path: root/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/devicemanager/WCMRPortAudioDeviceManager.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/devicemanager/WCMRPortAudioDeviceManager.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 180 deletions
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- Copyright (C) 2014 Waves Audio Ltd.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-//! \file WCMRPortAudioDeviceManager.h
-//! WCMRPortAudioDeviceManager and related class declarations
-#ifndef __WCMRPortAudioDeviceManager_h_
- #define __WCMRPortAudioDeviceManager_h_
-#include "WCMRAudioDeviceManager.h"
-#include "WCMRNativeAudio.h"
-#include "portaudio.h"
-//forward decl.
-class WCMRPortAudioDeviceManager;
-//! Manages a port audio device, providing information
-//! about the device, and managing audio callbacks.
-class WCMRPortAudioDevice : public WCMRNativeAudioDevice
- WCMRPortAudioDevice (WCMRPortAudioDeviceManager *pManager, unsigned int deviceID, bool useMultiThreading = true, bool bNoCopy = false);///<Constructor
- virtual ~WCMRPortAudioDevice ();///<Destructor
- virtual int CurrentSamplingRate(); ///<Current Sampling rate.?
- virtual WTErr SetCurrentSamplingRate(int newRate);///<Change Current Sampling Rate : This is a requset, might not be successful at run time!
- virtual int CurrentBufferSize();///<Current Buffer Size.? - note that this may change with change in sampling rate.
- virtual WTErr SetCurrentBufferSize (int newSize);///<Change Current Buffer Size : This is a requset, might not be successful at run time!
- virtual ConnectionStates ConnectionStatus();///< Connection Status - device available, gone, disconnected
- virtual WTErr SetActive (bool newState);///<Prepare/Activate device.
- virtual WTErr SetStreaming (bool newState);///<Start/Stop Streaming - should reconnect connections when streaming starts!
- virtual WTErr SetMonitorChannels (int leftChannel, int rightChannel);///<Set monitor channels. - optional, will not be available with AG
- virtual WTErr SetMonitorGain (float newGain);///<Set monitor gain. - optional, will not be available with AG
- virtual WTErr ShowConfigPanel (void *pParam);///< Show Control Panel - in case of ASIO this will work only with Active device!
- virtual int AudioCallback (const float *pInputBuffer, float *pOutputBuffer, unsigned long framesPerBuffe, bool dropsDetectedr);
- virtual WTErr UpdateDeviceInfo ();
- virtual WTErr ResetDevice();
- static long StaticASIOMessageHook (void *pRefCon, long selector, long value, void* message, double* opt);
- long ASIOMessageHook (long selector, long value, void* message, double* opt);
- static DWORD WINAPI __DoIdle__(LPVOID lpThreadParameter);
- // Methods which are executed by device processing thread
- WTErr DoIdle();///<Do Idle Processing
- void initDevice();
- void terminateDevice();
- void updateDeviceInfo(bool callerIsWaiting = false);
- void activateDevice(bool callerIsWaiting = false);
- void deactivateDevice(bool callerIsWaiting = false);
- void startStreaming(bool callerIsWaiting = false);
- void stopStreaming(bool callerIsWaiting = false);
- void resetDevice (bool callerIsWaiting = false);///<Reset device - close and reopen stream, update device information!
- PaError testStateValidness(int sampleRate, int bufferSize);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static int TheCallback (const void *pInputBuffer, void *pOutputBuffer, unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
- const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo* /*pTimeInfo*/, PaStreamCallbackFlags /*statusFlags*/, void *pUserData );
- unsigned int m_DeviceID; ///< The PA device id
- PaStream* m_PortAudioStream; ///< Port audio stream, when the device is active!
- bool m_StopRequested; ///< should be set to true when want to stop, set to false otherwise.
- const float *m_pInputData; ///< This is what came in with the most recent callback.
- int64_t m_SampleCounter; ///< The current running sample counter, updated by the audio callback.
- int64_t m_SampleCountAtLastIdle;
- int m_DropsDetected; ///< Number of times audio drops have been detected so far.
- int m_DropsReported; ///< Number of times audio drops have been reported so far to the client.
- bool m_IgnoreThisDrop; ///< Allows disregarding the first drop
- int m_BufferSizeChangeRequested;
- int m_BufferSizeChangeReported;
- int m_ResetRequested;
- int m_ResetReported;
- int m_ResyncRequested;
- int m_ResyncReported;
- HANDLE m_hDeviceProcessingThread;
- DWORD m_DeviceProcessingThreadID;
- ///< Backend request events
- HANDLE m_hResetRequestedEvent;
- HANDLE m_hResetDone;
- HANDLE m_hUpdateDeviceInfoRequestedEvent;
- HANDLE m_hUpdateDeviceInfoDone;
- HANDLE m_hActivateRequestedEvent;
- HANDLE m_hActivationDone;
- HANDLE m_hDeActivateRequestedEvent;
- HANDLE m_hDeActivationDone;
- HANDLE m_hStartStreamingRequestedEvent;
- HANDLE m_hStartStreamingDone;
- HANDLE m_hStopStreamingRequestedEvent;
- HANDLE m_hStopStreamingDone;
- /////////////////////////
- ///< Device request events
- HANDLE m_hResetFromDevRequestedEvent;
- HANDLE m_hBufferSizeChangedEvent;
- HANDLE m_hSampleRateChangedEvent;
- /////////////////////////////
- ///< Sync events
- HANDLE m_hDeviceInitialized;
- HANDLE m_hExitIdleThread;
- //Should be set if the device connection status is "DeviceErrors"
- WTErr m_lastErr;
-//! WCMRPortAudioDeviceManager
-/*! The PortAudio Device Manager class */
-class WCMRPortAudioDeviceManager : public WCMRAudioDeviceManager
- WCMRPortAudioDeviceManager(WCMRAudioDeviceManagerClient *pTheClient, eAudioDeviceFilter eCurAudioDeviceFilter,
- bool useMultithreading = true, bool bNocopy = false); ///< constructor
- virtual ~WCMRPortAudioDeviceManager(void); ///< destructor
- virtual WCMRAudioDevice* initNewCurrentDeviceImpl(const std::string & deviceName);
- virtual void destroyCurrentDeviceImpl();
- virtual WTErr generateDeviceListImpl(); // use this in derived class to fill device list
- virtual WTErr updateDeviceListImpl() {return eNoErr; } // not supported
- virtual WTErr getDeviceBufferSizesImpl(const std::string & deviceName, std::vector<int>& buffers) const;
- virtual WTErr getDeviceSampleRatesImpl(const std::string & deviceName, std::vector<int>& sampleRates) const;
- bool m_UseMultithreading; ///< Flag indicates whether to use multi-threading for audio processing.
- bool m_bNoCopyAudioBuffer;
- // helper functions for this class only
- WTErr getDeviceAvailableSampleRates(DeviceID deviceId, std::vector<int>& sampleRates);
- WTErr getDeviceAvailableBufferSizes(DeviceID deviceId, std::vector<int>& buffers);
- WCMRAudioDevice* m_NoneDevice;
-#endif //#ifndef __WCMRPortAudioDeviceManager_h_