#include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #include #include #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __APPLE #include #endif #include "engine_dialog.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace PBD; using namespace Glib; EngineControl::EngineControl () : periods_adjustment (2, 2, 16, 1, 2), periods_spinner (periods_adjustment), priority_adjustment (60, 10, 90, 1, 10), priority_spinner (priority_adjustment), ports_adjustment (128, 8, 1024, 1, 16), ports_spinner (ports_adjustment), realtime_button (_("Realtime")), no_memory_lock_button (_("Do not lock memory")), unlock_memory_button (_("Unlock memory")), soft_mode_button (_("No zombies")), monitor_button (_("Provide monitor ports")), force16bit_button (_("Force 16 bit")), hw_monitor_button (_("H/W monitoring")), hw_meter_button (_("H/W metering")), verbose_output_button (_("Verbose output")), start_button (_("Start")), stop_button (_("Stop")), #ifdef __APPLE__ basic_packer (5, 2), options_packer (4, 2), device_packer (4, 2) #else basic_packer (8, 2), options_packer (14, 2), device_packer (6, 2) #endif { using namespace Notebook_Helpers; Label* label; vector strings; int row = 0; _used = false; strings.push_back (_("8000Hz")); strings.push_back (_("22050Hz")); strings.push_back (_("44100Hz")); strings.push_back (_("48000Hz")); strings.push_back (_("88200Hz")); strings.push_back (_("96000Hz")); strings.push_back (_("192000Hz")); set_popdown_strings (sample_rate_combo, strings); sample_rate_combo.set_active_text ("48000Hz"); strings.clear (); strings.push_back ("32"); strings.push_back ("64"); strings.push_back ("128"); strings.push_back ("256"); strings.push_back ("512"); strings.push_back ("1024"); strings.push_back ("2048"); strings.push_back ("4096"); strings.push_back ("8192"); set_popdown_strings (period_size_combo, strings); period_size_combo.set_active_text ("1024"); strings.clear (); strings.push_back (_("None")); strings.push_back (_("Triangular")); strings.push_back (_("Rectangular")); strings.push_back (_("Shaped")); set_popdown_strings (dither_mode_combo, strings); dither_mode_combo.set_active_text (_("None")); /* basic parameters */ basic_packer.set_spacings (6); strings.clear (); #ifdef __APPLE__ strings.push_back (X_("CoreAudio")); #else strings.push_back (X_("ALSA")); strings.push_back (X_("OSS")); strings.push_back (X_("FFADO")); strings.push_back (X_("FreeBoB")); #endif strings.push_back (X_("NetJACK")); strings.push_back (X_("Dummy")); set_popdown_strings (driver_combo, strings); driver_combo.set_active_text (strings.front()); /* figure out available devices and set up interface_combo */ enumerate_devices (); driver_combo.signal_changed().connect (mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::driver_changed)); driver_changed (); strings.clear (); strings.push_back (_("Playback/Recording on 1 Device")); strings.push_back (_("Playback/Recording on 2 Devices")); strings.push_back (_("Playback only")); strings.push_back (_("Recording only")); set_popdown_strings (audio_mode_combo, strings); audio_mode_combo.set_active_text (strings.front()); audio_mode_combo.signal_changed().connect (mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::audio_mode_changed)); audio_mode_changed (); row = 0; label = manage (new Label (_("Driver"))); basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); basic_packer.attach (driver_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); row++; label = manage (new Label (_("Interface"))); basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); basic_packer.attach (interface_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); row++; label = manage (new Label (_("Sample Rate"))); basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); basic_packer.attach (sample_rate_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); row++; label = manage (new Label (_("Buffer size"))); basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); basic_packer.attach (period_size_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); row++; #ifndef __APPLE__ label = manage (new Label (_("Number of buffers"))); basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); basic_packer.attach (periods_spinner, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); periods_spinner.set_value (2); row++; #endif label = manage (new Label (_("Approximate latency"))); label->set_alignment (0.0, 0.5); basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); basic_packer.attach (latency_label, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); row++; sample_rate_combo.signal_changed().connect (mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::redisplay_latency)); periods_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::redisplay_latency)); period_size_combo.signal_changed().connect (mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::redisplay_latency)); redisplay_latency(); row++; /* no audio mode with CoreAudio, its duplex or nuthin' */ #ifndef __APPLE__ label = manage (new Label (_("Audio Mode"))); basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); basic_packer.attach (audio_mode_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); row++; #endif interface_combo.set_size_request (125, -1); input_device_combo.set_size_request (125, -1); output_device_combo.set_size_request (125, -1); /* if (engine_running()) { start_button.set_sensitive (false); } else { stop_button.set_sensitive (false); } start_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::start_engine)); stop_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::start_engine)); */ button_box.pack_start (start_button, false, false); button_box.pack_start (stop_button, false, false); // basic_packer.attach (button_box, 0, 2, 8, 9, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); /* options */ options_packer.set_spacings (6); row = 0; options_packer.attach (realtime_button, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; realtime_button.signal_toggled().connect (mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::realtime_changed)); realtime_changed (); #ifndef __APPLE__ label = manage (new Label (_("Realtime Priority"))); label->set_alignment (1.0, 0.5); options_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); options_packer.attach (priority_spinner, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; priority_spinner.set_value (60); options_packer.attach (no_memory_lock_button, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; options_packer.attach (unlock_memory_button, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; options_packer.attach (soft_mode_button, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; options_packer.attach (monitor_button, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; options_packer.attach (force16bit_button, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; options_packer.attach (hw_monitor_button, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; options_packer.attach (hw_meter_button, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; options_packer.attach (verbose_output_button, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; #else options_packer.attach (verbose_output_button, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; #endif strings.clear (); strings.push_back (_("Ignore")); strings.push_back ("500 msec"); strings.push_back ("1 sec"); strings.push_back ("2 sec"); strings.push_back ("10 sec"); set_popdown_strings (timeout_combo, strings); timeout_combo.set_active_text (strings.front ()); label = manage (new Label (_("Client timeout"))); label->set_alignment (1.0, 0.5); options_packer.attach (timeout_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, AttachOptions(0)); options_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; label = manage (new Label (_("Number of ports"))); label->set_alignment (1.0, 0.5); options_packer.attach (ports_spinner, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, AttachOptions(0)); options_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; #ifndef __APPLE__ label = manage (new Label (_("Dither"))); label->set_alignment (1.0, 0.5); options_packer.attach (dither_mode_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, AttachOptions(0)); options_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; #endif find_jack_servers (server_strings); if (server_strings.empty()) { fatal << _("No JACK server found anywhere on this system. Please install JACK and restart") << endmsg; /*NOTREACHED*/ } set_popdown_strings (serverpath_combo, server_strings); serverpath_combo.set_active_text (server_strings.front()); if (server_strings.size() > 1) { label = manage (new Label (_("Server:"))); options_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); label->set_alignment (0.0, 0.5); options_packer.attach (serverpath_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; } /* device settings */ device_packer.set_spacings (6); row = 0; #ifndef __APPLE__ label = manage (new Label (_("Input device"))); label->set_alignment (1.0, 0.5); device_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); device_packer.attach (input_device_combo, 1, 2, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; label = manage (new Label (_("Output device"))); label->set_alignment (1.0, 0.5); device_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); device_packer.attach (output_device_combo, 1, 2, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; #endif label = manage (new Label (_("Input channels"))); label->set_alignment (1.0, 0.5); device_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); device_packer.attach (input_channels, 1, 2, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; label = manage (new Label (_("Output channels"))); label->set_alignment (1.0, 0.5); device_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); device_packer.attach (output_channels, 1, 2, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; label = manage (new Label (_("Hardware input latency (samples)"))); label->set_alignment (1.0, 0.5); device_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); device_packer.attach (input_latency, 1, 2, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; label = manage (new Label (_("Hardware output latency (samples)"))); label->set_alignment (1.0, 0.5); device_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); device_packer.attach (output_latency, 1, 2, row, row+1, FILL|EXPAND, (AttachOptions) 0); ++row; basic_hbox.pack_start (basic_packer, false, false); options_hbox.pack_start (options_packer, false, false); device_packer.set_border_width (12); options_packer.set_border_width (12); basic_packer.set_border_width (12); notebook.pages().push_back (TabElem (basic_hbox, _("Device"))); notebook.pages().push_back (TabElem (options_hbox, _("Options"))); notebook.pages().push_back (TabElem (device_packer, _("Advanced"))); notebook.set_border_width (12); set_border_width (12); pack_start (notebook); } EngineControl::~EngineControl () { } void EngineControl::build_command_line (vector& cmd) { string str; string driver; bool using_oss = false; bool using_alsa = false; bool using_coreaudio = false; bool using_netjack = false; bool using_ffado = false; bool using_freebob = false; /* first, path to jackd */ cmd.push_back (serverpath_combo.get_active_text ()); /* now jackd arguments */ str = timeout_combo.get_active_text (); if (str != _("Ignore")) { double secs; uint32_t msecs; atof (str); msecs = (uint32_t) floor (secs * 1000.0); cmd.push_back ("-t"); cmd.push_back (to_string (msecs, std::dec)); } if (no_memory_lock_button.get_active()) { cmd.push_back ("-m"); /* no munlock */ } cmd.push_back ("-p"); /* port max */ cmd.push_back (to_string ((uint32_t) floor (ports_spinner.get_value()), std::dec)); if (realtime_button.get_active()) { cmd.push_back ("-R"); cmd.push_back ("-P"); cmd.push_back (to_string ((uint32_t) floor (priority_spinner.get_value()), std::dec)); } if (unlock_memory_button.get_active()) { cmd.push_back ("-u"); } if (verbose_output_button.get_active()) { cmd.push_back ("-v"); } /* now add fixed arguments (not user-selectable) */ cmd.push_back ("-T"); // temporary */ /* next the driver */ cmd.push_back ("-d"); driver = driver_combo.get_active_text (); if (driver == X_("ALSA")) { using_alsa = true; cmd.push_back ("alsa"); } else if (driver == X_("OSS")) { using_oss = true; cmd.push_back ("oss"); } else if (driver == X_("CoreAudio")) { using_coreaudio = true; cmd.push_back ("coreaudio"); } else if (driver == X_("NetJACK")) { using_netjack = true; cmd.push_back ("netjack"); } else if (driver == X_("FFADO")) { using_ffado = true; cmd.push_back ("firewire"); } else if (driver == X_("FreeBoB")) { using_freebob = true; cmd.push_back ("freebob"); } /* driver arguments */ if (!using_coreaudio) { str = audio_mode_combo.get_active_text(); if (str == _("Playback/Recording on 1 Device")) { /* relax */ } else if (str == _("Playback/Recording on 2 Devices")) { cmd.push_back ("-C"); cmd.push_back (get_device_name (driver, input_device_combo.get_active_text())); cmd.push_back ("-P"); cmd.push_back (get_device_name (driver, output_device_combo.get_active_text())); } else if (str == _("Playback only")) { cmd.push_back ("-P"); } else if (str == _("Recording only")) { cmd.push_back ("-C"); } cmd.push_back ("-n"); cmd.push_back (to_string ((uint32_t) floor (periods_spinner.get_value()), std::dec)); } cmd.push_back ("-r"); cmd.push_back (to_string (get_rate(), std::dec)); cmd.push_back ("-p"); cmd.push_back (period_size_combo.get_active_text()); if (using_alsa) { if (audio_mode_combo.get_active_text() != _("Playback/Recording on 2 Devices")) { cmd.push_back ("-d"); cmd.push_back (get_device_name (driver, interface_combo.get_active_text())); } if (hw_meter_button.get_active()) { cmd.push_back ("-M"); } if (hw_monitor_button.get_active()) { cmd.push_back ("-H"); } str = dither_mode_combo.get_active_text(); if (str == _("None")) { } else if (str == _("Triangular")) { cmd.push_back ("-z triangular"); } else if (str == _("Rectangular")) { cmd.push_back ("-z rectangular"); } else if (str == _("Shaped")) { cmd.push_back ("-z shaped"); } if (force16bit_button.get_active()) { cmd.push_back ("-S"); } if (soft_mode_button.get_active()) { cmd.push_back ("-s"); } } else if (using_coreaudio) { #ifdef __APPLE__ // note: older versions of the CoreAudio JACK backend use -n instead of -d here cmd.push_back ("-d"); cmd.push_back (get_device_name (driver, interface_combo.get_active_text())); #endif } else if (using_oss) { } else if (using_netjack) { } } bool EngineControl::engine_running () { jack_status_t status; jack_client_t* c = jack_client_open ("ardourprobe", JackNoStartServer, &status); if (status == 0) { jack_client_close (c); return true; } return false; } int EngineControl::setup_engine () { vector args; std::string cwd = "/tmp"; build_command_line (args); Glib::ustring jackdrc_path = Glib::get_home_dir(); jackdrc_path += "/.jackdrc"; ofstream jackdrc (jackdrc_path.c_str()); if (!jackdrc) { error << string_compose (_("cannot open JACK rc file %1 to store parameters"), jackdrc_path) << endmsg; return -1; } for (vector::iterator i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); ++i) { jackdrc << (*i) << ' '; } jackdrc << endl; jackdrc.close (); _used = true; return 0; } void EngineControl::realtime_changed () { #ifndef __APPLE__ priority_spinner.set_sensitive (realtime_button.get_active()); #endif } void EngineControl::enumerate_devices () { /* note: case matters for the map keys */ #ifdef __APPLE__ devices["CoreAudio"] = enumerate_coreaudio_devices (); #else devices["ALSA"] = enumerate_alsa_devices (); devices["FFADO"] = enumerate_ffado_devices (); devices["FreeBoB"] = enumerate_freebob_devices (); devices["OSS"] = enumerate_oss_devices (); devices["Dummy"] = enumerate_dummy_devices (); devices["NetJACK"] = enumerate_netjack_devices (); #endif } #ifdef __APPLE__ static OSStatus getDeviceUIDFromID( AudioDeviceID id, char *name, size_t nsize) { UInt32 size = sizeof(CFStringRef); CFStringRef UI; OSStatus res = AudioDeviceGetProperty(id, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceUID, &size, &UI); if (res == noErr) CFStringGetCString(UI,name,nsize,CFStringGetSystemEncoding()); CFRelease(UI); return res; } vector EngineControl::enumerate_coreaudio_devices () { vector devs; // Find out how many Core Audio devices are there, if any... // (code snippet gently "borrowed" from St?hane Letz jackdmp;) OSStatus err; Boolean isWritable; size_t outSize = sizeof(isWritable); backend_devs.clear (); err = AudioHardwareGetPropertyInfo(kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices, &outSize, &isWritable); if (err == noErr) { // Calculate the number of device available... int numCoreDevices = outSize / sizeof(AudioDeviceID); // Make space for the devices we are about to get... AudioDeviceID *coreDeviceIDs = new AudioDeviceID [numCoreDevices]; err = AudioHardwareGetProperty(kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices, &outSize, (void *) coreDeviceIDs); if (err == noErr) { // Look for the CoreAudio device name... char coreDeviceName[256]; size_t nameSize; for (int i = 0; i < numCoreDevices; i++) { nameSize = sizeof (coreDeviceName); err = AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo(coreDeviceIDs[i], 0, true, kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceName, &outSize, &isWritable); if (err == noErr) { err = AudioDeviceGetProperty(coreDeviceIDs[i], 0, true, kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceName, &nameSize, (void *) coreDeviceName); if (err == noErr) { char drivername[128]; // this returns the unique id for the device // that must be used on the commandline for jack if (getDeviceUIDFromID(coreDeviceIDs[i], drivername, sizeof (drivername)) == noErr) { devs.push_back (coreDeviceName); backend_devs.push_back (drivername); } } } } } delete [] coreDeviceIDs; } return devs; } #else vector EngineControl::enumerate_alsa_devices () { vector devs; snd_ctl_t *handle; snd_ctl_card_info_t *info; snd_pcm_info_t *pcminfo; snd_ctl_card_info_alloca(&info); snd_pcm_info_alloca(&pcminfo); string devname; int cardnum = -1; int device = -1; backend_devs.clear (); while (snd_card_next (&cardnum) >= 0 && cardnum >= 0) { devname = "hw:"; devname += to_string (cardnum, std::dec); if (snd_ctl_open (&handle, devname.c_str(), 0) >= 0 && snd_ctl_card_info (handle, info) >= 0) { while (snd_ctl_pcm_next_device (handle, &device) >= 0 && device >= 0) { bool have_playback = false; bool have_capture = false; /* find duplex devices only */ snd_pcm_info_set_device (pcminfo, device); snd_pcm_info_set_subdevice (pcminfo, 0); snd_pcm_info_set_stream (pcminfo, SND_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE); if (snd_ctl_pcm_info (handle, pcminfo) >= 0) { have_capture = true; } snd_pcm_info_set_device (pcminfo, device); snd_pcm_info_set_subdevice (pcminfo, 0); snd_pcm_info_set_stream (pcminfo, SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK); if (snd_ctl_pcm_info (handle, pcminfo) >= 0) { have_playback = true; } if (have_capture && have_playback) { devs.push_back (snd_pcm_info_get_name (pcminfo)); devname += ','; devname += to_string (device, std::dec); backend_devs.push_back (devname); } } snd_ctl_close(handle); } } return devs; } vector EngineControl::enumerate_ffado_devices () { vector devs; return devs; } vector EngineControl::enumerate_freebob_devices () { vector devs; return devs; } vector EngineControl::enumerate_oss_devices () { vector devs; return devs; } vector EngineControl::enumerate_dummy_devices () { vector devs; return devs; } vector EngineControl::enumerate_netjack_devices () { vector devs; return devs; } #endif void EngineControl::driver_changed () { string driver = driver_combo.get_active_text(); vector& strings = devices[driver]; string::size_type maxlen = 0; int maxindex = -1; int n = 0; for (vector::iterator i = strings.begin(); i != strings.end(); ++i, ++n) { if ((*i).length() > maxlen) { maxlen = (*i).length(); maxindex = n; } } set_popdown_strings (interface_combo, strings); set_popdown_strings (input_device_combo, strings); set_popdown_strings (output_device_combo, strings); if (!strings.empty()) { interface_combo.set_active_text (strings.front()); input_device_combo.set_active_text (strings.front()); output_device_combo.set_active_text (strings.front()); } if (driver == "ALSA") { soft_mode_button.set_sensitive (true); force16bit_button.set_sensitive (true); hw_monitor_button.set_sensitive (true); hw_meter_button.set_sensitive (true); monitor_button.set_sensitive (true); } else { soft_mode_button.set_sensitive (false); force16bit_button.set_sensitive (false); hw_monitor_button.set_sensitive (false); hw_meter_button.set_sensitive (false); monitor_button.set_sensitive (false); } } uint32_t EngineControl::get_rate () { return atoi (sample_rate_combo.get_active_text ()); } void EngineControl::redisplay_latency () { uint32_t rate = get_rate(); #ifdef __APPLE_ float periods = 2; #else float periods = periods_adjustment.get_value(); #endif float period_size = atof (period_size_combo.get_active_text()); char buf[32]; snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%.1fmsec", (periods * period_size) / (rate/1000.0)); latency_label.set_text (buf); } void EngineControl::audio_mode_changed () { Glib::ustring str = audio_mode_combo.get_active_text(); if (str == _("Playback/Recording on 1 Device")) { input_device_combo.set_sensitive (false); output_device_combo.set_sensitive (false); } else if (str == _("Playback/Recording on 2 Devices")) { input_device_combo.set_sensitive (true); output_device_combo.set_sensitive (true); } else if (str == _("Playback only")) { output_device_combo.set_sensitive (true); } else if (str == _("Recording only")) { input_device_combo.set_sensitive (true); } } void EngineControl::find_jack_servers (vector& strings) { #ifdef __APPLE__ /* this magic lets us finds the path to the OSX bundle, and then we infer JACK's location from there */ char execpath[MAXPATHLEN+1]; uint32_t pathsz = sizeof (execpath); _NSGetExecutablePath (execpath, &pathsz); cerr << " execpath = " << execpath << endl; Glib::ustring path (Glib::path_get_dirname (execpath)); path += "/jackd"; if (Glib::file_test (path, FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { strings.push_back (path); cerr << "Found jack in " << path << endl; } if (getenv ("ARDOUR_WITH_JACK")) { /* no other options - only use the JACK we supply */ if (strings.empty()) { fatal << _("JACK appears to be missing from the Ardour bundle") << endmsg; /*NOTREACHED*/ } return; } #endif if (Glib::file_test ("/usr/bin/jackd", FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { strings.push_back ("/usr/bin/jackd"); } if (Glib::file_test ("/usr/local/bin/jackd", FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { strings.push_back ("/usr/local/bin/jackd"); } if (Glib::file_test ("/opt/bin/jackd", FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { strings.push_back ("/opt/bin/jackd"); } if (Glib::file_test ("/usr/bin/jackdmp", FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { strings.push_back ("/usr/bin/jackd"); } if (Glib::file_test ("/usr/local/bin/jackdmp", FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { strings.push_back ("/usr/local/bin/jackd"); } if (Glib::file_test ("/opt/bin/jackdmp", FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { strings.push_back ("/opt/bin/jackd"); } } string EngineControl::get_device_name (const string& driver, const string& human_readable) { vector::iterator n; vector::iterator i; if (backend_devs.empty()) { return human_readable; } for (i = devices[driver].begin(), n = backend_devs.begin(); i != devices[driver].end(); ++i, ++n) { if (human_readable == (*i)) { return (*n); } } if (i == devices[driver].end()) { fatal << string_compose (_("programming error: %1"), "true hardware name for ID missing") << endmsg; /*NOTREACHED*/ } /* keep gcc happy */ return string(); } XMLNode& EngineControl::get_state () { XMLNode* root = new XMLNode ("AudioSetup"); XMLNode* child; Glib::ustring path; child = new XMLNode ("periods"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (periods_adjustment.get_value(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("priority"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (priority_adjustment.get_value(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("ports"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (ports_adjustment.get_value(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("inchannels"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (input_channels.get_value(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("outchannels"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (output_channels.get_value(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("inlatency"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (input_latency.get_value(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("outlatency"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (output_latency.get_value(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("realtime"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (realtime_button.get_active(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("nomemorylock"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (no_memory_lock_button.get_active(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("unlockmemory"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (unlock_memory_button.get_active(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("softmode"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (soft_mode_button.get_active(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("force16bit"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (force16bit_button.get_active(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("hwmonitor"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (hw_monitor_button.get_active(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("hwmeter"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (hw_meter_button.get_active(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("verbose"); child->add_property ("val", to_string (verbose_output_button.get_active(), std::dec)); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("samplerate"); child->add_property ("val", sample_rate_combo.get_active_text()); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("periodsize"); child->add_property ("val", period_size_combo.get_active_text()); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("serverpath"); child->add_property ("val", serverpath_combo.get_active_text()); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("driver"); child->add_property ("val", driver_combo.get_active_text()); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("interface"); child->add_property ("val", interface_combo.get_active_text()); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("timeout"); child->add_property ("val", timeout_combo.get_active_text()); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("dither"); child->add_property ("val", dither_mode_combo.get_active_text()); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("audiomode"); child->add_property ("val", audio_mode_combo.get_active_text()); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("inputdevice"); child->add_property ("val", input_device_combo.get_active_text()); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); child = new XMLNode ("outputdevice"); child->add_property ("val", output_device_combo.get_active_text()); root->add_child_nocopy (*child); return *root; } void EngineControl::set_state (const XMLNode& root) { XMLNodeList clist; XMLNodeConstIterator citer; XMLNode* child; XMLProperty* prop; int val; string strval; clist = root.children(); for (citer = clist.begin(); citer != clist.end(); ++citer) { child = *citer; prop = child->property ("val"); if (!prop || prop->value().empty()) { error << string_compose (_("AudioSetup value for %1 is missing data"), child->name()) << endmsg; continue; } strval = prop->value(); /* adjustments/spinners */ if (child->name() == "periods") { val = atoi (strval); periods_adjustment.set_value(val); } else if (child->name() == "priority") { val = atoi (strval); priority_adjustment.set_value(val); } else if (child->name() == "ports") { val = atoi (strval); ports_adjustment.set_value(val); } else if (child->name() == "inchannels") { val = atoi (strval); input_channels.set_value(val); } else if (child->name() == "outchannels") { val = atoi (strval); output_channels.set_value(val); } else if (child->name() == "inlatency") { val = atoi (strval); input_latency.set_value(val); } else if (child->name() == "outlatency") { val = atoi (strval); output_latency.set_value(val); } /* buttons */ else if (child->name() == "realtime") { val = atoi (strval); realtime_button.set_active(val); } else if (child->name() == "nomemorylock") { val = atoi (strval); no_memory_lock_button.set_active(val); } else if (child->name() == "unlockmemory") { val = atoi (strval); unlock_memory_button.set_active(val); } else if (child->name() == "softmode") { val = atoi (strval); soft_mode_button.set_active(val); } else if (child->name() == "force16bit") { val = atoi (strval); force16bit_button.set_active(val); } else if (child->name() == "hwmonitor") { val = atoi (strval); hw_monitor_button.set_active(val); } else if (child->name() == "hwmeter") { val = atoi (strval); hw_meter_button.set_active(val); } else if (child->name() == "verbose") { val = atoi (strval); verbose_output_button.set_active(val); } /* combos */ else if (child->name() == "samplerate") { sample_rate_combo.set_active_text(strval); } else if (child->name() == "periodsize") { period_size_combo.set_active_text(strval); } else if (child->name() == "serverpath") { /* do not allow us to use a server path that doesn't exist on this system. this handles cases where the user has an RC file listing a serverpath from some other machine. */ vector::iterator x; for (x = server_strings.begin(); x != server_strings.end(); ++x) { if (*x == strval) { break; } } if (x != server_strings.end()) { serverpath_combo.set_active_text (strval); } else { warning << string_compose (_("configuration files contain a JACK server path that doesn't exist (%1)"), strval) << endmsg; } } else if (child->name() == "driver") { driver_combo.set_active_text(strval); } else if (child->name() == "interface") { interface_combo.set_active_text(strval); } else if (child->name() == "timeout") { timeout_combo.set_active_text(strval); } else if (child->name() == "dither") { dither_mode_combo.set_active_text(strval); } else if (child->name() == "audiomode") { audio_mode_combo.set_active_text(strval); } else if (child->name() == "inputdevice") { input_device_combo.set_active_text(strval); } else if (child->name() == "outputdevice") { output_device_combo.set_active_text(strval); } } }