path: root/libs/ardour/ardour/audioengine.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'libs/ardour/ardour/audioengine.h')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/ardour/ardour/audioengine.h b/libs/ardour/ardour/audioengine.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e1d5e50cc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/ardour/ardour/audioengine.h
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+ Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Paul Davis
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#ifndef __ardour_audioengine_h__
+#define __ardour_audioengine_h__
+#include <list>
+#include <set>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <exception>
+#include <string>
+#include <sigc++/signal.h>
+#include <glibmm/thread.h>
+#include <pbd/rcu.h>
+#include <ardour/ardour.h>
+#include <jack/jack.h>
+#include <jack/transport.h>
+#include <ardour/types.h>
+#include <ardour/data_type.h>
+namespace ARDOUR {
+class Session;
+class Port;
+class InternalPort;
+class AudioEngine : public sigc::trackable
+ public:
+ typedef std::set<Port*> Ports;
+ AudioEngine (std::string client_name);
+ virtual ~AudioEngine ();
+ jack_client_t* jack() const;
+ bool connected() const { return _jack != 0; }
+ bool is_realtime () const;
+ std::string client_name() const { return jack_client_name; }
+ int reconnect_to_jack ();
+ int disconnect_from_jack();
+ bool will_reconnect_at_halt ();
+ void set_reconnect_at_halt (bool);
+ int stop (bool forever = false);
+ int start ();
+ bool running() const { return _running; }
+ Glib::Mutex& process_lock() { return _process_lock; }
+ nframes_t frame_rate();
+ nframes_t frames_per_cycle();
+ int usecs_per_cycle () const { return _usecs_per_cycle; }
+ bool get_sync_offset (nframes_t& offset) const;
+ nframes_t frames_since_cycle_start () {
+ if (!_running || !_jack) return 0;
+ return jack_frames_since_cycle_start (_jack);
+ }
+ nframes_t frame_time () {
+ if (!_running || !_jack) return 0;
+ return jack_frame_time (_jack);
+ }
+ nframes_t transport_frame () const {
+ if (!_running || !_jack) return 0;
+ return jack_get_current_transport_frame (_jack);
+ }
+ int request_buffer_size (nframes_t);
+ nframes_t set_monitor_check_interval (nframes_t);
+ float get_cpu_load() {
+ if (!_running || !_jack) return 0;
+ return jack_cpu_load (_jack);
+ }
+ void set_session (Session *);
+ void remove_session ();
+ class PortRegistrationFailure : public std::exception {
+ public:
+ PortRegistrationFailure (const char* why = "") {
+ reason = why;
+ }
+ virtual const char *what() const throw() { return reason; }
+ private:
+ const char* reason;
+ };
+ class NoBackendAvailable : public std::exception {
+ public:
+ virtual const char *what() const throw() { return "could not connect to engine backend"; }
+ };
+ Port *register_input_port (DataType, const std::string& portname, bool publish);
+ Port *register_output_port (DataType, const std::string& portname, bool publish);
+ int unregister_port (Port &);
+ int connect (const std::string& source, const std::string& destination);
+ int disconnect (const std::string& source, const std::string& destination);
+ int disconnect (Port &);
+ const char ** get_ports (const std::string& port_name_pattern, const std::string& type_name_pattern, uint32_t flags);
+ uint32_t n_physical_outputs () const;
+ uint32_t n_physical_inputs () const;
+ bool can_request_hardware_monitoring ();
+ void get_physical_outputs (std::vector<std::string>&);
+ void get_physical_inputs (std::vector<std::string>&);
+ std::string get_nth_physical_output (DataType type, uint32_t n) {
+ return get_nth_physical (type, n, JackPortIsInput);
+ }
+ std::string get_nth_physical_input (DataType type, uint32_t n) {
+ return get_nth_physical (type, n, JackPortIsOutput);
+ }
+ nframes_t get_port_total_latency (const Port&);
+ void update_total_latencies ();
+ void update_total_latency (const Port&);
+ /** Caller may not delete the object pointed to by the return value
+ */
+ Port *get_port_by_name (const std::string& name, bool keep = true) const;
+ enum TransportState {
+ TransportStopped = JackTransportStopped,
+ TransportRolling = JackTransportRolling,
+ TransportLooping = JackTransportLooping,
+ TransportStarting = JackTransportStarting
+ };
+ void transport_start ();
+ void transport_stop ();
+ void transport_locate (nframes_t);
+ TransportState transport_state ();
+ int reset_timebase ();
+ /* start/stop freewheeling */
+ int freewheel (bool onoff);
+ bool freewheeling() const { return _freewheeling; }
+ /* this signal is sent for every process() cycle while freewheeling.
+ the regular process() call to session->process() is not made.
+ */
+ sigc::signal<int,nframes_t> Freewheel;
+ sigc::signal<void> Xrun;
+ /* this signal is if JACK notifies us of a graph order event */
+ sigc::signal<void> GraphReordered;
+ /* this signal is emitted if the sample rate changes */
+ sigc::signal<void,nframes_t> SampleRateChanged;
+ /* this signal is sent if JACK ever disconnects us */
+ sigc::signal<void> Halted;
+ /* these two are emitted when the engine itself is
+ started and stopped
+ */
+ sigc::signal<void> Running;
+ sigc::signal<void> Stopped;
+ std::string make_port_name_relative (std::string);
+ std::string make_port_name_non_relative (std::string);
+ private:
+ ARDOUR::Session *session;
+ jack_client_t *_jack;
+ std::string jack_client_name;
+ mutable Glib::Mutex _process_lock;
+ Glib::Cond session_removed;
+ bool session_remove_pending;
+ bool _running;
+ bool _has_run;
+ nframes_t _buffer_size;
+ nframes_t _frame_rate;
+ /// number of frames between each check for changes in monitor input
+ nframes_t monitor_check_interval;
+ /// time of the last monitor check in frames
+ nframes_t last_monitor_check;
+ /// the number of frames processed since start() was called
+ nframes_t _processed_frames;
+ bool _freewheeling;
+ bool _freewheel_thread_registered;
+ sigc::slot<int,nframes_t> freewheel_action;
+ bool reconnect_on_halt;
+ int _usecs_per_cycle;
+ SerializedRCUManager<Ports> ports;
+ Port *register_port (DataType type, const std::string& portname, bool input, bool publish);
+ int process_callback (nframes_t nframes);
+ void remove_all_ports ();
+ Port* get_port (const std::string& short_name);
+ typedef std::pair<std::string,std::string> PortConnection;
+ typedef std::list<PortConnection> PortConnections;
+ PortConnections port_connections;
+ void remove_connections_for (Port&);
+ std::string get_nth_physical (DataType type, uint32_t n, int flags);
+ void port_registration_failure (const std::string& portname);
+ static int _xrun_callback (void *arg);
+ static int _graph_order_callback (void *arg);
+ static int _process_callback (nframes_t nframes, void *arg);
+ static int _sample_rate_callback (nframes_t nframes, void *arg);
+ static int _bufsize_callback (nframes_t nframes, void *arg);
+ static void _jack_timebase_callback (jack_transport_state_t, nframes_t, jack_position_t*, int, void*);
+ static int _jack_sync_callback (jack_transport_state_t, jack_position_t*, void *arg);
+ static void _freewheel_callback (int , void *arg);
+ void jack_timebase_callback (jack_transport_state_t, nframes_t, jack_position_t*, int);
+ int jack_sync_callback (jack_transport_state_t, jack_position_t*);
+ int jack_bufsize_callback (nframes_t);
+ int jack_sample_rate_callback (nframes_t);
+ static void halted (void *);
+ int connect_to_jack (std::string client_name);
+ void meter_thread ();
+ void start_metering_thread ();
+ void stop_metering_thread ();
+ Glib::Thread* m_meter_thread;
+ static gint m_meter_exit;
+} // namespace ARDOUR
+#endif /* __ardour_audioengine_h__ */