#include "t.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using std::cerr; using std::cout; using std::endl; /* overloaded operator* that avoids floating point math when multiplying a superclock position by a number of quarter notes */ superclock_t operator*(superclock_t sc, Evoral::Beats const & b) { return (sc * ((b.get_beats() * Evoral::Beats::PPQN) + b.get_ticks())) / Evoral::Beats::PPQN; } Timecode::BBT_Time Meter::bbt_add (Timecode::BBT_Time const & bbt, Timecode::BBT_Offset const & add) const { int32_t bars = bbt.bars; int32_t beats = bbt.beats; int32_t ticks = bbt.ticks; if ((bars ^ add.bars) < 0) { /* signed-ness varies */ if (abs(add.bars) >= abs(bars)) { /* addition will change which side of "zero" the answer is on; adjust bbt.bars towards zero to deal with "unusual" BBT math */ if (bars < 0) { bars++; } else { bars--; } } } if ((beats ^ add.beats) < 0) { /* signed-ness varies */ if (abs (add.beats) >= abs (beats)) { /* adjust bbt.beats towards zero to deal with "unusual" BBT math */ if (beats < 0) { beats++; } else { beats--; } } } Timecode::BBT_Offset r (bars + add.bars, beats + add.beats, ticks + add.ticks); if (r.ticks >= Evoral::Beats::PPQN) { r.beats += r.ticks / Evoral::Beats::PPQN; r.ticks %= Evoral::Beats::PPQN; } if (r.beats > _divisions_per_bar) { r.bars += r.beats / _divisions_per_bar; r.beats %= _divisions_per_bar; } if (r.beats == 0) { r.beats = 1; } if (r.bars == 0) { r.bars = 1; } return Timecode::BBT_Time (r.bars, r.beats, r.ticks); } Timecode::BBT_Time Meter::bbt_subtract (Timecode::BBT_Time const & bbt, Timecode::BBT_Offset const & sub) const { int32_t bars = bbt.bars; int32_t beats = bbt.beats; int32_t ticks = bbt.ticks; if ((bars ^ sub.bars) < 0) { /* signed-ness varies */ if (abs (sub.bars) >= abs (bars)) { /* adjust bbt.bars towards zero to deal with "unusual" BBT math */ if (bars < 0) { bars++; } else { bars--; } } } if ((beats ^ sub.beats) < 0) { /* signed-ness varies */ if (abs (sub.beats) >= abs (beats)) { /* adjust bbt.beats towards zero to deal with "unusual" BBT math */ if (beats < 0) { beats++; } else { beats--; } } } Timecode::BBT_Offset r (bars - sub.bars, beats - sub.beats, ticks - sub.ticks); if (r.ticks < 0) { r.beats -= 1 - (r.ticks / Evoral::Beats::PPQN); r.ticks = Evoral::Beats::PPQN + (r.ticks % Evoral::Beats::PPQN); } if (r.beats <= 0) { r.bars -= 1 - (r.beats / _divisions_per_bar); r.beats = _divisions_per_bar + (r.beats % _divisions_per_bar); } if (r.beats == 0) { r.beats = 1; } if (r.bars <= 0) { r.bars -= 1; } return Timecode::BBT_Time (r.bars, r.beats, r.ticks); } Timecode::BBT_Offset Meter::bbt_delta (Timecode::BBT_Time const & a, Timecode::BBT_Time const & b) const { return Timecode::BBT_Offset (a.bars - b.bars, a.beats - b.beats, a.ticks - b.ticks); } Timecode::BBT_Time Meter::round_up_to_bar (Timecode::BBT_Time const & bbt) const { Timecode::BBT_Time b = bbt.round_up_to_beat (); if (b.beats > 1) { b.bars++; b.beats = 1; } return b; } Evoral::Beats Meter::to_quarters (Timecode::BBT_Offset const & offset) const { Evoral::Beats b; b += (offset.bars * _divisions_per_bar * 4) / _note_value; cerr << offset.bars << " bars as quarters : " << b << " nv = " << (int) _note_value << endl; b += (offset.beats * 4) / _note_value; cerr << offset.beats << " beats as quarters : " << (offset.beats * 4) / _note_value << " nv = " << (int) _note_value << endl; b += Evoral::Beats::ticks (offset.ticks); return b; } superclock_t TempoMetric::superclock_per_note_type_at_superclock (superclock_t sc) const { return superclocks_per_note_type () * expm1 (_c_per_superclock * sc); } superclock_t TempoMetric::superclocks_per_grid (framecnt_t sr) const { return (superclock_ticks_per_second * Meter::note_value()) / (note_types_per_minute() / Tempo::note_type()); } superclock_t TempoMetric::superclocks_per_bar (framecnt_t sr) const { return superclocks_per_grid (sr) * _divisions_per_bar; } /* Ramp Overview | * Tempo | * Tt----|-----------------*| Ta----|--------------|* | | * | | | * | | | * | | T0----|* | | * | | | _______________|___|____ time a t (next tempo) [ c ] defines c Duration in beats at time a is the integral of some Tempo function. In our case, the Tempo function (Tempo at time t) is T(t) = T0(e^(ct)) >>1/S(t) = (1/S0)(e^ct) => (1/S)(t) = (e^(ct))/S0 => S(t) = S0/(e^(ct)) with function constant c = log(Ta/T0)/a >>c = log ((1/Sa)/(1/S0)) / a => c = log (S0/Sa) / a so a = log(Ta/T0)/c >>a = log ((1/Ta)/(1/S0) / c => a = log (S0/Sa) / c The integral over t of our Tempo function (the beat function, which is the duration in beats at some time t) is: b(t) = T0(e^(ct) - 1) / c >>b(t) = 1/S0(e^(ct) - 1) / c => b(t) = (e^(ct) - 1) / (c * S0) To find the time t at beat duration b, we use the inverse function of the beat function (the time function) which can be shown to be: t(b) = log((c.b / T0) + 1) / c >>t(b) = log((c*b / (1/S0)) + 1) / c => t(b) = log ((c*b * S0) + 1) / c The time t at which Tempo T occurs is a as above: t(T) = log(T / T0) / c >> t(1/S) = log ((1/S) / (1/S0) /c => t(1/S) = log (S0/S) / c The beat at which a Tempo T occurs is: b(T) = (T - T0) / c >> b(1/S) = (1/S - 1/S0) / c The Tempo at which beat b occurs is: T(b) = b.c + T0 >> T(b) = b.c + (1/S0) We define c for this tempo ramp by placing a new tempo section at some time t after this one. Our problem is that we usually don't know t. We almost always know the duration in beats between this and the new section, so we need to find c in terms of the beat function. Where a = t (i.e. when a is equal to the time of the next tempo section), the beat function reveals: t = b log (Ta / T0) / (T0 (e^(log (Ta / T0)) - 1)) By substituting our expanded t as a in the c function above, our problem is reduced to: c = T0 (e^(log (Ta / T0)) - 1) / b >> c = (1/S0) (e^(log ((1/Sa) / (1/S0))) - 1) / b => c = (1/S0) (e^(log (S0/Sa)) - 1) / b => c (e^(log (S0/Sa)) - 1) / (b * S0) Of course the word 'beat' has been left loosely defined above. In music, a beat is defined by the musical pulse (which comes from the tempo) and the meter in use at a particular time (how many pulse divisions there are in one bar). It would be more accurate to substitute the work 'pulse' for 'beat' above. */ /* equation to compute c is: * * c = log (Ta / T0) / a * * where * * a : time into section (from section start * T0 : tempo at start of section * Ta : tempo at time a into section * * THE UNITS QUESTION * * log (Ta / T0) / (time-units) => C is in per-time-units (1/time-units) * * so the question is what are the units of a, and thus c? * * we could use ANY time units (because we can measure a in any time units) * but whichever one we pick dictates how we can use c in the future since * all subsequent computations will need to use the same time units. * * options: * * pulses ... whole notes, possibly useful, since we can use it for any other note_type * quarter notes ... linearly related to pulses * beats ... not a fixed unit of time * minutes ... linearly related to superclocks * samples ... needs sample rate * superclocks ... frequently correct * * so one answer might be to compute c in two different units so that we have both available. * * hence, compute_c_superclocks() and compute_c_pulses() */ void TempoMetric::compute_c_superclock (framecnt_t sr, superclock_t end_scpqn, superclock_t superclock_duration) { if ((superclocks_per_quarter_note() == end_scpqn) || !ramped()) { _c_per_superclock = 0.0; return; } _c_per_superclock = log ((double) superclocks_per_quarter_note () / end_scpqn) / superclock_duration; } void TempoMetric::compute_c_quarters (framecnt_t sr, superclock_t end_scpqn, Evoral::Beats const & quarter_duration) { if ((superclocks_per_quarter_note () == end_scpqn) || !ramped()) { _c_per_quarter = 0.0; return; } _c_per_quarter = log (superclocks_per_quarter_note () / (double) end_scpqn) / quarter_duration.to_double(); } superclock_t TempoMetric::superclock_at_qn (Evoral::Beats const & qn) const { if (_c_per_quarter == 0.0) { /* not ramped, use linear */ return llrint (superclocks_per_quarter_note () * qn.to_double()); } return llrint (superclocks_per_quarter_note() * (log1p (_c_per_quarter * qn.to_double()) / _c_per_quarter)); } Evoral::Beats TempoMapPoint::quarters_at (superclock_t sc) const { /* This TempoMapPoint must already have a fully computed metric and position */ if (!ramped()) { return _quarters + Evoral::Beats ((sc - _sclock) / (double) (metric().superclocks_per_quarter_note ())); } return _quarters + Evoral::Beats (expm1 (metric().c_per_superclock() * (sc - _sclock)) / (metric().c_per_superclock() * metric().superclocks_per_quarter_note ())); } Evoral::Beats TempoMapPoint::quarters_at (Timecode::BBT_Time const & bbt) const { /* This TempoMapPoint must already have a fully computed metric and position */ Timecode::BBT_Offset offset = metric().bbt_delta (bbt, _bbt); cerr << "QA BBT DELTA between " << bbt << " and " << _bbt << " = " << offset << " as quarters for " << static_cast (metric()) << " = " << metric().to_quarters (offset) << endl; return _quarters + metric().to_quarters (offset); } Timecode::BBT_Time TempoMapPoint::bbt_at (Evoral::Beats const & qn) const { /* This TempoMapPoint must already have a fully computed metric and position */ Evoral::Beats quarters_delta = qn - _quarters; int32_t ticks_delta = quarters_delta.to_ticks (Evoral::Beats::PPQN); return metric().bbt_add (_bbt, Timecode::BBT_Offset (0, 0, ticks_delta)); } TempoMap::TempoMap (Tempo const & initial_tempo, Meter const & initial_meter, framecnt_t sr) : _sample_rate (sr) { TempoMapPoint tmp (TempoMapPoint::Flag (TempoMapPoint::ExplicitMeter|TempoMapPoint::ExplicitTempo), initial_tempo, initial_meter, 0, Evoral::Beats(), Timecode::BBT_Time(), AudioTime); _points.push_back (tmp); } Meter const & TempoMap::meter_at (superclock_t sc) const { Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock); return meter_at_locked (sc); } Meter const & TempoMap::meter_at (Evoral::Beats const & b) const { Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock); return meter_at_locked (b); } Meter const & TempoMap::meter_at (Timecode::BBT_Time const & bbt) const { Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock); return meter_at_locked (bbt); } Tempo const & TempoMap::tempo_at (superclock_t sc) const { Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock); return tempo_at_locked (sc); } Tempo const & TempoMap::tempo_at (Evoral::Beats const &b) const { Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock); return tempo_at_locked (b); } Tempo const & TempoMap::tempo_at (Timecode::BBT_Time const & bbt) const { Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock); return tempo_at_locked (bbt); } void TempoMap::rebuild (superclock_t limit) { Glib::Threads::RWLock::WriterLock lm (_lock); rebuild_locked (limit); } void TempoMap::rebuild_locked (superclock_t limit) { /* step one: remove all implicit points after a dirty explicit point */ restart: TempoMapPoints::iterator tmp = _points.begin(); TempoMapPoints::iterator first_explicit_dirty = _points.end(); while ((tmp != _points.end()) && (tmp->is_implicit() || (tmp->is_explicit() && !tmp->dirty ()))) { ++tmp; } first_explicit_dirty = tmp; /* remove all implicit points, because we're going to recalculate them all */ while (tmp != _points.end()) { TempoMapPoints::iterator next = tmp; ++next; if (tmp->is_implicit()) { _points.erase (tmp); } tmp = next; } /* compute C for all ramped sections */ for (tmp = first_explicit_dirty; tmp != _points.end(); ) { TempoMapPoints::iterator nxt = tmp; ++nxt; if (tmp->ramped() && (nxt != _points.end())) { tmp->metric().compute_c_quarters (_sample_rate, nxt->metric().superclocks_per_quarter_note (), nxt->quarters() - tmp->quarters()); } tmp = nxt; } TempoMapPoints::iterator prev = _points.end(); /* Compute correct quarter-note and superclock times for all music-time locked explicit points */ for (tmp = first_explicit_dirty; tmp != _points.end(); ) { TempoMapPoints::iterator next = tmp; ++next; if (prev != _points.end()) { if ((tmp->lock_style() == MusicTime)) { /* determine superclock and quarter note time for this (music-time) locked point */ cerr << "MT-lock, prev = " << *prev << endl; Evoral::Beats qn = prev->quarters_at (tmp->bbt()); cerr << "MT-lock @ " << tmp->bbt() << " => " << qn << endl; superclock_t sc = prev->sclock() + prev->metric().superclock_at_qn (qn - prev->quarters()); cerr << "MT-lock sc is " << prev->metric().superclock_at_qn (qn - prev->quarters()) << " after " << prev->sclock() << " = " << sc << " secs = " << prev->metric().superclock_at_qn (qn - prev->quarters()) / (double) superclock_ticks_per_second << endl; if (qn != tmp->quarters() || tmp->sclock() != sc) { cerr << "Ned to move " << *tmp << endl; tmp->set_quarters (qn); tmp->set_sclock (sc); cerr << "using " << *prev << " moved music-time-locked @ " << tmp->bbt() << " to " << sc << " aka " << qn << endl; _points.sort (TempoMapPoint::SuperClockComparator()); cerr << "Restart\n"; goto restart; } } } prev = tmp; tmp = next; } /* _points is guaranteed sorted in superclock and quarter note order. It may not be sorted BBT order because of re-ordering * of music-time locked points. */ cerr << "POST-SORT\n"; dump (cerr); prev = _points.end(); /* step two: add new implicit points between each pair of explicit * points, after the dirty explicit point */ for (tmp = _points.begin(); tmp != _points.end(); ) { if (!tmp->dirty()) { ++tmp; continue; } TempoMapPoints::iterator next = tmp; ++next; if (prev != _points.end()) { if ((tmp->lock_style() == AudioTime)) { cerr << "AT: check " << *tmp << endl << "\t\tusing " << *prev << endl; /* audio-locked explicit point: recompute it's BBT and quarter-note position since this may have changed */ tmp->set_quarters (prev->quarters_at (tmp->sclock())); cerr << "AT - recompute quarters at " << tmp->quarters () << endl; if (static_cast(tmp->metric()) != static_cast(prev->metric())) { /* new meter, must be on bar/measure start */ tmp->set_bbt (prev->metric().round_up_to_bar (prev->bbt_at (tmp->quarters()))); } else { /* no meter change, tempo change required to be on beat */ tmp->set_bbt (prev->bbt_at (tmp->quarters()).round_up_to_beat()); } cerr << "AT - recompute bbt at " << tmp->bbt () << endl; } } superclock_t sc = tmp->sclock(); Evoral::Beats qn (tmp->quarters ()); Timecode::BBT_Time bbt (tmp->bbt()); const bool ramped = tmp->ramped () && next != _points.end(); /* Evoral::Beats are really quarter notes. This counts how many quarter notes there are between grid points in this section of the tempo map. */ const Evoral::Beats qn_step = (Evoral::Beats (1) * 4) / tmp->metric().note_value(); /* compute implicit points as far as the next explicit point, or limit, whichever comes first. */ const superclock_t sc_limit = (next == _points.end() ? limit : (*next).sclock()); while (1) { /* define next beat in superclocks, beats and bbt */ qn += qn_step; bbt = tmp->metric().bbt_add (bbt, Timecode::BBT_Offset (0, 1, 0)); if (!ramped) { sc += tmp->metric().superclocks_per_note_type(); } else { sc = tmp->sclock() + tmp->metric().superclock_at_qn (qn - tmp->quarters()); } if (sc >= sc_limit) { break; } _points.insert (next, TempoMapPoint (*tmp, sc, qn, bbt)); } (*tmp).set_dirty (false); prev = tmp; tmp = next; } } bool TempoMap::set_tempo (Tempo const & t, superclock_t sc, bool ramp) { Glib::Threads::RWLock::WriterLock lm (_lock); assert (!_points.empty()); /* special case: first map entry is later than the new point */ if (_points.front().sclock() > sc) { /* first point is later than sc. There's no iterator to reference a point at or before sc */ /* determine beats and BBT time for this new tempo point. Note that tempo changes (points) must be deemed to be on beat, even if the user moves them later. Even after moving, the TempoMapPoint that was beat N is still beat N, and is not fractional. */ Evoral::Beats b = _points.front().quarters_at (sc).round_to_beat(); Timecode::BBT_Time bbt = _points.front().bbt_at (b).round_to_beat (); _points.insert (_points.begin(), TempoMapPoint (TempoMapPoint::ExplicitTempo, t, _points.front().metric(), sc, b, bbt, AudioTime, ramp)); return true; } /* special case #3: only one map entry, at the same time as the new point. This is the common case when editing tempo/meter in a session with a single tempo/meter */ if (_points.size() == 1 && _points.front().sclock() == sc) { /* change tempo */ *((Tempo*) &_points.front().metric()) = t; _points.front().make_explicit (TempoMapPoint::ExplicitTempo); return true; } /* Remember: iterator_at() returns an iterator that references the TempoMapPoint at or BEFORE sc */ TempoMapPoints::iterator i = iterator_at (sc); TempoMapPoints::iterator nxt = i; ++nxt; if (i->sclock() == sc) { /* change tempo */ *((Tempo*) &i->metric()) = t; i->make_explicit (TempoMapPoint::ExplicitTempo); /* done */ return true; } if (sc - i->sclock() < i->metric().superclocks_per_note_type()) { cerr << "new tempo too close to previous ...\n"; return false; } Meter const & meter (i->metric()); if (i->metric().ramped()) { /* need to adjust ramp constants for preceding explict point, since the new point will be positioned right after it and thus defines the new ramp distance. */ i->metric().compute_c_superclock (_sample_rate, t.superclocks_per_quarter_note (), sc); } /* determine beats and BBT time for this new tempo point. Note that tempo changes (points) must be deemed to be on beat, even if the user moves them later. Even after moving, the TempoMapPoint that was beat N is still beat N, and is not fractional. */ Evoral::Beats qn = i->quarters_at (sc).round_to_beat(); /* rule: all Tempo changes must be on-beat. So determine the nearest later beat to "sc" */ Timecode::BBT_Time bbt = i->bbt_at (qn).round_up_to_beat (); /* Modify the iterator to reference the point AFTER this new one, because STL insert is always "insert-before" */ if (i != _points.end()) { ++i; } _points.insert (i, TempoMapPoint (TempoMapPoint::ExplicitTempo, t, meter, sc, qn, bbt, AudioTime, ramp)); return true; } bool TempoMap::set_tempo (Tempo const & t, Timecode::BBT_Time const & bbt, bool ramp) { Glib::Threads::RWLock::WriterLock lm (_lock); /* tempo changes are required to be on-beat */ Timecode::BBT_Time on_beat = bbt.round_up_to_beat(); cerr << "Try to set tempo @ " << on_beat << " to " << t << endl; assert (!_points.empty()); if (_points.front().bbt() > on_beat) { cerr << "Cannot insert tempo at " << bbt << " before first point at " << _points.front().bbt() << endl; return false; } if (_points.size() == 1 && _points.front().bbt() == on_beat) { /* change Meter */ *((Tempo*) &_points.front().metric()) = t; _points.front().make_explicit (TempoMapPoint::ExplicitTempo); return true; } TempoMapPoints::iterator i = iterator_at (on_beat); if (i->bbt() == on_beat) { *((Tempo*) &i->metric()) = t; i->make_explicit (TempoMapPoint::ExplicitTempo); return true; } Meter const & meter (i->metric()); ++i; /* stick a prototype music-locked point up front and let ::rebuild figure out the superclock and quarter time */ _points.insert (i, TempoMapPoint (TempoMapPoint::ExplicitTempo, t, meter, 0, Evoral::Beats(), on_beat, MusicTime, ramp)); return true; } bool TempoMap::set_meter (Meter const & m, Timecode::BBT_Time const & bbt) { Glib::Threads::RWLock::WriterLock lm (_lock); Timecode::BBT_Time measure_start (m.round_up_to_bar (bbt)); cerr << "Try to set meter @ " << measure_start << " to " << m << endl; assert (!_points.empty()); if (_points.front().bbt() > measure_start) { cerr << "Cannot insert meter at " << bbt << " before first point at " << _points.front().bbt() << endl; return false; } if (_points.size() == 1 && _points.front().bbt() == measure_start) { /* change Meter */ cerr << "Found the single point\n"; *((Meter*) &_points.front().metric()) = m; cerr << "Updated meter to " << m << endl; _points.front().make_explicit (TempoMapPoint::ExplicitMeter); return true; } TempoMapPoints::iterator i = iterator_at (measure_start); if (i->bbt() == measure_start) { *((Meter*) &i->metric()) = m; cerr << "Updated meter to " << m << endl; i->make_explicit (TempoMapPoint::ExplicitMeter); return true; } Evoral::Beats qn = i->quarters_at (measure_start); superclock_t sc = i->sclock() + i->metric().superclock_at_qn (qn); Tempo const & tempo (i->metric()); ++i; cerr << "NEW METER, provisionally @ " << TempoMapPoint (TempoMapPoint::ExplicitMeter, tempo, m, sc, qn, measure_start, MusicTime) << endl; _points.insert (i, TempoMapPoint (TempoMapPoint::ExplicitMeter, tempo, m, sc, qn, measure_start, MusicTime)); return true; } bool TempoMap::set_meter (Meter const & m, superclock_t sc) { Glib::Threads::RWLock::WriterLock lm (_lock); assert (!_points.empty()); /* special case #2: first map entry is later than the new point */ if (_points.front().sclock() > sc) { /* determine quarters and BBT time for this new tempo point. Note that tempo changes (points) must be deemed to be on beat, even if the user moves them later. Even after moving, the TempoMapPoint that was beat N is still beat N, and is not fractional. */ Evoral::Beats b = _points.front().quarters_at (sc).round_to_beat(); Timecode::BBT_Time bbt = _points.front().bbt_at (b).round_to_beat (); _points.insert (_points.begin(), TempoMapPoint (TempoMapPoint::ExplicitMeter, _points.front().metric(), m, sc, b, bbt, AudioTime)); return true; } /* special case #3: only one map entry, at the same time as the new point. This is the common case when editing tempo/meter in a session with a single tempo/meter */ if (_points.size() == 1 && _points.front().sclock() == sc) { /* change meter */ *((Meter*) &_points.front().metric()) = m; _points.front().make_explicit (TempoMapPoint::ExplicitMeter); return true; } TempoMapPoints::iterator i = iterator_at (sc); if (i->sclock() == sc) { /* change meter */ *((Meter*) &i->metric()) = m; /* enforce rule described below regarding meter change positions */ if (i->bbt().beats != 1) { i->set_bbt (Timecode::BBT_Time (i->bbt().bars + 1, 1, 0)); } i->make_explicit (TempoMapPoint::ExplicitMeter); return true; } if (sc - i->sclock() < i->metric().superclocks_per_note_type()) { cerr << "new tempo too close to previous ...\n"; return false; } /* determine quarters and BBT time for this new tempo point. Note that tempo changes (points) must be deemed to be on beat, even if the user moves them later. Even after moving, the TempoMapPoint that was beat N is still beat N, and is not fractional. */ Evoral::Beats b = i->quarters_at (sc).round_to_beat(); /* rule: all Meter changes must start a new measure. So determine the nearest, lower beat to "sc". If this is not the first division of the measure, move to the next measure. */ Timecode::BBT_Time bbt = i->bbt_at (b).round_down_to_beat (); if (bbt.beats != 1) { bbt.bars += 1; bbt.beats = 1; bbt.ticks = 0; } Tempo const & tempo (i->metric()); ++i; _points.insert (i, TempoMapPoint (TempoMapPoint::ExplicitMeter, tempo, m, sc, b, bbt, AudioTime)); return true; } TempoMapPoints::iterator TempoMap::iterator_at (superclock_t sc) { /* CALLER MUST HOLD LOCK */ if (_points.empty()) { throw EmptyTempoMapException(); } if (_points.size() == 1) { return _points.begin(); } /* Construct an arbitrary TempoMapPoint. The only property we care about is it's superclock time, so other values used in the constructor are arbitrary and irrelevant. */ TempoMetric const & metric (_points.front().metric()); const TempoMapPoint tp (TempoMapPoint::Flag (0), metric, metric, sc, Evoral::Beats(), Timecode::BBT_Time(), AudioTime); TempoMapPoint::SuperClockComparator scmp; TempoMapPoints::iterator tmp = upper_bound (_points.begin(), _points.end(), tp, scmp); if (tmp != _points.begin()) { return --tmp; } return tmp; } TempoMapPoints::iterator TempoMap::iterator_at (Evoral::Beats const & qn) { /* CALLER MUST HOLD LOCK */ if (_points.empty()) { throw EmptyTempoMapException(); } if (_points.size() == 1) { return _points.begin(); } /* Construct an arbitrary TempoMapPoint. The only property we care about is its quarters time, so other values used in the constructor are arbitrary and irrelevant. */ TempoMetric const & metric (_points.front().metric()); const TempoMapPoint tp (TempoMapPoint::Flag (0), metric, metric, 0, qn, Timecode::BBT_Time(), AudioTime); TempoMapPoint::QuarterComparator bcmp; TempoMapPoints::iterator tmp = upper_bound (_points.begin(), _points.end(), tp, bcmp); if (tmp != _points.begin()) { return --tmp; } return tmp; } TempoMapPoints::iterator TempoMap::iterator_at (Timecode::BBT_Time const & bbt) { /* CALLER MUST HOLD LOCK */ if (_points.empty()) { throw EmptyTempoMapException(); } if (_points.size() == 1) { return _points.begin(); } /* Construct an arbitrary TempoMapPoint. The only property we care about is its bbt time, so other values used in the constructor are arbitrary and irrelevant. */ TempoMetric const & metric (_points.front().metric()); const TempoMapPoint tp (TempoMapPoint::Flag(0), metric, metric, 0, Evoral::Beats(), bbt, MusicTime); TempoMapPoint::BBTComparator bcmp; TempoMapPoints::iterator tmp = upper_bound (_points.begin(), _points.end(), tp, bcmp); if (tmp != _points.begin()) { return --tmp; } return tmp; } Timecode::BBT_Time TempoMap::bbt_at (superclock_t sc) const { Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock); return bbt_at_locked (sc); } Timecode::BBT_Time TempoMap::bbt_at_locked (superclock_t sc) const { TempoMapPoint point (const_point_at (sc)); Evoral::Beats b ((sc - point.sclock()) / (double) point.metric().superclocks_per_quarter_note()); return point.metric().bbt_add (point.bbt(), Timecode::BBT_Offset (0, b.get_beats(), b.get_ticks())); } Timecode::BBT_Time TempoMap::bbt_at (Evoral::Beats const & qn) const { Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock); return bbt_at_locked (qn); } Timecode::BBT_Time TempoMap::bbt_at_locked (Evoral::Beats const & qn) const { //Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock); TempoMapPoint const & point (const_point_at (qn)); Evoral::Beats delta (qn - point.quarters()); return point.metric().bbt_add (point.bbt(), Timecode::BBT_Offset (0, delta.get_beats(), delta.get_ticks())); } Evoral::Beats TempoMap::quarter_note_at (superclock_t sc) const { Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock); return quarter_note_at_locked (sc); } Evoral::Beats TempoMap::quarter_note_at_locked (superclock_t sc) const { return const_point_at (sc).quarters_at (sc); } Evoral::Beats TempoMap::quarter_note_at (Timecode::BBT_Time const & bbt) const { Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock); return quarter_note_at_locked (bbt); } Evoral::Beats TempoMap::quarter_note_at_locked (Timecode::BBT_Time const & bbt) const { //Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock); TempoMapPoint const & point (const_point_at (bbt)); Timecode::BBT_Time bbt_delta (point.metric().bbt_subtract (bbt, point.bbt())); /* XXX need to convert the metric division to quarters to match Evoral::Beats == Evoral::Quarters */ return point.quarters() + Evoral::Beats ((point.metric().divisions_per_bar() * bbt_delta.bars) + bbt_delta.beats, bbt_delta.ticks); } superclock_t TempoMap::superclock_at (Evoral::Beats const & qn) const { Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock); return superclock_at_locked (qn); } superclock_t TempoMap::superclock_at_locked (Evoral::Beats const & qn) const { assert (!_points.empty()); /* only the quarters property matters, since we're just using it to compare */ const TempoMapPoint tmp (TempoMapPoint::Flag (0), Tempo (120), Meter (4, 4), 0, qn, Timecode::BBT_Time(), MusicTime); TempoMapPoint::QuarterComparator bcmp; TempoMapPoints::const_iterator i = upper_bound (_points.begin(), _points.end(), tmp, bcmp); if (i == _points.end()) { --i; } /* compute distance from reference point to b. Remember that Evoral::Beats is always interpreted as quarter notes */ const Evoral::Beats q_delta = qn - i->quarters(); superclock_t sclock_delta = i->metric().superclocks_per_quarter_note () * q_delta; return i->sclock() + sclock_delta; } superclock_t TempoMap::superclock_at (Timecode::BBT_Time const & bbt) const { //Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock); return superclock_at_locked (bbt); } superclock_t TempoMap::superclock_at_locked (Timecode::BBT_Time const & bbt) const { //Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock); assert (!_points.empty()); /* only the bbt property matters, since we're just using it to compare */ const TempoMapPoint tmp (TempoMapPoint::Flag (0), Tempo (120), Meter (4, 4), 0, Evoral::Beats(), bbt, MusicTime); TempoMapPoint::BBTComparator bcmp; TempoMapPoints::const_iterator i = upper_bound (_points.begin(), _points.end(), tmp, bcmp); if (i == _points.end()) { --i; } /* compute distance from reference point to b. Remember that Evoral::Beats is always interpreted as quarter notes */ //const Evoral::Beats delta = b - i->beats(); //return i->sclock() + samples_to_superclock ((delta / i->metric().quarter_notes_per_minute ()).to_double() * _sample_rate, _sample_rate); return 0; } void TempoMap::set_sample_rate (framecnt_t new_sr) { //Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock); double ratio = new_sr / (double) _sample_rate; for (TempoMapPoints::iterator i = _points.begin(); i != _points.end(); ++i) { i->map_reset_set_sclock_for_sr_change (llrint (ratio * i->sclock())); } } void TempoMap::dump (std::ostream& ostr) { //Glib::Threads::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_lock); ostr << "\n\n------------\n"; for (TempoMapPoints::iterator i = _points.begin(); i != _points.end(); ++i) { ostr << *i << std::endl; } } void TempoMap::remove_explicit_point (superclock_t sc) { //Glib::Threads::RWLock::WriterLock lm (_lock); TempoMapPoints::iterator p = iterator_at (sc); if (p->sclock() == sc) { _points.erase (p); } } void TempoMap::move_explicit (superclock_t current, superclock_t destination) { //Glib::Threads::RWLock::WriterLock lm (_lock); TempoMapPoints::iterator p = iterator_at (current); if (p->sclock() != current) { return; } move_explicit_to (p, destination); } void TempoMap::move_explicit_to (TempoMapPoints::iterator p, superclock_t destination) { /* CALLER MUST HOLD LOCK */ TempoMapPoint point (*p); point.set_sclock (destination); TempoMapPoints::iterator prev; prev = p; if (p != _points.begin()) { --prev; } /* remove existing */ _points.erase (p); prev->set_dirty (true); /* find insertion point */ p = iterator_at (destination); /* STL insert semantics are always "insert-before", whereas ::iterator_at() returns iterator-at-or-before */ ++p; _points.insert (p, point); } void TempoMap::move_implicit (superclock_t current, superclock_t destination) { //Glib::Threads::RWLock::WriterLock lm (_lock); TempoMapPoints::iterator p = iterator_at (current); if (p->sclock() != current) { return; } if (p->is_implicit()) { p->make_explicit (TempoMapPoint::Flag (TempoMapPoint::ExplicitMeter|TempoMapPoint::ExplicitTempo)); } move_explicit_to (p, destination); } /*******/ #define SAMPLERATE 48000 #define SECONDS_TO_SUPERCLOCK(s) (superclock_ticks_per_second * s) using std::cerr; using std::cout; using std::endl; void test_bbt_math () { using namespace Timecode; BBT_Time a; BBT_Time b1 (1,1,1919); BBT_Time n1 (-1,1,1919); std::vector meters; meters.push_back (Meter (4, 4)); meters.push_back (Meter (5, 8)); meters.push_back (Meter (11, 7)); meters.push_back (Meter (3, 4)); #define PRINT_RESULT(m,str,op,op1,Bars,Beats,Ticks) cout << m << ' ' << (op1) << ' ' << str << ' ' << BBT_Offset ((Bars),(Beats),(Ticks)) << " = " << m.op ((op1), BBT_Offset ((Bars), (Beats), (Ticks))) << endl; for (std::vector::iterator m = meters.begin(); m != meters.end(); ++m) { for (int B = 1; B < 4; ++B) { for (int b = 1; b < 13; ++b) { PRINT_RESULT((*m), "+", bbt_add, a, B, b, 0); PRINT_RESULT((*m), "+", bbt_add, a, B, b, 1); PRINT_RESULT((*m), "+", bbt_add, a, B, b, Evoral::Beats::PPQN/2); PRINT_RESULT((*m), "+", bbt_add, a, B, b, Evoral::Beats::PPQN); PRINT_RESULT((*m), "+", bbt_add, a, B, b, Evoral::Beats::PPQN - 1); PRINT_RESULT((*m), "+", bbt_add, a, B, b, Evoral::Beats::PPQN - 2); PRINT_RESULT((*m), "+", bbt_add, b1, B, b, 0); PRINT_RESULT((*m), "+", bbt_add, b1, B, b, 1); PRINT_RESULT((*m), "+", bbt_add, b1, B, b, Evoral::Beats::PPQN/2); PRINT_RESULT((*m), "+", bbt_add, b1, B, b, Evoral::Beats::PPQN); PRINT_RESULT((*m), "+", bbt_add, b1, B, b, Evoral::Beats::PPQN - 1); PRINT_RESULT((*m), "+", bbt_add, b1, B, b, Evoral::Beats::PPQN - 2); PRINT_RESULT((*m), "+", bbt_add, n1, B, b, 0); PRINT_RESULT((*m), "+", bbt_add, n1, B, b, 1); PRINT_RESULT((*m), "+", bbt_add, n1, B, b, Evoral::Beats::PPQN/2); PRINT_RESULT((*m), "+", bbt_add, n1, B, b, Evoral::Beats::PPQN); PRINT_RESULT((*m), "+", bbt_add, n1, B, b, Evoral::Beats::PPQN - 1); PRINT_RESULT((*m), "+", bbt_add, n1, B, b, Evoral::Beats::PPQN - 2); } } for (int B = 1; B < 4; ++B) { for (int b = 1; b < 13; ++b) { PRINT_RESULT ((*m), "-", bbt_subtract, a, B, b, 0); PRINT_RESULT ((*m), "-", bbt_subtract, a, B, b, 1); PRINT_RESULT ((*m), "-", bbt_subtract, a, B, b, Evoral::Beats::PPQN/2); PRINT_RESULT ((*m), "-", bbt_subtract, a, B, b, Evoral::Beats::PPQN); PRINT_RESULT ((*m), "-", bbt_subtract, a, B, b, Evoral::Beats::PPQN - 1); PRINT_RESULT ((*m), "-", bbt_subtract, a, B, b, Evoral::Beats::PPQN - 2); } } } } int main () { TempoMap tmap (Tempo (140), Meter (4,4), SAMPLERATE); //test_bbt_math (); //return 0; tmap.set_tempo (Tempo (7), SECONDS_TO_SUPERCLOCK(7)); tmap.set_tempo (Tempo (23), SECONDS_TO_SUPERCLOCK(23)); tmap.set_tempo (Tempo (24), SECONDS_TO_SUPERCLOCK(24), true); tmap.set_tempo (Tempo (40), SECONDS_TO_SUPERCLOCK(28), true); tmap.set_tempo (Tempo (100), SECONDS_TO_SUPERCLOCK(100)); tmap.set_tempo (Tempo (123), SECONDS_TO_SUPERCLOCK(23)); tmap.set_meter (Meter (3, 4), SECONDS_TO_SUPERCLOCK(23)); tmap.set_meter (Meter (5, 8), SECONDS_TO_SUPERCLOCK(100)); tmap.set_meter (Meter (5, 7), SECONDS_TO_SUPERCLOCK(7)); tmap.set_meter (Meter (4, 4), SECONDS_TO_SUPERCLOCK(24)); tmap.set_meter (Meter (11, 7), SECONDS_TO_SUPERCLOCK(23)); tmap.set_meter (Meter (3, 8), Timecode::BBT_Time (17, 1, 0)); tmap.rebuild (SECONDS_TO_SUPERCLOCK (120)); tmap.dump (std::cout); return 0; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& str, Meter const & m) { return str << m.divisions_per_bar() << '/' << m.note_value(); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& str, Tempo const & t) { return str << t.note_types_per_minute() << " 1/" << t.note_type() << " notes per minute (" << t.superclocks_per_note_type() << " sc-per-1/" << t.note_type() << ')'; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& str, TempoMapPoint const & tmp) { str << '@' << std::setw (12) << tmp.sclock() << ' ' << tmp.sclock() / (double) superclock_ticks_per_second << (tmp.is_explicit() ? " EXP" : " imp") << " qn " << tmp.quarters () << " bbt " << tmp.bbt() << " lock to " << tmp.lock_style() ; if (tmp.is_explicit()) { str << " tempo " << *((Tempo*) &tmp.metric()) << " meter " << *((Meter*) &tmp.metric()) ; } if (tmp.is_explicit() && tmp.ramped()) { str << " ramp c/sc = " << tmp.metric().c_per_superclock() << " c/qn " << tmp.metric().c_per_quarter(); } return str; }