path: root/libs/lua
diff options
authorRobin Gareus <>2017-03-18 14:34:02 +0100
committerRobin Gareus <>2017-03-18 14:35:29 +0100
commitbc300ddab733bb15b09d9341e75655d68fbd937e (patch)
treefb078b1c0df58722bfb93b5a9ce7ccec58303cac /libs/lua
parenta1116ebd6f19c30c8a85200c19ec30c00337ccda (diff)
Make Lua std::set bindings more generic, (prepare for multiset etc)
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/lua')
2 files changed, 7 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/libs/lua/LuaBridge/detail/CFunctions.h b/libs/lua/LuaBridge/detail/CFunctions.h
index 2f94ab90e9..b7636f8296 100644
--- a/libs/lua/LuaBridge/detail/CFunctions.h
+++ b/libs/lua/LuaBridge/detail/CFunctions.h
@@ -1331,10 +1331,9 @@ struct CFunc
// generate std::set from table keys ( table[member] = true )
- template <class T>
+ template <class T, class C>
static int tableToSet (lua_State *L)
- typedef std::set<T> C;
C * const t = Userdata::get <C> (L, 1, true);
if (!t) { return luaL_error (L, "invalid pointer to std::set"); }
if (!lua_istable (L, -1)) { return luaL_error (L, "argument is not a table"); }
@@ -1358,10 +1357,9 @@ struct CFunc
// iterate over a std::set, explicit "true" value.
// compare to
- template <class T>
+ template <class T, class C>
static int setIterIter (lua_State *L)
- typedef std::set<T> C;
typedef typename C::const_iterator IterType;
IterType * const end = static_cast <IterType * const> (lua_touserdata (L, lua_upvalueindex (2)));
IterType * const iter = static_cast <IterType * const> (lua_touserdata (L, lua_upvalueindex (1)));
@@ -1377,24 +1375,22 @@ struct CFunc
// generate iterator
- template <class T>
+ template <class T, class C>
static int setIter (lua_State *L)
- typedef std::set<T> C;
C * const t = Userdata::get <C> (L, 1, false);
if (!t) { return luaL_error (L, "invalid pointer to std::set"); }
typedef typename C::const_iterator IterType;
new (lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (IterType*))) IterType (t->begin());
new (lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (IterType*))) IterType (t->end());
- lua_pushcclosure (L, setIterIter<T>, 2);
+ lua_pushcclosure (L, setIterIter<T, C>, 2);
return 1;
// generate table from std::set
- template <class T>
+ template <class T, class C>
static int setToTable (lua_State *L)
- typedef std::set<T> C;
C const* const t = Userdata::get <C> (L, 1, true);
if (!t) { return luaL_error (L, "invalid pointer to std::set"); }
diff --git a/libs/lua/LuaBridge/detail/Namespace.h b/libs/lua/LuaBridge/detail/Namespace.h
index f9ec8eb636..e8c02283b5 100644
--- a/libs/lua/LuaBridge/detail/Namespace.h
+++ b/libs/lua/LuaBridge/detail/Namespace.h
@@ -1824,9 +1824,8 @@ public:
.addFunction ("clear", (void (LT::*)())&LT::clear)
.addFunction ("empty", &LT::empty)
.addFunction ("size", &LT::size)
- .addExtCFunction ("add", &CFunc::tableToSet<T>)
- .addExtCFunction ("iter", &CFunc::setIter<T>)
- .addExtCFunction ("table", &CFunc::setToTable<T>);
+ .addExtCFunction ("iter", &CFunc::setIter<T, LT>)
+ .addExtCFunction ("table", &CFunc::setToTable<T, LT>);
template <unsigned int T>