#include #include #include #include #include "au_pluginui.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include #include #import #import #include "i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace Gtk; using namespace sigc; using namespace std; using namespace PBD; static const float kOffsetForAUView_X = 220; static const float kOffsetForAUView_Y = 90; AUPluginUI::AUPluginUI (boost::shared_ptr insert) : PlugUIBase (insert) { if ((au = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (insert->plugin())) == 0) { error << _("unknown type of editor-supplying plugin (note: no AudioUnit support in this version of ardour)") << endmsg; throw failed_constructor (); } bool has_carbon; bool has_cocoa; _activating_from_app = false; carbon_parented = false; cocoa_parented = false; cocoa_parent = 0; cocoa_window = 0; au_view = 0; test_view_support (has_carbon, has_cocoa); if (has_cocoa) { create_cocoa_view (); } else if (has_carbon) { create_carbon_view (has_carbon); } else { /* fallback to cocoa */ create_cocoa_view (); } } AUPluginUI::~AUPluginUI () { if (carbon_parented) { NSWindow* win = get_nswindow(); RemoveEventHandler(carbon_event_handler); [win removeChildWindow:cocoa_parent]; } } void AUPluginUI::test_view_support (bool& has_carbon, bool& has_cocoa) { has_carbon = test_carbon_view_support(); has_cocoa = test_cocoa_view_support(); } bool AUPluginUI::test_carbon_view_support () { bool ret = false; carbon_descriptor.componentType = kAudioUnitCarbonViewComponentType; carbon_descriptor.componentSubType = 'gnrc'; carbon_descriptor.componentManufacturer = 'appl'; carbon_descriptor.componentFlags = 0; carbon_descriptor.componentFlagsMask = 0; OSStatus err; // ask the AU for its first editor component UInt32 propertySize; err = AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo(*au->get_au(), kAudioUnitProperty_GetUIComponentList, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &propertySize, NULL); if (!err) { int nEditors = propertySize / sizeof(ComponentDescription); ComponentDescription *editors = new ComponentDescription[nEditors]; err = AudioUnitGetProperty(*au->get_au(), kAudioUnitProperty_GetUIComponentList, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, editors, &propertySize); if (!err) { // just pick the first one for now carbon_descriptor = editors[0]; ret = true; } delete[] editors; } return ret; } bool AUPluginUI::test_cocoa_view_support () { UInt32 dataSize = 0; Boolean isWritable = 0; OSStatus err = AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo(*au->get_au(), kAudioUnitProperty_CocoaUI, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &dataSize, &isWritable); return dataSize > 0 && err == noErr; } bool AUPluginUI::plugin_class_valid (Class pluginClass) { if([pluginClass conformsToProtocol: @protocol(AUCocoaUIBase)]) { if([pluginClass instancesRespondToSelector: @selector(interfaceVersion)] && [pluginClass instancesRespondToSelector: @selector(uiViewForAudioUnit:withSize:)]) { return true; } } return false; } int AUPluginUI::create_cocoa_view () { BOOL wasAbleToLoadCustomView = NO; AudioUnitCocoaViewInfo* cocoaViewInfo = NULL; UInt32 numberOfClasses = 0; UInt32 dataSize; Boolean isWritable; NSString* factoryClassName = 0; NSURL* CocoaViewBundlePath; OSStatus result = AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo (*au->get_au(), kAudioUnitProperty_CocoaUI, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &dataSize, &isWritable ); numberOfClasses = (dataSize - sizeof(CFURLRef)) / sizeof(CFStringRef); // Does view have custom Cocoa UI? if ((result == noErr) && (numberOfClasses > 0) ) { cocoaViewInfo = (AudioUnitCocoaViewInfo *)malloc(dataSize); if(AudioUnitGetProperty(*au->get_au(), kAudioUnitProperty_CocoaUI, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, cocoaViewInfo, &dataSize) == noErr) { CocoaViewBundlePath = (NSURL *)cocoaViewInfo->mCocoaAUViewBundleLocation; // we only take the first view in this example. factoryClassName = (NSString *)cocoaViewInfo->mCocoaAUViewClass[0]; } else { if (cocoaViewInfo != NULL) { free (cocoaViewInfo); cocoaViewInfo = NULL; } } } NSRect crect = { { 0, 0 }, { 1, 1} }; // [A] Show custom UI if view has it if (CocoaViewBundlePath && factoryClassName) { NSBundle *viewBundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:[CocoaViewBundlePath path]]; if (viewBundle == nil) { error << _("AUPluginUI: error loading AU view's bundle") << endmsg; return -1; } else { Class factoryClass = [viewBundle classNamed:factoryClassName]; if (!factoryClass) { error << _("AUPluginUI: error getting AU view's factory class from bundle") << endmsg; return -1; } // make sure 'factoryClass' implements the AUCocoaUIBase protocol if (!plugin_class_valid (factoryClass)) { error << _("AUPluginUI: U view's factory class does not properly implement the AUCocoaUIBase protocol") << endmsg; return -1; } // make a factory id factoryInstance = [[[factoryClass alloc] init] autorelease]; if (factoryInstance == nil) { error << _("AUPluginUI: Could not create an instance of the AU view factory") << endmsg; return -1; } // make a view au_view = [factoryInstance uiViewForAudioUnit:*au->get_au() withSize:crect.size]; // cleanup [CocoaViewBundlePath release]; if (cocoaViewInfo) { UInt32 i; for (i = 0; i < numberOfClasses; i++) CFRelease(cocoaViewInfo->mCocoaAUViewClass[i]); free (cocoaViewInfo); } wasAbleToLoadCustomView = YES; } } if (!wasAbleToLoadCustomView) { // [B] Otherwise show generic Cocoa view au_view = [[AUGenericView alloc] initWithAudioUnit:*au->get_au()]; [(AUGenericView *)au_view setShowsExpertParameters:YES]; } /* make a child cocoa window */ cocoa_window = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:crect styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO]; return 0; } int AUPluginUI::create_carbon_view (bool generic) { OSStatus err; ControlRef root_control; Component editComponent = FindNextComponent(NULL, &carbon_descriptor); OpenAComponent(editComponent, &editView); if (!editView) { error << _("AU Carbon view: cannot open AU Component") << endmsg; return -1; } Rect r = { 100, 100, 100, 100 }; WindowAttributes attr = WindowAttributes (kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute | kWindowCompositingAttribute| kWindowNoShadowAttribute| kWindowNoTitleBarAttribute); if ((err = CreateNewWindow(kFloatingWindowClass, attr, &r, &carbon_window)) != noErr) { error << string_compose (_("AUPluginUI: cannot create carbon window (err: %1)"), err) << endmsg; return -1; } if ((err = GetRootControl(carbon_window, &root_control)) != noErr) { error << string_compose (_("AUPlugin: cannot get root control of carbon window (err: %1)"), err) << endmsg; return -1; } ControlRef viewPane; Float32Point location = { 0.0, 0.0 }; Float32Point size = { 0.0, 0.0 } ; if ((err = AudioUnitCarbonViewCreate (editView, *au->get_au(), carbon_window, root_control, &location, &size, &viewPane)) != noErr) { error << string_compose (_("AUPluginUI: cannot create carbon plugin view (err: %1)"), err) << endmsg; return -1; } // resize window Rect bounds; GetControlBounds(viewPane, &bounds); size.x = bounds.right-bounds.left; size.y = bounds.bottom-bounds.top; SizeWindow(carbon_window, (short) (size.x + 0.5), (short) (size.y + 0.5), true); prefwidth = (int) (size.x + 0.5); prefheight = (int) (size.y + 0.5); #if 0 mViewPaneResizer->WantEventTypes (GetControlEventTarget(mAUViewPane), GetEventTypeCount(resizeEvent), resizeEvent); #endif return 0; } NSWindow* AUPluginUI::get_nswindow () { Gtk::Container* toplevel = get_toplevel(); if (!toplevel || !toplevel->is_toplevel()) { error << _("AUPluginUI: no top level window!") << endmsg; return 0; } NSWindow* true_parent = gdk_quartz_window_get_nswindow (toplevel->get_window()->gobj()); if (!true_parent) { error << _("AUPluginUI: no top level window!") << endmsg; return 0; } return true_parent; } void AUPluginUI::activate () { NSWindow* win = get_nswindow (); [win setLevel:NSFloatingWindowLevel]; if (carbon_parented) { [cocoa_parent makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; cerr << "APP activated, activate carbon window\n"; _activating_from_app = true; ActivateWindow (carbon_window, TRUE); _activating_from_app = false; } } void AUPluginUI::deactivate () { /* nothing to do here */ } OSStatus _carbon_event (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandlerRef, EventRef event, void *userData) { return ((AUPluginUI*)userData)->carbon_event (nextHandlerRef, event); } OSStatus AUPluginUI::carbon_event (EventHandlerCallRef nextHandlerRef, EventRef event) { UInt32 eventKind = GetEventKind(event); ClickActivationResult howToHandleClick; NSWindow* win = get_nswindow (); cerr << "window " << win << " carbon event type " << eventKind << endl; switch (eventKind) { case kEventWindowHandleActivate: cerr << "carbon window activated\n"; if (_activating_from_app) { cerr << "app activation, ignore window activation\n"; return noErr; } [win makeMainWindow]; return eventNotHandledErr; break; case kEventWindowHandleDeactivate: cerr << "carbon window deactivated\n"; return eventNotHandledErr; break; case kEventWindowGetClickActivation: cerr << "carbon window CLICK activated\n"; howToHandleClick = kActivateAndHandleClick; SetEventParameter(event, kEventParamClickActivation, typeClickActivationResult, sizeof(ClickActivationResult), &howToHandleClick); break; } return noErr; } int AUPluginUI::parent_carbon_window () { NSWindow* win = get_nswindow (); int x, y; if (!win) { return -1; } Gtk::Container* toplevel = get_toplevel(); if (!toplevel || !toplevel->is_toplevel()) { error << _("AUPluginUI: no top level window!") << endmsg; return -1; } toplevel->get_window()->get_root_origin (x, y); /* compute how tall the title bar is, because we have to offset the position of the carbon window by that much. */ NSRect content_frame = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect:[win frame] styleMask:[win styleMask]]; NSRect wm_frame = [NSWindow frameRectForContentRect:content_frame styleMask:[win styleMask]]; int titlebar_height = wm_frame.size.height - content_frame.size.height; MoveWindow (carbon_window, x, y + titlebar_height, false); ShowWindow (carbon_window); // create the cocoa window for the carbon one and make it visible cocoa_parent = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithWindowRef: carbon_window]; EventTypeSpec windowEventTypes[] = { {kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowGetClickActivation }, {kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowHandleDeactivate }, {kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowHandleActivate } }; EventHandlerUPP ehUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(_carbon_event); OSStatus result = InstallWindowEventHandler (carbon_window, ehUPP, sizeof(windowEventTypes) / sizeof(EventTypeSpec), windowEventTypes, this, &carbon_event_handler); if (result != noErr) { return -1; } [win addChildWindow:cocoa_parent ordered:NSWindowAbove]; [win setLevel:NSFloatingWindowLevel]; [win setHidesOnDeactivate:YES]; carbon_parented = true; return 0; } int AUPluginUI::parent_cocoa_window () { NSWindow* win = get_nswindow (); if (!win) { return -1; } Gtk::Container* toplevel = get_toplevel(); if (!toplevel || !toplevel->is_toplevel()) { error << _("AUPluginUI: no top level window!") << endmsg; return -1; } // Get the size of the new AU View's frame NSRect au_view_frame = [au_view frame]; if (au_view_frame.size.width > 500 || au_view_frame.size.height > 500) { /* its too big - use a scrollview */ NSRect frameRect = [[cocoa_window contentView] frame]; scroll_view = [[[NSScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:frameRect] autorelease]; [scroll_view setDrawsBackground:NO]; [scroll_view setHasHorizontalScroller:YES]; [scroll_view setHasVerticalScroller:YES]; NSSize frameSize = [NSScrollView frameSizeForContentSize:au_view_frame.size hasHorizontalScroller:[scroll_view hasHorizontalScroller] hasVerticalScroller:[scroll_view hasVerticalScroller] borderType:[scroll_view borderType]]; // Create a new frame with same origin as current // frame but size equal to the size of the new view NSRect newFrame; newFrame.origin = [scroll_view frame].origin; newFrame.size = frameSize; // Set the new frame and document views on the scroll view NSRect currentFrame = [scroll_view frame]; [scroll_view setFrame:newFrame]; [scroll_view setDocumentView:au_view]; cerr << "scroll view size is " << newFrame.size.width << " x " << newFrame.size.height << endl; NSSize oldContentSize = [[cocoa_window contentView] frame].size; NSSize newContentSize = oldContentSize; cerr << "original size is " << newContentSize.width << " x " << newContentSize.height << endl; newContentSize.width += (newFrame.size.width - currentFrame.size.width); newContentSize.height += (newFrame.size.height - currentFrame.size.height); #ifdef PACK_COCOA_INTO_GTK_WINDOW NSView* view = [win contentView]; [win setContentSize:newContentSize]; [view addSubview:scroll_view]; #else [cocoa_window setContentSize:newContentSize]; [cocoa_window setContentView:scroll_view]; #endif } else { #ifdef PACK_COCOA_INTO_GTK_WINDOW NSView* view = [win contentView]; [win setContentSize:au_view_frame.size]; [view addSubview:au_view]; #else [cocoa_window setContentSize:au_view_frame.size]; [cocoa_window setContentView:au_view]; #endif } /* compute how tall the title bar is, because we have to offset the position of the child window by that much. */ NSRect content_frame = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect:[win frame] styleMask:[win styleMask]]; NSRect wm_frame = [NSWindow frameRectForContentRect:content_frame styleMask:[win styleMask]]; int titlebar_height = wm_frame.size.height - content_frame.size.height; // move cocoa window into position relative to the toplevel window NSRect view_frame = [[cocoa_window contentView] frame]; view_frame.origin.x = content_frame.origin.x; view_frame.origin.y = content_frame.origin.y; [cocoa_window setFrame:view_frame display:NO]; /* make top level window big enough to hold cocoa window and titlebar */ content_frame.size.width = view_frame.size.width; content_frame.size.height = view_frame.size.height + titlebar_height; [win setFrame:content_frame display:NO]; /* now make cocoa window a child of this top level */ [win addChildWindow:cocoa_window ordered:NSWindowAbove]; [win setLevel:NSFloatingWindowLevel]; [win setHidesOnDeactivate:YES]; cocoa_parented = true; return 0; } void AUPluginUI::on_realize () { VBox::on_realize (); if (au_view) { if (parent_cocoa_window ()) { } } else if (carbon_window) { if (parent_carbon_window ()) { // ShowWindow (carbon_window); } } } void AUPluginUI::on_hide () { // VBox::on_hide (); cerr << "AU plugin window hidden\n"; } bool AUPluginUI::on_map_event (GdkEventAny* ev) { cerr << "AU plugin map event\n"; if (au_view) { show_all (); } else if (carbon_window) { [cocoa_parent setIsVisible:YES]; ShowWindow (carbon_window); } return false; } void AUPluginUI::on_show () { cerr << "AU plugin window shown\n"; VBox::on_show (); if (au_view) { show_all (); } else if (carbon_window) { [cocoa_parent setIsVisible:YES]; ShowWindow (carbon_window); } } bool AUPluginUI::start_updating (GdkEventAny* any) { return false; } bool AUPluginUI::stop_updating (GdkEventAny* any) { return false; } PlugUIBase* create_au_gui (boost::shared_ptr plugin_insert, VBox** box) { AUPluginUI* aup = new AUPluginUI (plugin_insert); (*box) = aup; return aup; } bool AUPluginUI::on_focus_in_event (GdkEventFocus* ev) { cerr << "au plugin focus in\n"; return false; } bool AUPluginUI::on_focus_out_event (GdkEventFocus* ev) { cerr << "au plugin focus out\n"; return false; }