ardour { ["type"] = "EditorAction", name = "Create Drum Tracks", author = "PSmith", description = [[Creates 8 new tracks with representative names and colors.]] } function factory () return function () local names = { "Kick", "Snare", "Hat", "Fl Tom", "OH L", "OH R", "Room 1", "Room 2" } local color = 0xff8800ff --orange local i = 1 while names[i] do local tl = Session:new_audio_track (1, 2, nil, 1, names[i], ARDOUR.PresentationInfo.max_order, ARDOUR.TrackMode.Normal) for track in tl:iter () do track:presentation_info_ptr ():set_color (color) end i = i + 1 end --foreach track end end -- function factory