Ardour Lua Scripts ================== For upstream script addition, please file a pull-request at Script Naming conventions: ^_ A script filename with a leading underscore indicates an example script. These scripts are only available from ardour's git repository and not installed nor included with binary bundles. ^__ Scripts with a filename starting with two underscores are excluded from unit-tests. This is currently the case for convolver, fluidsynth and plugin-modulation. They depend on external files (soundfont, impulse-response) or a specific session-setup (plugin-modulation needs an automatable plugin). ^s_ A filename beginning with "s_" indicates a code snippet. These scripts can only be used in the interactive interpreter (Window > Scripting). They may be useful by themselves or handy for copy/edit to create EditorActions. The filename prefix is only for convenience, "type" = "Snippet" is used when scripts are listed at runtime. ^_-*.lua git ignores those. Intended for local/custom dev scripts or work in progress.