#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "matrix.h" using namespace std; using namespace Gtk; using namespace ARDOUR; Matrix::Matrix () { alloc_width = 0; alloc_height = 0; line_width = 0; line_height = 0; labels_y_shift = 0; labels_x_shift = 0; arc_radius = 0; xstep = 0; ystep = 0; pixmap = 0; drawn = false; angle_radians = M_PI/4.0; motion_x = -1; motion_y = -1; add_events (Gdk::POINTER_MOTION_MASK|Gdk::LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK); } void Matrix::set_ports (const list& ports) { ours = ports; reset_size (); } void Matrix::add_group (PortGroup& pg) { for (vector::const_iterator s = pg.ports.begin(); s != pg.ports.end(); ++s) { others.push_back (OtherPort (*s, pg)); } reset_size (); } void Matrix::clear () { others.clear (); reset_size (); } void Matrix::remove_group (PortGroup& pg) { for (list::iterator o = others.begin(); o != others.end(); ) { if (&(*o).group() == &pg) { o = others.erase (o); } else { ++o; } } reset_size (); } void Matrix::hide_group (PortGroup& pg) { reset_size(); } void Matrix::show_group (PortGroup& pg) { reset_size (); } void Matrix::setup_nodes () { int n, x, y; list::iterator m; list::iterator s; for (vector::iterator p = nodes.begin(); p != nodes.end(); ++p) { delete *p; } nodes.clear (); list::size_type visible_others = 0; for (list::iterator s = others.begin(); s != others.end(); ++s) { if ((*s).visible()) { ++visible_others; } } nodes.assign (ours.size() * visible_others, 0); for (n = 0, y = 0, m = ours.begin(); m != ours.end(); ++m, ++y) { for (x = 0, s = others.begin(); s != others.end(); ++s) { if ((*s).visible()) { nodes[n] = new MatrixNode (*m, *s, x, y); n++; x++; } } } } void Matrix::reset_size () { list::size_type visible_others = 0; for (list::iterator s = others.begin(); s != others.end(); ++s) { if ((*s).visible()) { ++visible_others; } } if (!visible_others) { cerr << "There are no visible others!\n"; xstep = 1; ystep = 1; line_width = 1; line_height = 1; border = 10; arc_radius = 3; labels_x_shift = 0; labels_y_shift = 0; return; } border = 10; if (alloc_width > line_width) { xstep = (alloc_width - labels_x_shift - (2 * border) - (2 * arc_radius)) / visible_others; line_width = xstep * (others.size() - 1); ystep = (alloc_height - labels_y_shift - (2 * border) - (2 * arc_radius)) / (ours.size() - 1); line_height = ystep * (ours.size() - 1); } else { xstep = 20; ystep = 20; line_height = (ours.size() - 1) * ystep; line_width = visible_others * xstep; } int half_step = min (ystep/2,xstep/2); if (half_step > 3) { arc_radius = half_step - 5; } else { arc_radius = 3; } arc_radius = min (arc_radius, 10); /* scan all the port names that will be rotated, and compute how much space we need for them */ float w = 0; float h = 0; cairo_text_extents_t extents; cairo_t* cr; GdkPixmap* pm; pm = gdk_pixmap_new (NULL, 1, 1, 24); gdk_drawable_set_colormap (pm, gdk_colormap_get_system()); cr = gdk_cairo_create (pm); for (list::iterator s = others.begin(); s != others.end(); ++s) { if ((*s).visible()) { cairo_text_extents (cr, (*s).name().c_str(), &extents); w = max ((float) extents.width, w); h = max ((float) extents.height, h); } } cairo_destroy (cr); gdk_pixmap_unref (pm); /* transform */ w = fabs (w * cos (angle_radians) + h * sin (angle_radians)); h = fabs (w * sin (angle_radians) + h * cos (angle_radians)); labels_y_shift = (int) ceil (h) + 10; labels_x_shift = (int) ceil (w); setup_nodes (); cerr << "Based on ours = " << ours.size() << " others = " << others.size() << " dimens = " << " xstep " << xstep << endl << " ystep " << ystep << endl << " line_width " << line_width << endl << " line_height " << line_height << endl << " border " << border << endl << " arc_radius " << arc_radius << endl << " labels_x_shift " << labels_x_shift << endl << " labels_y_shift " << labels_y_shift << endl; } bool Matrix::on_motion_notify_event (GdkEventMotion* ev) { motion_x = ev->x; motion_y = ev->y; queue_draw (); return false; } bool Matrix::on_leave_notify_event (GdkEventCrossing *ev) { motion_x = -1; motion_y = -1; queue_draw (); return false; } void Matrix::on_size_request (Requisition* req) { req->width = labels_x_shift + line_width + (2*border) + (2*arc_radius); req->height = labels_y_shift + line_height + (2*border) + (2*arc_radius); } MatrixNode* Matrix::get_node (int32_t x, int32_t y) { int half_xstep = xstep / 2; int half_ystep = ystep / 2; x -= labels_x_shift - border; if (x < half_xstep) { return 0; } y -= labels_y_shift - border; if (y < half_ystep) { return 0; } x = (x - half_xstep) / xstep; y = (y - half_ystep) / ystep; x = y*ours.size() + x; if (x >= nodes.size()) { return 0; } return nodes[x]; } bool Matrix::on_button_press_event (GdkEventButton* ev) { MatrixNode* node; if ((node = get_node (ev->x, ev->y)) != 0) { cerr << "Event in node " << node->our_name() << " x " << node->their_name () << endl; node->set_connected (!node->connected()); drawn = false; queue_draw(); } } void Matrix::alloc_pixmap () { if (pixmap) { gdk_pixmap_unref (pixmap); } pixmap = gdk_pixmap_new (get_window()->gobj(), alloc_width, alloc_height, -1); drawn = false; } void Matrix::on_size_allocate (Allocation& alloc) { EventBox::on_size_allocate (alloc); alloc_width = alloc.get_width(); alloc_height = alloc.get_height(); if (is_realized()) { alloc_pixmap (); reset_size (); #ifdef MATRIX_USE_BACKING_PIXMAP redraw (pixmap, 0, 0, alloc_width, alloc_height); #endif } } void Matrix::on_realize () { EventBox::on_realize (); alloc_pixmap (); } void Matrix::redraw (GdkDrawable* drawable, GdkRectangle* rect) { list::iterator o; list::iterator t; int x, y; uint32_t top_shift, bottom_shift, left_shift, right_shift; cairo_t* cr; cr = gdk_cairo_create (drawable); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.83, 0.83, 0.83); cairo_rectangle (cr, rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height); cairo_fill (cr); cairo_set_line_width (cr, 0.5); top_shift = labels_y_shift + border; left_shift = labels_x_shift + border; bottom_shift = 0; right_shift = 0; /* horizontal grid lines and side labels */ for (y = top_shift, o = ours.begin(); o != ours.end(); ++o, y += ystep) { cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); cairo_move_to (cr, left_shift, y); cairo_line_to (cr, left_shift+line_width, y); cairo_stroke (cr); #if 0 cairo_text_extents_t extents; cairo_text_extents (cr, (*o).c_str(),&extents); cairo_move_to (cr, border, y+extents.height/2); cairo_show_text (cr, (*o).c_str()); #endif } /* vertical grid lines and rotated labels*/ for (x = left_shift, t = others.begin(); t != others.end(); ++t, x += xstep) { cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); cairo_move_to (cr, x, top_shift); cairo_line_to (cr, x, top_shift+line_height); cairo_stroke (cr); cairo_move_to (cr, x-left_shift+12, border); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 1.0); cairo_save (cr); cairo_rotate (cr, angle_radians); cairo_show_text (cr, (*t).name().c_str()); cairo_restore (cr); } /* nodes */ for (vector::iterator n = nodes.begin(); n != nodes.end(); ++n) { x = (*n)->x() * xstep; y = (*n)->y() * ystep; cairo_new_path (cr); if (arc_radius) { cairo_arc (cr, left_shift+x, top_shift+y, arc_radius, 0, 2.0 * M_PI); if ((*n)->connected()) { cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0); cairo_stroke (cr); } else { cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1.0, 0, 0, 0.7); cairo_fill (cr); } } } /* motion indicators */ if (motion_x >= left_shift && motion_y >= top_shift) { int col_left = left_shift + ((motion_x - left_shift) / xstep) * xstep; int row_top = top_shift + ((motion_y - top_shift) / ystep) * ystep; cairo_set_line_width (cr, 5); cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3); /* horizontal (row) */ cairo_line_to (cr, left_shift, row_top); cairo_line_to (cr, left_shift + line_width, row_top); cairo_stroke (cr); /* vertical (col) */ cairo_move_to (cr, col_left, top_shift); cairo_line_to (cr, col_left, top_shift + line_height); cairo_stroke (cr); } cairo_destroy (cr); #ifdef MATRIX_USE_BACKING_PIXMAP drawn = true; #endif } bool Matrix::on_expose_event (GdkEventExpose* event) { #ifdef MATRIX_USE_BACKING_PIXMAP if (!drawn) { redraw (pixmap, 0, 0, alloc_width, alloc_height); } gdk_draw_drawable (get_window()->gobj(), get_style()->get_fg_gc (STATE_NORMAL)->gobj(), pixmap, event->area.x, event->area.y, event->area.x, event->area.y, event->area.width, event->area.height); #else redraw (get_window()->gobj(), &event->area); #endif return true; }