ardour { ["type"] = "Snippet", name = "Readable Test" } function factory () return function () local file = "/tmp/reverbs/Large Wide Echo Hall.wav" local rl = ARDOUR.Readable.load (Session, file) local cmem = ARDOUR.DSP.DspShm (8192) local d = cmem:to_float (0):array() for i = 1, 8192 do d[i] = 0 end d[1] = .5 local ar = ARDOUR.AudioRom.new_rom (cmem:to_float (0), 8192) rl:push_back (ar) local c = 1 for rd in rl:iter () do local n_samples = rd:readable_length () assert (rd:n_channels () == 1) local peak = 0 local pos = 0 repeat -- read at most 8K samples starting at 'pos' local s = rd:read (cmem:to_float (0), pos, 8192, 0) pos = pos + s -- access the raw audio data -- local d = cmem:to_float (0):array() -- iterate over the audio sample data for i = 0, s do if math.abs (d[i]) > peak then peak = math.abs (d[i]) end end until s < 8192 assert (pos == n_samples) if (peak > 0) then print ("File:", file, "channel", c, "peak:", 20 * math.log (peak) / math.log(10), "dBFS") else print ("File:", file, "channel", c, " is silent") end c = c + 1; end end end