#undef Marker #define Marker FuckYouAppleAndYourLackOfNameSpaces #include #include #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "pbd/error.h" #include "ardour/audio_unit.h" #include "ardour/debug.h" #include "ardour/plugin_insert.h" #undef check // stupid gtk, stupid apple #include #include #include "au_pluginui.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "processor_box.h" #include "CAAudioUnit.h" #include "CAComponent.h" #import #import #undef Marker #include "keyboard.h" #include "utils.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "gtk2ardour-config.h" #ifdef COREAUDIO105 #define ArdourCloseComponent CloseComponent #else #define ArdourCloseComponent AudioComponentInstanceDispose #endif using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace std; using namespace PBD; vector AUPluginUI::automation_mode_strings; static const gchar* _automation_mode_strings[] = { X_("Manual"), X_("Play"), X_("Write"), X_("Touch"), 0 }; static void dump_view_tree (NSView* view, int depth, int maxdepth) { NSArray* subviews = [view subviews]; unsigned long cnt = [subviews count]; for (int d = 0; d < depth; d++) { cerr << '\t'; } NSRect frame = [view frame]; cerr << " view @ " << frame.origin.x << ", " << frame.origin.y << ' ' << frame.size.width << " x " << frame.size.height << endl; if (depth >= maxdepth) { return; } for (unsigned long i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { NSView* subview = [subviews objectAtIndex:i]; dump_view_tree (subview, depth+1, maxdepth); } } @implementation NotificationObject - (NotificationObject*) initWithPluginUI: (AUPluginUI*) apluginui andCocoaParent: (NSWindow*) cp andTopLevelParent: (NSWindow*) tlp { self = [ super init ]; if (self) { plugin_ui = apluginui; top_level_parent = tlp; if (cp) { cocoa_parent = cp; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(cocoaParentActivationHandler:) name:NSWindowDidBecomeMainNotification object:NULL]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(cocoaParentBecameKeyHandler:) name:NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification object:NULL]; } } return self; } - (void)cocoaParentActivationHandler:(NSNotification *)notification { NSWindow* notification_window = (NSWindow *)[notification object]; if (top_level_parent == notification_window || cocoa_parent == notification_window) { if ([notification_window isMainWindow]) { plugin_ui->activate(); } else { plugin_ui->deactivate(); } } } - (void)cocoaParentBecameKeyHandler:(NSNotification *)notification { NSWindow* notification_window = (NSWindow *)[notification object]; if (top_level_parent == notification_window || cocoa_parent == notification_window) { if ([notification_window isKeyWindow]) { plugin_ui->activate(); } else { plugin_ui->deactivate(); } } } - (void)auViewResized:(NSNotification *)notification { (void) notification; // stop complaints about unusued argument plugin_ui->cocoa_view_resized(); } @end @implementation LiveResizeNotificationObject - (LiveResizeNotificationObject*) initWithPluginUI: (AUPluginUI*) apluginui { self = [ super init ]; if (self) { plugin_ui = apluginui; } return self; } - (void)windowWillStartLiveResizeHandler:(NSNotification*)notification { plugin_ui->start_live_resize (); } - (void)windowWillEndLiveResizeHandler:(NSNotification*)notification { plugin_ui->end_live_resize (); } @end AUPluginUI::AUPluginUI (boost::shared_ptr insert) : PlugUIBase (insert) , automation_mode_label (_("Automation")) , preset_label (_("Presets")) , mapped (false) , resizable (false) , min_width (0) , min_height (0) , req_width (0) , req_height (0) , alo_width (0) , alo_height (0) , cocoa_window (0) , au_view (0) , in_live_resize (false) , plugin_requested_resize (0) , cocoa_parent (0) , _notify (0) , _resize_notify (0) { if (automation_mode_strings.empty()) { automation_mode_strings = I18N (_automation_mode_strings); } set_popdown_strings (automation_mode_selector, automation_mode_strings); automation_mode_selector.set_active_text (automation_mode_strings.front()); if ((au = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (insert->plugin())) == 0) { error << _("unknown type of editor-supplying plugin (note: no AudioUnit support in this version of ardour)") << endmsg; throw failed_constructor (); } /* stuff some stuff into the top of the window */ HBox* smaller_hbox = manage (new HBox); smaller_hbox->set_spacing (6); smaller_hbox->pack_start (preset_label, false, false, 4); smaller_hbox->pack_start (_preset_modified, false, false); smaller_hbox->pack_start (_preset_combo, false, false); smaller_hbox->pack_start (add_button, false, false); #if 0 /* Ardour does not currently allow to overwrite existing presets * see save_property_list() in audio_unit.cc */ smaller_hbox->pack_start (save_button, false, false); #endif #if 0 /* one day these might be useful with an AU plugin, but not yet */ smaller_hbox->pack_start (automation_mode_label, false, false); smaller_hbox->pack_start (automation_mode_selector, false, false); #endif smaller_hbox->pack_start (reset_button, false, false); smaller_hbox->pack_start (bypass_button, false, true); VBox* v1_box = manage (new VBox); VBox* v2_box = manage (new VBox); v1_box->pack_start (*smaller_hbox, false, true); v2_box->pack_start (focus_button, false, true); top_box.set_homogeneous (false); top_box.set_spacing (6); top_box.set_border_width (6); top_box.pack_end (*v2_box, false, false); top_box.pack_end (*v1_box, false, false); set_spacing (6); pack_start (top_box, false, false); pack_start (low_box, true, true); preset_label.show (); _preset_combo.show (); automation_mode_label.show (); automation_mode_selector.show (); bypass_button.show (); top_box.show (); low_box.show (); cocoa_parent = 0; cocoa_window = 0; #ifdef WITH_CARBON _activating_from_app = false; _notify = 0; au_view = 0; editView = 0; carbon_window = 0; #endif /* prefer cocoa, fall back to cocoa, but use carbon if its there */ if (test_cocoa_view_support()) { create_cocoa_view (); #ifdef WITH_CARBON } else if (test_carbon_view_support()) { create_carbon_view (); #endif } else { create_cocoa_view (); } low_box.add_events (Gdk::VISIBILITY_NOTIFY_MASK | Gdk::EXPOSURE_MASK); low_box.signal_realize().connect (mem_fun (this, &AUPluginUI::lower_box_realized)); low_box.signal_visibility_notify_event ().connect (mem_fun (this, &AUPluginUI::lower_box_visibility_notify)); if (au_view) { low_box.signal_size_request ().connect (mem_fun (this, &AUPluginUI::lower_box_size_request)); low_box.signal_size_allocate ().connect (mem_fun (this, &AUPluginUI::lower_box_size_allocate)); low_box.signal_map ().connect (mem_fun (this, &AUPluginUI::lower_box_map)); low_box.signal_unmap ().connect (mem_fun (this, &AUPluginUI::lower_box_unmap)); low_box.signal_expose_event ().connect (mem_fun (this, &AUPluginUI::lower_box_expose)); } } AUPluginUI::~AUPluginUI () { if (_notify) { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:_notify]; } if (_resize_notify) { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:_resize_notify]; } if (cocoa_parent) { NSWindow* win = get_nswindow(); [win removeChildWindow:cocoa_parent]; } #ifdef WITH_CARBON if (carbon_window) { /* not parented, just overlaid on top of our window */ DisposeWindow (carbon_window); } #endif if (editView) { ArdourCloseComponent (editView); } if (au_view) { /* remove whatever we packed into low_box so that GTK doesn't mess with it. */ [au_view removeFromSuperview]; } } bool AUPluginUI::test_carbon_view_support () { #ifdef WITH_CARBON bool ret = false; carbon_descriptor.componentType = kAudioUnitCarbonViewComponentType; carbon_descriptor.componentSubType = 'gnrc'; carbon_descriptor.componentManufacturer = 'appl'; carbon_descriptor.componentFlags = 0; carbon_descriptor.componentFlagsMask = 0; OSStatus err; // ask the AU for its first editor component UInt32 propertySize; err = AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo(*au->get_au(), kAudioUnitProperty_GetUIComponentList, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &propertySize, NULL); if (!err) { int nEditors = propertySize / sizeof(ComponentDescription); ComponentDescription *editors = new ComponentDescription[nEditors]; err = AudioUnitGetProperty(*au->get_au(), kAudioUnitProperty_GetUIComponentList, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, editors, &propertySize); if (!err) { // just pick the first one for now carbon_descriptor = editors[0]; ret = true; } delete[] editors; } return ret; #else return false; #endif } bool AUPluginUI::test_cocoa_view_support () { UInt32 dataSize = 0; Boolean isWritable = 0; OSStatus err = AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo(*au->get_au(), kAudioUnitProperty_CocoaUI, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &dataSize, &isWritable); return dataSize > 0 && err == noErr; } bool AUPluginUI::plugin_class_valid (Class pluginClass) { if([pluginClass conformsToProtocol: @protocol(AUCocoaUIBase)]) { if([pluginClass instancesRespondToSelector: @selector(interfaceVersion)] && [pluginClass instancesRespondToSelector: @selector(uiViewForAudioUnit:withSize:)]) { return true; } } return false; } int AUPluginUI::create_cocoa_view () { bool wasAbleToLoadCustomView = false; AudioUnitCocoaViewInfo* cocoaViewInfo = NULL; UInt32 numberOfClasses = 0; UInt32 dataSize; Boolean isWritable; NSString* factoryClassName = 0; NSURL* CocoaViewBundlePath = NULL; OSStatus result = AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo (*au->get_au(), kAudioUnitProperty_CocoaUI, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &dataSize, &isWritable ); numberOfClasses = (dataSize - sizeof(CFURLRef)) / sizeof(CFStringRef); // Does view have custom Cocoa UI? if ((result == noErr) && (numberOfClasses > 0) ) { DEBUG_TRACE(DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ( "based on %1, there are %2 cocoa UI classes\n", dataSize, numberOfClasses)); cocoaViewInfo = (AudioUnitCocoaViewInfo *)malloc(dataSize); if(AudioUnitGetProperty(*au->get_au(), kAudioUnitProperty_CocoaUI, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, cocoaViewInfo, &dataSize) == noErr) { CocoaViewBundlePath = (NSURL *)cocoaViewInfo->mCocoaAUViewBundleLocation; // we only take the first view in this example. factoryClassName = (NSString *)cocoaViewInfo->mCocoaAUViewClass[0]; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("the factory name is %1 bundle is %2\n", [factoryClassName UTF8String], CocoaViewBundlePath)); } else { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("No cocoaUI property cocoaViewInfo = %1\n", cocoaViewInfo)); if (cocoaViewInfo != NULL) { free (cocoaViewInfo); cocoaViewInfo = NULL; } } } // [A] Show custom UI if view has it if (CocoaViewBundlePath && factoryClassName) { NSBundle *viewBundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:[CocoaViewBundlePath path]]; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("tried to create bundle, result = %1\n", viewBundle)); if (viewBundle == NULL) { error << _("AUPluginUI: error loading AU view's bundle") << endmsg; return -1; } else { Class factoryClass = [viewBundle classNamed:factoryClassName]; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("tried to create factory class, result = %1\n", factoryClass)); if (!factoryClass) { error << _("AUPluginUI: error getting AU view's factory class from bundle") << endmsg; return -1; } // make sure 'factoryClass' implements the AUCocoaUIBase protocol if (!plugin_class_valid (factoryClass)) { error << _("AUPluginUI: U view's factory class does not properly implement the AUCocoaUIBase protocol") << endmsg; return -1; } // make a factory id factory = [[[factoryClass alloc] init] autorelease]; if (factory == NULL) { error << _("AUPluginUI: Could not create an instance of the AU view factory") << endmsg; return -1; } DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "got a factory instance\n"); // make a view au_view = [factory uiViewForAudioUnit:*au->get_au() withSize:NSZeroSize]; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("view created @ %1\n", au_view)); // cleanup [CocoaViewBundlePath release]; if (cocoaViewInfo) { UInt32 i; for (i = 0; i < numberOfClasses; i++) CFRelease(cocoaViewInfo->mCocoaAUViewClass[i]); free (cocoaViewInfo); } wasAbleToLoadCustomView = true; } } if (!wasAbleToLoadCustomView) { // load generic Cocoa view DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("Loading generic view using %1 -> %2\n", au, au->get_au())); au_view = [[AUGenericView alloc] initWithAudioUnit:*au->get_au()]; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("view created @ %1\n", au_view)); [(AUGenericView *)au_view setShowsExpertParameters:1]; } // Get the initial size of the new AU View's frame NSRect frame = [au_view frame]; min_width = req_width = frame.size.width; min_height = req_height = frame.size.height; resizable = [au_view autoresizingMask]; std::cerr << plugin->name() << " initial frame = " << [NSStringFromRect (frame) UTF8String] << " resizable ? " << resizable << std::endl; low_box.queue_resize (); return 0; } void AUPluginUI::update_view_size () { last_au_frame = [au_view frame]; } void AUPluginUI::cocoa_view_resized () { /* we can get here for two reasons: 1) the plugin window was resized by the user, a new size was allocated to the window, ::update_view_size() was called, and we explicitly/manually resized the AU NSView. 2) the plugin decided to resize itself (probably in response to user action, but not in response to an actual window resize) We only want to proceed with a window resizing in the second case. */ if (in_live_resize) { /* ::update_view_size() will be called at the right times and * will update the view size. We don't need to anything while a * live resize in underway. */ return; } if (plugin_requested_resize) { /* we tried to change the plugin frame from inside this method * (to adjust the origin), and the plugin changed its size * again. Ignore this second call. */ std::cerr << plugin->name() << " re-entrant call to cocoa_view_resized, ignored\n"; return; } plugin_requested_resize = 1; ProcessorWindowProxy* wp = insert->window_proxy(); if (wp) { /* Once a plugin has requested a resize of its own window, do * NOT save the window. The user may save state with the plugin * editor expanded to show "extra detail" - the plugin will not * refill this space when the editor is first * instantiated. Leaving the window in the "too big" state * cannot be recovered from. * * The window will be sized to fit the plugin's own request. Done. */ wp->set_state_mask (WindowProxy::Position); } NSRect new_frame = [au_view frame]; std::cerr << "Plugin " << plugin->name() << " requested update (prs now = " << plugin_requested_resize << ")\n"; std::cerr << "\tAU NSView frame : " << [ NSStringFromRect (new_frame) UTF8String] << std::endl; std::cerr << "\tlast au frame : " << [ NSStringFromRect (last_au_frame) UTF8String] << std::endl; /* from here on, we know that we've been called because the plugin * decided to change the NSView frame itself. */ /* step one: compute the change in the frame size. */ float dy = new_frame.size.height - last_au_frame.size.height; float dx = new_frame.size.width - last_au_frame.size.width; NSWindow* window = get_nswindow (); NSRect windowFrame= [window frame]; /* we want the top edge of the window to remain in the same place, but the Cocoa/Quartz origin is at the lower left. So, when we make the window larger, we will move it down, which means shifting the origin toward (x,0). This will leave the top edge in the same place. */ windowFrame.origin.y -= dy; windowFrame.origin.x -= dx; windowFrame.size.height += dy; windowFrame.size.width += dx; std::cerr << "\tChange size by " << dx << " x " << dy << std::endl; NSUInteger old_auto_resize = [au_view autoresizingMask]; /* Stop the AU NSView from resizing itself *again* in response to us changing the window size. */ [au_view setAutoresizingMask:NSViewNotSizable]; /* Some stupid AU Views change the origin of the original AU View when they are resized (I'm looking at you AUSampler). If the origin has been moved, move it back. */ if (last_au_frame.origin.x != new_frame.origin.x || last_au_frame.origin.y != new_frame.origin.y) { new_frame.origin = last_au_frame.origin; std::cerr << "Move AU NSView origin back to " << new_frame.origin.x << ", " << new_frame.origin.y << std::endl; [au_view setFrame:new_frame]; /* also be sure to redraw the topbox because this can also go wrong. */ top_box.queue_draw (); } else { std::cerr << "No need to move origin, last au origin " << [NSStringFromPoint(last_au_frame.origin) UTF8String] << " == new au origin " << [NSStringFromPoint(new_frame.origin) UTF8String] << std::endl; } /* this resizes the window. it will eventually trigger a new * size_allocate event/callback, and we'll end up in * ::update_view_size(). We want to stop that from doing anything, * because we've already resized the window to fit the new new view, * so there's no need to actually update the view size again. */ [window setFrame:windowFrame display:1]; [au_view setAutoresizingMask:old_auto_resize]; /* keep a copy of the size of the AU NSView. We didn't set - the plugin did */ last_au_frame = new_frame; min_width = req_width = new_frame.size.width; min_height = req_height = new_frame.size.height; plugin_requested_resize = 0; } int AUPluginUI::create_carbon_view () { #ifdef WITH_CARBON OSStatus err; ControlRef root_control; Component editComponent = FindNextComponent(NULL, &carbon_descriptor); OpenAComponent(editComponent, &editView); if (!editView) { error << _("AU Carbon view: cannot open AU Component") << endmsg; return -1; } Rect r = { 100, 100, 100, 100 }; WindowAttributes attr = WindowAttributes (kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute | kWindowCompositingAttribute| kWindowNoShadowAttribute| kWindowNoTitleBarAttribute); if ((err = CreateNewWindow(kUtilityWindowClass, attr, &r, &carbon_window)) != noErr) { error << string_compose (_("AUPluginUI: cannot create carbon window (err: %1)"), err) << endmsg; ArdourCloseComponent (editView); return -1; } if ((err = GetRootControl(carbon_window, &root_control)) != noErr) { error << string_compose (_("AUPlugin: cannot get root control of carbon window (err: %1)"), err) << endmsg; DisposeWindow (carbon_window); ArdourCloseComponent (editView); return -1; } ControlRef viewPane; Float32Point location = { 0.0, 0.0 }; Float32Point size = { 0.0, 0.0 } ; if ((err = AudioUnitCarbonViewCreate (editView, *au->get_au(), carbon_window, root_control, &location, &size, &viewPane)) != noErr) { error << string_compose (_("AUPluginUI: cannot create carbon plugin view (err: %1)"), err) << endmsg; DisposeWindow (carbon_window); ArdourCloseComponent (editView); return -1; } // resize window Rect bounds; GetControlBounds(viewPane, &bounds); size.x = bounds.right-bounds.left; size.y = bounds.bottom-bounds.top; req_width = (int) (size.x + 0.5); req_height = (int) (size.y + 0.5); SizeWindow (carbon_window, req_width, req_height, true); low_box.set_size_request (req_width, req_height); return 0; #else error << _("AU Carbon GUI is not supported.") << endmsg; return -1; #endif } NSWindow* AUPluginUI::get_nswindow () { Gtk::Container* toplevel = get_toplevel(); if (!toplevel || !toplevel->is_toplevel()) { error << _("AUPluginUI: no top level window!") << endmsg; return 0; } NSWindow* true_parent = gdk_quartz_window_get_nswindow (toplevel->get_window()->gobj()); if (!true_parent) { error << _("AUPluginUI: no top level window!") << endmsg; return 0; } return true_parent; } void AUPluginUI::activate () { #ifdef WITH_CARBON ActivateWindow (carbon_window, TRUE); #endif } void AUPluginUI::deactivate () { #ifdef WITH_CARBON ActivateWindow (carbon_window, FALSE); #endif } int AUPluginUI::parent_carbon_window () { #ifdef WITH_CARBON NSWindow* win = get_nswindow (); Rect windowStructureBoundsRect; if (!win) { return -1; } /* figure out where the cocoa parent window is in carbon-coordinate space, which differs from both cocoa-coordinate space and GTK-coordinate space */ GetWindowBounds((WindowRef) [win windowRef], kWindowStructureRgn, &windowStructureBoundsRect); /* compute how tall the title bar is, because we have to offset the position of the carbon window by that much. */ NSRect content_frame = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect:[win frame] styleMask:[win styleMask]]; NSRect wm_frame = [NSWindow frameRectForContentRect:content_frame styleMask:[win styleMask]]; int titlebar_height = wm_frame.size.height - content_frame.size.height; int packing_extra = 6; // this is the total vertical packing in our top level window /* move into position, based on parent window position */ MoveWindow (carbon_window, windowStructureBoundsRect.left, windowStructureBoundsRect.top + titlebar_height + top_box.get_height() + packing_extra, false); ShowWindow (carbon_window); // create the cocoa window for the carbon one and make it visible cocoa_parent = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithWindowRef: carbon_window]; SetWindowActivationScope (carbon_window, kWindowActivationScopeNone); _notify = [ [NotificationObject alloc] initWithPluginUI:this andCocoaParent:cocoa_parent andTopLevelParent:win ]; [win addChildWindow:cocoa_parent ordered:NSWindowAbove]; [win setAutodisplay:1]; // turn of GTK stuff for this window return 0; #else return -1; #endif } int AUPluginUI::parent_cocoa_window () { NSWindow* win = get_nswindow (); if (!win) { return -1; } //[win setAutodisplay:1]; // turn off GTK stuff for this window NSView* view = gdk_quartz_window_get_nsview (low_box.get_window()->gobj()); [view addSubview:au_view]; /* this moves the AU NSView down and over to provide a left-hand margin * and to clear the Ardour "task bar" (with plugin preset mgmt buttons, * keyboard focus control, bypass etc). */ gint xx, yy; gtk_widget_translate_coordinates( GTK_WIDGET(low_box.gobj()), GTK_WIDGET(low_box.get_parent()->gobj()), 8, 6, &xx, &yy); [au_view setFrame:NSMakeRect(xx, yy, req_width, req_height)]; last_au_frame = [au_view frame]; // watch for size changes of the view _notify = [ [NotificationObject alloc] initWithPluginUI:this andCocoaParent:NULL andTopLevelParent:win ]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:_notify selector:@selector(auViewResized:) name:NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification object:au_view]; // catch notifications that live resizing is about to start #if HAVE_COCOA_LIVE_RESIZING _resize_notify = [ [ LiveResizeNotificationObject alloc] initWithPluginUI:this ]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:_resize_notify selector:@selector(windowWillStartLiveResizeHandler:) name:NSWindowWillStartLiveResizeNotification object:win]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:_resize_notify selector:@selector(windowWillEndLiveResizeHandler:) name:NSWindowDidEndLiveResizeNotification object:win]; #else /* No way before 10.6 to identify the start of a live resize (drag * resize) without subclassing NSView and overriding two of its * methods. Instead of that, we make the window non-resizable, thus * ending confusion about whether or not resizes are plugin or user * driven (they are always plugin-driven). */ Gtk::Container* toplevel = get_toplevel(); Requisition req; resizable = false; if (toplevel && toplevel->is_toplevel()) { toplevel->size_request (req); toplevel->set_size_request (req.width, req.height); dynamic_cast(toplevel)->set_resizable (false); } #endif return 0; } void AUPluginUI::grab_focus() { if (au_view) { [au_view becomeFirstResponder]; } } void AUPluginUI::forward_key_event (GdkEventKey* ev) { NSEvent* nsevent = gdk_quartz_event_get_nsevent ((GdkEvent*)ev); if (au_view && nsevent) { /* filter on nsevent type here because GDK massages FlagsChanged messages into GDK_KEY_{PRESS,RELEASE} but Cocoa won't handle a FlagsChanged message as a keyDown or keyUp */ if ([nsevent type] == NSKeyDown) { [[[au_view window] firstResponder] keyDown:nsevent]; } else if ([nsevent type] == NSKeyUp) { [[[au_view window] firstResponder] keyUp:nsevent]; } else if ([nsevent type] == NSFlagsChanged) { [[[au_view window] firstResponder] flagsChanged:nsevent]; } } } void AUPluginUI::on_realize () { VBox::on_realize (); /* our windows should not have that resize indicator */ NSWindow* win = get_nswindow (); if (win) { [win setShowsResizeIndicator:0]; } } void AUPluginUI::lower_box_realized () { if (au_view) { parent_cocoa_window (); } else if (carbon_window) { parent_carbon_window (); } } bool AUPluginUI::lower_box_visibility_notify (GdkEventVisibility* ev) { #ifdef WITH_CARBON if (carbon_window && ev->state != GDK_VISIBILITY_UNOBSCURED) { ShowWindow (carbon_window); ActivateWindow (carbon_window, TRUE); return true; } #endif return false; } void AUPluginUI::lower_box_map () { mapped = true; [au_view setHidden:0]; update_view_size (); } void AUPluginUI::lower_box_unmap () { mapped = false; [au_view setHidden:1]; } void AUPluginUI::lower_box_size_request (GtkRequisition* requisition) { requisition->width = req_width; requisition->height = req_height; } void AUPluginUI::lower_box_size_allocate (Gtk::Allocation& allocation) { alo_width = allocation.get_width (); alo_height = allocation.get_height (); std::cerr << "lower box size reallocated to " << alo_width << " x " << alo_height << std::endl; update_view_size (); std::cerr << "low box draw (0, 0, " << alo_width << " x " << alo_height << ")\n"; low_box.queue_draw_area (0, 0, alo_width, alo_height); } gboolean AUPluginUI::lower_box_expose (GdkEventExpose* event) { std::cerr << "lower box expose: " << event->area.x << ", " << event->area.y << ' ' << event->area.width << " x " << event->area.height << " ALLOC " << get_allocation().get_width() << " x " << get_allocation().get_height() << std::endl; /* hack to keep ardour responsive * some UIs (e.g Addictive Drums) completely hog the CPU */ ARDOUR::GUIIdle(); return true; } void AUPluginUI::on_window_hide () { #ifdef WITH_CARBON if (carbon_window) { HideWindow (carbon_window); ActivateWindow (carbon_window, FALSE); } #endif hide_all (); #if 0 NSArray* wins = [NSApp windows]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < [wins count]; i++) { id win = [wins objectAtIndex:i]; } #endif } bool AUPluginUI::on_window_show (const string& /*title*/) { /* this is idempotent so just call it every time we show the window */ gtk_widget_realize (GTK_WIDGET(low_box.gobj())); show_all (); #ifdef WITH_CARBON if (carbon_window) { ShowWindow (carbon_window); ActivateWindow (carbon_window, TRUE); } #endif return true; } bool AUPluginUI::start_updating (GdkEventAny*) { return false; } bool AUPluginUI::stop_updating (GdkEventAny*) { return false; } PlugUIBase* create_au_gui (boost::shared_ptr plugin_insert, VBox** box) { AUPluginUI* aup = new AUPluginUI (plugin_insert); (*box) = aup; return aup; } void AUPluginUI::start_live_resize () { std::cerr << "\n\n\n++++ Entering Live Resize\n"; in_live_resize = true; } void AUPluginUI::end_live_resize () { std::cerr << "\n\n\n ----Leaving Live Resize\n"; in_live_resize = false; }