path: root/gtk2_ardour/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gtk2_ardour/')
1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/ b/gtk2_ardour/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f02a1580e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gtk2_ardour/
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2008 Paul Davis
+ Author: Sakari Bergen
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#include "export_timespan_selector.h"
+#include "ardour_ui.h"
+#include <ardour/location.h>
+#include <ardour/types.h>
+#include <ardour/session.h>
+#include <ardour/export_handler.h>
+#include <ardour/export_timespan.h>
+#include <pbd/enumwriter.h>
+#include <pbd/convert.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include "i18n.h"
+using namespace ARDOUR;
+using namespace PBD;
+ExportTimespanSelector::ExportTimespanSelector () :
+ time_format_label (_("Show Times as:"), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT)
+ option_hbox.pack_start (time_format_label, false, false, 0);
+ option_hbox.pack_start (time_format_combo, false, false, 6);
+ range_scroller.add (range_view);
+ range_scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
+ pack_start (option_hbox, false, false, 0);
+ pack_start (range_scroller, true, true, 6);
+ /*** Combo boxes ***/
+ Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter;
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row;
+ /* Time format combo */
+ time_format_list = Gtk::ListStore::create (time_format_cols);
+ time_format_combo.set_model (time_format_list);
+ iter = time_format_list->append();
+ row = *iter;
+ row[time_format_cols.format] = ExportProfileManager::SMPTE;
+ row[time_format_cols.label] = X_("Timecode");
+ iter = time_format_list->append();
+ row = *iter;
+ row[time_format_cols.format] = ExportProfileManager::MinSec;
+ row[time_format_cols.label] = _("Minutes:Seconds");
+ iter = time_format_list->append();
+ row = *iter;
+ row[time_format_cols.format] = ExportProfileManager::BBT;
+ row[time_format_cols.label] = _("Bars:Beats");
+ time_format_combo.pack_start (time_format_cols.label);
+ time_format_combo.set_active (0);
+ time_format_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportTimespanSelector::change_time_format));
+ /* Range view */
+ range_list = Gtk::ListStore::create (range_cols);
+ range_view.set_model (range_list);
+ range_view.set_headers_visible (false);
+ range_view.append_column_editable ("", range_cols.selected);
+ range_view.append_column_editable ("",;
+ Gtk::CellRendererText * label_render = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::CellRendererText());
+ Gtk::TreeView::Column * label_col = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::TreeView::Column ("", *label_render));
+ label_col->add_attribute (label_render->property_markup(), range_cols.label);
+ range_view.append_column (*label_col);
+ if (Gtk::CellRendererToggle * renderer = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererToggle *> (range_view.get_column_cell_renderer (0))) {
+ renderer->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::hide (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportTimespanSelector::update_selection)));
+ }
+ if (Gtk::CellRendererText * renderer = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText *> (range_view.get_column_cell_renderer (1))) {
+ renderer->signal_edited().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportTimespanSelector::update_range_name));
+ }
+ExportTimespanSelector::~ExportTimespanSelector ()
+ExportTimespanSelector::set_state (ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::TimespanStatePtr const state_, ARDOUR::Session * session_)
+ state = state_;
+ session = session_;
+ fill_range_list ();
+ set_selection_from_state ();
+ CriticalSelectionChanged();
+ExportTimespanSelector::select_one_range (Glib::ustring id)
+ if (!state) { return; }
+ range_view.remove_column (*range_view.get_column (0));
+ Glib::ustring real_id;
+ if (! (X_("session"))) {
+ real_id = state->session_range->id().to_s();
+ } else if (! (X_("selection"))) {
+ real_id = state->selection_range->id().to_s();
+ } else {
+ real_id = id;
+ }
+ for (Gtk::ListStore::Children::iterator it = range_list->children().begin(); it != range_list->children().end();) {
+ if (!it->get_value (range_cols.location)->id().to_s().compare (real_id)) {
+ it->set_value (range_cols.selected, true);
+ ++it;
+ } else {
+ Gtk::ListStore::Children::iterator temp = it++;
+ range_list->erase (temp);
+ }
+ }
+ int x_offset, y_offset, width, height;
+ Gtk::CellRenderer * renderer = *range_view.get_column(0)->get_cell_renderers().begin();
+ renderer->get_size (range_view, x_offset, y_offset, width, height);
+ range_scroller.set_size_request (-1, height);
+ range_scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_NEVER);
+ update_selection();
+ExportTimespanSelector::fill_range_list ()
+ range_list->clear();
+ Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter;
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row;
+ for (LocationList::const_iterator it = state->ranges->begin(); it != state->ranges->end(); ++it) {
+ iter = range_list->append();
+ row = *iter;
+ row[range_cols.location] = *it;
+ row[range_cols.selected] = false;
+ row[] = (*it)->name();
+ row[range_cols.label] = construct_label (*it);
+ }
+ExportTimespanSelector::set_selection_from_state ()
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Children::iterator tree_it;
+ for (TimespanList::iterator it = state->timespans->begin(); it != state->timespans->end(); ++it) {
+ ustring id = (*it)->range_id();
+ for (tree_it = range_list->children().begin(); tree_it != range_list->children().end(); ++tree_it) {
+ Location * loc = tree_it->get_value (range_cols.location);
+ if ((! ("session") && loc == state->session_range.get()) ||
+ (! ("selection") && loc == state->selection_range.get()) ||
+ (! (loc->id().to_s()))) {
+ tree_it->set_value (range_cols.selected, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (tree_it = time_format_list->children().begin(); tree_it != time_format_list->children().end(); ++tree_it) {
+ if (tree_it->get_value (time_format_cols.format) == state->time_format) {
+ time_format_combo.set_active (tree_it);
+ }
+ }
+ExportTimespanSelector::update_selection ()
+ update_timespans ();
+ CriticalSelectionChanged ();
+ExportTimespanSelector::update_timespans ()
+ state->timespans->clear();
+ TimespanPtr span;
+ HandlerPtr handler = session->get_export_handler();
+ for (Gtk::TreeStore::Children::iterator it = range_list->children().begin(); it != range_list->children().end(); ++it) {
+ if (it->get_value (range_cols.selected)) {
+ span = handler->add_timespan();
+ Location * loc = it->get_value (range_cols.location);
+ Glib::ustring id;
+ if (loc == state->session_range.get()) {
+ id = "session";
+ } else if (loc == state->selection_range.get()) {
+ id = "selection";
+ } else {
+ id = loc->id().to_s();
+ }
+ span->set_range (loc->start(), loc->end());
+ span->set_name (loc->name());
+ span->set_range_id (id);
+ state->timespans->push_back (span);
+ }
+ }
+ExportTimespanSelector::change_time_format ()
+ state->time_format = time_format_combo.get_active()->get_value (time_format_cols.format);
+ for (Gtk::ListStore::Children::iterator it = range_list->children().begin(); it != range_list->children().end(); ++it) {
+ Location * location = it->get_value (range_cols.location);
+ it->set_value (range_cols.label, construct_label (location));
+ }
+ExportTimespanSelector::construct_label (ARDOUR::Location const * location)
+ Glib::ustring label;
+ Glib::ustring start;
+ Glib::ustring end;
+ nframes_t start_frame = location->start();
+ nframes_t end_frame = location->end();
+ switch (state->time_format) {
+ case AudioClock::BBT:
+ start = bbt_str (start_frame);
+ end = bbt_str (end_frame);
+ break;
+ case AudioClock::SMPTE:
+ start = smpte_str (start_frame);
+ end = smpte_str (end_frame);
+ break;
+ case AudioClock::MinSec:
+ start = ms_str (start_frame);
+ end = ms_str (end_frame);
+ break;
+ case AudioClock::Frames:
+ start = to_string (start_frame, std::dec);
+ end = to_string (end_frame, std::dec);
+ break;
+ case AudioClock::Off:
+ break;
+ }
+ // label += _("from ");
+ // label += "<span color=\"#7fff7f\">";
+ label += start;
+// label += "</span>";
+ label += _(" to ");
+// label += "<span color=\"#7fff7f\">";
+ label += end;
+// label += "</span>";
+ return label;
+ExportTimespanSelector::bbt_str (nframes_t frames)
+ if (!session) {
+ return "Error!";
+ }
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ BBT_Time time;
+ session->bbt_time (frames, time);
+ oss << std::setfill('0') << std::right <<
+ std::setw(3) <<
+ time.bars << "|" <<
+ std::setw(2) <<
+ << "|" <<
+ std::setw(4) <<
+ time.ticks;
+ return oss.str();
+ExportTimespanSelector::smpte_str (nframes_t frames)
+ if (!session) {
+ return "Error!";
+ }
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ SMPTE::Time time;
+ session->smpte_time (frames, time);
+ oss << std::setfill('0') << std::right <<
+ std::setw(2) <<
+ time.hours << ":" <<
+ std::setw(2) <<
+ time.minutes << ":" <<
+ std::setw(2) <<
+ time.seconds << ":" <<
+ std::setw(2) <<
+ time.frames;
+ return oss.str();
+ExportTimespanSelector::ms_str (nframes_t frames)
+ if (!session) {
+ return "Error!";
+ }
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ nframes_t left;
+ int hrs;
+ int mins;
+ int secs;
+ int sec_promilles;
+ left = frames;
+ hrs = (int) floor (left / (session->frame_rate() * 60.0f * 60.0f));
+ left -= (nframes_t) floor (hrs * session->frame_rate() * 60.0f * 60.0f);
+ mins = (int) floor (left / (session->frame_rate() * 60.0f));
+ left -= (nframes_t) floor (mins * session->frame_rate() * 60.0f);
+ secs = (int) floor (left / (float) session->frame_rate());
+ left -= (nframes_t) floor (secs * session->frame_rate());
+ sec_promilles = (int) (left * 1000 / (float) session->frame_rate() + 0.5);
+ oss << std::setfill('0') << std::right <<
+ std::setw(2) <<
+ hrs << ":" <<
+ std::setw(2) <<
+ mins << ":" <<
+ std::setw(2) <<
+ secs << "." <<
+ std::setw(3) <<
+ sec_promilles;
+ return oss.str();
+ExportTimespanSelector::update_range_name (Glib::ustring const & path, Glib::ustring const & new_text)
+ Gtk::TreeStore::iterator it = range_list->get_iter (path);
+ it->get_value (range_cols.location)->set_name (new_text);
+ CriticalSelectionChanged();