/* Copyright (C) 2010 Paul Davis Author: Torben Hohn This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifdef __linux__ #include #elif defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) #include #include #endif #include #include #include "pbd/compose.h" #include "ardour/debug.h" #include "ardour/graph.h" #include "ardour/types.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/route.h" #include "ardour/process_thread.h" #include "ardour/audioengine.h" #include #include "i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; static unsigned int hardware_concurrency() { #if defined(PTW32_VERSION) || defined(__hpux) return pthread_num_processors_np(); #elif defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) int count; size_t size=sizeof(count); return sysctlbyname("hw.ncpu",&count,&size,NULL,0)?0:count; #elif defined(HAVE_UNISTD) && defined(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) int const count=sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); return (count>0)?count:0; #else return 0; #endif } Graph::Graph (Session & session) : SessionHandleRef (session) { pthread_mutex_init( &_trigger_mutex, NULL); sem_init( &_execution_sem, 0, 0 ); sem_init( &_callback_start_sem, 0, 0 ); sem_init( &_callback_done_sem, 0, 0 ); _execution_tokens = 0; pthread_mutex_init (&_swap_mutex, NULL); _current_chain = 0; _pending_chain = 0; _setup_chain = 1; _quit_threads = false; _graph_empty = true; int num_cpu = hardware_concurrency(); info << string_compose (_("Using %1 CPUs via %1 threads\n"), num_cpu) << endmsg; _thread_list.push_back( Glib::Thread::create( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &Graph::main_thread), 100000, true, true, Glib::THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL) ); for (int i=1; i::iterator i=_thread_list.begin(); i!=_thread_list.end(); i++) { (*i)->join(); } // now drop all references on the nodes. _nodes.clear(); _nodes_rt[0].clear(); _nodes_rt[1].clear(); _init_trigger_list[0].clear(); _init_trigger_list[1].clear(); _trigger_queue.clear(); } void Graph::prep() { node_list_t::iterator i; int chain; if (pthread_mutex_trylock (&_swap_mutex) == 0) { // we got the swap mutex. if (_current_chain != _pending_chain) { //printf ("chain swap ! %d -> %d\n", _current_chain, _pending_chain); _setup_chain = _current_chain; _current_chain = _pending_chain; } pthread_mutex_unlock (&_swap_mutex); } chain = _current_chain; _graph_empty = true; for (i=_nodes_rt[chain].begin(); i!=_nodes_rt[chain].end(); i++) { (*i)->prep( chain); _graph_empty = false; } _finished_refcount = _init_finished_refcount[chain]; for (i=_init_trigger_list[chain].begin(); i!=_init_trigger_list[chain].end(); i++) { this->trigger( i->get() ); } } void Graph::trigger (GraphNode* n) { pthread_mutex_lock (&_trigger_mutex); _trigger_queue.push_back( n); pthread_mutex_unlock (&_trigger_mutex); } void Graph::dec_ref() { if (g_atomic_int_dec_and_test (&_finished_refcount)) { // ok... this cycle is finished now. // we are the only thread alive. this->restart_cycle(); } } void Graph::restart_cycle() { //printf( "cycle_done chain: %d\n", _current_chain); // we are through. wakeup our caller. again: sem_post( &_callback_done_sem); // block until we are triggered. sem_wait( &_callback_start_sem); if (_quit_threads) return; //printf( "cycle_start\n" ); this->prep(); if (_graph_empty) goto again; //printf( "cycle_start chain: %d\n", _current_chain); // returning will restart the cycle. // starting with waking up the others. } static bool is_feedback (boost::shared_ptr routelist, Route* from, boost::shared_ptr to) { for (RouteList::iterator ri=routelist->begin(); ri!=routelist->end(); ri++) { if ((*ri).get() == from) return false; if ((*ri) == to) return true; } assert(0); return false; } static bool is_feedback (boost::shared_ptr routelist, boost::shared_ptr from, Route* to) { for (RouteList::iterator ri=routelist->begin(); ri!=routelist->end(); ri++) { if ((*ri).get() == to) return true; if ((*ri) == from) return false; } assert(0); return false; } void Graph::rechain (boost::shared_ptr routelist) { node_list_t::iterator ni; pthread_mutex_lock (&_swap_mutex); int chain = _setup_chain; printf ("============== setup %d\n", chain); // set all refcounts to 0; _init_finished_refcount[chain] = 0; _init_trigger_list[chain].clear(); _nodes_rt[chain].clear(); for (RouteList::iterator ri=routelist->begin(); ri!=routelist->end(); ri++) { node_ptr_t n = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (*ri); n->_init_refcount[chain] = 0; n->_activation_set[chain].clear(); _nodes_rt[chain].push_back(n); } // now add refs for the connections. for (ni=_nodes_rt[chain].begin(); ni!=_nodes_rt[chain].end(); ni++) { bool has_input = false; bool has_output = false; boost::shared_ptr rp = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast( *ni); for (RouteList::iterator ri=routelist->begin(); ri!=routelist->end(); ri++) { if (rp->direct_feeds (*ri)) { if (is_feedback (routelist, rp.get(), *ri)) { continue; } has_output = true; (*ni)->_activation_set[chain].insert (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (*ri) ); } } for (Route::FedBy::iterator fi=rp->fed_by().begin(); fi!=rp->fed_by().end(); fi++) { if (boost::shared_ptr r = fi->r.lock()) { if (!is_feedback (routelist, r, rp.get())) { has_input = true; } } } for (node_set_t::iterator ai=(*ni)->_activation_set[chain].begin(); ai!=(*ni)->_activation_set[chain].end(); ai++) { (*ai)->_init_refcount[chain] += 1; } if (!has_input) _init_trigger_list[chain].push_back (*ni); if (!has_output) _init_finished_refcount[chain] += 1; } _pending_chain = chain; dump(chain); pthread_mutex_unlock (&_swap_mutex); } bool Graph::run_one() { GraphNode* to_run; pthread_mutex_lock (&_trigger_mutex); if (_trigger_queue.size()) { to_run = _trigger_queue.back(); _trigger_queue.pop_back(); } else { to_run = 0; } int wakeup = std::min ((int) _execution_tokens, (int) _trigger_queue.size()); _execution_tokens -= wakeup; for (int i=0; iprocess(); to_run->finish (_current_chain); return false; } static void get_rt() { if (!jack_is_realtime (AudioEngine::instance()->jack())) { return; } int priority = jack_client_real_time_priority (AudioEngine::instance()->jack()); if (priority) { struct sched_param rtparam; memset (&rtparam, 0, sizeof (rtparam)); rtparam.sched_priority = priority; pthread_setschedparam (pthread_self(), SCHED_FIFO, &rtparam); } } void Graph::helper_thread() { ProcessThread *pt = new ProcessThread; pt->get_buffers(); get_rt(); while(1) { if (run_one()) { break; } } pt->drop_buffers(); } void Graph::main_thread() { ProcessThread *pt = new ProcessThread; pt->get_buffers(); get_rt(); again: sem_wait (&_callback_start_sem); this->prep(); if (_graph_empty) { sem_post (&_callback_done_sem); goto again; } while (1) { if (run_one()) { break; } } pt->drop_buffers(); } void Graph::dump (int chain) { #ifndef NDEBUG node_list_t::iterator ni; node_set_t::iterator ai; chain = _pending_chain; printf ("--------------------------------------------Graph dump:\n" ); for (ni=_nodes_rt[chain].begin(); ni!=_nodes_rt[chain].end(); ni++) { boost::shared_ptr rp = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast( *ni); printf ("GraphNode: %s refcount: %d\n", rp->name().c_str(), (*ni)->_init_refcount[chain] ); for (ai=(*ni)->_activation_set[chain].begin(); ai!=(*ni)->_activation_set[chain].end(); ai++) { printf (" triggers: %s\n", boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(*ai)->name().c_str() ); } } printf ("------------- trigger list:\n" ); for (ni=_init_trigger_list[chain].begin(); ni!=_init_trigger_list[chain].end(); ni++) { printf ("GraphNode: %s refcount: %d\n", boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(*ni)->name().c_str(), (*ni)->_init_refcount[chain] ); } printf ("final activation refcount: %d\n", _init_finished_refcount[chain] ); #endif } int Graph::silent_process_routes (nframes_t nframes, framepos_t start_frame, framepos_t end_frame, bool can_record, bool rec_monitors_input, bool& need_butler) { _process_nframes = nframes; _process_start_frame = start_frame; _process_end_frame = end_frame; _process_can_record = can_record; _process_rec_monitors_input = rec_monitors_input; _process_silent = true; _process_noroll = false; _process_retval = 0; _process_need_butler = false; if (!_graph_empty) { sem_post (&_callback_start_sem); sem_wait (&_callback_done_sem); } need_butler = _process_need_butler; return _process_retval; } int Graph::process_routes (nframes_t nframes, framepos_t start_frame, framepos_t end_frame, int declick, bool can_record, bool rec_monitors_input, bool& need_butler) { _process_nframes = nframes; _process_start_frame = start_frame; _process_end_frame = end_frame; _process_can_record = can_record; _process_rec_monitors_input = rec_monitors_input; _process_declick = declick; _process_silent = false; _process_noroll = false; _process_retval = 0; _process_need_butler = false; sem_post (&_callback_start_sem); sem_wait (&_callback_done_sem); need_butler = _process_need_butler; return _process_retval; } int Graph::routes_no_roll (nframes_t nframes, framepos_t start_frame, framepos_t end_frame, bool non_rt_pending, bool can_record, int declick) { _process_nframes = nframes; _process_start_frame = start_frame; _process_end_frame = end_frame; _process_can_record = can_record; _process_declick = declick; _process_non_rt_pending = non_rt_pending; _process_silent = false; _process_noroll = true; _process_retval = 0; _process_need_butler = false; sem_post (&_callback_start_sem); sem_wait (&_callback_done_sem); return _process_retval; } void Graph::process_one_route (Route* route) { bool need_butler = false; int retval; assert (route); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::ProcessThreads, string_compose ("%1 runs route %2\n", pthread_self(), route->name())); if (_process_silent) { retval = route->silent_roll (_process_nframes, _process_start_frame, _process_end_frame, _process_can_record, _process_rec_monitors_input, need_butler); } else if (_process_noroll) { route->set_pending_declick (_process_declick); retval = route->no_roll (_process_nframes, _process_start_frame, _process_end_frame, _process_non_rt_pending, _process_can_record, _process_declick); } else { route->set_pending_declick (_process_declick); retval = route->roll (_process_nframes, _process_start_frame, _process_end_frame, _process_declick, _process_can_record, _process_rec_monitors_input, need_butler); } if (retval) { _process_retval = retval; } if (need_butler) { _process_need_butler = true; } }