/* * DISTRHO Plugin Framework (DPF) * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Filipe Coelho * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with * or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this * permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD * TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN * NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef DGL_IMAGE_WIDGETS_HPP_INCLUDED #define DGL_IMAGE_WIDGETS_HPP_INCLUDED #include "Image.hpp" #include "Widget.hpp" #include "Window.hpp" START_NAMESPACE_DGL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class ImageAboutWindow : public Window, public Widget { public: explicit ImageAboutWindow(Window& parent, const Image& image = Image()); explicit ImageAboutWindow(Widget* widget, const Image& image = Image()); void setImage(const Image& image); protected: void onDisplay() override; bool onKeyboard(const KeyboardEvent&) override; bool onMouse(const MouseEvent&) override; void onReshape(uint width, uint height) override; private: Image fImgBackground; DISTRHO_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR(ImageAboutWindow) }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class ImageButton : public Widget { public: class Callback { public: virtual ~Callback() {} virtual void imageButtonClicked(ImageButton* imageButton, int button) = 0; }; explicit ImageButton(Window& parent, const Image& image); explicit ImageButton(Window& parent, const Image& imageNormal, const Image& imageDown); explicit ImageButton(Window& parent, const Image& imageNormal, const Image& imageHover, const Image& imageDown); explicit ImageButton(Widget* widget, const Image& image); explicit ImageButton(Widget* widget, const Image& imageNormal, const Image& imageDown); explicit ImageButton(Widget* widget, const Image& imageNormal, const Image& imageHover, const Image& imageDown); ~ImageButton() override; void setCallback(Callback* callback) noexcept; protected: void onDisplay() override; bool onMouse(const MouseEvent&) override; bool onMotion(const MotionEvent&) override; private: struct PrivateData; PrivateData* const pData; DISTRHO_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR(ImageButton) }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class ImageKnob : public Widget { public: enum Orientation { Horizontal, Vertical }; class Callback { public: virtual ~Callback() {} virtual void imageKnobDragStarted(ImageKnob* imageKnob) = 0; virtual void imageKnobDragFinished(ImageKnob* imageKnob) = 0; virtual void imageKnobValueChanged(ImageKnob* imageKnob, float value) = 0; }; explicit ImageKnob(Window& parent, const Image& image, Orientation orientation = Vertical) noexcept; explicit ImageKnob(Widget* widget, const Image& image, Orientation orientation = Vertical) noexcept; explicit ImageKnob(const ImageKnob& imageKnob); ImageKnob& operator=(const ImageKnob& imageKnob); ~ImageKnob() override; float getValue() const noexcept; void setDefault(float def) noexcept; void setRange(float min, float max) noexcept; void setStep(float step) noexcept; void setValue(float value, bool sendCallback = false) noexcept; void setUsingLogScale(bool yesNo) noexcept; void setCallback(Callback* callback) noexcept; void setOrientation(Orientation orientation) noexcept; void setRotationAngle(int angle); void setImageLayerCount(uint count) noexcept; protected: void onDisplay() override; bool onMouse(const MouseEvent&) override; bool onMotion(const MotionEvent&) override; bool onScroll(const ScrollEvent&) override; private: Image fImage; float fMinimum; float fMaximum; float fStep; float fValue; float fValueDef; float fValueTmp; bool fUsingDefault; bool fUsingLog; Orientation fOrientation; int fRotationAngle; bool fDragging; int fLastX; int fLastY; Callback* fCallback; bool fIsImgVertical; uint fImgLayerWidth; uint fImgLayerHeight; uint fImgLayerCount; bool fIsReady; GLuint fTextureId; float _logscale(float value) const; float _invlogscale(float value) const; DISTRHO_LEAK_DETECTOR(ImageKnob) }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // note set range and step before setting the value class ImageSlider : public Widget { public: class Callback { public: virtual ~Callback() {} virtual void imageSliderDragStarted(ImageSlider* imageSlider) = 0; virtual void imageSliderDragFinished(ImageSlider* imageSlider) = 0; virtual void imageSliderValueChanged(ImageSlider* imageSlider, float value) = 0; }; explicit ImageSlider(Window& parent, const Image& image) noexcept; explicit ImageSlider(Widget* widget, const Image& image) noexcept; float getValue() const noexcept; void setValue(float value, bool sendCallback = false) noexcept; void setDefault(float def) noexcept; void setStartPos(const Point& startPos) noexcept; void setStartPos(int x, int y) noexcept; void setEndPos(const Point& endPos) noexcept; void setEndPos(int x, int y) noexcept; void setInverted(bool inverted) noexcept; void setRange(float min, float max) noexcept; void setStep(float step) noexcept; void setCallback(Callback* callback) noexcept; protected: void onDisplay() override; bool onMouse(const MouseEvent&) override; bool onMotion(const MotionEvent&) override; private: Image fImage; float fMinimum; float fMaximum; float fStep; float fValue; float fValueDef; float fValueTmp; bool fUsingDefault; bool fDragging; bool fInverted; bool fValueIsSet; int fStartedX; int fStartedY; Callback* fCallback; Point fStartPos; Point fEndPos; Rectangle fSliderArea; void _recheckArea() noexcept; // these should not be used void setAbsoluteX(int) const noexcept {} void setAbsoluteY(int) const noexcept {} void setAbsolutePos(int, int) const noexcept {} void setAbsolutePos(const Point&) const noexcept {} DISTRHO_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR(ImageSlider) }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class ImageSwitch : public Widget { public: class Callback { public: virtual ~Callback() {} virtual void imageSwitchClicked(ImageSwitch* imageSwitch, bool down) = 0; }; explicit ImageSwitch(Window& parent, const Image& imageNormal, const Image& imageDown) noexcept; explicit ImageSwitch(Widget* widget, const Image& imageNormal, const Image& imageDown) noexcept; explicit ImageSwitch(const ImageSwitch& imageSwitch) noexcept; ImageSwitch& operator=(const ImageSwitch& imageSwitch) noexcept; bool isDown() const noexcept; void setDown(bool down) noexcept; void setCallback(Callback* callback) noexcept; protected: void onDisplay() override; bool onMouse(const MouseEvent&) override; private: Image fImageNormal; Image fImageDown; bool fIsDown; Callback* fCallback; DISTRHO_LEAK_DETECTOR(ImageSwitch) }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- END_NAMESPACE_DGL #endif // DGL_IMAGE_WIDGETS_HPP_INCLUDED