/***********************************************************/ /*vstfx infofile - module to manage info files */ /*containing cached information about a plugin. e.g. its */ /*name, creator etc etc */ /***********************************************************/ /*This is largely unmodified from the original (C code) FST vstinfofile module*/ #include "ardour/vstfx.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_STRING_LEN 256 #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE !FALSE static char* read_string(FILE *fp) { char buf[MAX_STRING_LEN]; fgets( buf, MAX_STRING_LEN, fp ); if(strlen(buf) < MAX_STRING_LEN) { if(strlen(buf)) buf[strlen(buf)-1] = 0; return strdup(buf); } else { return NULL; } } static VSTFXInfo* load_vstfx_info_file(char *filename) { VSTFXInfo *info = (VSTFXInfo*) malloc(sizeof(VSTFXInfo)); FILE *fp; int i; if(info == NULL) return NULL; fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if(fp == NULL) { free( info ); return NULL; } if((info->name = read_string(fp)) == NULL) goto error; if((info->creator = read_string(fp)) == NULL) goto error; if(1 != fscanf(fp, "%d\n", &info->UniqueID)) goto error; if((info->Category = read_string(fp)) == NULL) goto error; if(1 != fscanf(fp, "%d\n", &info->numInputs)) goto error; if(1 != fscanf(fp, "%d\n", &info->numOutputs)) goto error; if(1 != fscanf(fp, "%d\n", &info->numParams)) goto error; if(1 != fscanf(fp, "%d\n", &info->wantMidi)) goto error; if(1 != fscanf(fp, "%d\n", &info->hasEditor)) goto error; if(1 != fscanf(fp, "%d\n", &info->canProcessReplacing)) goto error; if((info->ParamNames = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char*)*info->numParams)) == NULL) goto error; for(i=0; inumParams; i++) { if((info->ParamNames[i] = read_string(fp)) == NULL) goto error; } if((info->ParamLabels = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char*)*info->numParams)) == NULL) goto error; for(i=0; i < info->numParams; i++) { if((info->ParamLabels[i] = read_string(fp)) == NULL) goto error; } fclose( fp ); return info; error: fclose( fp ); free( info ); return NULL; } static int save_vstfx_info_file(VSTFXInfo *info, char *filename) { FILE *fp; int i; if(info == NULL) { vstfx_error("** ERROR ** VSTFXinfofile : info ptr is NULL\n"); return TRUE; } fp = fopen(filename, "w"); if(fp == NULL) { vstfx_error("** WARNING ** VSTFX : Can't write info file %s\n", filename); return TRUE; } fprintf( fp, "%s\n", info->name ); fprintf( fp, "%s\n", info->creator ); fprintf( fp, "%d\n", info->UniqueID ); fprintf( fp, "%s\n", info->Category ); fprintf( fp, "%d\n", info->numInputs ); fprintf( fp, "%d\n", info->numOutputs ); fprintf( fp, "%d\n", info->numParams ); fprintf( fp, "%d\n", info->wantMidi ); fprintf( fp, "%d\n", info->hasEditor ); fprintf( fp, "%d\n", info->canProcessReplacing ); for(i=0; i < info->numParams; i++) { fprintf(fp, "%s\n", info->ParamNames[i]); } for(i=0; i < info->numParams; i++) { fprintf(fp, "%s\n", info->ParamLabels[i]); } fclose( fp ); return FALSE; } static char* vstfx_dllpath_to_infopath(char *dllpath) { char* retval; char* dir_path; char* base_name; if(strstr(dllpath, ".so" ) == NULL) return NULL; /*Allocate space for the filename - need strlen + 1 for the terminating'0', +1 because .so is three chars, and .fsi is four chars and +1 because we have a '.' at the beginning*/ retval = (char*)malloc(strlen(dllpath) + 3); dir_path = strdup(dllpath); base_name = strdup(dllpath); sprintf(retval, "%s/.%s", dirname(dir_path), basename(base_name)); sprintf(retval + strlen(retval) - 3, ".fsi"); free(dir_path); free(base_name); return retval; } static int vstfx_info_file_is_valid(char *dllpath) { struct stat dllstat; struct stat vstfxstat; char *vstfxpath = vstfx_dllpath_to_infopath(dllpath); if(!vstfxpath) return FALSE; if(stat(dllpath, &dllstat)) { vstfx_error( "** ERROR ** VSTFXinfofile : .so path %s invalid\n", dllpath ); return TRUE; } if(stat(vstfxpath, &vstfxstat)) return FALSE; free(vstfxpath); if(dllstat.st_mtime > vstfxstat.st_mtime) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } static int vstfx_can_midi(VSTFX *vstfx) { struct AEffect *plugin = vstfx->plugin; int vst_version = plugin->dispatcher (plugin, effGetVstVersion, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f); if (vst_version >= 2) { /* should we send it VST events (i.e. MIDI) */ if ((plugin->flags & effFlagsIsSynth) || (plugin->dispatcher (plugin, effCanDo, 0, 0,(void*) "receiveVstEvents", 0.0f) > 0)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static VSTFXInfo* vstfx_info_from_plugin(VSTFX *vstfx) { VSTFXInfo* info = (VSTFXInfo*) malloc(sizeof(VSTFXInfo)); struct AEffect *plugin; int i; /*We need to init the creator because some plugins fail to implement getVendorString, and so won't stuff the string with any name*/ char creator[65] = "Unknown\0"; if(!vstfx) { vstfx_error( "** ERROR ** VSTFXinfofile : vstfx ptr is NULL\n" ); return NULL; } if(!info) return NULL; plugin = vstfx->plugin; info->name = strdup(vstfx->handle->name ); /*If the plugin doesn't bother to implement GetVendorString we will have pre-stuffed the string with 'Unkown' */ plugin->dispatcher (plugin, effGetVendorString, 0, 0, creator, 0); /*Some plugins DO implement GetVendorString, but DON'T put a name in it so if its just a zero length string we replace it with 'Unknown' */ if (strlen(creator) == 0) { info->creator = strdup("Unknown"); } else { info->creator = strdup (creator); } #if defined LXVST_64BIT && defined VESTIGE_HEADER /*On 64Bit the data alignment in AEffect struct is incorrect using vestige. see lxvst_plugin.cc*/ info->UniqueID = *((int32_t *) &((AEffect*)(((char*)(plugin)) + 12))->unused_id); #elif defined LXVST_32BIT && defined VESTIGE_HEADER info->UniqueID = *((int32_t *) &plugin->unused_id); #else info->UniqueID = plugin->uniqueID; #endif info->Category = strdup("None"); // FIXME: info->numInputs = plugin->numInputs; info->numOutputs = plugin->numOutputs; info->numParams = plugin->numParams; info->wantMidi = vstfx_can_midi(vstfx); info->hasEditor = plugin->flags & effFlagsHasEditor ? TRUE : FALSE; info->canProcessReplacing = plugin->flags & effFlagsCanReplacing ? TRUE : FALSE; info->ParamNames = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char*)*info->numParams); info->ParamLabels = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char*)*info->numParams); for(i=0; i < info->numParams; i++) { char name[64]; char label[64]; /*Not all plugins give parameters labels as well as names*/ strcpy(name, "No Name"); strcpy(label, "No Label"); plugin->dispatcher (plugin, effGetParamName, i, 0, name, 0); info->ParamNames[i] = strdup(name); plugin->dispatcher (plugin, effGetParamLabel, i, 0, label, 0); info->ParamLabels[i] = strdup(label); } return info; } /* A simple 'dummy' audiomaster callback which should be ok, we will only be instantiating the plugin in order to get its info*/ static long simple_master_callback(struct AEffect *fx, long opcode, long index, long value, void *ptr, float opt) { if(opcode == audioMasterVersion) return 2; else return 0; } /*Try to get plugin info - first by looking for a .fsi cache of the data, and if that doesn't exist, load the plugin, get its data and then cache it for future ref*/ VSTFXInfo *vstfx_get_info(char *dllpath) { if( vstfx_info_file_is_valid(dllpath)) { VSTFXInfo *info; char *vstfxpath = vstfx_dllpath_to_infopath(dllpath); info = load_vstfx_info_file(vstfxpath); free(vstfxpath); return info; } else { VSTFXHandle *h; VSTFX *vstfx; VSTFXInfo *info; char *vstfxpath; if(!(h = vstfx_load(dllpath))) return NULL; if(!(vstfx = vstfx_instantiate(h, simple_master_callback, NULL))) { vstfx_unload(h); vstfx_error( "** ERROR ** VSTFXinfofile : Instantiate failed\n" ); return NULL; } vstfxpath = vstfx_dllpath_to_infopath(dllpath); if(!vstfxpath) { vstfx_close(vstfx); vstfx_unload(h); vstfx_error( "** ERROR ** VSTFXinfofile : get vstfx filename failed\n" ); return NULL; } info = vstfx_info_from_plugin(vstfx); save_vstfx_info_file(info, vstfxpath); free(vstfxpath); vstfx_close(vstfx); vstfx_unload(h); return info; } } void vstfx_free_info(VSTFXInfo *info ) { int i; for(i=0; i < info->numParams; i++) { free(info->ParamNames[i]); free(info->ParamLabels[i]); } free(info->name); free(info->creator); free(info->Category); free(info); }