path: root/gtk2_ardour/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gtk2_ardour/')
1 files changed, 1343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/ b/gtk2_ardour/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7667de3134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gtk2_ardour/
@@ -0,0 +1,1343 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2004 Paul Davis
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ $Id$
+#include <cmath>
+#include <sigc++/bind.h>
+#include <gtk--/frame.h>
+#include <gtk--/pixmap.h>
+#include <gtk--/scrolledwindow.h>
+#include <ardour/automation_event.h>
+#include <ardour/curve.h>
+#include <ardour/crossfade.h>
+#include <ardour/session.h>
+#include <ardour/auditioner.h>
+#include <ardour/audioplaylist.h>
+#include <ardour/playlist_templates.h>
+#include <gtkmmext/gtk_ui.h>
+#include "ardour_ui.h"
+#include "crossfade_edit.h"
+#include "rgb_macros.h"
+#include "canvas-simplerect.h"
+#include "canvas-waveview.h"
+#include "keyboard.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "gui_thread.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace ARDOUR;
+using namespace Gtk;
+using namespace SigC;
+using namespace Editing;
+#include "i18n.h"
+const int32_t CrossfadeEditor::Point::size = 7;
+const double CrossfadeEditor::canvas_border = 10;
+CrossfadeEditor::Presets* CrossfadeEditor::fade_in_presets = 0;
+CrossfadeEditor::Presets* CrossfadeEditor::fade_out_presets = 0;
+#include "crossfade_xpms.h"
+CrossfadeEditor::Half::Half ()
+ : line (0),
+ normative_curve (0.0, 1.0, 1.0, true),
+ gain_curve (0.0, 2.0, 1.0, true)
+CrossfadeEditor::CrossfadeEditor (Session& s, Crossfade& xf, double my, double mxy)
+ : ArdourDialog (_("crossfade editor")),
+ cancel_button (_("Cancel")),
+ ok_button (_("OK")),
+ xfade (xf),
+ session (s),
+ clear_button (_("Clear")),
+ revert_button (_("Reset")),
+ audition_both_button (_("Fade")),
+ audition_left_dry_button (_("Out (dry)")),
+ audition_left_button (_("Out")),
+ audition_right_dry_button (_("In (dry)")),
+ audition_right_button (_("In")),
+ preroll_button (_("With Pre-roll")),
+ postroll_button (_("With Post-roll")),
+ miny (my),
+ maxy (mxy),
+ fade_in_table (3, 3),
+ fade_out_table (3, 3),
+ select_in_button (_("Fade In")),
+ select_out_button (_("Fade Out"))
+ set_wmclass ("ardour_automationedit", "Ardour");
+ set_name ("CrossfadeEditWindow");
+ set_title (_("ardour: x-fade edit"));
+ set_position (GTK_WIN_POS_MOUSE);
+ add (vpacker);
+ select_out_button.set_group (;
+ select_out_button.set_mode (false);
+ select_in_button.set_mode (false);
+ if (fade_in_presets == 0) {
+ build_presets ();
+ }
+ point_grabbed = false;
+ toplevel = 0;
+ _canvas = gtk_canvas_new_aa ();
+ canvas = wrap (_canvas);
+ canvas->size_allocate.connect (slot (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::canvas_allocation));
+ canvas->set_usize (425, 200);
+ toplevel = gtk_canvas_item_new (gtk_canvas_root (GTK_CANVAS(_canvas)),
+ gtk_canvas_simplerect_get_type(),
+ "x1", 0.0,
+ "y1", 0.0,
+ "x2", 10.0,
+ "y2", 10.0,
+ "fill", (gboolean) TRUE,
+ "fill_color_rgba", (guint32) color_map[cCrossfadeEditorBase],
+ "outline_pixels", 0,
+ NULL);
+ gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT(toplevel),
+ "event",
+ (GtkSignalFunc) _canvas_event,
+ this);
+ fade[Out].line = gtk_canvas_item_new (gtk_canvas_root (GTK_CANVAS(_canvas)),
+ gtk_canvas_line_get_type (),
+ "width_pixels", (guint) 1,
+ "fill_color_rgba", color_map[cCrossfadeEditorLine],
+ NULL);
+ fade[Out].shading = gtk_canvas_item_new (gtk_canvas_root (GTK_CANVAS(_canvas)),
+ gtk_canvas_polygon_get_type(),
+ "fill_color_rgba", color_map[cCrossfadeEditorLineShading],
+ NULL);
+ fade[In].line = gtk_canvas_item_new (gtk_canvas_root (GTK_CANVAS(_canvas)),
+ gtk_canvas_line_get_type (),
+ "width_pixels", (guint) 1,
+ "fill_color_rgba", color_map[cCrossfadeEditorLine],
+ NULL);
+ fade[In].shading = gtk_canvas_item_new (gtk_canvas_root (GTK_CANVAS(_canvas)),
+ gtk_canvas_polygon_get_type(),
+ "fill_color_rgba", color_map[cCrossfadeEditorLineShading],
+ NULL);
+ gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT(fade[In].shading),
+ "event",
+ (GtkSignalFunc) _canvas_event,
+ this);
+ gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT(fade[Out].shading),
+ "event",
+ (GtkSignalFunc) _canvas_event,
+ this);
+ gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT(fade[In].line),
+ "event",
+ (GtkSignalFunc) _curve_event,
+ this);
+ gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT(fade[Out].line),
+ "event",
+ (GtkSignalFunc) _curve_event,
+ this);
+ select_in_button.set_name (X_("CrossfadeEditCurveButton"));
+ select_out_button.set_name (X_("CrossfadeEditCurveButton"));
+ select_in_button.clicked.connect (bind (slot (this, &CrossfadeEditor::curve_select_clicked), In));
+ select_out_button.clicked.connect (bind (slot (this, &CrossfadeEditor::curve_select_clicked), Out));
+ HBox* acbox = manage (new HBox);
+ audition_box.set_border_width (7);
+ audition_box.set_spacing (5);
+ audition_box.set_homogeneous (false);
+ audition_box.pack_start (audition_left_dry_button, false, false);
+ audition_box.pack_start (audition_left_button, false, false);
+ audition_box.pack_start (audition_both_button, false, false);
+ audition_box.pack_start (audition_right_button, false, false);
+ audition_box.pack_start (audition_right_dry_button, false, false);
+ Frame* audition_frame = manage (new Frame (_("Audition")));
+ audition_frame->set_name (X_("CrossfadeEditFrame"));
+ audition_frame->add (audition_box);
+ acbox->pack_start (*audition_frame, true, false);
+ Frame* canvas_frame = manage (new Frame);
+ canvas_frame->add (*canvas);
+ canvas_frame->set_shadow_type (GTK_SHADOW_IN);
+ fade_in_table.attach (select_in_button, 0, 2, 0, 1, GTK_FILL|GTK_EXPAND);
+ fade_out_table.attach (select_out_button, 0, 2, 0, 1, GTK_FILL|GTK_EXPAND);
+ Pixmap *pxmap;
+ Button* pbutton;
+ int row;
+ int col;
+ row = 1;
+ col = 0;
+ for (list<Preset*>::iterator i = fade_in_presets->begin(); i != fade_in_presets->end(); ++i) {
+ pxmap = manage (new Pixmap ((*i)->xpm));
+ pbutton = manage (new Button);
+ pbutton->add (*pxmap);
+ pbutton->set_name ("CrossfadeEditButton");
+ pbutton->clicked.connect (bind (slot (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::apply_preset), *i));
+ fade_in_table.attach (*pbutton, col, col+1, row, row+1);
+ fade_in_buttons.push_back (pbutton);
+ col++;
+ if (col == 2) {
+ col = 0;
+ row++;
+ }
+ }
+ row = 1;
+ col = 0;
+ for (list<Preset*>::iterator i = fade_out_presets->begin(); i != fade_out_presets->end(); ++i) {
+ pxmap = manage (new Pixmap ((*i)->xpm));
+ pbutton = manage (new Button);
+ pbutton->add (*pxmap);
+ pbutton->set_name ("CrossfadeEditButton");
+ pbutton->clicked.connect (bind (slot (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::apply_preset), *i));
+ fade_out_table.attach (*pbutton, col, col+1, row, row+1);
+ fade_out_buttons.push_back (pbutton);
+ col++;
+ if (col == 2) {
+ col = 0;
+ row++;
+ }
+ }
+ clear_button.set_name ("CrossfadeEditButton");
+ revert_button.set_name ("CrossfadeEditButton");
+ ok_button.set_name ("CrossfadeEditButton");
+ cancel_button.set_name ("CrossfadeEditButton");
+ preroll_button.set_name ("CrossfadeEditButton");
+ postroll_button.set_name ("CrossfadeEditButton");
+ audition_both_button.set_name ("CrossfadeEditAuditionButton");
+ audition_left_dry_button.set_name ("CrossfadeEditAuditionButton");
+ audition_left_button.set_name ("CrossfadeEditAuditionButton");
+ audition_right_dry_button.set_name ("CrossfadeEditAuditionButton");
+ audition_right_button.set_name ("CrossfadeEditAuditionButton");
+ clear_button.clicked.connect (slot (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::clear));
+ revert_button.clicked.connect (slot (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::reset));
+ audition_both_button.toggled.connect (slot (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::audition_toggled));
+ audition_right_button.toggled.connect (slot (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::audition_right_toggled));
+ audition_right_dry_button.toggled.connect (slot (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::audition_right_dry_toggled));
+ audition_left_button.toggled.connect (slot (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::audition_left_toggled));
+ audition_left_dry_button.toggled.connect (slot (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::audition_left_dry_toggled));
+ action_box.set_border_width (7);
+ action_box.set_spacing (5);
+ action_box.set_homogeneous (false);
+ action_box.pack_end (cancel_button, false, false);
+ action_box.pack_end (ok_button, false, false);
+ action_box.pack_end (revert_button, false, false);
+ action_box.pack_end (clear_button, false, false);
+ Frame* edit_frame = manage (new Frame (_("Edit")));
+ edit_frame->set_name (X_("CrossfadeEditFrame"));
+ edit_frame->add (action_box);
+ Gtk::HBox* action_center_box = manage (new HBox);
+ action_center_box->pack_start (*edit_frame, true, false);
+ roll_box.pack_start (preroll_button, false, false);
+ roll_box.pack_start (postroll_button, false, false);
+ Gtk::HBox* rcenter_box = manage (new HBox);
+ rcenter_box->pack_start (roll_box, true, false);
+ VBox* vpacker2 = manage (new (VBox));
+ vpacker2->set_border_width (12);
+ vpacker2->set_spacing (7);
+ vpacker2->pack_start (*acbox, false, false);
+ vpacker2->pack_start (*rcenter_box, false, false);
+ vpacker2->pack_start (*action_center_box, false, false);
+ curve_button_box.set_spacing (7);
+ curve_button_box.pack_start (fade_out_table, false, false, 12);
+ curve_button_box.pack_start (*vpacker2, false, false, 12);
+ curve_button_box.pack_start (fade_in_table, false, false, 12);
+ vpacker.set_border_width (12);
+ vpacker.set_spacing (5);
+ vpacker.pack_start (*canvas_frame, true, true);
+ vpacker.pack_start (curve_button_box, false, false);
+ /* button to allow hackers to check the actual curve values */
+// Button* foobut = manage (new Button ("dump"));
+// foobut->clicked.connect (slot (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::dump));
+// vpacker.pack_start (*foobut, false, false);
+ current = In;
+ set (xfade.fade_in(), In);
+ current = Out;
+ set (xfade.fade_out(), Out);
+ curve_select_clicked (In);
+ xfade.StateChanged.connect (slot (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::xfade_changed));
+ session.AuditionActive.connect (slot (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::audition_state_changed));
+ /* most objects will be destroyed when the toplevel window is. */
+ for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[In].points.begin(); i != fade[In].points.end(); ++i) {
+ delete *i;
+ }
+ for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[Out].points.begin(); i != fade[Out].points.end(); ++i) {
+ delete *i;
+ }
+CrossfadeEditor::dump ()
+ for (AutomationList::iterator i = fade[Out].normative_curve.begin(); i != fade[Out].normative_curve.end(); ++i) {
+ cerr << (*i)->when << ' ' << (*i)->value << endl;
+ }
+CrossfadeEditor::audition_state_changed (bool yn)
+ ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (bind (slot (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::audition_state_changed), yn));
+ if (!yn) {
+ audition_both_button.set_active (false);
+ audition_left_button.set_active (false);
+ audition_right_button.set_active (false);
+ audition_left_dry_button.set_active (false);
+ audition_right_dry_button.set_active (false);
+ }
+CrossfadeEditor::set (const ARDOUR::Curve& curve, WhichFade which)
+ double firstx, endx;
+ ARDOUR::Curve::const_iterator the_end;
+ for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[which].points.begin(); i != fade[which].points.end(); ++i) {
+ delete *i;
+ }
+ fade[which].points.clear ();
+ fade[which].gain_curve.clear ();
+ fade[which].normative_curve.clear ();
+ if (curve.empty()) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ the_end = curve.const_end();
+ --the_end;
+ firstx = (*curve.const_begin())->when;
+ endx = (*the_end)->when;
+ for (ARDOUR::Curve::const_iterator i = curve.const_begin(); i != curve.const_end(); ++i) {
+ double xfract = ((*i)->when - firstx) / (endx - firstx);
+ double yfract = ((*i)->value - miny) / (maxy - miny);
+ Point* p = make_point ();
+ p->move_to (x_coordinate (xfract), y_coordinate (yfract),
+ xfract, yfract);
+ fade[which].points.push_back (p);
+ }
+ /* no need to sort because curve is already time-ordered */
+ out:
+ swap (which, current);
+ redraw ();
+ swap (which, current);
+CrossfadeEditor::_canvas_event (GtkCanvasItem* item, GdkEvent* event, gpointer data)
+ CrossfadeEditor* ed = static_cast<CrossfadeEditor*> (data);
+ return ed->canvas_event (item, event);
+CrossfadeEditor::canvas_event (GtkCanvasItem* item, GdkEvent* event)
+ switch (event->type) {
+ add_control_point ((event->button.x - canvas_border)/effective_width(),
+ 1.0 - ((event->button.y - canvas_border)/effective_height()));
+ return TRUE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ gtk_object_destroy (GTK_OBJECT(box));
+CrossfadeEditor::make_point ()
+ Point* p = new Point;
+ p->box = gtk_canvas_item_new (gtk_canvas_root (GTK_CANVAS(_canvas)),
+ gtk_canvas_simplerect_get_type(),
+ "fill", (gboolean) TRUE,
+ "fill_color_rgba", color_map[cCrossfadeEditorPointFill],
+ "outline_color_rgba", color_map[cCrossfadeEditorPointOutline],
+ "outline_pixels", (gint) 1,
+ NULL);
+ p->curve = fade[current].line;
+ gtk_object_set_data (GTK_OBJECT(p->box), "point", p);
+ gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT(p->box), "event",
+ (GtkSignalFunc) _point_event,
+ this);
+ return p;
+CrossfadeEditor::add_control_point (double x, double y)
+ PointSorter cmp;
+ /* enforce end point x location */
+ if (fade[current].points.empty()) {
+ x = 0.0;
+ } else if (fade[current].points.size() == 1) {
+ x = 1.0;
+ }
+ Point* p = make_point ();
+ p->move_to (x_coordinate (x), y_coordinate (y), x, y);
+ fade[current].points.push_back (p);
+ fade[current].points.sort (cmp);
+ redraw ();
+CrossfadeEditor::Point::move_to (double nx, double ny, double xfract, double yfract)
+ const double half_size = rint(size/2.0);
+ double x1 = nx - half_size;
+ double x2 = nx + half_size;
+ gtk_canvas_item_set (box,
+ "x1", x1,
+ "x2", x2,
+ "y1", ny - half_size,
+ "y2", ny + half_size,
+ NULL);
+ x = xfract;
+ y = yfract;
+CrossfadeEditor::canvas_allocation (GtkAllocation *alloc)
+ if (toplevel) {
+ gtk_canvas_item_set (toplevel,
+ "x1", 0.0,
+ "y1", 0.0,
+ "x2", (double) _canvas->allocation.width + canvas_border,
+ "y2", (double) _canvas->allocation.height + canvas_border,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ gtk_canvas_set_scroll_region (GTK_CANVAS(_canvas), 0.0, 0.0,
+ _canvas->allocation.width,
+ _canvas->allocation.height);
+ Point* end = make_point ();
+ PointSorter cmp;
+ if (fade[In].points.size() > 1) {
+ Point* old_end = fade[In].points.back();
+ fade[In].points.pop_back ();
+ end->move_to (x_coordinate (old_end->x),
+ y_coordinate (old_end->y),
+ old_end->x, old_end->y);
+ delete old_end;
+ } else {
+ double x = 1.0;
+ double y = 0.5;
+ end->move_to (x_coordinate (x), y_coordinate (y), x, y);
+ }
+ fade[In].points.push_back (end);
+ fade[In].points.sort (cmp);
+ for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[In].points.begin(); i != fade[In].points.end(); ++i) {
+ (*i)->move_to (x_coordinate((*i)->x), y_coordinate((*i)->y),
+ (*i)->x, (*i)->y);
+ }
+ end = make_point ();
+ if (fade[Out].points.size() > 1) {
+ Point* old_end = fade[Out].points.back();
+ fade[Out].points.pop_back ();
+ end->move_to (x_coordinate (old_end->x),
+ y_coordinate (old_end->y),
+ old_end->x, old_end->y);
+ delete old_end;
+ } else {
+ double x = 1.0;
+ double y = 0.5;
+ end->move_to (x_coordinate (x), y_coordinate (y), x, y);
+ }
+ fade[Out].points.push_back (end);
+ fade[Out].points.sort (cmp);
+ for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[Out].points.begin(); i != fade[Out].points.end(); ++i) {
+ (*i)->move_to (x_coordinate ((*i)->x),
+ y_coordinate ((*i)->y),
+ (*i)->x, (*i)->y);
+ }
+ WhichFade old_current = current;
+ current = In;
+ redraw ();
+ current = Out;
+ redraw ();
+ current = old_current;
+ double spu = xfade.length() / (double) effective_width();
+ if (fade[In].waves.empty()) {
+ make_waves (, In);
+ }
+ if (fade[Out].waves.empty()) {
+ make_waves (xfade.out(), Out);
+ }
+ double ht;
+ vector<GtkCanvasItem*>::iterator i;
+ uint32_t n;
+ ht = _canvas->allocation.height /;
+ for (n = 0, i = fade[In].waves.begin(); i != fade[In].waves.end(); ++i, ++n) {
+ double yoff;
+ yoff = n * ht;
+ gtk_canvas_item_set ((*i),
+ "y", yoff,
+ "height", ht,
+ "samples_per_unit", spu,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ ht = _canvas->allocation.height / xfade.out().n_channels();
+ for (n = 0, i = fade[Out].waves.begin(); i != fade[Out].waves.end(); ++i, ++n) {
+ double yoff;
+ yoff = n * ht;
+ gtk_canvas_item_set ((*i),
+ "y", yoff,
+ "height", ht,
+ "samples_per_unit", spu,
+ NULL);
+ }
+CrossfadeEditor::_point_event (GtkCanvasItem* item, GdkEvent* event, gpointer data)
+ CrossfadeEditor* ed = static_cast<CrossfadeEditor*> (data);
+ return ed->point_event (item, event);
+CrossfadeEditor::point_event (GtkCanvasItem* item, GdkEvent* event)
+ Point* point = static_cast<Point*> (gtk_object_get_data (GTK_OBJECT (item), "point"));
+ if (point->curve != fade[current].line) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ switch (event->type) {
+ point_grabbed = true;
+ break;
+ point_grabbed = false;
+ if (Keyboard::is_delete_event (&event->button)) {
+ fade[current].points.remove (point);
+ delete point;
+ }
+ redraw ();
+ break;
+ if (point_grabbed) {
+ double new_x, new_y;
+ /* can't drag first or last points horizontally */
+ if (point == fade[current].points.front() || point == fade[current].points.back()) {
+ new_x = point->x;
+ } else {
+ new_x = (event->motion.x - canvas_border)/effective_width();
+ }
+ new_y = 1.0 - ((event->motion.y - canvas_border)/effective_height());
+ point->move_to (x_coordinate (new_x), y_coordinate (new_y),
+ new_x, new_y);
+ redraw ();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+CrossfadeEditor::_curve_event (GtkCanvasItem* item, GdkEvent* event, gpointer data)
+ CrossfadeEditor* ed = static_cast<CrossfadeEditor*> (data);
+ return ed->curve_event (item, event);
+CrossfadeEditor::curve_event (GtkCanvasItem* item, GdkEvent* event)
+ /* treat it like a toplevel event */
+ return canvas_event (item, event);
+CrossfadeEditor::xfade_changed (Change ignored)
+ set (xfade.fade_in(), In);
+ set (xfade.fade_out(), Out);
+CrossfadeEditor::redraw ()
+ if (_canvas->allocation.width < 2) {
+ return;
+ }
+ jack_nframes_t len = xfade.length ();
+ fade[current].normative_curve.clear ();
+ fade[current].gain_curve.clear ();
+ for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[current].points.begin(); i != fade[current].points.end(); ++i) {
+ fade[current].normative_curve.add ((*i)->x, (*i)->y);
+ fade[current].gain_curve.add (((*i)->x * len), (*i)->y);
+ }
+ size_t npoints = (size_t) effective_width();
+ float vec[npoints];
+ fade[current].normative_curve.get_vector (0, 1.0, vec, npoints);
+ GtkCanvasPoints* pts = get_canvas_points ("xfade edit1", npoints);
+ GtkCanvasPoints* spts = get_canvas_points ("xfade edit2", npoints + 3);
+ /* the shade coordinates *MUST* be in anti-clockwise order.
+ */
+ if (current == In) {
+ /* lower left */
+ spts->coords[0] = canvas_border;
+ spts->coords[1] = effective_height() + canvas_border;
+ /* lower right */
+ spts->coords[2] = effective_width() + canvas_border;
+ spts->coords[3] = effective_height() + canvas_border;
+ /* upper right */
+ spts->coords[4] = effective_width() + canvas_border;
+ spts->coords[5] = canvas_border;
+ } else {
+ /* upper left */
+ spts->coords[0] = canvas_border;
+ spts->coords[1] = canvas_border;
+ /* lower left */
+ spts->coords[2] = canvas_border;
+ spts->coords[3] = effective_height() + canvas_border;
+ /* lower right */
+ spts->coords[4] = effective_width() + canvas_border;
+ spts->coords[5] = effective_height() + canvas_border;
+ }
+ size_t last_spt = ((npoints + 3) * 2) - 2;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < npoints; ++i) {
+ double y = vec[i];
+ pts->coords[i*2] = canvas_border + i;
+ pts->coords[(i*2)+1] = y_coordinate (y);
+ spts->coords[last_spt - (i*2)] = canvas_border + i;
+ spts->coords[last_spt - (i*2) + 1] = pts->coords[(i*2)+1];
+ }
+ gtk_canvas_item_set (fade[current].line, "points", pts, NULL);
+ gtk_canvas_item_set (fade[current].shading, "points", spts, NULL);
+ gtk_canvas_points_unref (pts);
+ gtk_canvas_points_unref (spts);
+ for (vector<GtkCanvasItem*>::iterator i = fade[current].waves.begin(); i != fade[current].waves.end(); ++i) {
+ gtk_canvas_item_set ((*i), "gain_src", &fade[current].gain_curve, NULL);
+ }
+CrossfadeEditor::apply_preset (Preset *preset)
+ for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[current].points.begin(); i != fade[current].points.end(); ++i) {
+ delete *i;
+ }
+ fade[current].points.clear ();
+ for (Preset::iterator i = preset->begin(); i != preset->end(); ++i) {
+ Point* p = make_point ();
+ p->move_to (x_coordinate ((*i).x), y_coordinate ((*i).y),
+ (*i).x, (*i).y);
+ fade[current].points.push_back (p);
+ }
+ redraw ();
+CrossfadeEditor::apply ()
+ _apply_to (&xfade);
+CrossfadeEditor::_apply_to (Crossfade* xf)
+ ARDOUR::Curve& in (xf->fade_in());
+ ARDOUR::Curve& out (xf->fade_out());
+ /* IN */
+ ARDOUR::Curve::const_iterator the_end = in.const_end();
+ --the_end;
+ double firstx = (*in.begin())->when;
+ double endx = (*the_end)->when;
+ double miny = in.get_min_y ();
+ double maxy = in.get_max_y ();
+ in.freeze ();
+ in.clear ();
+ for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[In].points.begin(); i != fade[In].points.end(); ++i) {
+ double when = firstx + ((*i)->x * (endx - firstx));
+ double value = (*i)->y; // miny + ((*i)->y * (maxy - miny));
+ in.add (when, value);
+ }
+ /* OUT */
+ the_end = out.const_end();
+ --the_end;
+ firstx = (*out.begin())->when;
+ endx = (*the_end)->when;
+ miny = out.get_min_y ();
+ maxy = out.get_max_y ();
+ out.freeze ();
+ out.clear ();
+ for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[Out].points.begin(); i != fade[Out].points.end(); ++i) {
+ double when = firstx + ((*i)->x * (endx - firstx));
+ double value = (*i)->y; // miny + ((*i)->y * (maxy - miny));
+ out.add (when, value);
+ }
+ in.thaw ();
+ out.thaw ();
+CrossfadeEditor::setup (Crossfade* xfade)
+ _apply_to (xfade);
+ xfade->set_active (true);
+ xfade->fade_in().solve ();
+ xfade->fade_out().solve ();
+CrossfadeEditor::clear ()
+ for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[current].points.begin(); i != fade[current].points.end(); ++i) {
+ delete *i;
+ }
+ fade[current].points.clear ();
+ redraw ();
+CrossfadeEditor::reset ()
+ set (xfade.fade_in(), In);
+ set (xfade.fade_out(), Out);
+CrossfadeEditor::build_presets ()
+ Preset* p;
+ fade_in_presets = new Presets;
+ fade_out_presets = new Presets;
+ /* FADE OUT */
+ p = new Preset (hiin_xpm);
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0, 0));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.0207373, 0.197222));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.0645161, 0.525));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.152074, 0.802778));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.276498, 0.919444));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.481567, 0.980556));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.767281, 1));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (1, 1));
+ fade_in_presets->push_back (p);
+ p = new Preset (loin_xpm);
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0, 0));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.389401, 0.0333333));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.629032, 0.0861111));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.829493, 0.233333));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.9447, 0.483333));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.976959, 0.697222));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (1, 1));
+ fade_in_presets->push_back (p);
+ p = new Preset (regin_xpm);
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0, 0));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.0737327, 0.308333));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.246544, 0.658333));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.470046, 0.886111));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.652074, 0.972222));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.771889, 0.988889));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (1, 1));
+ fade_in_presets->push_back (p);
+ p = new Preset (regin2_xpm);
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0, 0));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.304147, 0.0694444));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.529954, 0.152778));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.725806, 0.333333));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.847926, 0.558333));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.919355, 0.730556));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (1, 1));
+ fade_in_presets->push_back (p);
+ p = new Preset (linin_xpm);
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0, 0));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (1, 1));
+ fade_in_presets->push_back (p);
+ /* FADE OUT */
+ p = new Preset (hiout_xpm);
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0, 1));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.305556, 1));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.548611, 0.991736));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.759259, 0.931129));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.918981, 0.68595));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.976852, 0.22865));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (1, 0));
+ fade_out_presets->push_back (p);
+ p = new Preset (regout_xpm);
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0, 1));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.228111, 0.988889));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.347926, 0.972222));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.529954, 0.886111));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.753456, 0.658333));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.9262673, 0.308333));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (1, 0));
+ fade_out_presets->push_back (p);
+ p = new Preset (loout_xpm);
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0, 1));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.023041, 0.697222));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.0553, 0.483333));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.170507, 0.233333));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.370968, 0.0861111));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.610599, 0.0333333));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (1, 0));
+ fade_out_presets->push_back (p);
+ p = new Preset (regout2_xpm);
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0, 1));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.080645, 0.730556));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.277778, 0.289256));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.470046, 0.152778));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.695853, 0.0694444));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (1, 0));
+ fade_out_presets->push_back (p);
+ p = new Preset (linout_xpm);
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (0, 1));
+ p->push_back (PresetPoint (1, 0));
+ fade_out_presets->push_back (p);
+CrossfadeEditor::curve_select_clicked (WhichFade wf)
+ current = wf;
+ if (wf == In) {
+ for (vector<GtkCanvasItem*>::iterator i = fade[In].waves.begin(); i != fade[In].waves.end(); ++i) {
+ gtk_canvas_item_set ((*i), "wave_color", color_map[cSelectedCrossfadeEditorWave], NULL);
+ }
+ for (vector<GtkCanvasItem*>::iterator i = fade[Out].waves.begin(); i != fade[Out].waves.end(); ++i) {
+ gtk_canvas_item_set ((*i), "wave_color", color_map[cCrossfadeEditorWave], NULL);
+ }
+ gtk_canvas_item_set (fade[In].line, "fill_color_rgba", color_map[cSelectedCrossfadeEditorLine], NULL);
+ gtk_canvas_item_set (fade[Out].line, "fill_color_rgba", color_map[cCrossfadeEditorLine], NULL);
+ gtk_canvas_item_hide (fade[Out].shading);
+ gtk_canvas_item_show (fade[In].shading);
+ for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[Out].points.begin(); i != fade[Out].points.end(); ++i) {
+ gtk_canvas_item_hide ((*i)->box);
+ }
+ for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[In].points.begin(); i != fade[In].points.end(); ++i) {
+ gtk_canvas_item_show ((*i)->box);
+ }
+ for (vector<Button*>::iterator i = fade_out_buttons.begin(); i != fade_out_buttons.end(); ++i) {
+ (*i)->set_sensitive (false);
+ }
+ for (vector<Button*>::iterator i = fade_in_buttons.begin(); i != fade_in_buttons.end(); ++i) {
+ (*i)->set_sensitive (true);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (vector<GtkCanvasItem*>::iterator i = fade[In].waves.begin(); i != fade[In].waves.end(); ++i) {
+ gtk_canvas_item_set ((*i), "wave_color", color_map[cCrossfadeEditorWave], NULL);
+ }
+ for (vector<GtkCanvasItem*>::iterator i = fade[Out].waves.begin(); i != fade[Out].waves.end(); ++i) {
+ gtk_canvas_item_set ((*i), "wave_color", color_map[cSelectedCrossfadeEditorWave], NULL);
+ }
+ gtk_canvas_item_set (fade[Out].line, "fill_color_rgba", color_map[cSelectedCrossfadeEditorLine], NULL);
+ gtk_canvas_item_set (fade[In].line, "fill_color_rgba", color_map[cCrossfadeEditorLine], NULL);
+ gtk_canvas_item_hide (fade[In].shading);
+ gtk_canvas_item_show (fade[Out].shading);
+ for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[In].points.begin(); i != fade[In].points.end(); ++i) {
+ gtk_canvas_item_hide ((*i)->box);
+ }
+ for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[Out].points.begin(); i != fade[Out].points.end(); ++i) {
+ gtk_canvas_item_show ((*i)->box);
+ }
+ for (vector<Button*>::iterator i = fade_out_buttons.begin(); i != fade_out_buttons.end(); ++i) {
+ (*i)->set_sensitive (true);
+ }
+ for (vector<Button*>::iterator i = fade_in_buttons.begin(); i != fade_in_buttons.end(); ++i) {
+ (*i)->set_sensitive (false);
+ }
+ }
+CrossfadeEditor::x_coordinate (double& xfract) const
+ xfract = min (1.0, xfract);
+ xfract = max (0.0, xfract);
+ return canvas_border + (xfract * effective_width());
+CrossfadeEditor::y_coordinate (double& yfract) const
+ yfract = min (1.0, yfract);
+ yfract = max (0.0, yfract);
+ return (_canvas->allocation.height - (canvas_border)) - (yfract * effective_height());
+CrossfadeEditor::make_waves (AudioRegion& region, WhichFade which)
+ gdouble ht;
+ uint32_t nchans = region.n_channels();
+ guint32 color;
+ double spu;
+ if (which == In) {
+ color = color_map[cSelectedCrossfadeEditorWave];
+ } else {
+ color = color_map[cCrossfadeEditorWave];
+ }
+ ht = _canvas->allocation.height / (double) nchans;
+ spu = xfade.length() / (double) effective_width();
+ for (uint32_t n = 0; n < nchans; ++n) {
+ gdouble yoff = n * ht;
+ if (region.source(n).peaks_ready (bind (slot (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::peaks_ready), &region, which))) {
+ GtkCanvasItem *wave = gtk_canvas_item_new (gtk_canvas_root (GTK_CANVAS(_canvas)),
+ gtk_canvas_waveview_get_type (),
+ "data_src", (gpointer) &region,
+ "cache_updater", (gboolean) TRUE,
+ "cache", gtk_canvas_waveview_cache_new (),
+ "channel", (guint32) n,
+ "length_function", (gpointer) region_length_from_c,
+ "sourcefile_length_function", (gpointer) sourcefile_length_from_c,
+ "peak_function", (gpointer) region_read_peaks_from_c,
+ "gain_function", (gpointer) curve_get_vector_from_c,
+ "gain_src", &fade[which].gain_curve,
+ "x", (double) canvas_border,
+ "y", yoff,
+ "height", ht,
+ "samples_per_unit", spu,
+ "amplitude_above_axis", 2.0,
+ "wave_color", color,
+ NULL);
+ gtk_canvas_item_lower_to_bottom (wave);
+ fade[which].waves.push_back (wave);
+ }
+ }
+ gtk_canvas_item_lower_to_bottom (toplevel);
+CrossfadeEditor::peaks_ready (AudioRegion* r, WhichFade which)
+ /* this should never be called, because the peak files for an xfade
+ will be ready by the time we want them. but our API forces us
+ to provide this, so ..
+ */
+ make_waves (*r, which);
+CrossfadeEditor::audition_both ()
+ AudioPlaylist& pl (session.the_auditioner().prepare_playlist());
+ jack_nframes_t preroll;
+ jack_nframes_t postroll;
+ jack_nframes_t length;
+ jack_nframes_t left_start_offset;
+ jack_nframes_t right_length;
+ jack_nframes_t left_length;
+ if (preroll_button.get_active()) {
+ preroll = ARDOUR_UI::instance()->preroll_clock.current_duration ();
+ } else {
+ preroll = 0;
+ }
+ if (postroll_button.get_active()) {
+ postroll = ARDOUR_UI::instance()->postroll_clock.current_duration ();
+ } else {
+ postroll = 0;
+ }
+ if ((left_start_offset = xfade.out().length() - xfade.length()) >= preroll) {
+ left_start_offset -= preroll;
+ }
+ length = 0;
+ if ((left_length = xfade.length()) < xfade.out().length() - left_start_offset) {
+ length += postroll;
+ }
+ right_length = xfade.length();
+ if ( - right_length < postroll) {
+ right_length += postroll;
+ }
+ AudioRegion* left = new AudioRegion (xfade.out(), left_start_offset, left_length, "xfade out",
+ 0, Region::DefaultFlags, false);
+ AudioRegion* right = new AudioRegion (, 0, right_length, "xfade in",
+ 0, Region::DefaultFlags, false);
+ pl.add_region (*left, 0);
+ pl.add_region (*right, 1+preroll);
+ /* there is only one ... */
+ pl.foreach_crossfade (this, &CrossfadeEditor::setup);
+ session.audition_playlist ();
+CrossfadeEditor::audition_left_dry ()
+ AudioRegion* left = new AudioRegion (xfade.out(), xfade.out().length() - xfade.length(), xfade.length(), "xfade left",
+ 0, Region::DefaultFlags, false);
+ session.audition_region (*left);
+CrossfadeEditor::audition_left ()
+ AudioPlaylist& pl (session.the_auditioner().prepare_playlist());
+ AudioRegion* left = new AudioRegion (xfade.out(), xfade.out().length() - xfade.length(), xfade.length(), "xfade left",
+ 0, Region::DefaultFlags, false);
+ AudioRegion* right = new AudioRegion (, 0, xfade.length(), "xfade in",
+ 0, Region::DefaultFlags, false);
+ pl.add_region (*left, 0);
+ pl.add_region (*right, 1);
+ right->set_muted (true);
+ /* there is only one ... */
+ pl.foreach_crossfade (this, &CrossfadeEditor::setup);
+ session.audition_playlist ();
+ /* memory leak for regions */
+CrossfadeEditor::audition_right_dry ()
+ AudioRegion* right = new AudioRegion (, 0, xfade.length(), "xfade in",
+ 0, Region::DefaultFlags, false);
+ session.audition_region (*right);
+CrossfadeEditor::audition_right ()
+ AudioPlaylist& pl (session.the_auditioner().prepare_playlist());
+ AudioRegion* left = new AudioRegion (xfade.out(), xfade.out().length() - xfade.length(), xfade.length(), "xfade out",
+ 0, Region::DefaultFlags, false);
+ AudioRegion* right = new AudioRegion (xfade.out(), 0, xfade.length(), "xfade out",
+ 0, Region::DefaultFlags, false);
+ pl.add_region (*left, 0);
+ pl.add_region (*right, 1);
+ left->set_muted (true);
+ /* there is only one ... */
+ pl.foreach_crossfade (this, &CrossfadeEditor::setup);
+ session.audition_playlist ();
+CrossfadeEditor::cancel_audition ()
+ session.cancel_audition ();
+CrossfadeEditor::audition_toggled ()
+ bool x;
+ if ((x = audition_both_button.get_active ()) != session.is_auditioning()) {
+ if (x) {
+ audition_both ();
+ } else {
+ cancel_audition ();
+ }
+ }
+CrossfadeEditor::audition_right_toggled ()
+ bool x;
+ if ((x = audition_right_button.get_active ()) != session.is_auditioning()) {
+ if (x) {
+ audition_right ();
+ } else {
+ cancel_audition ();
+ }
+ }
+CrossfadeEditor::audition_right_dry_toggled ()
+ bool x;
+ if ((x = audition_right_dry_button.get_active ()) != session.is_auditioning()) {
+ if (x) {
+ audition_right_dry ();
+ } else {
+ cancel_audition ();
+ }
+ }
+CrossfadeEditor::audition_left_toggled ()
+ bool x;
+ if ((x = audition_left_button.get_active ()) != session.is_auditioning()) {
+ if (x) {
+ audition_left ();
+ } else {
+ cancel_audition ();
+ }
+ }
+CrossfadeEditor::audition_left_dry_toggled ()
+ bool x;
+ if ((x = audition_left_dry_button.get_active ()) != session.is_auditioning()) {
+ if (x) {
+ audition_left_dry ();
+ } else {
+ cancel_audition ();
+ }
+ }