/* Copyright (C) 2000 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/basename.h" #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "evoral/SMF.hpp" #include "ardour/ardour.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/session_directory.h" #include "ardour/audio_diskstream.h" #include "ardour/audioengine.h" #include "ardour/sndfilesource.h" #include "ardour/sndfile_helpers.h" #include "ardour/audioregion.h" #include "ardour/region_factory.h" #include "ardour/source_factory.h" #include "ardour/resampled_source.h" #include "ardour/sndfileimportable.h" #include "ardour/analyser.h" #include "ardour/smf_source.h" #include "ardour/tempo.h" #ifdef HAVE_COREAUDIO #ifdef USE_COREAUDIO_FOR_FILE_IO #include "ardour/caimportable.h" #endif #endif #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; static boost::shared_ptr open_importable_source (const string& path, nframes_t samplerate, ARDOUR::SrcQuality quality) { #ifdef HAVE_COREAUDIO #ifdef USE_COREAUDIO_FOR_FILE_IO /* see if we can use CoreAudio to handle the IO */ try { CAImportableSource* src = new CAImportableSource(path); boost::shared_ptr source (src); if (source->samplerate() == samplerate) { return source; } /* rewrap as a resampled source */ return boost::shared_ptr(new ResampledImportableSource(source, samplerate, quality)); } catch (...) { /* fall back to SndFile */ #endif #endif try { boost::shared_ptr source(new SndFileImportableSource(path)); if (source->samplerate() == samplerate) { return source; } /* rewrap as a resampled source */ return boost::shared_ptr(new ResampledImportableSource(source, samplerate, quality)); } catch (...) { throw; // rethrow } #ifdef HAVE_COREAUDIO #ifdef USE_COREAUDIO_FOR_FILE_IO } #endif #endif } static std::string get_non_existent_filename (DataType type, const bool allow_replacing, const std::string destdir, const std::string& basename, uint channel, uint channels) { char buf[PATH_MAX+1]; bool goodfile = false; string base(basename); const char* ext = (type == DataType::AUDIO) ? "wav" : "mid"; do { if (type == DataType::AUDIO && channels == 2) { if (channel == 0) { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s-L.wav", base.c_str()); } else { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s-R.wav", base.c_str()); } } else if (channels > 1) { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s-c%d.%s", base.c_str(), channel, ext); } else { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.%s", base.c_str(), ext); } string tempname = destdir + "/" + buf; if (!allow_replacing && Glib::file_test (tempname, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { /* if the file already exists, we must come up with * a new name for it. for now we just keep appending * _ to basename */ base += "_"; } else { goodfile = true; } } while ( !goodfile); return buf; } static vector get_paths_for_new_sources (const bool allow_replacing, const string& import_file_path, const string& session_dir, uint channels) { vector new_paths; const string basename = basename_nosuffix (import_file_path); SessionDirectory sdir(session_dir); for (uint n = 0; n < channels; ++n) { const DataType type = (import_file_path.rfind(".mid") != string::npos) ? DataType::MIDI : DataType::AUDIO; std::string filepath = (type == DataType::MIDI) ? sdir.midi_path().to_string() : sdir.sound_path().to_string(); filepath += '/'; filepath += get_non_existent_filename (type, allow_replacing, filepath, basename, n, channels); new_paths.push_back (filepath); } return new_paths; } static bool map_existing_mono_sources (const vector& new_paths, Session& sess, uint samplerate, vector >& newfiles, Session *session) { for (vector::const_iterator i = new_paths.begin(); i != new_paths.end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr source = session->source_by_path_and_channel(*i, 0); if (source == 0) { error << string_compose(_("Could not find a source for %1 even though we are updating this file!"), (*i)) << endl; return false; } newfiles.push_back(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(source)); } return true; } static bool create_mono_sources_for_writing (const vector& new_paths, Session& sess, uint samplerate, vector >& newfiles) { for (vector::const_iterator i = new_paths.begin(); i != new_paths.end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr source; try { const DataType type = ((*i).rfind(".mid") != string::npos) ? DataType::MIDI : DataType::AUDIO; source = SourceFactory::createWritable (type, sess, i->c_str(), true, false, // destructive samplerate); } catch (const failed_constructor& err) { error << string_compose (_("Unable to create file %1 during import"), *i) << endmsg; return false; } newfiles.push_back(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(source)); } return true; } static Glib::ustring compose_status_message (const string& path, uint file_samplerate, uint session_samplerate, uint current_file, uint total_files) { if (file_samplerate != session_samplerate) { return string_compose (_("converting %1\n(resample from %2KHz to %3KHz)\n(%4 of %5)"), Glib::path_get_basename (path), file_samplerate/1000.0f, session_samplerate/1000.0f, current_file, total_files); } return string_compose (_("converting %1\n(%2 of %3)"), Glib::path_get_basename (path), current_file, total_files); } static void write_audio_data_to_new_files (ImportableSource* source, Session::ImportStatus& status, vector >& newfiles) { const nframes_t nframes = ResampledImportableSource::blocksize; boost::shared_ptr afs; uint channels = source->channels(); boost::scoped_array data(new float[nframes * channels]); vector > channel_data; for (uint n = 0; n < channels; ++n) { channel_data.push_back(boost::shared_array(new Sample[nframes])); } uint read_count = 0; status.progress = 0.0f; while (!status.cancel) { nframes_t nread, nfread; uint x; uint chn; if ((nread = source->read (data.get(), nframes)) == 0) { break; } nfread = nread / channels; /* de-interleave */ for (chn = 0; chn < channels; ++chn) { nframes_t n; for (x = chn, n = 0; n < nfread; x += channels, ++n) { channel_data[chn][n] = (Sample) data[x]; } } /* flush to disk */ for (chn = 0; chn < channels; ++chn) { if ((afs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(newfiles[chn])) != 0) { afs->write (channel_data[chn].get(), nfread); } } read_count += nread; status.progress = read_count / (source->ratio () * source->length() * channels); } } static void write_midi_data_to_new_files (Evoral::SMF* source, Session::ImportStatus& status, vector >& newfiles) { uint32_t buf_size = 4; uint8_t* buf = (uint8_t*)malloc(buf_size); status.progress = 0.0f; try { for (unsigned i = 1; i <= source->num_tracks(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr smfs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(newfiles[i-1]); smfs->drop_model(); source->seek_to_track(i); uint64_t t = 0; uint32_t delta_t = 0; uint32_t size = 0; while (!status.cancel) { size = buf_size; int ret = source->read_event(&delta_t, &size, &buf); if (size > buf_size) buf_size = size; if (ret < 0) { // EOT break; } t += delta_t; if (ret == 0) { // Meta continue; } smfs->append_event_unlocked_beats(Evoral::Event(0, (double)t / (double)source->ppqn(), size, buf)); if (status.progress < 0.99) status.progress += 0.01; } const nframes64_t pos = 0; const double length_beats = ceil(t / (double)source->ppqn()); BeatsFramesConverter converter(smfs->session(), pos); smfs->update_length(pos, converter.to(length_beats)); smfs->end_write(); if (status.cancel) { break; } } } catch (...) { error << "Corrupt MIDI file " << source->file_path() << endl; } } static void remove_file_source (boost::shared_ptr source) { ::unlink (source->path().c_str()); } // This function is still unable to cleanly update an existing source, even though // it is possible to set the ImportStatus flag accordingly. The functinality // is disabled at the GUI until the Source implementations are able to provide // the necessary API. void Session::import_audiofiles (ImportStatus& status) { uint32_t cnt = 1; typedef vector > Sources; Sources all_new_sources; boost::shared_ptr afs; boost::shared_ptr smfs; uint channels = 0; status.sources.clear (); for (vector::iterator p = status.paths.begin(); p != status.paths.end() && !status.cancel; ++p, ++cnt) { boost::shared_ptr source; std::auto_ptr smf_reader; const DataType type = ((*p).rfind(".mid") != string::npos) ? DataType::MIDI : DataType::AUDIO; if (type == DataType::AUDIO) { try { source = open_importable_source (*p, frame_rate(), status.quality); channels = source->channels(); } catch (const failed_constructor& err) { error << string_compose(_("Import: cannot open input sound file \"%1\""), (*p)) << endmsg; status.done = status.cancel = true; return; } } else { try { smf_reader = std::auto_ptr(new Evoral::SMF()); smf_reader->open(*p); channels = smf_reader->num_tracks(); } catch (...) { error << _("Import: error opening MIDI file") << endmsg; status.done = status.cancel = true; return; } } vector new_paths = get_paths_for_new_sources (status.replace_existing_source, *p, get_best_session_directory_for_new_source (), channels); Sources newfiles; if (status.replace_existing_source) { fatal << "THIS IS NOT IMPLEMENTED YET, IT SHOULD NEVER GET CALLED!!! DYING!" << endl; status.cancel = !map_existing_mono_sources (new_paths, *this, frame_rate(), newfiles, this); } else { status.cancel = !create_mono_sources_for_writing (new_paths, *this, frame_rate(), newfiles); } // copy on cancel/failure so that any files that were created will be removed below std::copy (newfiles.begin(), newfiles.end(), std::back_inserter(all_new_sources)); if (status.cancel) break; for (Sources::iterator i = newfiles.begin(); i != newfiles.end(); ++i) { if ((afs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(*i)) != 0) { afs->prepare_for_peakfile_writes (); } } if (source) { // audio status.doing_what = compose_status_message (*p, source->samplerate(), frame_rate(), cnt, status.total); write_audio_data_to_new_files (source.get(), status, newfiles); } else if (smf_reader.get()) { // midi status.doing_what = string_compose(_("Loading MIDI file %1"), *p); write_midi_data_to_new_files (smf_reader.get(), status, newfiles); } } if (!status.cancel) { struct tm* now; time_t xnow; time (&xnow); now = localtime (&xnow); status.freeze = true; /* flush the final length(s) to the header(s) */ for (Sources::iterator x = all_new_sources.begin(); x != all_new_sources.end(); ) { if ((afs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(*x)) != 0) { afs->update_header(0, *now, xnow); afs->done_with_peakfile_writes (); /* now that there is data there, requeue the file for analysis */ if (Config->get_auto_analyse_audio()) { Analyser::queue_source_for_analysis (boost::static_pointer_cast(*x), false); } } /* don't create tracks for empty MIDI sources (channels) */ if ((smfs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(*x)) != 0 && smfs->is_empty()) { x = all_new_sources.erase(x); } else { ++x; } } /* save state so that we don't lose these new Sources */ save_state (_name); std::copy (all_new_sources.begin(), all_new_sources.end(), std::back_inserter(status.sources)); } else { // this can throw...but it seems very unlikely std::for_each (all_new_sources.begin(), all_new_sources.end(), remove_file_source); } status.done = true; }