// $Id$ // // Cassowary Incremental Constraint Solver // Original Smalltalk Implementation by Alan Borning // This C++ Implementation by Greg J. Badros, // http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/gjb // (C) 1998, 1999 Greg J. Badros and Alan Borning // See ../LICENSE for legal details regarding this software // // ClFDConstraint.h #ifndef ClFDConstraint_H #define ClFDConstraint_H #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) && !defined(CONFIG_H_INCLUDED) && !defined(CONFIG_INLINE_H_INCLUDED) #include #define CONFIG_INLINE_H_INCLUDED #endif #include "Cassowary.h" #include "ClConstraint.h" // Just a node in the class hierarchy for now class ClFDConstraint : public ClConstraint { private: typedef ClConstraint super; public: // Constructor ClFDConstraint(const ClStrength &strength = ClsRequired(), double weight = 1.0) : ClConstraint(strength, weight) { } virtual bool FIsOkayForSimplexSolver() const { return false; } protected: }; #endif