/* Copyright (C) 2006 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include "pbd/enumwriter.h" #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/compose.h" using namespace std; using namespace PBD; #include "i18n.h" EnumWriter* EnumWriter::_instance = 0; map EnumWriter::hack_table; static int nocase_cmp(const string & s1, const string& s2) { string::const_iterator it1 = s1.begin(); string::const_iterator it2 = s2.begin(); while ((it1 != s1.end()) && (it2 != s2.end())) { if(::toupper(*it1) != ::toupper(*it2)) {//letters differ? // return -1 to indicate 'smaller than', 1 otherwise return (::toupper(*it1) < ::toupper(*it2)) ? -1 : 1; } ++it1; ++it2; } string::size_type size1 = s1.size(); string::size_type size2 = s2.size(); //return -1,0 or 1 according to strings' lengths if (size1 == size2) { return 0; } return (size1 < size2) ? -1 : 1; } EnumWriter& EnumWriter::instance() { if (_instance == 0) { _instance = new EnumWriter; } return *_instance; } void EnumWriter::destroy () { delete _instance; _instance = 0; } EnumWriter::EnumWriter () { } EnumWriter::~EnumWriter () { } void EnumWriter::register_distinct (string type, vector v, vector s) { pair newpair; pair result; newpair.first = type; newpair.second = EnumRegistration (v, s, false); result = registry.insert (newpair); if (!result.second) { warning << string_compose (_("enum type \"%1\" already registered with the enum writer"), type) << endmsg; } } void EnumWriter::register_bits (string type, vector v, vector s) { pair newpair; pair result; newpair.first = type; newpair.second = EnumRegistration (v, s, true); result = registry.insert (newpair); if (!result.second) { warning << _("enum type \"%1\" already registered with the enum writer") << endmsg; } } string EnumWriter::write (string type, int value) { Registry::iterator x = registry.find (type); if (x == registry.end()) { error << string_compose (_("EnumWriter: unknown enumeration type \"%1\""), type) << endmsg; throw unknown_enumeration (type); } if (x->second.bitwise) { return write_bits (x->second, value); } else { return write_distinct (x->second, value); } } int EnumWriter::read (string type, string value) { Registry::iterator x = registry.find (type); if (x == registry.end()) { error << string_compose (_("EnumWriter: unknown enumeration type \"%1\""), type) << endmsg; throw unknown_enumeration (type); } if (x->second.bitwise) { return read_bits (x->second, value); } else { return read_distinct (x->second, value); } } string EnumWriter::write_bits (EnumRegistration& er, int value) { vector::iterator i; vector::iterator s; string result; for (i = er.values.begin(), s = er.names.begin(); i != er.values.end(); ++i, ++s) { if (value & (*i)) { if (!result.empty()) { result += ','; } result += (*s); } } return result; } string EnumWriter::write_distinct (EnumRegistration& er, int value) { vector::iterator i; vector::iterator s; for (i = er.values.begin(), s = er.names.begin(); i != er.values.end(); ++i, ++s) { if (value == (*i)) { return (*s); } } return string(); } int EnumWriter::validate (EnumRegistration& er, int val) { if (er.values.empty()) { return val; } if (val == 0) { /* zero is always a legal value for our enumerations, just about */ return val; } vector::iterator i; string enum_name = _("unknown enumeration"); for (Registry::iterator x = registry.begin(); x != registry.end(); ++x) { if (&er == &(*x).second) { enum_name = (*x).first; } } for (i = er.values.begin(); i != er.values.end(); ++i) { if (*i == val) { return val; } } warning << string_compose (_("Illegal value loaded for %1 (%2) - %3 used instead"), enum_name, val, er.names.front()) << endmsg; return er.values.front(); } int EnumWriter::read_bits (EnumRegistration& er, string str) { vector::iterator i; vector::iterator s; int result = 0; bool found = false; string::size_type comma; /* catch old-style hex numerics */ if (str.length() > 2 && str[0] == '0' && str[1] == 'x') { int val = strtol (str.c_str(), (char **) 0, 16); return validate (er, val); } /* catch old style dec numerics */ if (strspn (str.c_str(), "0123456789") == str.length()) { int val = strtol (str.c_str(), (char **) 0, 10); return validate (er, val); } do { comma = str.find_first_of (','); string segment = str.substr (0, comma); for (i = er.values.begin(), s = er.names.begin(); i != er.values.end(); ++i, ++s) { if (segment == *s || nocase_cmp (segment, *s) == 0) { result |= (*i); found = true; } } if (comma == string::npos) { break; } str = str.substr (comma+1); } while (true); if (!found) { throw unknown_enumeration (str); } return result; } int EnumWriter::read_distinct (EnumRegistration& er, string str) { vector::iterator i; vector::iterator s; /* first, check to see if there a hack for the name we're looking up */ map::iterator x; if ((x = hack_table.find (str)) != hack_table.end()) { cerr << "found hack for " << str << " = " << x->second << endl; str = x->second; for (i = er.values.begin(), s = er.names.begin(); i != er.values.end(); ++i, ++s) { if (str == (*s) || nocase_cmp (str, *s) == 0) { return (*i); } } } /* catch old-style hex numerics */ if (str.length() > 2 && str[0] == '0' && str[1] == 'x') { int val = strtol (str.c_str(), (char **) 0, 16); return validate (er, val); } /* catch old style dec numerics */ if (strspn (str.c_str(), "0123456789") == str.length()) { int val = strtol (str.c_str(), (char **) 0, 10); return validate (er, val); } for (i = er.values.begin(), s = er.names.begin(); i != er.values.end(); ++i, ++s) { if (str == (*s) || nocase_cmp (str, *s) == 0) { return (*i); } } throw unknown_enumeration(str); } void EnumWriter::add_to_hack_table (string str, string hacked) { hack_table[str] = hacked; }