/* Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU Hurd. The GNU Hurd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU Hurd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the GNU Hurd. If not, see . */ /* PCI Filesystem implementation */ #include "pcifs.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ncache.h" #include "func_files.h" static error_t create_dir_entry (int32_t domain, int16_t bus, int16_t dev, int16_t func, int32_t device_class, char *name, struct pcifs_dirent *parent, io_statbuf_t stat, struct node *node, struct pci_device *device, struct pcifs_dirent *entry) { uint16_t parent_num_entries; memset (entry, 0, sizeof (struct pcifs_dirent)); entry->domain = domain; entry->bus = bus; entry->dev = dev; entry->func = func; entry->device_class = device_class; strncpy (entry->name, name, NAME_SIZE - 1); entry->name[NAME_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; entry->parent = parent; entry->stat = stat; entry->dir = 0; entry->node = node; entry->device = device; /* Update parent's child list */ if (entry->parent) { if (!entry->parent->dir) { /* First child */ entry->parent->dir = calloc (1, sizeof (struct pcifs_dir)); if (!entry->parent->dir) return ENOMEM; } parent_num_entries = entry->parent->dir->num_entries++; entry->parent->dir->entries = realloc (entry->parent->dir->entries, entry->parent->dir->num_entries * sizeof (struct pcifs_dirent *)); if (!entry->parent->dir->entries) return ENOMEM; entry->parent->dir->entries[parent_num_entries] = entry; } return 0; } error_t alloc_file_system (struct pcifs ** fs) { *fs = calloc (1, sizeof (struct pcifs)); if (!*fs) return ENOMEM; return 0; } error_t init_root_node (file_t underlying_node) { error_t err; struct node *np; io_statbuf_t underlying_node_stat = { 0 }; if (underlying_node != MACH_PORT_NULL) { /* Initialize status from underlying node. */ err = io_stat (underlying_node, &underlying_node_stat); if (err) return err; } np = netfs_make_node_alloc (sizeof (struct netnode)); if (!np) return ENOMEM; np->nn_stat = underlying_node_stat; np->nn_stat.st_fsid = getpid (); np->nn_stat.st_mode = S_IFDIR | S_IROOT | S_IRUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH; np->nn_translated = np->nn_stat.st_mode; /* Set times to now */ fshelp_touch (&np->nn_stat, TOUCH_ATIME | TOUCH_MTIME | TOUCH_CTIME, pcifs_maptime); netfs_root_node = np; return 0; } error_t init_file_system (struct pcifs * fs) { error_t err; struct node *np = netfs_root_node; fs->entries = calloc (1, sizeof (struct pcifs_dirent)); if (!fs->entries) return ENOMEM; /* Create the root entry */ err = create_dir_entry (-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, "", 0, np->nn_stat, np, 0, fs->entries); if (err) return err; fs->num_entries = 1; fs->root = np; fs->root->nn->ln = fs->entries; pthread_mutex_init (&fs->node_cache_lock, 0); pthread_mutex_init (&fs->pci_conf_lock, 0); return 0; } error_t create_fs_tree (struct pcifs * fs) { error_t err = 0; int c_domain, c_bus, c_dev, i, j; size_t nentries; struct pci_device *device; struct pcifs_dirent *e, *domain_parent, *bus_parent, *dev_parent, *func_parent, *list; struct stat e_stat; char entry_name[NAME_SIZE]; const struct pci_slot_match match = { PCI_MATCH_ANY, PCI_MATCH_ANY, PCI_MATCH_ANY, PCI_MATCH_ANY, 0 }; /* domain bus device func */ struct pci_device_iterator *iter; nentries = 1; /* Skip root entry */ c_domain = c_bus = c_dev = -1; iter = pci_slot_match_iterator_create(&match); device = pci_device_next(iter); for (i = 0; device != NULL; i++, device = pci_device_next(iter) ) { if (device->domain != c_domain) { c_domain = device->domain; c_bus = -1; c_dev = -1; nentries++; } if (device->bus != c_bus) { c_bus = device->bus; c_dev = -1; nentries++; } if (device->dev != c_dev) { c_dev = device->dev; nentries++; } nentries += 2; /* func dir + config */ /* Probe the device to find regions and rom */ err = pci_device_probe (device); if (!err) { for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) if (device->regions[j].size > 0) nentries++; /* + memory region */ if (device->rom_size) nentries++; /* + rom */ } } pci_iterator_destroy(iter); if (nentries == 1) { /* No devices found, no need to continue */ return 0; } list = realloc (fs->entries, nentries * sizeof (struct pcifs_dirent)); if (!list) return ENOMEM; e = list + 1; c_domain = c_bus = c_dev = -1; domain_parent = bus_parent = dev_parent = func_parent = 0; iter = pci_slot_match_iterator_create(&match); device = pci_device_next(iter); /* FIXME: set different st_ino values. */ for (i = 0; device != NULL; i++, device = pci_device_next(iter)) { if (device->domain != c_domain) { /* We've found a new domain. Add an entry for it */ e_stat = list->stat; e_stat.st_mode &= ~S_IROOT; /* Remove the root mode */ snprintf (entry_name, NAME_SIZE, "%04x", device->domain); err = create_dir_entry (device->domain, -1, -1, -1, -1, entry_name, list, e_stat, 0, 0, e); if (err) return err; /* Switch to bus level */ domain_parent = e++; c_domain = device->domain; c_bus = -1; c_dev = -1; } if (device->bus != c_bus) { /* We've found a new bus. Add an entry for it */ snprintf (entry_name, NAME_SIZE, "%02x", device->bus); err = create_dir_entry (device->domain, device->bus, -1, -1, -1, entry_name, domain_parent, domain_parent->stat, 0, 0, e); if (err) return err; /* Switch to dev level */ bus_parent = e++; c_bus = device->bus; c_dev = -1; } if (device->dev != c_dev) { /* We've found a new dev. Add an entry for it */ snprintf (entry_name, NAME_SIZE, "%02x", device->dev); err = create_dir_entry (device->domain, device->bus, device->dev, -1, -1, entry_name, bus_parent, bus_parent->stat, 0, 0, e); if (err) return err; /* Switch to func level */ dev_parent = e++; c_dev = device->dev; } /* Remove all permissions to others */ e_stat = dev_parent->stat; e_stat.st_mode &= ~(S_IROTH | S_IWOTH | S_IXOTH); /* Add func entry */ snprintf (entry_name, NAME_SIZE, "%01u", device->func); err = create_dir_entry (device->domain, device->bus, device->dev, device->func, device->device_class, entry_name, dev_parent, e_stat, 0, device, e); if (err) return err; /* Switch to the lowest level */ func_parent = e++; /* Change mode to a regular file */ e_stat = func_parent->stat; e_stat.st_mode &= ~(S_IFDIR | S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP); e_stat.st_mode |= S_IFREG | S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP; e_stat.st_size = PCI_CONFIG_SIZE; // FIXME: Hardcoded /* Create config entry */ strncpy (entry_name, FILE_CONFIG_NAME, NAME_SIZE - 1); err = create_dir_entry (device->domain, device->bus, device->dev, device->func, device->device_class, entry_name, func_parent, e_stat, 0, device, e++); if (err) return err; /* Create regions entries */ for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { if (device->regions[j].size > 0) { e_stat.st_size = device->regions[j].size; snprintf (entry_name, NAME_SIZE, "%s%01u", FILE_REGION_NAME, j); err = create_dir_entry (device->domain, device->bus, device->dev, device->func, device->device_class, entry_name, func_parent, e_stat, 0, device, e++); if (err) return err; } } /* Create rom entry */ if (device->rom_size) { /* Make rom is read only */ e_stat.st_mode &= ~(S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP); e_stat.st_size = device->rom_size; strncpy (entry_name, FILE_ROM_NAME, NAME_SIZE - 1); err = create_dir_entry (device->domain, device->bus, device->dev, device->func, device->device_class, entry_name, func_parent, e_stat, 0, device, e++); if (err) return err; } } pci_iterator_destroy(iter); /* The root node points to the first element of the entry list */ fs->entries = list; fs->num_entries = nentries; fs->root->nn->ln = fs->entries; return err; } error_t entry_check_perms (struct iouser * user, struct pcifs_dirent * e, int flags) { error_t err = 0; if (!err && (flags & O_READ)) err = fshelp_access (&e->stat, S_IREAD, user); if (!err && (flags & O_WRITE)) err = fshelp_access (&e->stat, S_IWRITE, user); if (!err && (flags & O_EXEC)) err = fshelp_access (&e->stat, S_IEXEC, user); return err; } /* Set default permissions to the given entry */ static void entry_default_perms (struct pcifs *fs, struct pcifs_dirent *e) { /* Set default owner and group */ UPDATE_OWNER (e, fs->root->nn->ln->stat.st_uid); UPDATE_GROUP (e, fs->root->nn->ln->stat.st_gid); /* Update ctime */ UPDATE_TIMES (e, TOUCH_CTIME); return; } static void entry_set_perms (struct pcifs *fs, struct pcifs_dirent *e) { int i; struct pcifs_perm *perms = fs->params.perms, *p; size_t num_perms = fs->params.num_perms; for (i = 0, p = perms; i < num_perms; i++, p++) { uint8_t e_class = e->device_class >> 16; uint8_t e_subclass = ((e->device_class >> 8) & 0xFF); /* Check whether the entry is convered by this permission scope */ if (p->d_class >= 0 && e_class != p->d_class) continue; if (p->d_subclass >= 0 && e_subclass != p->d_subclass) continue; if (p->domain >= 0 && p->domain != e->domain) continue; if (p->bus >= 0 && e->bus != p->bus) continue; if (p->dev >= 0 && e->dev != p->dev) continue; if (p->func >= 0 && e->func != p->func) continue; /* This permission set covers this entry */ if (p->uid >= 0) UPDATE_OWNER (e, p->uid); if (p->gid >= 0) UPDATE_GROUP (e, p->gid); /* Update ctime */ UPDATE_TIMES (e, TOUCH_CTIME); /* Break, as only one permission set can cover each node */ break; } return; } /* Update all entries' permissions */ error_t fs_set_permissions (struct pcifs * fs) { int i; struct pcifs_dirent *e; for (i = 0, e = fs->entries; i < fs->num_entries; i++, e++) { /* Restore default perms, as this may be called from fsysopts */ entry_default_perms (fs, e); /* Set new permissions, if any */ entry_set_perms (fs, e); } return 0; }