ardour { ["type"] = "EditorAction", name = "Reset Mixer", author = "Ben Loftis, Nikolaus Gullotta", description = [[Resets key Mixer settings after user-prompt (warning: this cannot be undone)]] } function factory() return function() local dlg = { { type = "label", align ="left", colspan="3", title = "Select the items to reset:" }, { type = "checkbox", key = "fader", default = true, title = "Fader" }, { type = "checkbox", key = "mute", default = true, title = "Mute" }, { type = "checkbox", key = "trim", default = true, title = "Trim + Phase" }, { type = "checkbox", key = "plug", default = true, title = "Plug-ins" }, { type = "checkbox", key = "dest", default = false, title = "Remove plug-ins instead of bypassing?" }, { type = "label", colspan="3", title = "" }, { type = "label", colspan="3", title = "Note that this is a script which can be user-edited to match your needs." }, { type = "label", colspan="3", title = "" }, } local pref = LuaDialog.Dialog("Reset Mixer", dlg):run() if not(pref) then goto end_script end assert(pref, 'Dialog box was cancelled or is ' .. type(pref)) Session:cancel_all_solo() -- loop over all tracks for t in Session:get_routes():iter() do if not t:is_monitor() and not t:is_auditioner() then --zero the fader and input trim if pref["fader"] then t:gain_control():set_value(1, 1) end if pref["trim"] then t:trim_control():set_value(1, 1) t:phase_control():set_value(0, 1) end if pref["mute"] then t:mute_control():set_value(0, 1) end if not(t:pan_azimuth_control():isnil()) then if pref["pan"] then t:pan_azimuth_control():set_value(0.5, 1) end end i = 0 local proc = t:nth_processor (i) local queue = {} local protected = { "recorder", "latcomp-", "player", "Polarity", "Trim", "Fader", "meter-", "main outs", "Monitor", } repeat local name = proc:display_name() --check if processor is foreign to us protected_proc = false for _, v in pairs(protected) do if string.find(name, v) then --processor is not foreign to us protected_proc = true end end if not(protected_proc) and proc:display_to_user() then print(name) queue[#queue + 1] = proc end i = i + 1 proc = t:nth_processor(i) until proc:isnil() for p = 1, #queue do if pref['plug'] then if not(pref["dest"]) then queue[p]:deactivate() else t:remove_processor(queue[p], nil, true) end end end end end ::end_script:: collectgarbage() end end