path: root/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/akupara
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Diffstat (limited to 'libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/akupara')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 847 deletions
diff --git a/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/akupara/basics.hpp b/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/akupara/basics.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 33808ede8d..0000000000
--- a/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/akupara/basics.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- * basics.hpp
- * Akupara
- *
- * Created by Udi on 12/19/06.
- * Copyright 2006 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
- *
- */
-#include "WavesPublicAPI/wstdint.h"
-namespace Akupara
- // The ultimate nothingness
- // This is useful for writing constructors that nullify their object, and for testing nullness
- struct null_type
- {
- null_type() {}
- null_type(const null_type *) {} // this allows 0 to be implicitly converted to null_type
- };
- inline null_type null() { return null_type(); }
- // This is a byte, guaranteed to be unsigned regardless of your compiler's char signedness
- typedef uint8_t byte_type;
- // derive from this if your class needs to be noncopyable
- class noncopyable_type
- {
- private:
- noncopyable_type(const noncopyable_type &);
- noncopyable_type &operator=(const noncopyable_type &);
- public:
- noncopyable_type() {}
- };
-} // namespace Akupara
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
-#define AKUPARA_EXPECT_FALSE(x) __builtin_expect(x,false)
-#define AKUPARA_EXPECT_TRUE(x) __builtin_expect(x,true )
-#endif // __GNUC__
diff --git a/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/akupara/compiletime_functions.hpp b/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/akupara/compiletime_functions.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 14c5f96523..0000000000
--- a/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/akupara/compiletime_functions.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-* compiletime_functions.hpp
-* Akupara
-* Created by Udi on 12/19/06.
-//#include "WavesPublicAPIs/wstdint.h"
-namespace Akupara
- // For templates that "return" a value, use template_name<arguments>::value
- // For templates that "return" a type, use template_name<arguments>::type
- // Integer log2 functions
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<unsigned int n>
- struct compiletime_bit_count_to_represent { static const unsigned int value = 1+compiletime_bit_count_to_represent<(n>>1)>::value; };
- template<>
- struct compiletime_bit_count_to_represent<0> { static const unsigned int value = 0; };
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<unsigned int n>
- struct compiletime_log2_ceiling { static const unsigned int value=compiletime_bit_count_to_represent<n-1>::value; };
- template<>
- struct compiletime_log2_ceiling<0> {}; // no value for 0 argument
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<unsigned int n>
- struct compiletime_log2_floor { static const unsigned int value=compiletime_bit_count_to_represent<n>::value-1; };
- template<>
- struct compiletime_log2_floor<0> {}; // no value for 0 argument
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Assertion - accessing 'value' will generate a compile-time error if the argument evaluates to false
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<bool>
- struct compiletime_assert;
- template<>
- struct compiletime_assert<true> { static const bool value=true; };
- template<>
- struct compiletime_assert<false> {}; // no value member for false assertion -> compile time error
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Select type - selects one of two types based on a boolean
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<bool, typename, typename>
- struct compiletime_select_type;
- template<typename _true_type, typename _false_type>
- struct compiletime_select_type<true, _true_type, _false_type> { typedef _true_type type; };
- template<typename _true_type, typename _false_type>
- struct compiletime_select_type<false, _true_type, _false_type> { typedef _false_type type; };
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Integer types by byte count
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace detail
- {
- template<unsigned int _size, bool _signed>
- struct integer_with_byte_count_base;
- template<>
- struct integer_with_byte_count_base<1,true> { typedef int8_t type; };
- template<>
- struct integer_with_byte_count_base<2,true> { typedef int16_t type; };
- template<>
- struct integer_with_byte_count_base<4,true> { typedef int32_t type; };
- template<>
- struct integer_with_byte_count_base<8,true> { typedef int64_t type; };
- template<>
- struct integer_with_byte_count_base<1,false> { typedef uint8_t type; };
- template<>
- struct integer_with_byte_count_base<2,false> { typedef uint16_t type; };
- template<>
- struct integer_with_byte_count_base<4,false> { typedef uint32_t type; };
- template<>
- struct integer_with_byte_count_base<8,false> { typedef uint64_t type; };
- } // namespace detail
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<unsigned int _size, bool _signed=true>
- struct integer_with_byte_count : public detail::integer_with_byte_count_base<_size,_signed>
- {
- typedef typename detail::integer_with_byte_count_base<_size,_signed>::type type; // not required but makes the statement below less messy
- static const bool s_correct_size = compiletime_assert<sizeof(type)==_size>::value; // if you get a compilation error here then integer_with_byte_count is not defined correctly
- };
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<unsigned int _size>
- struct signed_integer_with_byte_count : public integer_with_byte_count<_size,true> {};
- template<unsigned int _size>
- struct unsigned_integer_with_byte_count : public integer_with_byte_count<_size,false> {};
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The following are TR1 compatible, until we get decent TR1 library support on all platforms
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<typename _T, _T _v>
- struct integral_constant
- {
- static const _T value = _v;
- typedef _T value_type;
- typedef integral_constant<_T, _v> type;
- }; // struct integral_constant
- typedef integral_constant<bool, false> false_type;
- typedef integral_constant<bool, true > true_type;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<typename _T, typename _U> struct is_same : public false_type {};
- template<typename _T> struct is_same<_T,_T> : public true_type {};
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // These are NOT TR1 but make use of some TR1 stuff
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace detail
- {
- struct no_type; // if you end up getting this type, it means that you asked for something that doesn't exist
- template<unsigned int _pair_index> struct signed_unsigned_pair;
-#define AKUPARA_SIGNED_UNSIGNED_INTEGER_PAIR(index, base_type_name) \
- template<> struct signed_unsigned_pair<index> { typedef signed base_type_name signed_type; typedef unsigned base_type_name unsigned_type; };
-#define AKUPARA_SIGNED_UNSIGNED_FLOAT_PAIR(index, type_name) \
- template<> struct signed_unsigned_pair<index> { typedef type_name signed_type; typedef no_type unsigned_type; };
- //AKUPARA_SIGNED_UNSIGNED_INTEGER_PAIR(4, int32_t )// 64BitConversion
- template<>
- struct
- signed_unsigned_pair<4>
- {
- typedef int32_t signed_type;
- typedef uint32_t unsigned_type;
- };
- const unsigned int k_signed_unsigned_pair_count = 8;
- // eliminate the no_type type
- template<typename _T> struct filtered_type { typedef _T type; };
- template<> struct filtered_type<no_type> {}; // no type defined
- // search for _T in signed type list
- template<unsigned int _index, typename _T> struct find_in_signed_type_list_from_index
- {
- static const unsigned int value = is_same< _T, typename signed_unsigned_pair<_index>::signed_type >::value ? _index : find_in_signed_type_list_from_index<_index-1,_T>::value;
- };
- template<typename _T> struct find_in_signed_type_list_from_index<0, _T> { static const unsigned int value = 0; };
- template<typename _T> struct find_in_signed_type_list : public find_in_signed_type_list_from_index<k_signed_unsigned_pair_count, _T> {};
- // search for _T in unsigned type list
- template<unsigned int _index, typename _T> struct find_in_unsigned_type_list_from_index
- {
- static const unsigned int value = is_same< _T, typename signed_unsigned_pair<_index>::unsigned_type >::value ? _index : find_in_unsigned_type_list_from_index<_index-1,_T>::value;
- };
- template<typename _T> struct find_in_unsigned_type_list_from_index<0, _T> { static const unsigned int value = 0; };
- template<typename _T> struct find_in_unsigned_type_list : public find_in_unsigned_type_list_from_index<k_signed_unsigned_pair_count, _T> {};
- template<bool _is_signed, bool _is_unsigned, typename _T> struct equivalent_signed_type;
- template<typename _T> struct equivalent_signed_type <true, false, _T> { typedef _T type; };
- template<typename _T> struct equivalent_signed_type <false, true, _T> { typedef typename filtered_type< typename signed_unsigned_pair< find_in_unsigned_type_list<_T>::value >::signed_type >::type type; };
- template<bool _is_signed, bool _is_unsigned, typename _T> struct equivalent_unsigned_type;
- template<typename _T> struct equivalent_unsigned_type<true, false, _T> { typedef typename filtered_type< typename signed_unsigned_pair< find_in_signed_type_list<_T>::value >::unsigned_type >::type type; };
- template<typename _T> struct equivalent_unsigned_type<false, true, _T> { typedef _T type; };
- } // namespace detail
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<typename _T> struct is_signed { static const bool value = detail::find_in_signed_type_list <_T>::value != 0; };
- template<typename _T> struct is_unsigned { static const bool value = detail::find_in_unsigned_type_list<_T>::value != 0; };
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<typename _T> struct equivalent_signed_type : public detail::equivalent_signed_type < is_signed<_T>::value, is_unsigned<_T>::value, _T > {};
- template<typename _T> struct equivalent_unsigned_type : public detail::equivalent_unsigned_type< is_signed<_T>::value, is_unsigned<_T>::value, _T > {};
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
-} // namespace Akupara
diff --git a/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/akupara/threading/atomic_ops.hpp b/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/akupara/threading/atomic_ops.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2111026d0b..0000000000
--- a/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/akupara/threading/atomic_ops.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
-* Akupara/threading/atomic_ops.hpp
-* Created by Udi Barzilai on 06/06.
-* Copyright 2006 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
-#include "Akupara/basics.hpp" // for EXPECT macro
-#include "Akupara/compiletime_functions.hpp" // for TR1 stuff, signed/unsigned stuff
-namespace Akupara
- namespace threading
- {
- namespace atomic
- {
- namespace machine
- {
- // Machine capabilities
- // The following templates are specialized by the machine-specific headers to indicate
- // the capabilities of the machine being compiled for. A true 'value' member for a given
- // byte count means that there is an implementation of the corresponding atomic operation.
- //-------------------------------------
- template<unsigned int _byte_count> struct implements_load : public false_type {}; // simple assignment from memory (assumes naturally aligned address)
- template<unsigned int _byte_count> struct implements_store : public false_type {}; // simple assignment to memory (assumes naturally aligned address)
- template<unsigned int _byte_count> struct implements_CAS : public false_type {}; // compare_and_store()
- template<unsigned int _byte_count> struct implements_LL_SC : public false_type {}; // load_linked(), store_conditional()
- template<unsigned int _byte_count> struct implements_add : public false_type {}; // add(), subtract()
- template<unsigned int _byte_count> struct implements_fetch_and_add : public false_type {}; // fetch_and_add(), fetch_and_subtract()
- template<unsigned int _byte_count> struct implements_add_and_fetch : public false_type {}; // add_and_fetch(), subtract_and_fetch()
- //-------------------------------------
- //-------------------------------------
- // functions in this namespace may or may not be implemented, for any integer types, as specified by the machine capabilities templates above
- template<typename _integer_type> bool compare_and_store(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & expected_value, const _integer_type & value_to_store);
- template<typename _integer_type> _integer_type load_linked(volatile _integer_type * operand_address);
- template<typename _integer_type> bool store_conditional(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & value_to_store);
- template<typename _integer_type> void add(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & addend);
- template<typename _integer_type> void subtract(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & subtrahend);
- template<typename _integer_type> _integer_type fetch_and_add(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & addend);
- template<typename _integer_type> _integer_type fetch_and_subtract(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & subtrahend);
- template<typename _integer_type> _integer_type add_and_fetch(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & addend);
- template<typename _integer_type> _integer_type subtract_and_fetch(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & subtrahend);
- void memory_barrier_read();
- void memory_barrier_write();
- void memory_barrier_readwrite();
- //-------------------------------------
- } // namespace machine
- } // namespace atomic
- } // namespace threading
-} // namespace Akupara
-// Include the machine-specific implementations; these only implement the templates above for some of the _signed_ integer types
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__POWERPC__)
-#include "atomic_ops_gcc_ppc.hpp"
-#endif // defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__POWERPC__)
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))
-#include "atomic_ops_gcc_x86.hpp"
-#endif // defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__)
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_IX86)
-#include "atomic_ops_msvc_x86.hpp"
-#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_IX86)
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_X64)
-#include "atomic_ops_msvc_x86_64.hpp"
-#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_X64)
-namespace Akupara
- namespace threading
- {
- namespace atomic
- {
- // Select the most convenient atomic integer type based on the machine's ability to load/store atomically
- // The definition below selects that largest atomically accessible integer up to the size of int
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace detail
- {
- template<unsigned int _byte_count>
- struct largest_atomic_byte_count_upto
- {
- static const unsigned int value =
- machine::implements_load<_byte_count>::value && machine::implements_store<_byte_count>::value ?
-_byte_count :
- largest_atomic_byte_count_upto<_byte_count/2>::value;
- };
- template<>
- struct largest_atomic_byte_count_upto<0> { static const unsigned int value = 0; };
- const unsigned int k_byte_count_best_atomic = largest_atomic_byte_count_upto<sizeof(int)>::value;
- }
- typedef signed_integer_with_byte_count< detail::k_byte_count_best_atomic >::type signed_integer_type;
- typedef unsigned_integer_with_byte_count< detail::k_byte_count_best_atomic >::type unsigned_integer_type;
- typedef signed_integer_type integer_type;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // These need to be implemented by all machines
- using machine::memory_barrier_read;
- using machine::memory_barrier_write;
- using machine::memory_barrier_readwrite;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // These may or may not be implemented, but if they aren't, we can't help much
- using machine::load_linked;
- using machine::store_conditional;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // CAS implementation
- namespace detail
- {
- template<
- typename _integer_type,
- bool _implements_CAS = machine::implements_CAS <sizeof(_integer_type)>::value,
- bool _implements_LL_SC = machine::implements_LL_SC<sizeof(_integer_type)>::value>
- struct implementation_CAS
- {
- static const bool s_exists = false;
- };
- // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- // specialization for native CAS support
- template<typename _integer_type, bool _implements_LL_SC>
- struct implementation_CAS<_integer_type, true, _implements_LL_SC>
- {
- static const bool s_exists = true;
- static inline bool compare_and_store(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & expected_value, const _integer_type & value_to_store)
- {
- return machine::compare_and_store(operand_address, expected_value, value_to_store);
- }
- };
- // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- // specialization for cases with no CAS but with LL/SC
- template<typename _integer_type>
- struct implementation_CAS<_integer_type, false, true>
- {
- static const bool s_exists = true;
- static inline bool compare_and_store(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & expected_value, const _integer_type & value_to_store)
- {
- while (machine::load_linked(operand_address) == expected_value)
- if (AKUPARA_EXPECT_TRUE(machine::store_conditional(operand_address, value_to_store)))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- };
- // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- } // namespace detail
- // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- template<typename _integer_type>
- inline bool compare_and_store(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & expected_value, const _integer_type & value_to_store)
- {
- // if your compiler can't find the function to call here then there is no implementation available for your machine
- return detail::implementation_CAS<_integer_type>::compare_and_store(operand_address, expected_value, value_to_store);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // fetch_and_add
- namespace detail
- {
- template<
- typename _integer_type,
- bool _0 = machine::implements_fetch_and_add<sizeof(_integer_type)>::value,
- bool _1 = machine::implements_add_and_fetch<sizeof(_integer_type)>::value,
- bool _2 = machine::implements_LL_SC <sizeof(_integer_type)>::value,
- bool _3 = machine::implements_CAS <sizeof(_integer_type)>::value>
- struct implementation_FAA
- {
- static const bool s_exists = false;
- };
- // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- // specialization for native support
- template<typename _integer_type, bool _1, bool _2, bool _3>
- struct implementation_FAA<_integer_type, true, _1, _2, _3>
- {
- static const bool s_exists = true;
- static inline _integer_type fetch_and_add(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & addend)
- {
- return machine::fetch_and_add(operand_address, addend);
- }
- };
- // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- // specialization using add_and_fetch
- template<typename _integer_type, bool _2, bool _3>
- struct implementation_FAA<_integer_type, false, true, _2, _3>
- {
- static const bool s_exists = true;
- static inline _integer_type fetch_and_add(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & addend)
- {
- return machine::add_and_fetch(operand_address, addend) - addend;
- }
- };
- // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- // specialization using LL/SC
- template<typename _integer_type, bool _3>
- struct implementation_FAA<_integer_type, false, false, true, _3>
- {
- static const bool s_exists = true;
- static inline _integer_type fetch_and_add(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & addend)
- {
- _integer_type old_value;
- do
- old_value = machine::load_linked(operand_address);
- while (!machine::store_conditional(operand_address, old_value+addend));
- return old_value;
- }
- };
- // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- // specialization using CAS
- template<typename _integer_type>
- struct implementation_FAA<_integer_type, false, false, false, true>
- {
- static const bool s_exists = true;
- static inline _integer_type fetch_and_add(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & addend)
- {
- _integer_type old_value;
- do
- old_value = *operand_address;
- while (!machine::compare_and_store(operand_address, old_value, old_value+addend));
- return old_value;
- }
- };
- // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- } // namespace detail
- template<typename _integer_type>
- inline _integer_type fetch_and_add(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & addend)
- {
- // if your compiler can't find the function to call here then there is no implementation available for your machine
- return detail::implementation_FAA<_integer_type>::fetch_and_add(operand_address, addend);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // add_and_fetch
- namespace detail
- {
- template<
- typename _integer_type,
- bool _0 = machine::implements_add_and_fetch<sizeof(_integer_type)>::value,
- bool _1 = machine::implements_fetch_and_add<sizeof(_integer_type)>::value,
- bool _2 = machine::implements_LL_SC <sizeof(_integer_type)>::value,
- bool _3 = machine::implements_CAS <sizeof(_integer_type)>::value>
- struct implementation_AAF
- {
- static const bool s_exists = false;
- };
- // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- // specialization for native support
- template<typename _integer_type, bool _1, bool _2, bool _3>
- struct implementation_AAF<_integer_type, true, _1, _2, _3>
- {
- static const bool s_exists = true;
- static inline _integer_type add_and_fetch(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & addend)
- {
- return machine::add_and_fetch(operand_address, addend);
- }
- };
- // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- // specialization using add_and_fetch
- template<typename _integer_type, bool _2, bool _3>
- struct implementation_AAF<_integer_type, false, true, _2, _3>
- {
- static const bool s_exists = true;
- static inline _integer_type add_and_fetch(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & addend)
- {
- return machine::fetch_and_add(operand_address, addend) + addend;
- }
- };
- // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- // specialization using LL/SC
- template<typename _integer_type, bool _3>
- struct implementation_AAF<_integer_type, false, false, true, _3>
- {
- static const bool s_exists = true;
- static inline _integer_type add_and_fetch(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & addend)
- {
- _integer_type new_value;
- do
- new_value = machine::load_linked(operand_address)+addend;
- while (!machine::store_conditional(operand_address, new_value));
- return new_value;
- }
- };
- // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- // specialization using CAS
- template<typename _integer_type>
- struct implementation_AAF<_integer_type, false, false, false, true>
- {
- static const bool s_exists = true;
- static inline _integer_type add_and_fetch(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & addend)
- {
- _integer_type old_value, new_value;
- do
- old_value = *operand_address, new_value = old_value + addend;
- while (!machine::compare_and_store(operand_address, old_value, new_value));
- return new_value;
- }
- };
- // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- } // namespace detail
- template<typename _integer_type>
- inline _integer_type add_and_fetch(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & addend)
- {
- // if your compiler can't find the function to call here then there is no implementation available for your machine
- return detail::implementation_AAF<_integer_type>::add_and_fetch(operand_address, addend);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // add
- template<typename _integer_type>
- inline void add(volatile _integer_type * operand_address, const _integer_type & addend)
- {
- if (machine::implements_add<sizeof(_integer_type)>::value)
- machine::add(operand_address, addend);
- else if (machine::implements_fetch_and_add<sizeof(_integer_type)>::value)
- machine::fetch_and_add(operand_address, addend);
- else if (machine::implements_add_and_fetch<sizeof(_integer_type)>::value)
- machine::add_and_fetch(operand_address, addend);
- else
- fetch_and_add(operand_address, addend); // this will simulate using CAS or LL/SC (or it will fail the compilation if neither is available)
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // TODO: this is where we add implementations for:
- // - functions not implemented by the machine
- // - functions that take unsigned types (routed to call the signed versions with appropriate conversions)
- // For now we add nothing, so developers will need to stick to what their machine can do, and use signed
- // integers only.
- using machine::subtract;
- using machine::subtract_and_fetch;
- using machine::fetch_and_subtract;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<class _base_type, unsigned int _bytes_per_cache_line=machine::k_bytes_per_cache_line>
- struct pad_to_cache_line : public _base_type
- {
- private:
- typedef pad_to_cache_line this_type;
- typedef _base_type base_type;
- public:
- static const unsigned int s_bytes_per_cache_line = _bytes_per_cache_line;
- private:
- int m_padding[(s_bytes_per_cache_line - sizeof(base_type))/sizeof(int)];
- public:
- pad_to_cache_line() {}
- template<typename _arg_type> pad_to_cache_line(_arg_type arg) : base_type(arg) {}
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------
- } // namespace atomic
- } // namespace threading
-} // namespace Akupara
diff --git a/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/akupara/threading/atomic_ops_gcc_x86.hpp b/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/akupara/threading/atomic_ops_gcc_x86.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 74d73106f8..0000000000
--- a/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/akupara/threading/atomic_ops_gcc_x86.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
- * Akupara/threading/atomic_ops_gcc_x86.hpp
- *
- *
- * Created by Udi Barzilai on 06/06.
- * Copyright 2006 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
- *
- */
-# if defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))
-namespace Akupara
- namespace threading
- {
- namespace atomic
- {
- namespace machine
- {
- const unsigned int k_bytes_per_cache_line = 64; // this is true for P4 & K8
- // Flags for operations supported by this machine
- //-------------------------------------
- template<> struct implements_load <4> : public true_type {};
- template<> struct implements_store <4> : public true_type {};
- template<> struct implements_CAS <4> : public true_type {};
- template<> struct implements_CAS <8> : public true_type {};
- template<> struct implements_add <4> : public true_type {};
- template<> struct implements_fetch_and_add<4> : public true_type {};
- //-------------------------------------
- // CAS
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<>
- inline bool compare_and_store<int64_t>(volatile int64_t * p, const int64_t & x, const int64_t & y)
- {
- register int32_t evh=int32_t(x>>32), evl=int32_t(x);
- register const int32_t nvh=int32_t(y>>32), nvl=int32_t(y);
- register bool result;
- __asm__ __volatile__ (
- "# CAS64\n"
- " lock \n"
- " cmpxchg8b %[location] \n"
- " sete %[result] \n"
- : [location] "+m" (*p), [result] "=qm" (result), [expected_value_high] "+d" (evh), [expected_value_low] "+a" (evl)
- : [new_value_high] "c" (nvh), [new_value_low] "b" (nvl)
- : "cc"
- );
- return result;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<>
- inline bool compare_and_store<int32_t>(volatile int32_t *p, const int32_t & x, const int32_t & y)
- {
- register int32_t expected_value = x;
- register bool result;
- __asm__ __volatile__ (
- "# CAS32\n"
- " lock \n"
- " cmpxchgl %[new_value],%[operand] \n"
- " sete %[result] \n"
- : [operand] "+m" (*p), [result] "=qm" (result), [expected_value] "+a" (expected_value)
- : [new_value] "r" (y)
- : "cc"
- );
- return result;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Atomic add/sub
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- inline void increment(volatile int32_t * operand_address)
- {
- __asm__ __volatile__ (
- "# atomic_increment_32\n"
- " lock; \n"
- " incl %[operand]; \n"
- : [operand] "+m" (*operand_address)
- :
- : "cc"
- );
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- inline void decrement(volatile int32_t * operand_address)
- {
- __asm__ __volatile__ (
- "# atomic_decrement_32\n"
- " lock; \n"
- " decl %[operand]; \n"
- : [operand] "+m" (*operand_address)
- :
- : "cc"
- );
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<>
- inline void add<int32_t>(volatile int32_t * operand_address, const int32_t & addend)
- {
- if (__builtin_constant_p(addend) && addend==1)
- increment(operand_address);
- else if (__builtin_constant_p(addend) && addend==-1)
- decrement(operand_address);
- else
- __asm__ __volatile__ (
- "# atomic_add_32 \n"
- " lock \n"
- " addl %[addend], %[operand] \n"
- : [operand] "+m" (*operand_address)
- : [addend] "ir" (addend)
- : "cc"
- );
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<>
- inline void subtract<int32_t>(volatile int32_t * operand_address, const int32_t & subtrahend)
- {
- if (__builtin_constant_p(subtrahend) && subtrahend==1)
- decrement(operand_address);
- else if (__builtin_constant_p(subtrahend) && subtrahend==-1)
- increment(operand_address);
- else
- __asm__ __volatile__ (
- "# atomic_subtract_32 \n"
- " lock \n"
- " subl %[subtrahend], %[operand] \n"
- : [operand] "+m" (*operand_address)
- : [subtrahend] "ir" (subtrahend)
- : "cc"
- );
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Atomic fetch and add/sub
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<>
- inline int32_t fetch_and_add<int32_t>(volatile int32_t * operand_address, const int32_t & addend)
- {
- register int32_t addend_and_fetched = addend;
- __asm__ __volatile__ (
- "# atomic_fetch_and_add_32 \n"
- " lock; \n"
- " xaddl %[addend], %[operand]; \n"
- : [operand] "+m" (*operand_address), [addend] "+r" (addend_and_fetched)
- :
- : "cc"
- );
- return addend_and_fetched;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<>
- inline int32_t fetch_and_subtract<int32_t>(volatile int32_t * operand_address, const int32_t & subtrahend)
- {
- return fetch_and_add(operand_address, -subtrahend);
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Memory barriers
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- inline void memory_barrier_readwrite()
- {
- __asm__ __volatile__ (" lock; addl $0,0(%%esp); # memory_barrier_readwrite" : : : "memory");
- #else
- __asm__ __volatile__ (" mfence; # memory_barrier_readwrite" : : : "memory");
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- inline void memory_barrier_read()
- {
- __asm__ __volatile__ (" lock; addl $0,0(%%esp); # memory_barrier_read" : : : "memory");
- #else
- __asm__ __volatile__ (" lfence; # memory_barrier_read" : : : "memory");
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- inline void memory_barrier_write()
- {
- __asm__ __volatile__ (" sfence; # memory_barrier_write" : : : "memory");
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- } // namespace machine
- } // namespace atomic
- } // namespace threading
-} // namespace Akupara
-# endif // defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__)