path: root/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/Threads/WCThreadSafe.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/Threads/WCThreadSafe.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 826 deletions
diff --git a/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/Threads/WCThreadSafe.cpp b/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/Threads/WCThreadSafe.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ee568af1e..0000000000
--- a/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/Threads/WCThreadSafe.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,826 +0,0 @@
-#include "Threads/WCThreadSafe.h"
-#include <glib.h>
- #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 // need at least Windows2000 (for TryEnterCriticalSection() and SignalObjectAndWait()
- #include "IncludeWindows.h"
- #include <process.h>
-#if defined(__APPLE__)
- #include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
-#endif // __APPLE__
- #include </usr/include/unistd.h> // avoid the framework version and use the /usr/include version
- #include <pthread.h>
- #include <sched.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <signal.h>
-// We do this externs because <stdio.h> comes from MSL
-extern "C" FILE *popen(const char *command, const char *type);
-extern "C" int pclose(FILE *stream);
-static int (*BSDfread)( void *, size_t, size_t, FILE * ) = 0;
-#include <string.h>
-namespace wvNS {
-static const unsigned int knMicrosecondsPerSecond = 1000*1000;
-static const unsigned int knNanosecondsPerMicrosecond = 1000;
-static const unsigned int knNanosecondsPerSecond = knMicrosecondsPerSecond*knNanosecondsPerMicrosecond;
-namespace wvThread
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static inline bool EnsureThreadingInitialized()
- {
- bool bRetval = true;
- return bRetval;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static uint32_t CalculateTicksPerMicrosecond();
- static uint32_t CalculateTicksPerMicrosecond()
- {
- uint32_t nTicksPerMicrosecond=0;
-#if defined(_WIN32)
- ::QueryPerformanceFrequency(&TSC);
- nTicksPerMicrosecond = uint32_t (TSC.QuadPart / knMicrosecondsPerSecond);
-#elif defined(__linux__) && defined(__i386__)
- static const timediff sktd_TSC_MeasurementPeriod = 40*1000; // delay for CalculateTicksPerMicrosecond() to measure the TSC frequency
- uint64_t Tstart, Tend;
- timeval tvtmp, tvstart, tvend;
- //--------------------- begin measurement code
- // poll to align to a tick of gettimeofday
- ::gettimeofday(&tvtmp,0);
- do {
- ::gettimeofday(&tvstart,0);
- __asm__ __volatile__ (".byte 0x0f, 0x31" : "=A" (Tstart)); // RDTSC
- } while (tvtmp.tv_usec!=tvstart.tv_usec);
- // delay some
- ::usleep(sktd_TSC_MeasurementPeriod);
- //
- ::gettimeofday(&tvtmp,0);
- do {
- ::gettimeofday(&tvend,0);
- __asm__ __volatile__ (".byte 0x0f, 0x31" : "=A" (Tend)); // RDTSC
- } while (tvtmp.tv_usec!=tvend.tv_usec);
- //--------------------- end measurement code
- suseconds_t elapsed_usec = (tvend.tv_sec-tvstart.tv_sec)*knMicrosecondsPerSecond + (tvend.tv_usec-tvstart.tv_usec);
- uint64_t elapsed_ticks = Tend-Tstart;
- nTicksPerMicrosecond = uint32_t (elapsed_ticks/elapsed_usec);
- return nTicksPerMicrosecond;
- }
-#if defined(__APPLE__) //&& !defined(__MACH__)
- bool FindNetInterfaceByIPAddress(const char *sIP, char *sInterface) // sIP and sInterface are both char[16]
- {
- FILE *fProcess , *pSubcall;
- char sLine[256]="", *pToken, sCommand[150];
- bool res = false;
- int iret;
- fProcess = popen("ifconfig -l inet", "r");
- if (fProcess)
- {
- memset(sInterface, '\0', 16);
- iret = BSDfread(sLine, sizeof(char), sizeof(sLine), fProcess);
- pToken = strtok(sLine, " ");
- while (pToken)
- {
- sprintf(sCommand, "ifconfig %s | grep \"inet %s \"", pToken, sIP);
- pSubcall = popen(sCommand, "r");
- if (pSubcall)
- {
- char sSubline[100]="";
- if (BSDfread(sSubline, sizeof(char), sizeof(sSubline), pSubcall))
- {
- // found
- strcpy(sInterface, pToken);
- res = true;
- pclose(pSubcall);
- break;
- }
- }
- pclose(pSubcall);
- pToken = strtok(NULL, " ");
- }
- }
- pclose(fProcess);
- return res;
- }
-#endif // MACOS
- timestamp now(void)
- {
- EnsureThreadingInitialized();
- static const uint32_t nTicksPerMicrosecond = CalculateTicksPerMicrosecond();
-#if defined(_WIN32)
- if (nTicksPerMicrosecond)
- {
- ::QueryPerformanceCounter(&TSC);
- return timestamp(uint32_t(TSC.QuadPart/nTicksPerMicrosecond));
- }
- else return timestamp(0);
-#elif defined(__APPLE__)
- if (nTicksPerMicrosecond) {} // prevent 'unused' warnings
- UnsignedWide usecs;
- ::Microseconds(&usecs);
- return timestamp(usecs.lo);
-#elif defined(__linux__) && defined(__i386__) && defined(__gnu_linux__)
- uint64_t TSC;
- __asm__ __volatile__ (".byte 0x0f, 0x31" : "=A" (TSC)); // RDTSC
- return timestamp(TSC/nTicksPerMicrosecond);
-#elif defined(__linux__) && defined(__PPC__) && defined(__gnu_linux__)
- #warning need to implement maybe
- #error Dont know how to get microseconds timer !
-#endif // defined(_WIN32)
- }
- void sleep_milliseconds(unsigned int nMillisecs)
- {
- EnsureThreadingInitialized();
- ::Sleep(nMillisecs);
- ::usleep(nMillisecs*1000);
- #error Not implemented for your OS
- }
- inline DWORD win32_milliseconds(timediff td) { return (td+499)/1000; }
- void sleep(timediff _td)
- {
- if (_td>0)
- {
- EnsureThreadingInitialized();
- ::Sleep(win32_milliseconds(_td)); // This is the best we can do in windows
- ::usleep(_td);
- #error Not implemented for your OS
- }
- }
- void yield() { ::Sleep(0); }
- void yield() { ::sched_yield(); }
- class ThreadMutexInited::OSDependentMutex : public noncopyableobject
- {
- protected:
- public:
- inline OSDependentMutex() { EnsureThreadingInitialized(); ::InitializeCriticalSection(&m_critsec); }
- inline ~OSDependentMutex() { EnsureThreadingInitialized(); ::DeleteCriticalSection (&m_critsec); }
- inline void obtain() { EnsureThreadingInitialized(); ::EnterCriticalSection (&m_critsec); }
- inline void release() { EnsureThreadingInitialized(); ::LeaveCriticalSection (&m_critsec); }
- inline bool tryobtain() { EnsureThreadingInitialized(); return TryEnterCriticalSection(&m_critsec)!=FALSE; }
- protected:
- pthread_mutex_t m_ptmutex;
- public:
- inline OSDependentMutex()
- {
- EnsureThreadingInitialized();
- pthread_mutexattr_t attr;
- pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr);
- pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE);
- ::pthread_mutex_init (&m_ptmutex, &attr);
- }
- inline ~OSDependentMutex() { EnsureThreadingInitialized(); ::pthread_mutex_destroy(&m_ptmutex); }
- inline void obtain() { EnsureThreadingInitialized(); ::pthread_mutex_lock (&m_ptmutex); }
- inline void release() { EnsureThreadingInitialized(); ::pthread_mutex_unlock (&m_ptmutex); }
- inline bool tryobtain() { EnsureThreadingInitialized(); return ::pthread_mutex_trylock(&m_ptmutex)!=EBUSY; }
- };
- ThreadMutexInited::ThreadMutexInited() :
- m_osdmutex(0) {}
- void ThreadMutexInited::init()
- {
- if (! is_init())
- {
- m_osdmutex = new OSDependentMutex;
- }
- }
- void ThreadMutexInited::uninit()
- {
- if (is_init())
- {
- delete m_osdmutex;
- m_osdmutex = 0;
- }
- }
- ThreadMutexInited::~ThreadMutexInited()
- {
- uninit();
- }
- void ThreadMutexInited::obtain()
- {
- if (is_init())
- {
- m_osdmutex->obtain();
- }
- }
- void ThreadMutexInited::release()
- {
- if (is_init())
- {
- m_osdmutex->release();
- }
- }
- bool ThreadMutexInited::tryobtain()
- {
- bool retVal = true;
- if (is_init())
- {
- retVal = m_osdmutex->tryobtain();
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- class ThreadConditionSignal::OSDependentObject : public noncopyableobject
- {
- protected:
- pthread_cond_t m_ptcond;
- pthread_mutex_t m_ptmutex;
- public:
- inline OSDependentObject()
- {
- EnsureThreadingInitialized();
- ::pthread_mutex_init(&m_ptmutex,0);
- ::pthread_cond_init(&m_ptcond, 0);
- }
- inline ~OSDependentObject() { ::pthread_cond_destroy(&m_ptcond), ::pthread_mutex_destroy(&m_ptmutex); }
- inline void signal_unicast() { ::pthread_cond_signal(&m_ptcond); }
- inline void signal_broadcast() { ::pthread_cond_broadcast(&m_ptcond); }
- inline void await_signal() { ::pthread_cond_wait(&m_ptcond, &m_ptmutex); }
- inline bool await_signal(timediff td)
- {
- timespec tspecDeadline;
- timeval tvNow;
- ::gettimeofday(&tvNow,0);
- tspecDeadline.tv_nsec = (tvNow.tv_usec + td%knMicrosecondsPerSecond)*knNanosecondsPerMicrosecond;
- tspecDeadline.tv_sec = tvNow.tv_sec + td/knMicrosecondsPerSecond;
- if (!(tspecDeadline.tv_nsec < suseconds_t(knNanosecondsPerSecond)))
- ++tspecDeadline.tv_sec, tspecDeadline.tv_nsec-=knNanosecondsPerSecond;
- return ::pthread_cond_timedwait(&m_ptcond, &m_ptmutex, &tspecDeadline) != ETIMEDOUT;
- }
- void obtain_mutex() { ::pthread_mutex_lock(&m_ptmutex); }
- bool tryobtain_mutex() { return ::pthread_mutex_trylock(&m_ptmutex)!=EBUSY; }
- void release_mutex() { ::pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_ptmutex); }
- protected:
- unsigned int m_nWaiterCount;
- CRITICAL_SECTION m_csectWaiterCount;
- HANDLE m_hndSemaphoreSignaller; // We keep this semaphore always at 0 count (non-signalled). We use it to release a controlled number of threads.
- HANDLE m_hndEventAllWaitersReleased; // auto-reset
- HANDLE m_hndMutex; // the mutex associated with the condition
- bool m_bBroadcastSignalled; // means that the last waiter must signal m_hndEventAllWaitersReleased when done waiting
- protected:
- // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- bool await_signal_win32(DWORD dwTimeout)
- {
- ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_csectWaiterCount);
- ++m_nWaiterCount;
- ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csectWaiterCount);
- // This is the actual wait for the signal
- bool bWaitSucceeded = ::SignalObjectAndWait(m_hndMutex, m_hndSemaphoreSignaller, dwTimeout, FALSE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0;
- //
- ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_csectWaiterCount);
- bool bLastWaiter = --m_nWaiterCount==0 && m_bBroadcastSignalled;
- ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csectWaiterCount);
- // re-acquire the mutex
- if (bLastWaiter)
- ::SignalObjectAndWait(m_hndEventAllWaitersReleased, m_hndMutex, INFINITE, FALSE);
- else
- ::WaitForSingleObject(m_hndMutex, INFINITE);
- return bWaitSucceeded;
- }
- public:
- inline bool await_signal(timediff td) { return await_signal_win32((win32_milliseconds(td))); }
- inline void await_signal() { await_signal_win32(INFINITE); }
- OSDependentObject() : m_nWaiterCount(0), m_bBroadcastSignalled(false)
- {
- EnsureThreadingInitialized();
- ::InitializeCriticalSection(&m_csectWaiterCount);
- m_hndEventAllWaitersReleased = ::CreateEvent(
- 0, // security
- FALSE, // auto-reset
- FALSE, // initial state non-sognalled
- 0); // name
- m_hndSemaphoreSignaller = ::CreateSemaphore(
- 0, // security
- 0, // initial count (and will stay this way)
- 0x100000, // maximum count (should be as large as the maximum number of waiting threads)
- 0); // name
- m_hndMutex = ::CreateMutex(
- 0, // security
- FALSE, // not owned initially
- 0); // name
- //if (m_hndEventAllWaitersReleased==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || m_hndSemaphoreSignaller==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- // throw something();
- }
- ~OSDependentObject()
- {
- ::CloseHandle(m_hndMutex);
- ::CloseHandle(m_hndSemaphoreSignaller);
- ::CloseHandle(m_hndEventAllWaitersReleased);
- ::DeleteCriticalSection(&m_csectWaiterCount);
- }
- inline void signal_unicast()
- {
- ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_csectWaiterCount);
- unsigned int nWaiters = m_nWaiterCount;
- ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csectWaiterCount);
- if (nWaiters)
- ::ReleaseSemaphore(m_hndSemaphoreSignaller, 1, 0); // release 1 semaphore credit to release one waiting thread
- }
- void signal_broadcast()
- {
- ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_csectWaiterCount);
- unsigned int nWaiters = m_nWaiterCount;
- if (nWaiters)
- {
- m_bBroadcastSignalled = true;
- ::ReleaseSemaphore(m_hndSemaphoreSignaller, nWaiters, 0); // release as many credits as there are waiting threads
- ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csectWaiterCount);
- ::WaitForSingleObject(m_hndEventAllWaitersReleased, INFINITE);
- // at this point all threads are waiting on m_hndMutex, which would be released outside this function call
- m_bBroadcastSignalled = false;
- }
- else
- // no one is waiting
- ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csectWaiterCount);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------
- inline void obtain_mutex() { ::WaitForSingleObject(m_hndMutex, INFINITE); }
- inline bool tryobtain_mutex() { return ::WaitForSingleObject(m_hndMutex,0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0; }
- inline void release_mutex() { ::ReleaseMutex(m_hndMutex); }
- //------------------------------------------------
-#endif // OS switch
- };
- void ThreadConditionSignal::obtain_mutex()
- {
- m_osdepobj.obtain_mutex();
- }
- bool ThreadConditionSignal::tryobtain_mutex() { return m_osdepobj.tryobtain_mutex(); }
- void ThreadConditionSignal::release_mutex()
- {
- m_osdepobj.release_mutex();
- }
- void ThreadConditionSignal::await_condition() { m_osdepobj.await_signal(); }
- bool ThreadConditionSignal::await_condition(timediff tdTimeout) { return m_osdepobj.await_signal(tdTimeout); }
- void ThreadConditionSignal::signal_condition_single() { m_osdepobj.signal_unicast(); }
- void ThreadConditionSignal::signal_condition_broadcast() { m_osdepobj.signal_broadcast(); }
- ThreadConditionSignal::ThreadConditionSignal() : m_osdepobj(*new OSDependentObject) {}
- ThreadConditionSignal::~ThreadConditionSignal() { delete &m_osdepobj; }
- namespace // anon
- {
- inline int max_FIFO_schedparam()
- {
- static const int max_priority = ::sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO);
- return max_priority;
- }
- inline int schedparam_by_percentage(unsigned short percentage)
- {
- return (max_FIFO_schedparam()*10*percentage+500)/1000;
- }
- class POSIXThreadPriority
- {
- public:
- int m_SchedPolicy;
- int m_SchedPriority;
- POSIXThreadPriority(ThreadPriority pri)
- {
- switch (pri)
- {
- case ThreadPriority::TimeCritical: m_SchedPolicy=SCHED_FIFO, m_SchedPriority=schedparam_by_percentage(80); break;
- case ThreadPriority::AboveNormal: m_SchedPolicy=SCHED_FIFO, m_SchedPriority=schedparam_by_percentage(20); break;
- case ThreadPriority::BelowNormal: // fall through to normal; nothing is below normal in POSIX
- case ThreadPriority::Normal: // fall through to default
- default: m_SchedPolicy=SCHED_OTHER, m_SchedPriority=0; break;
- }
- }
- };
- } // namespace anonymous
- namespace // anon
- {
- inline int WinThreadPriority(ThreadPriority pri)
- {
- switch (pri)
- {
- case ThreadPriority::BelowNormal: return THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL;
- case ThreadPriority::AboveNormal: return THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL;
- case ThreadPriority::TimeCritical: return THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL;
- case ThreadPriority::Normal: // fall through to default
- default: return THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL;
- }
- }
- } // namespace anon
- void SetMyThreadPriority(ThreadPriority pri)
- {
- ::SetThreadPriority(::GetCurrentThread(), WinThreadPriority(pri));
- const POSIXThreadPriority posixpri(pri);
- sched_param sparam;
- ::memset(&sparam, 0, sizeof(sparam));
- sparam.sched_priority = posixpri.m_SchedPriority;
-#if defined(__linux__)
- ::sched_setscheduler(0, posixpri.m_SchedPolicy, &sparam); // linux uses this function instead of pthread_
- pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(), posixpri.m_SchedPolicy, &sparam);
- }
- struct ThreadWrapperData
- {
- ThreadFunction *func;
- ThreadFunctionArgument arg;
- };
- static unsigned int __stdcall ThreadWrapper(void * arg)
- {
- register ThreadWrapperData *twd = reinterpret_cast<ThreadWrapperData*>(arg);
- ThreadFunction *func=twd->func;
- ThreadFunctionArgument farg=twd->arg;
- delete twd;
- return DWORD(func(farg));
- }
- static void * ThreadWrapper(void *arg)
- {
- register ThreadWrapperData *twd = reinterpret_cast<ThreadWrapperData*>(arg);
- ThreadFunction *func=twd->func;
- ThreadFunctionArgument farg=twd->arg;
- delete twd;
- return reinterpret_cast<void*>(func(farg));
- }
- typedef void*(ThreadWrapperFunction)(void*);
- static ThreadWrapperFunction *ThunkedThreadWrapper = ThreadWrapper;
-#endif // OS switch
- class ThreadHandle::OSDependent
- {
- public:
- static void StartThread(ThreadWrapperData *, ThreadHandle &, ThreadPriority);
- static bool KillThread(ThreadHandle);
- static bool JoinThread(ThreadHandle, ThreadFunctionReturnType*);
- static void Close(ThreadHandle);
- static inline uintptr_t from_oshandle(HANDLE h) { return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(h); }
- static inline HANDLE to_oshandle(uintptr_t h) { return reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(h); }
- static inline uintptr_t from_oshandle(pthread_t pt) { return uintptr_t(pt); }
- static inline pthread_t to_oshandle(uintptr_t h) { return pthread_t(h); }
-#endif // OS switch
- };
- const ThreadHandle ThreadHandle::Invalid(OSDependent::from_oshandle(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE));
- const ThreadHandle ThreadHandle::Invalid(OSDependent::from_oshandle(0));
-#endif // OS switch
- inline void ThreadHandle::OSDependent::StartThread(ThreadWrapperData *ptwdata, ThreadHandle &th, ThreadPriority pri)
- {
- uintptr_t h = ::_beginthreadex(
- 0, // no security attributes, not inheritable
- 0, // default stack size
- ThreadWrapper, // function to call
- (void*)(ptwdata), // argument for function
- 0, // creation flags
- 0 // where to store thread ID
- );
- if (h)
- {
- th.m_oshandle = h;
- if (pri!=ThreadPriority::Normal)
- ::SetThreadPriority(to_oshandle(h), WinThreadPriority(pri));
- }
- else
- th=Invalid;
- pthread_attr_t my_thread_attr, *pmy_thread_attr = 0;
- sched_param my_schedparam;
- if (pri!=ThreadPriority::Normal)
- {
- pmy_thread_attr = &my_thread_attr;
- const POSIXThreadPriority posixpriority(pri);
- int result;
- result = pthread_attr_init (pmy_thread_attr);
- result = pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(pmy_thread_attr, posixpriority.m_SchedPolicy);
- memset(&my_schedparam, 0, sizeof(my_schedparam));
- my_schedparam.sched_priority = posixpriority.m_SchedPriority;
- result = pthread_attr_setschedparam(pmy_thread_attr, &my_schedparam);
- }
- pthread_t pt;
- int anyerr = pthread_create(
- &pt, // variable for thread handle
- pmy_thread_attr, // default attributes
- ThunkedThreadWrapper,
- ptwdata
- );
- if (anyerr)
- th=Invalid;
- else
- th.m_oshandle = OSDependent::from_oshandle(pt);
- }
- inline bool ThreadHandle::OSDependent::KillThread(ThreadHandle h)
- {
- return ::TerminateThread(to_oshandle(h.m_oshandle), (DWORD)-1) != 0;
- return pthread_cancel(to_oshandle(h.m_oshandle)) == 0;
- }
- bool ThreadHandle::OSDependent::JoinThread(ThreadHandle h, ThreadFunctionReturnType *pretval)
- {
- const bool kbReturnedOk = (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == ::WaitForSingleObject(OSDependent::to_oshandle(h.m_oshandle), INFINITE));
- if (kbReturnedOk && pretval)
- {
- DWORD dwExitCode;
- ::GetExitCodeThread(to_oshandle(h.m_oshandle), &dwExitCode);
- *pretval = (ThreadFunctionReturnType)(dwExitCode);
- }
- return kbReturnedOk;
- ThreadFunctionReturnType ptrExitCode = 0;
- int join_return_code = pthread_join(to_oshandle(h.m_oshandle), (void**)ptrExitCode);
- const bool kbReturnedOk = (0 == join_return_code);
- if (0 != pretval)
- {
- *pretval = ptrExitCode;
- }
- return kbReturnedOk;
- }
- inline void ThreadHandle::OSDependent::Close(ThreadHandle h)
- {
- ::CloseHandle(OSDependent::to_oshandle(h.m_oshandle));
- }
- inline void ThreadHandle::OSDependent::Close(ThreadHandle) {}
- //**********************************************************************************************
- class WCThreadRef::OSDependent
- {
- public:
- static void GetCurrentThreadRef(WCThreadRef& tid);
- static inline uintptr_t from_os(DWORD thread_id) { return (uintptr_t)(thread_id); }
- static inline DWORD to_os(uintptr_t thread_id) { return (DWORD)(thread_id); }
- static inline uintptr_t from_os(pthread_t thread_id) { return (uintptr_t)(thread_id); }
- static inline pthread_t to_os(uintptr_t thread_id) { return pthread_t(thread_id); }
-#endif // OS switch
- };
- //**********************************************************************************************
- inline void WCThreadRef::OSDependent::GetCurrentThreadRef(WCThreadRef& tid)
- {
- DWORD thread_id = ::GetCurrentThreadId();
- tid.m_osThreadRef = OSDependent::from_os(thread_id);
- pthread_t thread_id = ::pthread_self();
- tid.m_osThreadRef = OSDependent::from_os(thread_id);
-#endif // OS switch
- }
- //**********************************************************************************************
- ThreadHandle StartThread(ThreadFunction func, ThreadFunctionArgument arg, ThreadPriority thpri)
- {
- EnsureThreadingInitialized();
- ThreadWrapperData *ptwdata = new ThreadWrapperData;
- ptwdata->func = func;
- ptwdata->arg = arg;
- ThreadHandle thToReturn;
- ThreadHandle::OSDependent::StartThread(ptwdata, thToReturn, thpri);
- return thToReturn;
- }
- bool KillThread(ThreadHandle h)
- {
- EnsureThreadingInitialized();
- return ThreadHandle::OSDependent::KillThread(h);
- }
- bool JoinThread(ThreadHandle h, ThreadFunctionReturnType *pretval)
- {
- EnsureThreadingInitialized();
- return ThreadHandle::OSDependent::JoinThread(h, pretval);
- }
- void Close(ThreadHandle h)
- {
- EnsureThreadingInitialized();
- return ThreadHandle::OSDependent::Close(h);
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************
- WCThreadRef GetCurrentThreadRef()
- {
- EnsureThreadingInitialized(); // Is it necessary?
- WCThreadRef tRefToReturn;
- WCThreadRef::OSDependent::GetCurrentThreadRef(tRefToReturn);
- return tRefToReturn;
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************
- bool IsThreadExists(const WCThreadRef& threadRef)
- {
- DWORD dwThreadId = WCThreadRef::OSDependent::to_os((uintptr_t)threadRef);
- HANDLE handle = ::OpenThread(SYNCHRONIZE, // dwDesiredAccess - use of the thread handle in any of the wait functions
- FALSE, // bInheritHandle - processes do not inherit this handle
- dwThreadId);
- // Now we have the handle, check if the associated thread exists:
- DWORD retVal = WaitForSingleObject(handle, 0);
- if (retVal == WAIT_FAILED)
- return false; // the thread does not exists
- else
- return true; // the thread exists
- pthread_t pthreadRef = WCThreadRef::OSDependent::to_os((uintptr_t)threadRef);
- int retVal = pthread_kill(pthreadRef, 0); // send a signal to the thread, but do nothing
- if (retVal == ESRCH)
- return false; // the thread does not exists
- else
- return true; // the thread exists
-#endif // OS switch
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************
- bool operator==(const WCThreadRef& first, const WCThreadRef& second)
- {
- return (first.m_osThreadRef == second.m_osThreadRef);
- }
- bool operator!=(const WCThreadRef& first, const WCThreadRef& second)
- {
- return (first.m_osThreadRef != second.m_osThreadRef);
- }
- bool operator<(const WCThreadRef& first, const WCThreadRef& second)
- {
- return (first.m_osThreadRef < second.m_osThreadRef);
- }
- bool operator>(const WCThreadRef& first, const WCThreadRef& second)
- {
- return (first.m_osThreadRef > second.m_osThreadRef);
- }
- bool WCAtomicLock::obtain(const uint32_t in_num_trys)
- {
- bool retVal = false;
- uint32_t timeOut = in_num_trys;
- while (true)
- {
- retVal = g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange(&m_the_lock, gint(0), gint(1));
- if (retVal)
- {
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if (--timeOut == 0)
- {
- break;
- }
- sleep_milliseconds(1000);
- }
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- void WCAtomicLock::release()
- {
- m_the_lock = 0;
- }
-} // namespace wvThread
-} // namespace wvNS {