/* Copyright © 2007 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE APPLE SOFTWARE OR ITS USE AND OPERATION ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH YOUR PRODUCTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE APPLE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF APPLE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "AUCarbonViewControl.h" #include "AUCarbonViewBase.h" #include "AUViewLocalizedStringKeys.h" AUCarbonViewControl::AUCarbonViewControl(AUCarbonViewBase *ownerView, AUParameterListenerRef listener, ControlType type, const CAAUParameter ¶m, ControlRef control) : mOwnerView(ownerView), mListener(listener), mType(type), mParam(param), mControl(control), mInControlInitialization(0) { #if __LP64__ SetControlReference(control, SRefCon(this)); #else SetControlReference(control, SInt32(this)); #endif } AUCarbonViewControl::~AUCarbonViewControl() { AUListenerRemoveParameter(mListener, this, &mParam); } AUCarbonViewControl* AUCarbonViewControl::mLastControl = NULL; void AUCarbonViewControl::Bind() { mInControlInitialization = 1; // true AUListenerAddParameter(mListener, this, &mParam); // will cause an almost-immediate callback EventTypeSpec events[] = { { kEventClassControl, kEventControlValueFieldChanged } // N.B. OS X only }; WantEventTypes(GetControlEventTarget(mControl), GetEventTypeCount(events), events); if (mType == kTypeContinuous || mType == kTypeText || mType == kTypeDiscrete) { EventTypeSpec events[] = { { kEventClassControl, kEventControlHit }, { kEventClassControl, kEventControlClick }, { kEventClassControl, kEventControlTrack } }; WantEventTypes(GetControlEventTarget(mControl), GetEventTypeCount(events), events); } if (mType == kTypeText) { EventTypeSpec events[] = { { kEventClassControl, kEventControlSetFocusPart } }; WantEventTypes(GetControlEventTarget(mControl), GetEventTypeCount(events), events); ControlKeyFilterUPP proc = mParam.ValuesHaveStrings() ? StdKeyFilterCallback : NumericKeyFilterCallback; // this will fail for a static text field SetControlData(mControl, 0, kControlEditTextKeyFilterTag, sizeof(proc), &proc); } Update(true); mInControlInitialization = 0; // false } void AUCarbonViewControl::ParameterToControl(Float32 paramValue) { ++mInControlInitialization; switch (mType) { case kTypeContinuous: SetValueFract(AUParameterValueToLinear(paramValue, &mParam)); break; case kTypeDiscrete: { long value = long(paramValue); // special case [1] -- menu parameters if (mParam.HasNamedParams()) { // if we're dealing with menus they behave differently! // becaue setting min and max doesn't work correctly for the control value // first menu item always reports a control value of 1 ControlKind ctrlKind; if (GetControlKind(mControl, &ctrlKind) == noErr) { if ((ctrlKind.kind == kControlKindPopupArrow) || (ctrlKind.kind == kControlKindPopupButton)) { value = value - long(mParam.ParamInfo().minValue) + 1; } } } // special case [2] -- Write-only boolean parameters AudioUnitParameterInfo AUPI = mParam.ParamInfo(); bool isWriteOnlyBoolParameter = ( (AUPI.unit == kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Boolean) && (AUPI.flags & kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsWritable) && !(AUPI.flags & kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsReadable) ); if (!isWriteOnlyBoolParameter) { SetValue (value); } } break; case kTypeText: { CFStringRef cfstr = mParam.GetStringFromValueCopy(¶mValue); if ( !(mParam.ParamInfo().flags & kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsWritable) //READ ONLY PARAMS && (mParam.ParamInfo().flags & kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsReadable)) { if (mParam.GetParamTag()) { CFMutableStringRef str = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 256, cfstr); CFRelease (cfstr); CFStringAppend (str, CFSTR(" ")); CFStringAppend (str, mParam.GetParamTag()); cfstr = str; } } SetTextValue(cfstr); CFRelease (cfstr); } break; } --mInControlInitialization; } void AUCarbonViewControl::ControlToParameter() { if (mInControlInitialization) return; switch (mType) { case kTypeContinuous: { double controlValue = GetValueFract(); Float32 paramValue = AUParameterValueFromLinear(controlValue, &mParam); mParam.SetValue(mListener, this, paramValue); } break; case kTypeDiscrete: { long value = GetValue(); // special case [1] -- Menus if (mParam.HasNamedParams()) { // if we're dealing with menus they behave differently! // becaue setting min and max doesn't work correctly for the control value // first menu item always reports a control value of 1 ControlKind ctrlKind; if (GetControlKind(mControl, &ctrlKind) == noErr) { if ((ctrlKind.kind == kControlKindPopupArrow) || (ctrlKind.kind == kControlKindPopupButton)) { value = value + long(mParam.ParamInfo().minValue) - 1; } } } // special case [2] -- Write-only boolean parameters AudioUnitParameterInfo AUPI = mParam.ParamInfo(); bool isWriteOnlyBoolParameter = ( (AUPI.unit == kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Boolean) && (AUPI.flags & kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsWritable) && !(AUPI.flags & kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsReadable) ); if (isWriteOnlyBoolParameter) { value = 1; } mParam.SetValue (mListener, this, value); } break; case kTypeText: { Float32 val = mParam.GetValueFromString (GetTextValue()); mParam.SetValue(mListener, this, (mParam.IsIndexedParam() ? (int)val : val)); if (mParam.ValuesHaveStrings()) ParameterToControl(val); //make sure we display the correct text (from the AU) } break; } } void AUCarbonViewControl::SetValueFract(double value) { SInt32 minimum = GetControl32BitMinimum(mControl); SInt32 maximum = GetControl32BitMaximum(mControl); SInt32 cval = SInt32(value * (maximum - minimum) + minimum + 0.5); SetControl32BitValue(mControl, cval); // printf("set: value=%lf, min=%ld, max=%ld, ctl value=%ld\n", value, minimum, maximum, cval); } double AUCarbonViewControl::GetValueFract() { SInt32 minimum = GetControl32BitMinimum(mControl); SInt32 maximum = GetControl32BitMaximum(mControl); SInt32 cval = GetControl32BitValue(mControl); double result = double(cval - minimum) / double(maximum - minimum); // printf("get: min=%ld, max=%ld, value=%ld, result=%f\n", minimum, maximum, cval, result); return result; } void AUCarbonViewControl::SetTextValue(CFStringRef cfstr) { verify_noerr(SetControlData(mControl, 0, kControlEditTextCFStringTag, sizeof(CFStringRef), &cfstr)); } CFStringRef AUCarbonViewControl::GetTextValue() { CFStringRef cfstr; verify_noerr(GetControlData(mControl, 0, kControlEditTextCFStringTag, sizeof(CFStringRef), &cfstr, NULL)); return cfstr; } void AUCarbonViewControl::SetValue(long value) { SetControl32BitValue(mControl, value); } long AUCarbonViewControl::GetValue() { return GetControl32BitValue(mControl); } /* Notes on event handling Button (Click and release on button) kEventControlClick received kEventControlTrack received kEventControlValueFieldChanged received kEventControlHit received Button (Click and release outside of button bounds) kEventControlClick received kEventControlTrack received Slider (Click, drag, and release) kEventControlClick received kEventControlTrack received kEventControlValueFieldChanged received kEventControlValueFieldChanged received kEventControlHit received Slider (Click, release without changing value) kEventControlClick received kEventControlTrack received */ bool AUCarbonViewControl::HandleEvent(EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerRef, EventRef event) { UInt32 eclass = GetEventClass(event); UInt32 ekind = GetEventKind(event); ControlRef control; bool handled = true; switch (eclass) { case kEventClassControl: { AudioUnitParameterInfo AUPI = mParam.ParamInfo(); bool isWriteOnlyBoolParameter = ( (AUPI.unit == kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Boolean) && (AUPI.flags & kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsWritable) && !(AUPI.flags & kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsReadable) ); switch (ekind) { case kEventControlSetFocusPart: // tab handled = !handled; // fall through to next case mLastControl = this; case kEventControlValueFieldChanged: GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamDirectObject, typeControlRef, NULL, sizeof(ControlRef), NULL, &control); verify(control == mControl); ControlToParameter(); return handled; case kEventControlClick: if (isWriteOnlyBoolParameter) { GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamDirectObject, typeControlRef, NULL, sizeof(ControlRef), NULL, &control); verify(control == mControl); ControlToParameter(); } else if (mLastControl != this) { if (mLastControl != NULL) { mLastControl->Update(false); } mLastControl = this; } mOwnerView->TellListener(mParam, kAudioUnitCarbonViewEvent_MouseDownInControl, NULL); break; // don't return true, continue normal processing case kEventControlHit: if (mLastControl != this) { if (mLastControl != NULL) mLastControl->Update(false); mLastControl = this; } mOwnerView->TellListener(mParam, kAudioUnitCarbonViewEvent_MouseUpInControl, NULL); break; // don't return true, continue normal processing case kEventControlTrack: if (mLastControl != this) { if (mLastControl != NULL) mLastControl->Update(false); mLastControl = this; } CallNextEventHandler(inHandlerRef, event); ControlToParameter(); // new code mOwnerView->TellListener(mParam, kAudioUnitCarbonViewEvent_MouseUpInControl, NULL); // old code: // break; // don't return true, continue normal processing return handled; // don't return true, continue normal processing } } } return !handled; } pascal void AUCarbonViewControl::SliderTrackProc(ControlRef theControl, ControlPartCode partCode) { // this doesn't need to actually do anything // AUCarbonViewControl *This = (AUCarbonViewControl *)GetControlReference(theControl); } pascal ControlKeyFilterResult AUCarbonViewControl::StdKeyFilterCallback(ControlRef theControl, SInt16 *keyCode, SInt16 *charCode, EventModifiers *modifiers) { SInt16 c = *charCode; if (c >= ' ' || c == '\b' || c == 0x7F || (c >= 0x1c && c <= 0x1f) || c == '\t') return kControlKeyFilterPassKey; if (c == '\r' || c == 3) { // return or Enter AUCarbonViewControl *This = (AUCarbonViewControl *)GetControlReference(theControl); ControlEditTextSelectionRec sel = { 0, 32767 }; SetControlData(This->mControl, 0, kControlEditTextSelectionTag, sizeof(sel), &sel); This->ControlToParameter(); } return kControlKeyFilterBlockKey; } pascal ControlKeyFilterResult AUCarbonViewControl::NumericKeyFilterCallback(ControlRef theControl, SInt16 *keyCode, SInt16 *charCode, EventModifiers *modifiers) { SInt16 c = *charCode; if (isdigit(c) || c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '.' || c == '\b' || c == 0x7F || (c >= 0x1c && c <= 0x1f) || c == '\t') return kControlKeyFilterPassKey; if (c == '\r' || c == 3) { // return or Enter AUCarbonViewControl *This = (AUCarbonViewControl *)GetControlReference(theControl); ControlEditTextSelectionRec sel = { 0, 32767 }; SetControlData(This->mControl, 0, kControlEditTextSelectionTag, sizeof(sel), &sel); This->ControlToParameter(); } return kControlKeyFilterBlockKey; } Boolean AUCarbonViewControl::SizeControlToFit(ControlRef inControl, SInt16 *outWidth, SInt16 *outHeight) { if (inControl == 0) return false; Boolean bValue = false; // this only works on text controls -- returns an error for other controls, but doesn't do anything, // so the error is irrelevant SetControlData(inControl, kControlEntireControl, 'stim' /* kControlStaticTextIsMultilineTag */, sizeof(Boolean), &bValue); SInt16 baseLineOffset; Rect bestRect; OSErr err = GetBestControlRect(inControl, &bestRect, &baseLineOffset); if (err != noErr) return false; int width = (bestRect.right - bestRect.left) + 1; int height = (bestRect.bottom - bestRect.top) + 1; Rect boundsRect; GetControlBounds (inControl, &boundsRect); Rect newRect; newRect.top = boundsRect.top; newRect.bottom = newRect.top + height; newRect.left = boundsRect.left; newRect.right = newRect.left + width; SetControlBounds (inControl, &newRect); if (outWidth) *outWidth = width; if (outHeight) *outHeight = height; return true; } #pragma mark ___AUPropertyControl bool AUPropertyControl::HandleEvent(EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerRef, EventRef event) { UInt32 eclass = GetEventClass(event); UInt32 ekind = GetEventKind(event); switch (eclass) { case kEventClassControl: switch (ekind) { case kEventControlValueFieldChanged: HandleControlChange(); return true; // handled } } return false; } void AUPropertyControl::RegisterEvents () { EventTypeSpec events[] = { { kEventClassControl, kEventControlValueFieldChanged } // N.B. OS X only }; WantEventTypes(GetControlEventTarget(mControl), GetEventTypeCount(events), events); } void AUPropertyControl::EmbedControl (ControlRef theControl) { mView->EmbedControl (theControl); } WindowRef AUPropertyControl::GetCarbonWindow() { return mView->GetCarbonWindow(); } #pragma mark ___AUVPreset static CFStringRef kStringFactoryPreset = kAUViewLocalizedStringKey_FactoryPreset; static bool sAUVPresetLocalized = false; AUVPresets::AUVPresets (AUCarbonViewBase* inParentView, CFArrayRef& inPresets, Point inLocation, int nameWidth, int controlWidth, ControlFontStyleRec & inFontStyle) : AUPropertyControl (inParentView), mPresets (inPresets), mView (inParentView) { Rect r; // ok we now have an array of factory presets // get their strings and display them r.top = inLocation.v; r.bottom = r.top; r.left = inLocation.h; r.right = r.left; // localize as necessary if (!sAUVPresetLocalized) { CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier(kLocalizedStringBundle_AUView); if (mainBundle) { kStringFactoryPreset = CFCopyLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle( kAUViewLocalizedStringKey_FactoryPreset, kLocalizedStringTable_AUView, mainBundle, CFSTR("FactoryPreset title string")); sAUVPresetLocalized = true; } } // create localized title string CFMutableStringRef factoryPresetsTitle = CFStringCreateMutable(NULL, 0); CFStringAppend(factoryPresetsTitle, kStringFactoryPreset); CFStringAppend(factoryPresetsTitle, kAUViewUnlocalizedString_TitleSeparator); ControlRef theControl; verify_noerr(CreateStaticTextControl(mView->GetCarbonWindow(), &r, factoryPresetsTitle, &inFontStyle, &theControl)); SInt16 width = 0; AUCarbonViewControl::SizeControlToFit(theControl, &width, &mHeight); CFRelease(factoryPresetsTitle); EmbedControl(theControl); r.top -= 2; r.left += width + 10; r.right = r.left; r.bottom = r.top; verify_noerr(CreatePopupButtonControl ( mView->GetCarbonWindow(), &r, NULL, -12345, // DON'T GET MENU FROM RESOURCE mMenuID,!!! FALSE, // variableWidth, 0, // titleWidth, 0, // titleJustification, 0, // titleStyle, &mControl)); MenuRef menuRef; verify_noerr(CreateNewMenu(1, 0, &menuRef)); int numPresets = CFArrayGetCount(mPresets); for (int i = 0; i < numPresets; ++i) { AUPreset* preset = (AUPreset*) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (mPresets, i); verify_noerr(AppendMenuItemTextWithCFString (menuRef, preset->presetName, 0, 0, 0)); } verify_noerr(SetControlData(mControl, 0, kControlPopupButtonMenuRefTag, sizeof(menuRef), &menuRef)); verify_noerr (SetControlFontStyle (mControl, &inFontStyle)); SetControl32BitMaximum (mControl, numPresets); // size popup SInt16 height = 0; AUCarbonViewControl::SizeControlToFit(mControl, &width, &height); if (height > mHeight) mHeight = height; if (mHeight < 0) mHeight = 0; // find which menu item is the Default preset UInt32 propertySize = sizeof(AUPreset); AUPreset defaultPreset; OSStatus result = AudioUnitGetProperty (mView->GetEditAudioUnit(), kAudioUnitProperty_PresentPreset, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &defaultPreset, &propertySize); mPropertyID = kAudioUnitProperty_PresentPreset; #ifndef __LP64__ if (result != noErr) { // if the PresentPreset property is not implemented, fall back to the CurrentPreset property OSStatus result = AudioUnitGetProperty (mView->GetEditAudioUnit(), kAudioUnitProperty_CurrentPreset, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &defaultPreset, &propertySize); mPropertyID = kAudioUnitProperty_CurrentPreset; if (result == noErr) CFRetain (defaultPreset.presetName); } #endif EmbedControl (mControl); HandlePropertyChange(defaultPreset); RegisterEvents(); } void AUVPresets::AddInterest (AUEventListenerRef inListener, void * inObject) { AudioUnitEvent e; e.mEventType = kAudioUnitEvent_PropertyChange; e.mArgument.mProperty.mAudioUnit = mView->GetEditAudioUnit(); e.mArgument.mProperty.mPropertyID = mPropertyID; e.mArgument.mProperty.mScope = kAudioUnitScope_Global; e.mArgument.mProperty.mElement = 0; AUEventListenerAddEventType(inListener, inObject, &e); } void AUVPresets::RemoveInterest (AUEventListenerRef inListener, void * inObject) { AudioUnitEvent e; e.mEventType = kAudioUnitEvent_PropertyChange; e.mArgument.mProperty.mAudioUnit = mView->GetEditAudioUnit(); e.mArgument.mProperty.mPropertyID = mPropertyID; e.mArgument.mProperty.mScope = kAudioUnitScope_Global; e.mArgument.mProperty.mElement = 0; AUEventListenerRemoveEventType(inListener, inObject, &e); } void AUVPresets::HandleControlChange () { SInt32 i = GetControl32BitValue(mControl); if (i > 0) { AUPreset* preset = (AUPreset*) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (mPresets, i-1); verify_noerr(AudioUnitSetProperty (mView->GetEditAudioUnit(), mPropertyID, // either currentPreset or PresentPreset depending on which is supported kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, preset, sizeof(AUPreset))); // when we change a preset we can't expect the AU to update its state // as it isn't meant to know that its being viewed! // so we broadcast a notification to all listeners that all parameters on this AU have changed AudioUnitParameter changedUnit; changedUnit.mAudioUnit = mView->GetEditAudioUnit(); changedUnit.mParameterID = kAUParameterListener_AnyParameter; verify_noerr (AUParameterListenerNotify (NULL, NULL, &changedUnit) ); } } void AUVPresets::HandlePropertyChange(AUPreset &preset) { // check to see if the preset is in our menu int numPresets = CFArrayGetCount(mPresets); if (preset.presetNumber < 0) { SetControl32BitValue (mControl, 0); //controls are one-based } else { for (SInt32 i = 0; i < numPresets; ++i) { AUPreset* currPreset = (AUPreset*) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (mPresets, i); if (preset.presetNumber == currPreset->presetNumber) { SetControl32BitValue (mControl, ++i); //controls are one-based break; } } } if (preset.presetName) CFRelease (preset.presetName); } bool AUVPresets::HandlePropertyChange (const AudioUnitProperty &inProp) { if (inProp.mPropertyID == mPropertyID) { UInt32 theSize = sizeof(AUPreset); AUPreset currentPreset; OSStatus result = AudioUnitGetProperty(inProp.mAudioUnit, inProp.mPropertyID, inProp.mScope, inProp.mElement, ¤tPreset, &theSize); if (result == noErr) { #ifndef __LP64__ if (inProp.mPropertyID == kAudioUnitProperty_CurrentPreset && currentPreset.presetName) CFRetain (currentPreset.presetName); #endif HandlePropertyChange(currentPreset); return true; } } return false; }