/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1993,1991,1990,1989 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * Author: David B. Golub, Carnegie Mellon University * Date: 3/89 */ /* * Mach device server routines (i386at version). * * Copyright (c) 1996 The University of Utah and * the Computer Systems Laboratory at the University of Utah (CSL). * All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software is hereby * granted provided that (1) source code retains these copyright, permission, * and disclaimer notices, and (2) redistributions including binaries * reproduce the notices in supporting documentation, and (3) all advertising * materials mentioning features or use of this software display the following * acknowledgement: ``This product includes software developed by the * Computer Systems Laboratory at the University of Utah.'' * * THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH AND CSL ALLOW FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS * IS" CONDITION. THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH AND CSL DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY OF * ANY KIND FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * CSL requests users of this software to return to csl-dist@cs.utah.edu any * improvements that they make and grant CSL redistribution rights. * * Author: Shantanu Goel, University of Utah CSL */ /* * This is is providing the same multiplexing layer as in the GNU Mach kernel, * which also handles the MIG details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* fallback to kernel device */ #include "device_S.h" #include "libports/notify_S.h" #include "machdev-dev_hdr.h" #include "machdev.h" #include "mach_device.h" struct port_bucket *machdev_device_bucket; struct port_class *machdev_device_class; #define MAX_NUM_EMULATION 32 /* List of emulations. */ static struct machdev_device_emulation_ops *emulation_list[MAX_NUM_EMULATION]; static int num_emul = 0; /* * What follows is the interface for the native Mach devices. */ /* Implementation of device interface */ io_return_t ds_device_open (mach_port_t open_port, mach_port_t reply_port, mach_msg_type_name_t reply_port_type, dev_mode_t mode, const_dev_name_t name, device_t *devp, mach_msg_type_name_t *devicePoly) { int i; mach_port_t dev_master; io_return_t err = D_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; /* Open must be called on the master device port. */ if (!machdev_is_master_device (open_port)) return D_INVALID_OPERATION; /* There must be a reply port. */ if (! MACH_PORT_VALID (reply_port)) return MIG_NO_REPLY; /* Call each emulation's open routine to find the device. */ for (i = 0; i < num_emul; i++) { err = (*emulation_list[i]->open) (reply_port, reply_port_type, mode, name, devp, devicePoly); if (err != D_NO_SUCH_DEVICE) break; } /* Fall back to opening kernel device master */ if (err) { err = get_privileged_ports(NULL, &dev_master); if (!err) err = device_open (dev_master, mode, name, devp); if (!err) *devicePoly = MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND; } return err; } io_return_t ds_device_open_new (mach_port_t open_port, mach_port_t reply_port, mach_msg_type_name_t reply_port_type, dev_mode_t mode, const_dev_name_t name, device_t *devp, mach_msg_type_name_t *devicePoly) { return ds_device_open (open_port, reply_port, reply_port_type, mode, name, devp, devicePoly); } io_return_t ds_device_close (struct mach_device *device) { /* Refuse if device is dead or not completely open. */ if (device == MACH_DEVICE_NULL) return D_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; return (device->dev.emul_ops->close ? (*device->dev.emul_ops->close) (device->dev.emul_data) : D_SUCCESS); } io_return_t ds_device_write (struct mach_device *device, mach_port_t reply_port, mach_msg_type_name_t reply_port_type, dev_mode_t mode, recnum_t recnum, io_buf_ptr_t data, unsigned int count, int *bytes_written) { /* Refuse if device is dead or not completely open. */ if (device == MACH_DEVICE_NULL) return D_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; if (data == 0) return D_INVALID_SIZE; if (! device->dev.emul_ops->write) return D_INVALID_OPERATION; return (*device->dev.emul_ops->write) (device->dev.emul_data, reply_port, reply_port_type, mode, recnum, data, count, bytes_written); } io_return_t ds_device_write_inband (struct mach_device *device, mach_port_t reply_port, mach_msg_type_name_t reply_port_type, dev_mode_t mode, recnum_t recnum, const io_buf_ptr_inband_t data, unsigned count, int *bytes_written) { /* Refuse if device is dead or not completely open. */ if (device == MACH_DEVICE_NULL) return D_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; if (data == 0) return D_INVALID_SIZE; if (! device->dev.emul_ops->write_inband) return D_INVALID_OPERATION; return (*device->dev.emul_ops->write_inband) (device->dev.emul_data, reply_port, reply_port_type, mode, recnum, data, count, bytes_written); } io_return_t ds_device_read (struct mach_device *device, mach_port_t reply_port, mach_msg_type_name_t reply_port_type, dev_mode_t mode, recnum_t recnum, int count, io_buf_ptr_t *data, unsigned *bytes_read) { /* Refuse if device is dead or not completely open. */ if (device == MACH_DEVICE_NULL) return D_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; if (! device->dev.emul_ops->read) return D_INVALID_OPERATION; return (*device->dev.emul_ops->read) (device->dev.emul_data, reply_port, reply_port_type, mode, recnum, count, data, bytes_read); } io_return_t ds_device_read_inband (struct mach_device *device, mach_port_t reply_port, mach_msg_type_name_t reply_port_type, dev_mode_t mode, recnum_t recnum, int count, io_buf_ptr_inband_t data, unsigned *bytes_read) { /* Refuse if device is dead or not completely open. */ if (device == MACH_DEVICE_NULL) return D_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; if (! device->dev.emul_ops->read_inband) return D_INVALID_OPERATION; return (*device->dev.emul_ops->read_inband) (device->dev.emul_data, reply_port, reply_port_type, mode, recnum, count, data, bytes_read); } io_return_t ds_device_set_status (struct mach_device *device, dev_flavor_t flavor, dev_status_t status, mach_msg_type_number_t status_count) { /* Refuse if device is dead or not completely open. */ if (device == MACH_DEVICE_NULL) return D_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; if (! device->dev.emul_ops->set_status) return D_INVALID_OPERATION; return (*device->dev.emul_ops->set_status) (device->dev.emul_data, flavor, status, status_count); } io_return_t ds_device_get_status (struct mach_device *device, dev_flavor_t flavor, dev_status_t status, mach_msg_type_number_t *status_count) { /* Refuse if device is dead or not completely open. */ if (device == MACH_DEVICE_NULL) return D_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; if (! device->dev.emul_ops->get_status) return D_INVALID_OPERATION; return (*device->dev.emul_ops->get_status) (device->dev.emul_data, flavor, status, status_count); } io_return_t ds_device_set_filter (struct mach_device *device, mach_port_t receive_port, int priority, filter_t *filter, unsigned filter_count) { /* Refuse if device is dead or not completely open. */ if (device == MACH_DEVICE_NULL) return D_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; if (! device->dev.emul_ops->set_filter) return D_INVALID_OPERATION; return (*device->dev.emul_ops->set_filter) (device->dev.emul_data, receive_port, priority, filter, filter_count); } io_return_t ds_device_map (struct mach_device *device, vm_prot_t prot, vm_offset_t offset, vm_size_t size, mach_port_t *pager, boolean_t unmap) { /* Refuse if device is dead or not completely open. */ if (device == MACH_DEVICE_NULL) return D_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; if (! device->dev.emul_ops->map) return D_INVALID_OPERATION; return (*device->dev.emul_ops->map) (device->dev.emul_data, prot, offset, size, pager, unmap); } kern_return_t ds_device_intr_register (mach_device_t dev, int id, int flags, mach_port_t receive_port) { return D_INVALID_OPERATION; } kern_return_t ds_device_intr_ack (mach_device_t dev, mach_port_t receive_port) { return D_INVALID_OPERATION; } error_t machdev_create_device_port (size_t size, void *result) { return ports_create_port (machdev_device_class, machdev_device_bucket, size, result); } void machdev_device_init(void) { int i; machdev_device_bucket = ports_create_bucket (); machdev_device_class = ports_create_class (0, 0); for (i = 0; i < num_emul; i++) { if (emulation_list[i]->init) emulation_list[i]->init(); } } void machdev_device_sync(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < num_emul; i++) { if (emulation_list[i]->sync) emulation_list[i]->sync(); } } int machdev_demuxer (mach_msg_header_t *inp, mach_msg_header_t *outp) { mig_routine_t routine; if ((routine = device_server_routine (inp)) || (routine = ports_notify_server_routine (inp))) { (*routine) (inp, outp); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } void machdev_register (struct machdev_device_emulation_ops *ops) { assert(num_emul < MAX_NUM_EMULATION-1); emulation_list[num_emul++] = ops; } void * machdev_server(void *arg) { /* Launch. */ do { ports_manage_port_operations_one_thread (machdev_device_bucket, machdev_demuxer, 0); } while (1); return NULL; }