/* * Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, 2016, 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * THE FREE SOFTWARE FOUNDATIONALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. THE FREE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef MACH_XEN queue_head_t main_intr_queue; static boolean_t deliver_intr (int id, ipc_port_t dst_port); static user_intr_t * search_intr (struct irqdev *dev, ipc_port_t dst_port) { user_intr_t *e; queue_iterate (dev->intr_queue, e, user_intr_t *, chain) { if (e->dst_port == dst_port) return e; } return NULL; } kern_return_t irq_acknowledge (ipc_port_t receive_port) { user_intr_t *e; kern_return_t ret = 0; spl_t s = splhigh (); e = search_intr (&irqtab, receive_port); if (!e) printf("didn't find user intr for interrupt !?\n"); else { if (!e->n_unacked) ret = D_INVALID_OPERATION; else e->n_unacked--; } splx (s); if (ret) return ret; if (irqtab.irqdev_ack) (*(irqtab.irqdev_ack)) (&irqtab, e->id); __enable_irq (irqtab.irq[e->id]); return D_SUCCESS; } /* This function can only be used in the interrupt handler. */ static void queue_intr (struct irqdev *dev, int id, user_intr_t *e) { /* Until userland has handled the IRQ in the driver, we have to keep it * disabled. Level-triggered interrupts would keep raising otherwise. */ __disable_irq (dev->irq[id]); spl_t s = splhigh (); e->n_unacked++; e->interrupts++; dev->tot_num_intr++; splx (s); thread_wakeup ((event_t) &intr_thread); } int deliver_user_intr (struct irqdev *dev, int id, user_intr_t *e) { /* The reference of the port was increased * when the port was installed. * If the reference is 1, it means the port should * have been destroyed and I destroy it now. */ if (e->dst_port && e->dst_port->ip_references == 1) { printf ("irq handler [%d]: release a dead delivery port %p entry %p\n", id, e->dst_port, e); ipc_port_release (e->dst_port); e->dst_port = MACH_PORT_NULL; thread_wakeup ((event_t) &intr_thread); return 0; } else { queue_intr (dev, id, e); return 1; } } /* insert an interrupt entry in the queue. * This entry exists in the queue until * the corresponding interrupt port is removed.*/ user_intr_t * insert_intr_entry (struct irqdev *dev, int id, ipc_port_t dst_port) { user_intr_t *e, *new, *ret; int free = 0; new = (user_intr_t *) kalloc (sizeof (*new)); if (new == NULL) return NULL; /* check whether the intr entry has been in the queue. */ spl_t s = splhigh (); e = search_intr (dev, dst_port); if (e) { printf ("the interrupt entry for irq[%d] and port %p has already been inserted\n", id, dst_port); free = 1; ret = NULL; goto out; } printf("irq handler [%d]: new delivery port %p entry %p\n", id, dst_port, new); ret = new; new->id = id; new->dst_port = dst_port; new->interrupts = 0; new->n_unacked = 0; queue_enter (dev->intr_queue, new, user_intr_t *, chain); out: splx (s); if (free) kfree ((vm_offset_t) new, sizeof (*new)); return ret; } void intr_thread (void) { user_intr_t *e; int id; ipc_port_t dst_port; queue_init (&main_intr_queue); for (;;) { assert_wait ((event_t) &intr_thread, FALSE); /* Make sure we wake up from times to times to check for aborted processes */ thread_set_timeout (hz); spl_t s = splhigh (); /* Check for aborted processes */ queue_iterate (&main_intr_queue, e, user_intr_t *, chain) { if ((!e->dst_port || e->dst_port->ip_references == 1) && e->n_unacked) { printf ("irq handler [%d]: release dead delivery %d unacked irqs port %p entry %p\n", e->id, e->n_unacked, e->dst_port, e); /* The reference of the port was increased * when the port was installed. * If the reference is 1, it means the port should * have been destroyed and I clear unacked irqs now, so the Linux * handling can trigger, and we will cleanup later after the Linux * handler is cleared. */ /* TODO: rather immediately remove from Linux handler */ while (e->n_unacked) { __enable_irq (irqtab.irq[e->id]); e->n_unacked--; } } } /* Now check for interrupts */ while (irqtab.tot_num_intr) { int del = 0; queue_iterate (&main_intr_queue, e, user_intr_t *, chain) { /* if an entry doesn't have dest port, * we should remove it. */ if (e->dst_port == MACH_PORT_NULL) { clear_wait (current_thread (), 0, 0); del = 1; break; } if (e->interrupts) { clear_wait (current_thread (), 0, 0); id = e->id; dst_port = e->dst_port; e->interrupts--; irqtab.tot_num_intr--; splx (s); deliver_intr (id, dst_port); s = splhigh (); } } /* remove the entry without dest port from the queue and free it. */ if (del) { assert (!queue_empty (&main_intr_queue)); queue_remove (&main_intr_queue, e, user_intr_t *, chain); if (e->n_unacked) printf("irq handler [%d]: still %d unacked irqs in entry %p\n", e->id, e->n_unacked, e); while (e->n_unacked) { __enable_irq (irqtab.irq[e->id]); e->n_unacked--; } printf("irq handler [%d]: removed entry %p\n", e->id, e); splx (s); kfree ((vm_offset_t) e, sizeof (*e)); s = splhigh (); } } splx (s); thread_block (NULL); } } static boolean_t deliver_intr (int id, ipc_port_t dst_port) { ipc_kmsg_t kmsg; device_intr_notification_t *n; mach_port_t dest = (mach_port_t) dst_port; if (dest == MACH_PORT_NULL) return FALSE; kmsg = ikm_alloc(sizeof *n); if (kmsg == IKM_NULL) return FALSE; ikm_init(kmsg, sizeof *n); n = (device_intr_notification_t *) &kmsg->ikm_header; mach_msg_header_t *m = &n->intr_header; mach_msg_type_t *t = &n->intr_type; m->msgh_bits = MACH_MSGH_BITS(MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND, 0); m->msgh_size = sizeof *n; m->msgh_seqno = DEVICE_NOTIFY_MSGH_SEQNO; m->msgh_local_port = MACH_PORT_NULL; m->msgh_remote_port = MACH_PORT_NULL; m->msgh_id = DEVICE_INTR_NOTIFY; t->msgt_name = MACH_MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32; t->msgt_size = 32; t->msgt_number = 1; t->msgt_inline = TRUE; t->msgt_longform = FALSE; t->msgt_deallocate = FALSE; t->msgt_unused = 0; n->intr_header.msgh_remote_port = dest; n->id = id; ipc_port_copy_send (dst_port); ipc_mqueue_send_always(kmsg); return TRUE; } #endif /* MACH_XEN */