path: root/gtk2_ardour/
diff options
authorRobin Gareus <>2019-12-19 04:27:54 +0100
committerRobin Gareus <>2019-12-19 18:57:40 +0100
commitd0668721d5ac0c3d1de6f09e482eae49562232df (patch)
tree99c081e9147559f1e86c1faa2001f542ab091ee2 /gtk2_ardour/
parent01291f3e0fd94476aa4c53b439cf934faa6a9309 (diff)
Vkeybd simplification
* remove Y-axis dependent velocity (difference between black/white keys made this not very usable * remove Bank/Patch selector (there are already three other Bank/Patch UIs * move keyboard-layout selection into Preferences > MIDI
Diffstat (limited to 'gtk2_ardour/')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 207 deletions
diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/ b/gtk2_ardour/
index 53b9ca5093..f3c54d6859 100644
--- a/gtk2_ardour/
+++ b/gtk2_ardour/
@@ -43,21 +43,15 @@ using namespace ArdourWidgets;
VirtualKeyboardWindow::VirtualKeyboardWindow ()
: ArdourWindow (_("Virtual MIDI Keyboard"))
- , _bank_msb (*manage (new Adjustment (0, 0, 127, 1, 16)))
- , _bank_lsb (*manage (new Adjustment (0, 0, 127, 1, 16)))
- , _patchpgm (*manage (new Adjustment (1, 1, 128, 1, 16)))
- , _cfg_display (S_("Virtual keyboard|Config"), ArdourButton::led_default_elements)
- , _pgm_display (_("Bank/Patch"), ArdourButton::led_default_elements)
- , _yaxis_velocity (_("Y-Axis"), ArdourButton::led_default_elements)
, _send_panic (_("Panic"), ArdourButton::default_elements)
, _piano_key_velocity (*manage (new Adjustment (100, 1, 127, 1, 16)))
- , _piano_min_velocity (*manage (new Adjustment ( 1, 1, 127, 1, 16)))
- , _piano_max_velocity (*manage (new Adjustment (127, 1, 127, 1, 16)))
, _piano_octave_key (*manage (new Adjustment (4, -1, 7, 1, 1)))
, _piano_octave_range (*manage (new Adjustment (7, 2, 11, 1, 1)))
, _pitch_adjustment (8192, 0, 16383, 1, 256)
, _modwheel_adjustment (0, 0, 127, 1, 8)
+ UIConfiguration::instance().ParameterChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::parameter_changed));
_piano.set_flags (Gtk::CAN_FOCUS);
_piano.set_keyboard_layout (APianoKeyboard::S_QWERTY);
@@ -77,23 +71,9 @@ VirtualKeyboardWindow::VirtualKeyboardWindow ()
_transpose_output.append_text_item (buf);
- using namespace Menu_Helpers;
- _keyboard_layout.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (_("QWERTY"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::select_keyboard_layout), "QWERTY")));
- _keyboard_layout.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (_("QWERTZ"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::select_keyboard_layout), "QWERTZ")));
- _keyboard_layout.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (_("AZERTY"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::select_keyboard_layout), "AZERTY")));
- _keyboard_layout.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (_("DVORAK"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::select_keyboard_layout), "DVORAK")));
- _keyboard_layout.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (_("QWERTY Single"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::select_keyboard_layout), "QWERTY Single")));
- _keyboard_layout.AddMenuElem (MenuElem (_("QWERTZ Single"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::select_keyboard_layout), "QWERTZ Single")));
- Gtkmm2ext::set_size_request_to_display_given_text_width (_keyboard_layout, _("QWERTZ Single"), 2, 0); // Longest Text
- _keyboard_layout.set_active (_("QWERTY Single"));
_midi_channel.set_active ("1");
_transpose_output.set_active ("0");
- _cfg_display.set_active (false);
- _pgm_display.set_active (false);
- _yaxis_velocity.set_active (false);
_send_panic.set_can_focus (false);
_pitchbend = boost::shared_ptr<VKBDControl> (new VKBDControl ("PB", 8192, 16383));
@@ -111,53 +91,15 @@ VirtualKeyboardWindow::VirtualKeyboardWindow ()
_modwheel_adjustment.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::modwheel_slider_adjusted));
_modwheel->ValueChanged.connect_same_thread (_cc_connections, boost::bind (&VirtualKeyboardWindow::control_change_event_handler, this, 1, _1));
- set_tooltip (_yaxis_velocity, _("When enabled, mouse-click y-axis position defines the velocity."));
set_tooltip (_piano_octave_key, _("The center octave, and lowest octave for keyboard control. Change with Arrow left/right."));
set_tooltip (_piano_octave_range, _("Available octave range, centered around the key-octave."));
- set_tooltip (_keyboard_layout, _("Keyboard layout to use for keyboard control."));
set_tooltip (_piano_key_velocity, _("The default velocity to use with keyboard control, and when y-axis click-position is disabled."));
- set_tooltip (_piano_min_velocity, _("Velocity to use when clicking at the top-end of a key."));
- set_tooltip (_piano_max_velocity, _("Velocity to use when clicking at the bottom-end of a key."));
set_tooltip (_send_panic, _("Send MIDI Panic message for current channel"));
pitch_bend_update_tooltip (8192);
_pitch_slider->set_can_focus (false);
- /* config */
- Table* cfg_tbl = manage (new Table);
- cfg_tbl->attach (_yaxis_velocity, 0, 1, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
- cfg_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Velocity:"))), 0, 1, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
- cfg_tbl->attach (_piano_min_velocity, 1, 2, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
- cfg_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Min"))), 1, 2, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
- cfg_tbl->attach (_piano_max_velocity, 2, 3, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
- cfg_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("Max"))), 2, 3, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
- cfg_tbl->attach (*manage (new ArdourVSpacer), 7, 8, 0, 2, SHRINK, FILL, 4, 0);
- cfg_tbl->attach (_keyboard_layout, 8, 9, 0, 2, FILL, SHRINK, 4, 1);
- cfg_tbl->show_all ();
- /* bank/patch */
- Table* pgm_tbl = manage (new Table);
- Label* lbl = manage (new Label (_("Note: Prefer\nTrack-controls")));
- lbl->set_justify (JUSTIFY_CENTER);
- pgm_tbl->attach (*lbl, 0, 1, 0, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
- pgm_tbl->attach (*manage (new ArdourVSpacer), 1, 2, 0, 2, SHRINK, FILL, 4, 0);
- pgm_tbl->attach (_bank_msb, 2, 3, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
- pgm_tbl->attach (_bank_lsb, 3, 4, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
- pgm_tbl->attach (_patchpgm, 4, 5, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
- pgm_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("MSB"))), 2, 3, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
- pgm_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("LSB"))), 3, 4, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
- pgm_tbl->attach (*manage (new Label (_("PGM"))), 4, 5, 1, 2, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
- pgm_tbl->attach (*manage (new ArdourVSpacer), 5, 6, 0, 2, SHRINK, FILL, 4, 0);
- pgm_tbl->show_all ();
/* settings */
Table* tbl = manage (new Table);
tbl->attach (_midi_channel, 0, 1, 0, 1, SHRINK, SHRINK, 4, 0);
@@ -220,40 +162,16 @@ VirtualKeyboardWindow::VirtualKeyboardWindow ()
Box* box1 = manage (new HBox ());
box1->pack_start (*tbl, true, false);
- Box* box2 = manage (new VBox ());
- box2->pack_start (_pgm_display, false, false, 1);
- box2->pack_start (_cfg_display, false, false, 1);
- box1->pack_start (*box2, false, false);
- _cfg_box = manage (new HBox ());
- _cfg_box->pack_start (*cfg_tbl, true, false);
- _cfg_box->set_no_show_all (true);
- _pgm_box = manage (new HBox ());
- _pgm_box->pack_start (*pgm_tbl, true, false);
- _pgm_box->set_no_show_all (true);
VBox* vbox = manage (new VBox);
vbox->pack_start (*box1, false, false, 4);
- vbox->pack_start (*_pgm_box, false, false, 4);
- vbox->pack_start (*_cfg_box, false, false, 4);
vbox->pack_start (_piano, true, true);
add (*vbox);
- _bank_msb.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::bank_patch));
- _bank_lsb.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::bank_patch));
- _patchpgm.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::bank_patch));
- _piano_key_velocity.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_velocity_settings), 0));
- _piano_min_velocity.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_velocity_settings), 1));
- _piano_max_velocity.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_velocity_settings), 2));
+ _piano_key_velocity.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_velocity_settings));
_piano_octave_key.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_octave_key));
_piano_octave_range.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_octave_range));
- _cfg_display.signal_button_release_event ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_config), false);
- _pgm_display.signal_button_release_event ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_bankpatch), false);
- _yaxis_velocity.signal_button_release_event ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_yaxis_velocity), false);
_send_panic.signal_button_release_event ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::send_panic_message), false);
@@ -262,7 +180,7 @@ VirtualKeyboardWindow::VirtualKeyboardWindow ()
_piano.SwitchOctave.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::octave_key_event_handler));
_piano.PitchBend.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &VirtualKeyboardWindow::pitch_bend_key_event_handler));
- update_velocity_settings (0);
+ update_velocity_settings ();
update_octave_range ();
set_keep_above (true);
@@ -288,17 +206,20 @@ VirtualKeyboardWindow::set_session (ARDOUR::Session* s)
set_state (*node);
+VirtualKeyboardWindow::parameter_changed (std::string const& p)
+ if (p == "vkeybd-layout") {
+ select_keyboard_layout (UIConfiguration::instance().get_vkeybd_layout ());
+ }
VirtualKeyboardWindow::get_state ()
XMLNode* node = new XMLNode (X_("VirtualKeyboard"));
- node->set_property (X_("YAxisVelocity"), _yaxis_velocity.get_active ());
- node->set_property (X_("Layout"), _keyboard_layout.get_text ());
node->set_property (X_("Channel"), _midi_channel.get_text ());
node->set_property (X_("Transpose"), _transpose_output.get_text ());
- node->set_property (X_("MinVelocity"), _piano_min_velocity.get_value_as_int ());
- node->set_property (X_("MaxVelocity"), _piano_max_velocity.get_value_as_int ());
node->set_property (X_("KeyVelocity"), _piano_key_velocity.get_value_as_int ());
node->set_property (X_("Octave"), _piano_octave_key.get_value_as_int ());
node->set_property (X_("Range"), _piano_octave_range.get_value_as_int ());
@@ -319,11 +240,6 @@ VirtualKeyboardWindow::set_state (const XMLNode& root)
XMLNode const* node = &root;
- std::string layout;
- if (node->get_property (X_("Layout"), layout)) {
- select_keyboard_layout (layout);
- }
for (int i = 0; i < VKBD_NCTRLS; ++i) {
char buf[16];
sprintf (buf, "CC-%d", i);
@@ -333,6 +249,7 @@ VirtualKeyboardWindow::set_state (const XMLNode& root)
+ int v;
std::string s;
if (node->get_property (X_("Channel"), s)) {
uint8_t channel = PBD::atoi (_midi_channel.get_text ());
@@ -343,19 +260,6 @@ VirtualKeyboardWindow::set_state (const XMLNode& root)
if (node->get_property (X_("Transpose"), s)) {
_transpose_output.set_active (s);
- bool a;
- if (node->get_property (X_("YAxisVelocity"), a)) {
- _yaxis_velocity.set_active (a);
- }
- int v;
- if (node->get_property (X_("MinVelocity"), v)) {
- _piano_min_velocity.set_value (v);
- }
- if (node->get_property (X_("MaxVelocity"), v)) {
- _piano_max_velocity.set_value (v);
- }
if (node->get_property (X_("KeyVelocity"), v)) {
_piano_key_velocity.set_value (v);
@@ -366,7 +270,7 @@ VirtualKeyboardWindow::set_state (const XMLNode& root)
_piano_octave_range.set_value (v);
- update_velocity_settings (0);
+ update_velocity_settings ();
update_octave_range ();
update_octave_key ();
@@ -418,7 +322,6 @@ VirtualKeyboardWindow::on_key_release_event (GdkEventKey* ev)
VirtualKeyboardWindow::select_keyboard_layout (std::string const& l)
- _keyboard_layout.set_active (l);
if (l == "QWERTY") {
_piano.set_keyboard_layout (APianoKeyboard::QWERTY);
} else if (l == "QWERTZ") {
@@ -431,48 +334,10 @@ VirtualKeyboardWindow::select_keyboard_layout (std::string const& l)
_piano.set_keyboard_layout (APianoKeyboard::S_QWERTY);
} else if (l == "QWERTZ Single") {
_piano.set_keyboard_layout (APianoKeyboard::S_QWERTZ);
- } else {
- _keyboard_layout.set_active ("QWERTY");
_piano.grab_focus ();
-VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_config (GdkEventButton* ev)
- bool a = !_cfg_display.get_active ();
- _cfg_display.set_active (a);
- if (a) {
- _cfg_box->show ();
- } else {
- const int child_height = _cfg_box->get_height ();
- _cfg_box->hide ();
- Gtk::Requisition wr;
- get_size (wr.width, wr.height);
- wr.height -= child_height;
- resize (wr.width, wr.height);
- }
- return false;
-VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_bankpatch (GdkEventButton*)
- bool a = !_pgm_display.get_active ();
- _pgm_display.set_active (a);
- if (a) {
- _pgm_box->show ();
- } else {
- const int child_height = _pgm_box->get_height ();
- _pgm_box->hide ();
- Gtk::Requisition wr;
- get_size (wr.width, wr.height);
- wr.height -= child_height;
- resize (wr.width, wr.height);
- }
- return false;
VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_octave_key ()
@@ -489,14 +354,6 @@ VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_octave_range ()
-VirtualKeyboardWindow::toggle_yaxis_velocity (GdkEventButton*)
- _yaxis_velocity.set_active (!_yaxis_velocity.get_active ());
- update_velocity_settings (0);
- return false;
VirtualKeyboardWindow::send_panic_message (GdkEventButton*)
uint8_t channel = PBD::atoi (_midi_channel.get_text ()) - 1;
@@ -513,58 +370,11 @@ VirtualKeyboardWindow::send_panic_message (GdkEventButton*)
-VirtualKeyboardWindow::bank_patch ()
- int msb = _bank_msb.get_value_as_int ();
- int lsb = _bank_lsb.get_value_as_int ();
- int pgm = _patchpgm.get_value_as_int () - 1;
- uint8_t channel = PBD::atoi (_midi_channel.get_text ()) - 1;
- uint8_t ev[3];
- ev[0] = MIDI_CMD_CONTROL | channel;
- ev[1] = MIDI_CTL_MSB_BANK;
- ev[2] = (msb >> 7) & 0x7f;
- _session->vkbd_output_port ()->write (ev, 3, 0);
- ev[1] = MIDI_CTL_LSB_BANK | channel;
- ev[2] = lsb & 0x7f;
- _session->vkbd_output_port ()->write (ev, 3, 0);
- ev[0] = MIDI_CMD_PGM_CHANGE | channel;
- ev[1] = pgm & 0x7f;
- _session->vkbd_output_port ()->write (ev, 2, 0);
-VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_velocity_settings (int ctrl)
+VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_velocity_settings ()
- if (_piano_min_velocity.get_value_as_int () > _piano_max_velocity.get_value_as_int ()) {
- if (ctrl == 2) {
- _piano_min_velocity.set_value (_piano_max_velocity.get_value_as_int ());
- return;
- } else {
- _piano_max_velocity.set_value (_piano_min_velocity.get_value_as_int ());
- return;
- }
- }
- if (_yaxis_velocity.get_active ()) {
- _piano.set_velocities (_piano_min_velocity.get_value_as_int (),
- _piano_max_velocity.get_value_as_int (),
- _piano_key_velocity.get_value_as_int ());
- } else {
- _piano.set_velocities (_piano_key_velocity.get_value_as_int (),
- _piano_key_velocity.get_value_as_int (),
- _piano_key_velocity.get_value_as_int ());
- }
- update_sensitivity ();
-VirtualKeyboardWindow::update_sensitivity ()
- bool c = _yaxis_velocity.get_active ();
- _piano_min_velocity.set_sensitive (c);
- _piano_max_velocity.set_sensitive (c);
- _piano.grab_focus ();
+ _piano.set_velocities (_piano_key_velocity.get_value_as_int (),
+ _piano_key_velocity.get_value_as_int (),
+ _piano_key_velocity.get_value_as_int ());