%BOOK_ENTITIES; ]> Ardour Glossary A ALSA Acronym of the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture. ALSA provides audio and MIDI functionality to the Linux operating system. Audio Track Some reasonable definition here. Auditioner Some reasonable definition here. B Bus Some reasonable definition here. Bus Track Some reasonable definition here. C Crossfade Some reasonable definition here. D DAW Abbreviation of Digital Audio Workstation. Some reasonable definition here. Destructive Recording Some reasonable definition here. DSP Acronym of Digital Signal Processing, a very general term for processing of any digital signal by digital means. In &ARDOUR_NAME;'s context, it generally refers to the processing peformed on audio signals by &ARDOUR_NAME; and by plugins. It is often talked of in terms of DSP `load', referring to the amount of CPU power that Ardour is using for its signal processing. This load increases with the number of tracks and plugins that a session uses. A computer will have an upper limit to the amount of DSP it can perform, depending on its CPU and RAM speed and many other factors. E Embed Some reasonable definition here. H HDR Acronym of Hard Disk Recorder. A general term for devices which record audio onto hard disk; a HDR usually means some kind of standalone recording unit such as the Alesis HD-24 and similar. I Insert Some reasonable definition here. J JACK Acronym of the Jack Audio Connection Kit. Some reasonable definition here. L LADSPA Acronym of Linux Audio Developers Simple Plugin API. One standard for writing plugins which &ARDOUR_NAME; can use. Many LADSPA plugins are available; some free and open-source and others closed-source. See, for example: M MIDI Acronym of Musical Instrument Digital Interface. A standard for communicating note and other information between keyboards, computers, sound modules and many other devices. P Playlist A list of regions; each track has one or more Playlists, one of which is active; this specifies the regions that will be played back by the track. plugin A piece of software that can be used inside Ardour to process audio or MIDI data. Common examples are equalisers, compressors or reverb processors using the LADSPA, LV2 or VST standards. POSIX POSIX stands for Portable Operating System Interface for uniX. Some reasonable definition here. R Region Some reasonable definition here. Redirect Some reasonable definition here. S Send Some reasonable definition here. Session Some reasonable definition here. Session Template Some reasonable definition here. Submixing Some reasonable definition here. T Tape Track Some Reasonable definition here. Track Some reasonable definition here. V VST Short for Virtual Studio Technology