ardour { ["type"] = "EditorAction", name = "Channel Strip Setup", license = "MIT", author = "Ardour Team", description = [[Add Compressor and EQ plugin to every selected track and if a bus name 'Reverb' exists post-fader reverb send]] } function factory (params) return function () -- helper functions function plugin_uri (proc) return proc:to_plugininsert():plugin(0):get_info().unique_id end function add_lv2_plugin (route, pluginname, position) local p = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.new_plugin (Session, pluginname, ARDOUR.PluginType.LV2, "") if not p:isnil () then route:add_processor_by_index (p, position, nil, true) end end function test_send_dest (send, route) local intsend = send:to_internalsend() if intsend:isnil () then return false end return intsend:target_route () == route end -- Test if there is a Bus named "Reverb" local reverb_bus = Session:route_by_name ("Reverb") if reverb_bus:isnil () or not reverb_bus:to_track ():isnil () then reverb_bus = nil; end -- Iterate over all selected Track/Bus -- local sel = Editor:get_selection () for route in sel.tracks:routelist ():iter () do local have_eq = false local comp_pos = 0 local add_send = false -- skip master-bus if route:is_master() then goto next end -- iterate over all plugins on the route, -- check if a a-eq or a-comp is already present local i = 0; repeat local proc = route:nth_plugin (i) -- get Nth Ardour::Processor if (not proc:isnil()) and plugin_uri (proc) == "urn:ardour:a-eq" then have_eq = true; end if (not proc:isnil()) and (plugin_uri (proc) == "urn:ardour:a-comp" or plugin_uri (proc) == "urn:ardour:a-comp#stereo") then comp_pos = i + 1; -- remember position of compressor end i = i + 1 until proc:isnil() -- check if there is a send to the reverb bus if reverb_bus then add_send = true; i = 0; repeat local send = route:nth_send (i) -- get Nth Ardour::Send if not send:isnil() and test_send_dest (send, reverb_bus) then add_send = false end i = i + 1 until send:isnil() end -- plugins are inserted at the top (pos = 0). -- So they have to be added in reverse order: -- If the compressor is not yet present (comp_pos == 0), -- first add the EQ, and then the compressor before the EQ. -- Otherwise add the EQ after the compressor. if not have_eq then add_lv2_plugin (route, "urn:ardour:a-eq", comp_pos) end if comp_pos == 0 then if route:n_inputs ():n_audio () == 2 then add_lv2_plugin (route, "urn:ardour:a-comp#stereo", 0) else add_lv2_plugin (route, "urn:ardour:a-comp", 0) end end --add send to reverb bus, post-fader, just before the track's mains output. if add_send then Session:add_internal_send (reverb_bus, route:main_outs (), route) end ::next:: end end end function icon (params) return function (ctx, width, height, fg) function rnd (x) return math.floor (x + 0.5) end local wc = rnd (width * 0.5) - 0.5 local wl = wc - math.floor (width * .25) local wr = wc + math.floor (width * .25) local h0 = height * 0.2 local h1 = height * 0.8 local fw = math.floor (width * .1) local fl = rnd (height * .35) - 1 local fc = rnd (height * .65) - 1 local fr = rnd (height * .45) - 1 ctx:set_source_rgba (ARDOUR.LuaAPI.color_to_rgba (fg)) ctx:set_line_width (1) ctx:move_to (wl, h0) ctx:line_to (wl, h1) ctx:move_to (wc, h0) ctx:line_to (wc, h1) ctx:move_to (wr, h0) ctx:line_to (wr, h1) ctx:stroke () ctx:set_line_width (2) ctx:move_to (wl - fw, fl) ctx:line_to (wl + fw, fl) ctx:move_to (wc - fw, fc) ctx:line_to (wc + fw, fc) ctx:move_to (wr - fw, fr) ctx:line_to (wr + fw, fr) ctx:stroke () end end