/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* Rubber Band An audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting library. Copyright 2007-2008 Chris Cannam. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "StretcherChannelData.h" #include "Resampler.h" namespace RubberBand { RubberBandStretcher::Impl::ChannelData::ChannelData(size_t windowSize, int overSample, size_t outbufSize) : oversample(overSample) { std::set s; construct(s, windowSize, outbufSize); } RubberBandStretcher::Impl::ChannelData::ChannelData(const std::set &windowSizes, int overSample, size_t initialWindowSize, size_t outbufSize) : oversample(overSample) { construct(windowSizes, initialWindowSize, outbufSize); } void RubberBandStretcher::Impl::ChannelData::construct(const std::set &windowSizes, size_t initialWindowSize, size_t outbufSize) { size_t maxSize = initialWindowSize; if (!windowSizes.empty()) { // std::set is ordered by value std::set::const_iterator i = windowSizes.end(); maxSize = *--i; } if (windowSizes.find(initialWindowSize) == windowSizes.end()) { if (initialWindowSize > maxSize) maxSize = initialWindowSize; } // max size of the real "half" of freq data size_t realSize = (maxSize * oversample)/2 + 1; // std::cerr << "ChannelData::construct([" << windowSizes.size() << "], " << maxSize << ", " << outbufSize << ")" << std::endl; if (outbufSize < maxSize) outbufSize = maxSize; inbuf = new RingBuffer(maxSize); outbuf = new RingBuffer(outbufSize); mag = allocDouble(realSize); phase = allocDouble(realSize); prevPhase = allocDouble(realSize); prevError = allocDouble(realSize); unwrappedPhase = allocDouble(realSize); envelope = allocDouble(realSize); freqPeak = new size_t[realSize]; fltbuf = allocFloat(maxSize); accumulator = allocFloat(maxSize); windowAccumulator = allocFloat(maxSize); for (std::set::const_iterator i = windowSizes.begin(); i != windowSizes.end(); ++i) { ffts[*i] = new FFT(*i * oversample); ffts[*i]->initDouble(); } if (windowSizes.find(initialWindowSize) == windowSizes.end()) { ffts[initialWindowSize] = new FFT(initialWindowSize * oversample); ffts[initialWindowSize]->initDouble(); } fft = ffts[initialWindowSize]; dblbuf = fft->getDoubleTimeBuffer(); resampler = 0; resamplebuf = 0; resamplebufSize = 0; reset(); for (size_t i = 0; i < realSize; ++i) { freqPeak[i] = 0; } for (size_t i = 0; i < initialWindowSize * oversample; ++i) { dblbuf[i] = 0.0; } for (size_t i = 0; i < maxSize; ++i) { accumulator[i] = 0.f; windowAccumulator[i] = 0.f; } // Avoid dividing opening sample (which will be discarded anyway) by zero windowAccumulator[0] = 1.f; } void RubberBandStretcher::Impl::ChannelData::setWindowSize(size_t windowSize) { size_t oldSize = inbuf->getSize(); size_t realSize = (windowSize * oversample) / 2 + 1; // std::cerr << "ChannelData::setWindowSize(" << windowSize << ") [from " << oldSize << "]" << std::endl; if (oldSize >= windowSize) { // no need to reallocate buffers, just reselect fft //!!! we can't actually do this without locking against the //process thread, can we? we need to zero the mag/phase //buffers without interference if (ffts.find(windowSize) == ffts.end()) { //!!! this also requires a lock, but it shouldn't occur in //RT mode with proper initialisation ffts[windowSize] = new FFT(windowSize * oversample); ffts[windowSize]->initDouble(); } fft = ffts[windowSize]; dblbuf = fft->getDoubleTimeBuffer(); for (size_t i = 0; i < windowSize * oversample; ++i) { dblbuf[i] = 0.0; } for (size_t i = 0; i < realSize; ++i) { mag[i] = 0.0; phase[i] = 0.0; prevPhase[i] = 0.0; prevError[i] = 0.0; unwrappedPhase[i] = 0.0; freqPeak[i] = 0; } return; } //!!! at this point we need a lock in case a different client //thread is calling process() -- we need this lock even if we //aren't running in threaded mode ourselves -- if we're in RT //mode, then the process call should trylock and fail if the lock //is unavailable (since this should never normally be the case in //general use in RT mode) RingBuffer *newbuf = inbuf->resized(windowSize); delete inbuf; inbuf = newbuf; // We don't want to preserve data in these arrays mag = allocDouble(mag, realSize); phase = allocDouble(phase, realSize); prevPhase = allocDouble(prevPhase, realSize); prevError = allocDouble(prevError, realSize); unwrappedPhase = allocDouble(unwrappedPhase, realSize); envelope = allocDouble(envelope, realSize); delete[] freqPeak; freqPeak = new size_t[realSize]; fltbuf = allocFloat(fltbuf, windowSize); // But we do want to preserve data in these float *newAcc = allocFloat(windowSize); for (size_t i = 0; i < oldSize; ++i) newAcc[i] = accumulator[i]; freeFloat(accumulator); accumulator = newAcc; newAcc = allocFloat(windowSize); for (size_t i = 0; i < oldSize; ++i) newAcc[i] = windowAccumulator[i]; freeFloat(windowAccumulator); windowAccumulator = newAcc; //!!! and resampler? for (size_t i = 0; i < realSize; ++i) { freqPeak[i] = 0; } for (size_t i = 0; i < windowSize; ++i) { fltbuf[i] = 0.f; } if (ffts.find(windowSize) == ffts.end()) { ffts[windowSize] = new FFT(windowSize * oversample); ffts[windowSize]->initDouble(); } fft = ffts[windowSize]; dblbuf = fft->getDoubleTimeBuffer(); for (size_t i = 0; i < windowSize * oversample; ++i) { dblbuf[i] = 0.0; } } void RubberBandStretcher::Impl::ChannelData::setOutbufSize(size_t outbufSize) { size_t oldSize = outbuf->getSize(); // std::cerr << "ChannelData::setOutbufSize(" << outbufSize << ") [from " << oldSize << "]" << std::endl; if (oldSize < outbufSize) { //!!! at this point we need a lock in case a different client //thread is calling process() RingBuffer *newbuf = outbuf->resized(outbufSize); delete outbuf; outbuf = newbuf; } } void RubberBandStretcher::Impl::ChannelData::setResampleBufSize(size_t sz) { resamplebuf = allocFloat(resamplebuf, sz); resamplebufSize = sz; } RubberBandStretcher::Impl::ChannelData::~ChannelData() { delete resampler; freeFloat(resamplebuf); delete inbuf; delete outbuf; freeDouble(mag); freeDouble(phase); freeDouble(prevPhase); freeDouble(prevError); freeDouble(unwrappedPhase); freeDouble(envelope); delete[] freqPeak; freeFloat(accumulator); freeFloat(windowAccumulator); freeFloat(fltbuf); for (std::map::iterator i = ffts.begin(); i != ffts.end(); ++i) { delete i->second; } } void RubberBandStretcher::Impl::ChannelData::reset() { inbuf->reset(); outbuf->reset(); if (resampler) resampler->reset(); size_t size = inbuf->getSize(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { accumulator[i] = 0.f; windowAccumulator[i] = 0.f; } // Avoid dividing opening sample (which will be discarded anyway) by zero windowAccumulator[0] = 1.f; accumulatorFill = 0; prevIncrement = 0; chunkCount = 0; inCount = 0; inputSize = -1; outCount = 0; unchanged = true; draining = false; outputComplete = false; } }