(const ustring& lhs, const char* rhs)
+ { return ( == 0); }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline bool operator==(const char* lhs, const ustring& rhs)
+ { return ( == 0); }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline bool operator!=(const ustring& lhs, const ustring& rhs)
+ { return ( != 0); }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline bool operator!=(const ustring& lhs, const char* rhs)
+ { return ( != 0); }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline bool operator!=(const char* lhs, const ustring& rhs)
+ { return ( != 0); }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline bool operator<(const ustring& lhs, const ustring& rhs)
+ { return ( < 0); }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline bool operator<(const ustring& lhs, const char* rhs)
+ { return ( < 0); }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline bool operator<(const char* lhs, const ustring& rhs)
+ { return ( > 0); }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline bool operator>(const ustring& lhs, const ustring& rhs)
+ { return ( > 0); }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline bool operator>(const ustring& lhs, const char* rhs)
+ { return ( > 0); }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline bool operator>(const char* lhs, const ustring& rhs)
+ { return ( < 0); }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline bool operator<=(const ustring& lhs, const ustring& rhs)
+ { return ( <= 0); }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline bool operator<=(const ustring& lhs, const char* rhs)
+ { return ( <= 0); }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline bool operator<=(const char* lhs, const ustring& rhs)
+ { return ( >= 0); }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline bool operator>=(const ustring& lhs, const ustring& rhs)
+ { return ( >= 0); }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline bool operator>=(const ustring& lhs, const char* rhs)
+ { return ( >= 0); }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline bool operator>=(const char* lhs, const ustring& rhs)
+ { return ( <= 0); }
+/**** Glib::ustring -- concatenation operators *****************************/
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline ustring operator+(const ustring& lhs, const ustring& rhs)
+ { ustring temp (lhs); temp += rhs; return temp; }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline ustring operator+(const ustring& lhs, const char* rhs)
+ { ustring temp (lhs); temp += rhs; return temp; }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline ustring operator+(const char* lhs, const ustring& rhs)
+ { ustring temp (lhs); temp += rhs; return temp; }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline ustring operator+(const ustring& lhs, gunichar rhs)
+ { ustring temp (lhs); temp += rhs; return temp; }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline ustring operator+(gunichar lhs, const ustring& rhs)
+ { ustring temp (1, lhs); temp += rhs; return temp; }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline ustring operator+(const ustring& lhs, char rhs)
+ { ustring temp (lhs); temp += rhs; return temp; }
+/** @relates Glib::ustring */
+inline ustring operator+(char lhs, const ustring& rhs)
+ { ustring temp (1, lhs); temp += rhs; return temp; }
+} // namespace Glib
+#endif /* _GLIBMM_USTRING_H */