/* Copyright (C) 2008 Hans Baier This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. $Id$ */ #include #include #include "midi++/midnam_patch.h" #include "pbd/compose.h" #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/failed_constructor.h" using namespace std; using PBD::error; namespace MIDI { namespace Name { Patch::Patch (std::string name, uint8_t p_number, uint16_t b_number) : _name (name) , _id (p_number, b_number) { } int initialize_primary_key_from_commands (PatchPrimaryKey& id, const XMLNode* node) { id.bank_number = 0; const XMLNodeList events = node->children(); for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator i = events.begin(); i != events.end(); ++i) { XMLNode* node = *i; if (node->name() == "ControlChange") { string control = node->property("Control")->value(); assert(control != ""); string value = node->property("Value")->value(); assert(value != ""); if (control == "0") { id.bank_number |= (PBD::atoi (value)) << 7; } else if (control == "32") { id.bank_number |= PBD::atoi (value); } } else if (node->name() == "ProgramChange") { string number = node->property("Number")->value(); assert(number != ""); id.program_number = PBD::atoi(number); } } return 0; } XMLNode& Patch::get_state (void) { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode("Patch"); /* XXX this is totally wrong */ node->add_property("Number", string_compose ("%1", _id.program_number)); node->add_property("Name", _name); /* typedef std::list< boost::shared_ptr< Evoral::MIDIEvent > > PatchMidiCommands; XMLNode* commands = node->add_child("PatchMIDICommands"); for (PatchMidiCommands::const_iterator event = _patch_midi_commands.begin(); event != _patch_midi_commands.end(); ++event) { commands->add_child_copy(*((((Evoral::MIDIEvent&)*event)).to_xml())); } */ return *node; } int Patch::set_state (const XMLTree&, const XMLNode& node) { if (node.name() != "Patch") { cerr << "Incorrect node " << node.name() << " handed to Patch" << endl; return -1; } const XMLProperty* prop = node.property ("Number"); if (!prop) { return -1; } _id.program_number = PBD::atoi (prop->value()); prop = node.property ("Name"); if (!prop) { return -1; } _name = prop->value(); XMLNode* commands = node.child("PatchMIDICommands"); if (commands) { if (initialize_primary_key_from_commands(_id, commands)) { return -1; } } else { string program_change = node.property("ProgramChange")->value(); assert(program_change.length()); _id.program_number = PBD::atoi(program_change); } XMLNode* use_note_name_list = node.child("UsesNoteNameList"); if (use_note_name_list) { _note_list_name = use_note_name_list->property ("Name")->value(); } return 0; } XMLNode& Note::get_state (void) { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode("Note"); node->add_property("Number", _number + 1); node->add_property("Name", _name); return *node; } int Note::set_state (const XMLTree&, const XMLNode& node) { assert(node.name() == "Note"); /* If the note number is junk, this will pull a number from the start, or return zero if there isn't one. The decrement will make that zero illegal since note numbers in the file are one-based. Better error detection would be a good idea, but the duplicate check in NoteNameList::set_state() will probably catch most errors anyway. */ _number = atoi(node.property("Number")->value().c_str()) - 1; _name = node.property("Name")->value(); return 0; } XMLNode& NoteNameList::get_state (void) { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode("NoteNameList"); node->add_property("Name", _name); return *node; } int NoteNameList::set_state (const XMLTree& tree, const XMLNode& node) { assert(node.name() == "NoteNameList"); _name = node.property("Name")->value(); _notes.clear(); _notes.resize(128); for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator i = node.children().begin(); i != node.children().end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->name() != "Note") { continue; } boost::shared_ptr note(new Note()); note->set_state (tree, *(*i)); if (note->number() > 127) { PBD::warning << string_compose("%1: Note number %2 (%3) out of range", tree.filename(), (int)note->number(), note->name()) << endmsg; } else if (_notes[note->number()]) { PBD::warning << string_compose("%1: Duplicate note number %2 (%3) ignored", tree.filename(), (int)note->number(), note->name()) << endmsg; } else { _notes[note->number()] = note; } } return 0; } XMLNode& Control::get_state (void) { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode("Control"); node->add_property("Type", _type); node->add_property("Number", _number); node->add_property("Name", _name); return *node; } int Control::set_state (const XMLTree&, const XMLNode& node) { assert(node.name() == "Control"); _type = node.property("Type")->value(); _number = node.property("Number")->value(); _name = node.property("Name")->value(); return 0; } XMLNode& ControlNameList::get_state (void) { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode("ControlNameList"); node->add_property("Name", _name); return *node; } int ControlNameList::set_state (const XMLTree& tree, const XMLNode& node) { assert(node.name() == "ControlNameList"); _name = node.property("Name")->value(); for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator i = node.children().begin(); i != node.children().end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->name() != "comment") { boost::shared_ptr control(new Control()); control->set_state (tree, *(*i)); _controls.push_back(control); } } return 0; } XMLNode& PatchBank::get_state (void) { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode("PatchBank"); node->add_property("Name", _name); XMLNode* patch_name_list = node->add_child("PatchNameList"); for (PatchNameList::iterator patch = _patch_name_list.begin(); patch != _patch_name_list.end(); ++patch) { patch_name_list->add_child_nocopy((*patch)->get_state()); } return *node; } int PatchBank::set_state (const XMLTree& tree, const XMLNode& node) { assert(node.name() == "PatchBank"); _name = node.property("Name")->value(); XMLNode* commands = node.child("MIDICommands"); if (commands) { PatchPrimaryKey id (0, 0); if (initialize_primary_key_from_commands (id, commands)) { return -1; } _number = id.bank_number; } XMLNode* patch_name_list = node.child("PatchNameList"); if (patch_name_list) { const XMLNodeList patches = patch_name_list->children(); for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator i = patches.begin(); i != patches.end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr patch (new Patch (string(), 0, _number)); patch->set_state(tree, *(*i)); _patch_name_list.push_back(patch); } } else { XMLNode* use_patch_name_list = node.child ("UsesPatchNameList"); if (use_patch_name_list) { _patch_list_name = use_patch_name_list->property ("Name")->value(); } else { error << "Patch without patch name list - patchfile will be ignored" << endmsg; return -1; } } return 0; } int PatchBank::set_patch_name_list (const PatchNameList& pnl) { _patch_name_list = pnl; _patch_list_name = ""; for (PatchNameList::iterator p = _patch_name_list.begin(); p != _patch_name_list.end(); p++) { (*p)->set_bank_number (_number); } return 0; } std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const ChannelNameSet& cns) { os << "Channel Name Set: name = " << cns._name << endl << "Map size " << cns._patch_map.size () << endl << "List size " << cns._patch_list.size() << endl << "Patch list name = [" << cns._patch_list_name << ']' << endl << "Available channels : "; for (set::iterator x = cns._available_for_channels.begin(); x != cns._available_for_channels.end(); ++x) { os << (int) (*x) << ' '; } os << endl; for (ChannelNameSet::PatchBanks::const_iterator pbi = cns._patch_banks.begin(); pbi != cns._patch_banks.end(); ++pbi) { os << "\tPatch Bank " << (*pbi)->name() << " with " << (*pbi)->patch_name_list().size() << " patches\n"; for (PatchBank::PatchNameList::const_iterator pni = (*pbi)->patch_name_list().begin(); pni != (*pbi)->patch_name_list().end(); ++pni) { os << "\t\tPatch name " << (*pni)->name() << " prog " << (int) (*pni)->program_number() << " bank " << (*pni)->bank_number() << endl; } } return os; } void ChannelNameSet::set_patch_banks (const ChannelNameSet::PatchBanks& pb) { _patch_banks = pb; _patch_map.clear (); _patch_list.clear (); _patch_list_name = ""; _available_for_channels.clear (); for (PatchBanks::const_iterator pbi = _patch_banks.begin(); pbi != _patch_banks.end(); ++pbi) { for (PatchBank::PatchNameList::const_iterator pni = (*pbi)->patch_name_list().begin(); pni != (*pbi)->patch_name_list().end(); ++pni) { _patch_map[(*pni)->patch_primary_key()] = (*pni); _patch_list.push_back ((*pni)->patch_primary_key()); } } for (uint8_t n = 0; n < 16; ++n) { _available_for_channels.insert (n); } } void ChannelNameSet::use_patch_name_list (const PatchBank::PatchNameList& pnl) { for (PatchBank::PatchNameList::const_iterator p = pnl.begin(); p != pnl.end(); ++p) { _patch_map[(*p)->patch_primary_key()] = (*p); _patch_list.push_back ((*p)->patch_primary_key()); } } XMLNode& ChannelNameSet::get_state (void) { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode("ChannelNameSet"); node->add_property("Name", _name); XMLNode* available_for_channels = node->add_child("AvailableForChannels"); assert(available_for_channels); for (uint8_t channel = 0; channel < 16; ++channel) { XMLNode* available_channel = available_for_channels->add_child("AvailableChannel"); assert(available_channel); available_channel->add_property("Channel", (long) channel); if (_available_for_channels.find(channel) != _available_for_channels.end()) { available_channel->add_property("Available", "true"); } else { available_channel->add_property("Available", "false"); } } for (PatchBanks::iterator patch_bank = _patch_banks.begin(); patch_bank != _patch_banks.end(); ++patch_bank) { node->add_child_nocopy((*patch_bank)->get_state()); } return *node; } int ChannelNameSet::set_state (const XMLTree& tree, const XMLNode& node) { assert(node.name() == "ChannelNameSet"); _name = node.property("Name")->value(); const XMLNodeList children = node.children(); for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { XMLNode* node = *i; assert(node); if (node->name() == "AvailableForChannels") { boost::shared_ptr channels = tree.find("//AvailableChannel[@Available = 'true']/@Channel", node); for(XMLSharedNodeList::const_iterator i = channels->begin(); i != channels->end(); ++i) { _available_for_channels.insert(atoi((*i)->attribute_value().c_str())); } } if (node->name() == "PatchBank") { boost::shared_ptr bank (new PatchBank ()); bank->set_state(tree, *node); _patch_banks.push_back(bank); const PatchBank::PatchNameList& patches = bank->patch_name_list(); for (PatchBank::PatchNameList::const_iterator patch = patches.begin(); patch != patches.end(); ++patch) { _patch_map[(*patch)->patch_primary_key()] = *patch; _patch_list.push_back((*patch)->patch_primary_key()); } } if (node->name() == "UsesNoteNameList") { _note_list_name = node->property ("Name")->value(); } } return 0; } int CustomDeviceMode::set_state(const XMLTree& tree, const XMLNode& a_node) { assert(a_node.name() == "CustomDeviceMode"); _name = a_node.property("Name")->value(); boost::shared_ptr channel_name_set_assignments = tree.find("//ChannelNameSetAssign", const_cast(&a_node)); for(XMLSharedNodeList::const_iterator i = channel_name_set_assignments->begin(); i != channel_name_set_assignments->end(); ++i) { int channel = atoi((*i)->property("Channel")->value().c_str()); string name_set = (*i)->property("NameSet")->value(); assert( 1 <= channel && channel <= 16 ); _channel_name_set_assignments[channel - 1] = name_set; } return 0; } XMLNode& CustomDeviceMode::get_state(void) { XMLNode* custom_device_mode = new XMLNode("CustomDeviceMode"); custom_device_mode->add_property("Name", _name); XMLNode* channel_name_set_assignments = custom_device_mode->add_child("ChannelNameSetAssignments"); for (int i = 0; i < 15 && !_channel_name_set_assignments[i].empty(); i++) { XMLNode* channel_name_set_assign = channel_name_set_assignments->add_child("ChannelNameSetAssign"); channel_name_set_assign->add_property("Channel", i + 1); channel_name_set_assign->add_property("NameSet", _channel_name_set_assignments[i]); } return *custom_device_mode; } boost::shared_ptr MasterDeviceNames::custom_device_mode_by_name(std::string mode_name) { return _custom_device_modes[mode_name]; } boost::shared_ptr MasterDeviceNames::channel_name_set_by_device_mode_and_channel(std::string mode, uint8_t channel) { boost::shared_ptr cdm = custom_device_mode_by_name(mode); boost::shared_ptr cns = _channel_name_sets[cdm->channel_name_set_name_by_channel(channel)]; return cns; } boost::shared_ptr MasterDeviceNames::find_patch(std::string mode, uint8_t channel, const PatchPrimaryKey& key) { return channel_name_set_by_device_mode_and_channel(mode, channel)->find_patch(key); } boost::shared_ptr MasterDeviceNames::channel_name_set(const std::string& name) { ChannelNameSets::const_iterator i = _channel_name_sets.find(name); if (i != _channel_name_sets.end()) { return i->second; } return boost::shared_ptr(); } boost::shared_ptr MasterDeviceNames::note_name_list(const std::string& name) { NoteNameLists::const_iterator i = _note_name_lists.find(name); if (i != _note_name_lists.end()) { return i->second; } return boost::shared_ptr(); } std::string MasterDeviceNames::note_name(const std::string& mode_name, uint8_t channel, uint16_t bank, uint8_t program, uint8_t number) { if (number > 127) { return ""; } boost::shared_ptr patch( find_patch(mode_name, channel, PatchPrimaryKey(program, bank))); if (!patch) { return ""; } boost::shared_ptr note_names( note_name_list(patch->note_list_name())); if (!note_names) { /* No note names specific to this patch, check the ChannelNameSet */ boost::shared_ptr chan_names = channel_name_set_by_device_mode_and_channel( mode_name, channel); if (chan_names) { note_names = note_name_list(chan_names->note_list_name()); } } if (!note_names) { return ""; } boost::shared_ptr note(note_names->notes()[number]); return note ? note->name() : ""; } int MasterDeviceNames::set_state(const XMLTree& tree, const XMLNode&) { // Manufacturer boost::shared_ptr manufacturer = tree.find("//Manufacturer"); assert(manufacturer->size() == 1); _manufacturer = manufacturer->front()->children().front()->content(); // Models boost::shared_ptr models = tree.find("//Model"); assert(models->size() >= 1); for (XMLSharedNodeList::iterator i = models->begin(); i != models->end(); ++i) { const XMLNodeList& contents = (*i)->children(); assert(contents.size() == 1); XMLNode * content = *(contents.begin()); assert(content->is_content()); _models.insert(content->content()); } // CustomDeviceModes boost::shared_ptr custom_device_modes = tree.find("//CustomDeviceMode"); for (XMLSharedNodeList::iterator i = custom_device_modes->begin(); i != custom_device_modes->end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr custom_device_mode(new CustomDeviceMode()); custom_device_mode->set_state(tree, *(*i)); _custom_device_modes[custom_device_mode->name()] = custom_device_mode; _custom_device_mode_names.push_back(custom_device_mode->name()); } // ChannelNameSets boost::shared_ptr channel_name_sets = tree.find("//ChannelNameSet"); for (XMLSharedNodeList::iterator i = channel_name_sets->begin(); i != channel_name_sets->end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr channel_name_set(new ChannelNameSet()); channel_name_set->set_state(tree, *(*i)); _channel_name_sets[channel_name_set->name()] = channel_name_set; } // NoteNameLists boost::shared_ptr note_name_lists = tree.find("//NoteNameList"); for (XMLSharedNodeList::iterator i = note_name_lists->begin(); i != note_name_lists->end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr note_name_list(new NoteNameList()); note_name_list->set_state (tree, *(*i)); _note_name_lists[(*i)->property ("Name")->value()] = note_name_list; } // ControlNameLists boost::shared_ptr control_name_lists = tree.find("//ControlNameList"); for (XMLSharedNodeList::iterator i = control_name_lists->begin(); i != control_name_lists->end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr control_name_list(new ControlNameList()); control_name_list->set_state (tree, *(*i)); _control_name_lists.push_back(control_name_list); } // global/post-facto PatchNameLists boost::shared_ptr patch_name_lists = tree.find("/child::MIDINameDocument/child::MasterDeviceNames/child::PatchNameList"); for (XMLSharedNodeList::iterator i = patch_name_lists->begin(); i != patch_name_lists->end(); ++i) { PatchBank::PatchNameList patch_name_list; const XMLNodeList patches = (*i)->children(); for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator p = patches.begin(); p != patches.end(); ++p) { boost::shared_ptr patch (new Patch ()); patch->set_state(tree, *(*p)); patch_name_list.push_back(patch); } if (!patch_name_list.empty()) { _patch_name_lists[(*i)->property ("Name")->value()] = patch_name_list; } } /* now traverse patches and hook up anything that used UsePatchNameList * to the right patch list */ for (ChannelNameSets::iterator cns = _channel_name_sets.begin(); cns != _channel_name_sets.end(); ++cns) { ChannelNameSet::PatchBanks pbs = cns->second->patch_banks(); PatchNameLists::iterator p; for (ChannelNameSet::PatchBanks::iterator pb = pbs.begin(); pb != pbs.end(); ++pb) { std::string pln = (*pb)->patch_list_name(); if (!pln.empty()) { if ((p = _patch_name_lists.find (pln)) != _patch_name_lists.end()) { if ((*pb)->set_patch_name_list (p->second)) { return -1; } cns->second->use_patch_name_list (p->second); } else { error << string_compose ("Patch list name %1 was not found - patch file ignored", pln) << endmsg; return -1; } } } } return 0; } XMLNode& MasterDeviceNames::get_state(void) { static XMLNode nothing(""); return nothing; } MIDINameDocument::MIDINameDocument (const string& filename) { if (!_document.read (filename)) { throw failed_constructor (); } _document.set_filename (filename); set_state (_document, *_document.root()); } int MIDINameDocument::set_state (const XMLTree& tree, const XMLNode&) { // Author boost::shared_ptr author = tree.find("//Author"); if (author->size() < 1) { error << "No author information in MIDNAM file" << endmsg; return -1; } if (author->front()->children().size() > 0) { _author = author->front()->children().front()->content(); } // MasterDeviceNames boost::shared_ptr master_device_names_list = tree.find ("//MasterDeviceNames"); for (XMLSharedNodeList::iterator i = master_device_names_list->begin(); i != master_device_names_list->end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr master_device_names(new MasterDeviceNames()); if (master_device_names->set_state(tree, *(*i))) { return -1; } for (MasterDeviceNames::Models::const_iterator model = master_device_names->models().begin(); model != master_device_names->models().end(); ++model) { _master_device_names_list.insert( std::pair > (*model, master_device_names)); _all_models.insert(*model); } } return 0; } XMLNode& MIDINameDocument::get_state(void) { static XMLNode nothing(""); return nothing; } boost::shared_ptr MIDINameDocument::master_device_names(const std::string& model) { MasterDeviceNamesList::const_iterator m = _master_device_names_list.find(model); if (m != _master_device_names_list.end()) { return boost::shared_ptr(m->second); } return boost::shared_ptr(); } const char* general_midi_program_names[128] = { "Acoustic Grand Piano", "Bright Acoustic Piano", "Electric Grand Piano", "Honky-tonk Piano", "Rhodes Piano", "Chorused Piano", "Harpsichord", "Clavinet", "Celesta", "Glockenspiel", "Music Box", "Vibraphone", "Marimba", "Xylophone", "Tubular Bells", "Dulcimer", "Hammond Organ", "Percussive Organ", "Rock Organ", "Church Organ", "Reed Organ", "Accordion", "Harmonica", "Tango Accordion", "Acoustic Guitar (nylon)", "Acoustic Guitar (steel)", "Electric Guitar (jazz)", "Electric Guitar (clean)", "Electric Guitar (muted)", "Overdriven Guitar", "Distortion Guitar", "Guitar Harmonics", "Acoustic Bass", "Electric Bass (finger)", "Electric Bass (pick)", "Fretless Bass", "Slap Bass 1", "Slap Bass 2", "Synth Bass 1", "Synth Bass 2", "Violin", "Viola", "Cello", "Contrabass", "Tremolo Strings", "Pizzicato Strings", "Orchestral Harp", "Timpani", "String Ensemble 1", "String Ensemble 2", "SynthStrings 1", "SynthStrings 2", "Choir Aahs", "Voice Oohs", "Synth Voice", "Orchestra Hit", "Trumpet", "Trombone", "Tuba", "Muted Trumpet", "French Horn", "Brass Section", "Synth Brass 1", "Synth Brass 2", "Soprano Sax", "Alto Sax", "Tenor Sax", "Baritone Sax", "Oboe", "English Horn", "Bassoon", "Clarinet", "Piccolo", "Flute", "Recorder", "Pan Flute", "Bottle Blow", "Shakuhachi", "Whistle", "Ocarina", "Lead 1 (square)", "Lead 2 (sawtooth)", "Lead 3 (calliope lead)", "Lead 4 (chiff lead)", "Lead 5 (charang)", "Lead 6 (voice)", "Lead 7 (fifths)", "Lead 8 (bass + lead)", "Pad 1 (new age)", "Pad 2 (warm)", "Pad 3 (polysynth)", "Pad 4 (choir)", "Pad 5 (bowed)", "Pad 6 (metallic)", "Pad 7 (halo)", "Pad 8 (sweep)", "FX 1 (rain)", "FX 2 (soundtrack)", "FX 3 (crystal)", "FX 4 (atmosphere)", "FX 5 (brightness)", "FX 6 (goblins)", "FX 7 (echoes)", "FX 8 (sci-fi)", "Sitar", "Banjo", "Shamisen", "Koto", "Kalimba", "Bagpipe", "Fiddle", "Shanai", "Tinkle Bell", "Agogo", "Steel Drums", "Woodblock", "Taiko Drum", "Melodic Tom", "Synth Drum", "Reverse Cymbal", "Guitar Fret Noise", "Breath Noise", "Seashore", "Bird Tweet", "Telephone Ring", "Helicopter", "Applause", "Gunshot", }; } //namespace Name } //namespace MIDI