/* Copyright (C) 2002 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include "pbd/boost_debug.h" #include "pbd/debug.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" #include "ardour/audioengine.h" #include "ardour/debug.h" #include "ardour/midi_port.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/transport_master.h" #include "ardour/transport_master_manager.h" #include "ardour/types_convert.h" #include "ardour/utils.h" namespace ARDOUR { namespace Properties { PBD::PropertyDescriptor fr2997; PBD::PropertyDescriptor sclock_synced; PBD::PropertyDescriptor collect; PBD::PropertyDescriptor connected; PBD::PropertyDescriptor allowed_transport_requests; } } using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; void TransportMaster::make_property_quarks () { Properties::fr2997.property_id = g_quark_from_static_string (X_("fr2997")); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Properties, string_compose ("quark for fr2997 = %1\n", Properties::fr2997.property_id)); Properties::sclock_synced.property_id = g_quark_from_static_string (X_("sclock_synced")); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Properties, string_compose ("quark for sclock_synced = %1\n", Properties::sclock_synced.property_id)); Properties::collect.property_id = g_quark_from_static_string (X_("collect")); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Properties, string_compose ("quark for collect = %1\n", Properties::collect.property_id)); Properties::connected.property_id = g_quark_from_static_string (X_("connected")); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Properties, string_compose ("quark for connected = %1\n", Properties::connected.property_id)); Properties::allowed_transport_requests.property_id = g_quark_from_static_string (X_("allowed_transport_requests")); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Properties, string_compose ("quark for allowed_transport_requests = %1\n", Properties::allowed_transport_requests.property_id)); } const std::string TransportMaster::state_node_name = X_("TransportMaster"); TransportMaster::TransportMaster (SyncSource t, std::string const & name) : _type (t) , _name (Properties::name, name) , _session (0) , _current_delta (0) , _pending_collect (true) , _removeable (false) , _request_mask (Properties::allowed_transport_requests, TransportRequestType (0)) , _sclock_synced (Properties::sclock_synced, false) , _collect (Properties::collect, true) , _connected (Properties::connected, false) { register_properties (); ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->PortConnectedOrDisconnected.connect_same_thread (port_connection, boost::bind (&TransportMaster::connection_handler, this, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5)); ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->Running.connect_same_thread (backend_connection, boost::bind (&TransportMaster::check_backend, this)); } TransportMaster::~TransportMaster() { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Destruction, string_compose ("destroying transport master \"%1\" along with port %2\n", name(), (_port ? _port->name() : std::string ("no port")))); unregister_port (); } bool TransportMaster::speed_and_position (double& speed, samplepos_t& pos, samplepos_t& lp, samplepos_t& when, samplepos_t now) { if (!_collect) { return false; } if (!locked()) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Slave, string_compose ("%1: not locked, no speed and position!\n", name())); return false; } SafeTime last; current.safe_read (last); if (last.timestamp == 0) { return false; } if (last.timestamp && now > last.timestamp && now - last.timestamp > (2.0 * update_interval())) { /* no timecode for two cycles - conclude that it's stopped */ if (!Config->get_transport_masters_just_roll_when_sync_lost()) { speed = 0; pos = last.position; lp = last.position; when = last.timestamp; _current_delta = 0; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Slave, string_compose ("%1 not seen since %2 vs %3 (%4) with seekahead = %5 reset pending, pos = %6\n", name(), last.timestamp, now, (now - last.timestamp), update_interval(), pos)); return false; } } lp = last.position; when = last.timestamp; speed = last.speed; /* provide a .1% deadzone to lock the speed */ if (fabs (speed - 1.0) <= 0.001) { speed = 1.0; } pos = last.position + (now - last.timestamp) * speed; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Slave, string_compose ("%1 sync spd: %2 pos: %3 | last-pos: %4 @ %7| elapsed: %5 | speed: %6\n", name(), speed, pos, last.position, (now - last.timestamp), speed, when)); return true; } void TransportMaster::register_properties () { _xml_node_name = state_node_name; add_property (_name); add_property (_collect); add_property (_sclock_synced); add_property (_request_mask); /* we omit _connected since it is derived from port state, and merely * used for signalling */ } void TransportMaster::set_name (std::string const & str) { if (_name != str) { _name = str; PropertyChanged (Properties::name); } } bool TransportMaster::connection_handler (boost::weak_ptr, std::string name1, boost::weak_ptr, std::string name2, bool yn) { if (!_port) { return false; } const std::string fqn = ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->make_port_name_non_relative (_port->name()); if (fqn == name1 || fqn == name2) { /* it's about us */ /* XXX technically .. if the user makes an N->1 connection to * this transport master's port, this simple minded logic is * not sufficient. But the user shouldn't do that ... */ if (yn) { _connected = true; } else { _connected = false; } PropertyChanged (Properties::connected); return true; } return false; } bool TransportMaster::check_collect() { if (!_connected) { return false; } /* XXX should probably use boost::atomic something or other here */ if (_pending_collect != _collect) { if (_pending_collect) { init (); } else { if (TransportMasterManager::instance().current().get() == this) { if (_session) { _session->config.set_external_sync (false); } } } _collect = _pending_collect; PropertyChanged (Properties::collect); } return _collect; } void TransportMaster::set_collect (bool yn) { /* theoretical race condition */ if (_connected) { _pending_collect = yn; } else { if (_collect != yn) { _pending_collect = _collect = yn; PropertyChanged (Properties::collect); } } } void TransportMaster::set_sample_clock_synced (bool yn) { if (yn != _sclock_synced) { _sclock_synced = yn; PropertyChanged (Properties::sclock_synced); } } void TransportMaster::set_session (Session* s) { _session = s; } int TransportMaster::set_state (XMLNode const & node, int /* version */) { PropertyChange what_changed; what_changed = set_values (node); XMLNode* pnode = node.child (X_("Port")); if (pnode) { XMLNodeList const & children = pnode->children(); for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator ci = children.begin(); ci != children.end(); ++ci) { XMLProperty const *prop; if ((*ci)->name() == X_("Connection")) { if ((prop = (*ci)->property (X_("other"))) == 0) { continue; } _port->connect (prop->value()); } } } PropertyChanged (what_changed); return 0; } XMLNode& TransportMaster::get_state () { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode (state_node_name); node->set_property (X_("type"), _type); node->set_property (X_("removeable"), _removeable); add_properties (*node); if (_port) { std::vector connections; XMLNode* pnode = new XMLNode (X_("Port")); if (_port->get_connections (connections)) { std::vector::const_iterator ci; std::sort (connections.begin(), connections.end()); for (ci = connections.begin(); ci != connections.end(); ++ci) { /* if its a connection to our own port, return only the port name, not the whole thing. this allows connections to be re-established even when our client name is different. */ XMLNode* cnode = new XMLNode (X_("Connection")); cnode->set_property (X_("other"), AudioEngine::instance()->make_port_name_relative (*ci)); pnode->add_child_nocopy (*cnode); } } node->add_child_nocopy (*pnode); } return *node; } boost::shared_ptr TransportMaster::factory (XMLNode const & node) { if (node.name() != TransportMaster::state_node_name) { return boost::shared_ptr(); } SyncSource type; std::string name; bool removeable; if (!node.get_property (X_("type"), type)) { return boost::shared_ptr(); } if (!node.get_property (X_("name"), name)) { return boost::shared_ptr(); } if (!node.get_property (X_("removeable"), removeable)) { /* development versions of 6.0 didn't have this property for a while. Any TM listed in XML at that time was non-removeable */ removeable = false; } DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Slave, string_compose ("xml-construct %1 name %2 removeable %3\n", enum_2_string (type), name, removeable)); return factory (type, name, removeable); } boost::shared_ptr TransportMaster::factory (SyncSource type, std::string const& name, bool removeable) { /* XXX need to count existing sources of a given type */ boost::shared_ptr tm; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Slave, string_compose ("factory-construct %1 name %2 removeable %3\n", enum_2_string (type), name, removeable)); switch (type) { case MTC: tm.reset (new MTC_TransportMaster (name)); break; case LTC: tm.reset (new LTC_TransportMaster (name)); break; case MIDIClock: tm.reset (new MIDIClock_TransportMaster (name)); break; case Engine: tm.reset (new Engine_TransportMaster (*AudioEngine::instance())); break; default: break; } if (tm) { tm->set_removeable (removeable); } return tm; } /** @param sh Return a short version of the string */ std::string TransportMaster::display_name (bool sh) const { switch (_type) { case Engine: /* no other backends offer sync for now ... deal with this if we * ever have to. */ return S_("SyncSource|JACK"); case MTC: if (sh) { if (name().length() <= 4) { return name(); } return S_("SyncSource|MTC"); } else { return name(); } case MIDIClock: if (sh) { if (name().length() <= 4) { return name(); } return S_("SyncSource|M-Clk"); } else { return name(); } case LTC: if (sh) { if (name().length() <= 4) { return name(); } return S_("SyncSource|LTC"); } else { return name(); } } /* GRRRR .... stupid, stupid gcc - you can't get here from there, all enum values are handled */ return S_("SyncSource|JACK"); } void TransportMaster::unregister_port () { if (_port) { AudioEngine::instance()->unregister_port (_port); _port.reset (); } } boost::shared_ptr TransportMasterViaMIDI::create_midi_port (std::string const & port_name) { boost::shared_ptr p; if ((p = AudioEngine::instance()->register_input_port (DataType::MIDI, port_name)) == 0) { return boost::shared_ptr (); } _midi_port = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (p); return p; } bool TransportMaster::allow_request (TransportRequestSource src, TransportRequestType type) const { return _request_mask & type; } void TransportMaster::set_request_mask (TransportRequestType t) { if (_request_mask != t) { _request_mask = t; PropertyChanged (Properties::allowed_transport_requests); } } TimecodeTransportMaster::TimecodeTransportMaster (std::string const & name, SyncSource type) : TransportMaster (type, name) , _fr2997 (Properties::fr2997, false) { register_properties (); } void TimecodeTransportMaster::register_properties () { TransportMaster::register_properties (); add_property (_fr2997); } void TimecodeTransportMaster::set_fr2997 (bool yn) { if (yn != _fr2997) { _fr2997 = yn; PropertyChanged (Properties::fr2997); } }