path: root/libs/cassowary/cassowary/ClFDSolver.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'libs/cassowary/cassowary/ClFDSolver.h')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/cassowary/cassowary/ClFDSolver.h b/libs/cassowary/cassowary/ClFDSolver.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fbb637764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/cassowary/cassowary/ClFDSolver.h
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+// $Id$
+// Cassowary Incremental Constraint Solver
+// Original Smalltalk Implementation by Alan Borning
+// This C++ Implementation by Greg J. Badros, <>
+// (C) 1998, 1999 Greg J. Badros and Alan Borning
+// See ../LICENSE for legal details regarding this software
+// ClSolver.h
+#ifndef ClFDSolver_H
+#define ClFDSolver_H
+#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) && !defined(CONFIG_H_INCLUDED) && !defined(CONFIG_INLINE_H_INCLUDED)
+#include <cassowary/config-inline.h>
+#include "Cassowary.h"
+#include "ClSolver.h"
+#include "ClVariable.h"
+#include "ClErrors.h"
+#include "ClTypedefs.h"
+#include "ClSymbolicWeight.h"
+#include <GTL/graph.h>
+#include <map>
+using std::map;
+class ClVariable;
+class ClFDBinaryOneWayConstraint;
+// ClFDSolver is a concrete class
+// implementing a very restricted (for now --04/23/99 gjb)
+// finite-domain constraint solving algorithm
+class ClFDSolver: public ClSolver {
+ public:
+ ClFDSolver()
+ : _setCns(), _mapClvToCns(), G(), nodeToVar(G)
+ { G.make_directed(); }
+ virtual ~ClFDSolver()
+ { }
+ virtual ClFDSolver &AddConstraint(ClConstraint *const pcn);
+ virtual ClFDSolver &RemoveConstraint(ClConstraint *const pcn);
+ virtual ClFDSolver &Solve();
+ virtual ClFDSolver &ShowSolve();
+ void ChangeClv(ClVariable clv, FDNumber n) {
+ clv.ChangeValue(n);
+ if (_pfnChangeClvCallback) {
+ _pfnChangeClvCallback(&clv,this);
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef CL_NO_IO
+ ostream &PrintOn(ostream &xo) const;
+ ostream &PrintInternalInfo(ostream &xo) const;
+ ostream &PrintOnVerbose(ostream &xo) const
+ { PrintOn(xo); PrintInternalInfo(xo); xo << endl; return xo; }
+ friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &xo, const ClFDSolver &solver);
+ protected:
+ virtual ClFDSolver &AddConstraintInternal(ClConstraint *const pcn);
+ virtual ClFDSolver &RemoveConstraintInternal(ClConstraint *const pcn);
+ /* Create node for v in G, if necessary,
+ otherwise return the node we already created. */
+ node GetVarNode(ClVariable v);
+ /* return the best (lowest) incremental error and the value
+ at which that error occurs */
+ pair<ClSymbolicWeight,FDNumber> ComputeBest(ClFDVariable *pcldv);
+ ClSymbolicWeight ErrorForClvAtValSubjectToCn(ClFDVariable *pcldv,
+ FDNumber value,const ClConstraint &cn);
+ /* Turn all FDVariable FIsSet() flags to false */
+ void ResetSetFlagsOnVariables();
+ /* all the constraints in the solver */
+ ClConstraintSet _setCns;
+ /* _mapClvToCns maps variable to the constraints in which
+ it is rw (it omits where it is ro) */
+ ClVarToConstraintSetMap _mapClvToCns;
+ /* track what edges correspond to which constraints
+ so we can update the constraint graph when
+ removing a constraint */
+ map<ClConstraint *, edge> _mapCnToEdge;
+ /* track what nodes correspond to which variables */
+ map<ClVariable, node> _mapVarToNode;
+ /* directed graph that mirrors the structure of
+ the relations of the added constraints */
+ graph G;
+ node_map<ClVariable> nodeToVar;
+void ListPushOnto(list<FDNumber> *pl, ...);