/* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Zheng Da. This file is part of the GNU Hurd. The GNU Hurd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU Hurd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the GNU Hurd; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* This manages the master ports obtained when opening the libmachdev-based translator node. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "device_S.h" #include "notify_S.h" static struct port_bucket *port_bucket; /* Trivfs hooks. */ int trivfs_fstype = FSTYPE_MISC; int trivfs_fsid = 0; int trivfs_support_read = 0; int trivfs_support_write = 0; int trivfs_support_exec = 0; int trivfs_allow_open = O_READ | O_WRITE; /* Our port classes. */ struct port_class *trivfs_protid_class; struct port_class *trivfs_cntl_class; /* Implementation of notify interface */ kern_return_t do_mach_notify_port_deleted (struct port_info *pi, mach_port_t name) { return EOPNOTSUPP; } kern_return_t do_mach_notify_msg_accepted (struct port_info *pi, mach_port_t name) { return EOPNOTSUPP; } kern_return_t do_mach_notify_port_destroyed (struct port_info *pi, mach_port_t port) { return EOPNOTSUPP; } kern_return_t do_mach_notify_no_senders (struct port_info *pi, mach_port_mscount_t mscount) { return ports_do_mach_notify_no_senders (pi, mscount); } kern_return_t do_mach_notify_send_once (struct port_info *pi) { return EOPNOTSUPP; } kern_return_t do_mach_notify_dead_name (struct port_info *pi, mach_port_t name) { return EOPNOTSUPP; } boolean_t machdev_is_master_device (mach_port_t port) { struct port_info *pi = ports_lookup_port (port_bucket, port, trivfs_protid_class); if (pi == NULL) return FALSE; ports_port_deref (pi); return TRUE; } error_t trivfs_append_args (struct trivfs_control *fsys, char **argz, size_t *argz_len) { error_t err = 0; #define ADD_OPT(fmt, args...) \ do { char buf[100]; \ if (! err) { \ snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, fmt , ##args); \ err = argz_add (argz, argz_len, buf); } } while (0) #undef ADD_OPT return err; } int machdev_trivfs_init() { port_bucket = ports_create_bucket (); trivfs_cntl_class = ports_create_class (trivfs_clean_cntl, 0); trivfs_protid_class = ports_create_class (trivfs_clean_protid, 0); return 0; } error_t trivfs_goaway (struct trivfs_control *fsys, int flags) { int count; /* Stop new requests. */ ports_inhibit_class_rpcs (trivfs_cntl_class); ports_inhibit_class_rpcs (trivfs_protid_class); count = ports_count_class (trivfs_protid_class); if (count && !(flags & FSYS_GOAWAY_FORCE)) { /* We won't go away, so start things going again... */ ports_enable_class (trivfs_protid_class); ports_resume_class_rpcs (trivfs_cntl_class); ports_resume_class_rpcs (trivfs_protid_class); return EBUSY; } exit (0); } static int demuxer (mach_msg_header_t *inp, mach_msg_header_t *outp) { mig_routine_t routine; if ((routine = device_server_routine (inp)) || (routine = notify_server_routine (inp)) || (routine = NULL, trivfs_demuxer (inp, outp))) { if (routine) (*routine) (inp, outp); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } void trivfs_modify_stat (struct trivfs_protid *cred, io_statbuf_t *stat) { } void machdev_trivfs_server() { mach_port_t bootstrap; struct trivfs_control *fsys; int err; task_get_bootstrap_port (mach_task_self (), &bootstrap); if (bootstrap == MACH_PORT_NULL) error (1, 0, "must be started as a translator"); /* Reply to our parent. */ err = trivfs_startup (bootstrap, 0, trivfs_cntl_class, port_bucket, trivfs_protid_class, port_bucket, &fsys); mach_port_deallocate (mach_task_self (), bootstrap); if (err) error (1, err, "Contacting parent"); /* Launch. */ do { ports_manage_port_operations_one_thread (port_bucket, demuxer, 0); } while (trivfs_goaway (fsys, 0)); }