2.10.0: 2005-02-07 Cedric Gustin * build_shared/Makefile_build.am_fragment: added a few LDFLAGS for win32 DLLs (defined in win32_dlls_ldflags and appended to common_ldflags). 2005-02-07 Michael Hofmann * configure.in: Added test of win32 platform and support for MS-style bit alignment. 2005-02-02 Bradley Bell * libgnomecanvasmm/src/item.ccg: item_construct(): Use an extra helper function to create an empty va_list, instead of passing 0 to gnome_canvas_item_construct(). Needed by the alpha platform. Bug # 136930. 2.8.0: 2004-09-12 Murray Cumming * Increased version for GNOME 2.8 release version. 2.6.1: 2004-05-01 Takashi Takekawa * libgnomecanvas/libgnomecanvas.[h,cc] (GNOMEMM_PROPERTY, GNOMEMM_PROPERTY_IMPL): fixed doubled '>' when T is a template class, for the Intel compiler. * libgnomecanvas/src/line.hg: deleted unnecessary namespace qualification, for the Intel compiler. 2.6.0: 2004-04-12 Bryan Forbes * tools/extra_defs_gen/Makefile.am: link against the 2.4 release of glibmm. 2.5.2: 2004-04-07 Bryan Forbes * libgnomecanvas/src/canvas.hg: changed from using GdkRgbDither to Gdk::RgbDither. * libgnomecanvas/src/item.hg: changed from using GdkDrawable* to const Glib::RefPtr&. * libgnomecanvas/src/text.hg: changed all C Pango properties to their C++ counterparts. 2004-02-07 Alexander Nedotsukov * Fixed m4 files installation directory missed after 2.0 -> 2.6 change. 2.5.1: 2004-02-13 Murray Cumming * Use the new libsigc++ 2 syntax. 2003-12-21 Eric Bourque * libgnomecanvasmm.spec.in: fixed dependency to gtkmm2 instead of gtkmm 2003-12-19 Murray Cumming * libgnomecanvas/src/widget.hg: Use a Gtk::Widget* instead of a Gtk::Widget for the widget property. 2.5.0: 2003-11-03 Murray Cumming * This is now libgnomecanvasmm 2.5, which will become libgnomecanvasmm 2.6. This is on HEAD, and libgnomecanvasmm 2.0 is on the gnome-2-4 branch. This uses gtkmm 2.4 and is parallel-installable. 2003-09-25 Eric Bourque * libgnomecanvasmm.spec.in: updated for libgnomecanvasmm-2.0 2.0.1: 2003-08-22 Murray Cumming * examples/Makefile.am: Fixed the distcheck. 2003-07-21 Murray Cumming * libgnomecanvas/src/canvas.hg: Use the new GMMPROC_PROTECTED_GCLASS macro on the Canvas class so that the CanvasAA class can access canvas_class_. * libgnomecanvas/src/canvas.ccg: Rewrite the CanvasAA constructor to use the new (and working) gtkmm2-style construction construction. Fixes bug #107686. * configure.in: Now requires gtkmm 2.2.5, which has the new macro. 2.0.0: 2002-12-10 Bradley Bell * scripts/Makefile.am: distribute macros.m4 2002-12-10 Andreas Holzmann * Properties: Files renamed to be more conform with the rest, moved implementation from header into implementation file, some typos fixed, some properties added. 2002-12-09 Andreas Holzmann * libgnomecanvas/src/rich-text.[ccg|hg]: Replaced void get_iter_at_location(const Gtk::TextIter&, int, int) with iterator get_iter_at_location(int, int) const to be more conform with Gtkmm iterator methods. * libgnomecanvas/src/canvas.[ccg|hg]: The following methods are now const: root(), get_scroll_region(), get_center_scroll_region(), w2c(), and get_color() * libgnomecanvas/libgnomecanvasmm/affinetrans.[cc,h]: Changed bool operator==(AffineTrans&) to bool operator==(const AffineTrans&) const * demos/primitives.cc: Fixed pack_start() Gtk::AttachOptions. * examples/Makefile.am_fragment: Was missing in CVS (I took it from the release candidate). * libgnomecanvas/src/libgnomecanvas_docs_override.xml: Was missing in CVS (I took it from the release candidate). 2002-12-09 Murray Cumming * libgnomecanvas/*.pc.in: Changed LIBS from 1.3 to 2.0. 2002-12-09 Murray Cumming * Merging C docs: Added libgnomecavas/src/libgnomecavas_docs.xml and libgnomecanvas_docs_override.xml, and added --mergecdocs to build_shared/Makefile_gensrc.am_fragment * examples: Created separated directories for each example, with each Makefile.am including examples/Makefile.am_fragment, like the other *mm projects. Unlike the other projects, the examples build as part of the main build, because there aren't many. 2002-12-09 Murray Cumming * Increased version to 2.0.0, renamed library from 1.3 to 2.0. 1.3.11: 2002-09-28 Owen Stenseth * demos/primitives.cc: Set center_scroll_region to false as the libgnomecanvas demo does. 1.3.10: 2002-08-15 ERDI Gergo * libgnomecanvas/libgnomecanvasmm/canvas-property.cc (Property::set_value_in_object): Clear color property if input string is "" (Property): Moved implementation to .cc file 1.3.9: 2002-08-08 ERDI Gergo * libgnomecanvas/src/shape.hg: * libgnomecanvas/src/line.hg: * libgnomecanvas/src/text.hg: * libgnomecanvas/libgnomecanvasmm/canvas-property.h: Changed stipple properties to use correct Gdk::Bitmap param type instead of Gdk::Pixmap and Gdk::Drawable 2002-07-25 Michael Babcock * libgnomecanvas/libgnomecanvasmm/point.cc: gobj(): Avoid infinite recursion. 2002-07-24 Erwin J. van Eijk * examples/canvas/canvas_events.cc: One of the examples, canvas_events caused an infinite recursion to occur. I've patched canvas_events to be more like canvas.cc, and not to cause the recursion. 2002-07-19 Murray Cumming * Updated examples for latest gtkmm pack_start() method. 1.3.8: 2002-07-16 Murray Cumming * Rebuilt for latest gtkmm. 1.3.7: 2002-06-23 Murray Cumming * Rebuilt for latest gtkmm. 1.3.6: 2002-06-11 Andreas Holzmann * libgnomecanvas/libgnomecanvasmm.h: Add missing include (#84704, reported by abes@memlab1.ccs.brandeis.edu) 2002-06-02 Daniel Elstner * libgnomecanvas/src/pixbuf.hg (property_pixbuf): Change the property type to Glib::RefPtr. (Reported by Ole Laursen .) 2002-05-14 Daniel Elstner * libgnomecanvas/src/line.hg (Canvas::Points::is_null): Remove 'virtual' keyword. There is no need for is_null() to be virtual, and gcc-3.1 issues a warning because the dtor isn't virtual too. * libgnomecanvas/libgnomecanvasmm/affinetrans.cc: Remove default method arguments from the implementation prototype -- gcc-3.1 doesn't like them at all. Also, remove the now unnecessary cast to std::string in operator<<(). 2002-05-14 Andreas Holzmann * demos/*.cc: Use new Gtk::Box::pack_start() API. * configure.in: Require gtkmm version 1.3.14. Require libgnomecanvas version 1.113 because of function set_center_scroll_region(). 2002-05-07 Andreas Holzmann * demos/canvas.cc: Use new Gtk::Notebook API. * libgnomecanvas/src/line.[ccg|hg]: Add Glib::Value<> specialization for Points class. * configure.in: Require gtkmm version 1.3.13. 1.3.5: 2002-04-23 Murray Cumming * generated sources are now distributed. The am_fragments in build_files are now abstracted for all Gnome::Something libraries, so I can now just copy them into the other libraries. 1.3.4: 2002-04-04 Andreas Holzmann * Use new Glib::Value and Glib::PropertyProxy implementation. * Use new namespace enums. 2002-04-01 Murray Cumming * Use new _DEFS() format in *.hg. 2002-03-27 Murray Cumming * PathDef: Use new _CLASS_OPAQUE_REFCOUNTED macro instead of _CLASS_BOXEDTYPE. 2002-03-17 Murray Cumming * Added BoxedType-like methods to Gnome::Points, so that it can be used for Properties. 2002-03-16 Murary Cumming * Gnome::Art::AffineTrans and Gnome::Art::Point obj() methods renamed to gobj(), to conform to match everything else. 2002-03-15 Andreas Holzmann * libgnomecanvas/src/canvas.[hg|ccg] (set_center_scroll_region, get_center_scroll_region): New functions wrapped. * libgnomecanvas/src/bpath.[hg|ccg]: New wrapper for GnomeCanvasBpath. * libgnomecanvas/src/path-def.[hg|ccg]: New wrapper for GnomeCanvasPathDef. * demos/*: Missing curve demos added. More conform to coding standards. 1.3.3: 2002-03-10 Murray Cumming * Changed signal args to C++ types. 2002-02-24 Murray Cumming * Renamed canvas-*.[h.cc] to *.[h.cc]. They were previously prefixed by canvas- to make things clearer when they were part of libgnomeui. This means you should probably manually delete any installed libgnomecanvasmm headers or make uninstall a previous version. 2002-02-24 Andreas Holzmann * docs/reference generation fixed * libgnomecanvas/src/canvas.[hg|ccg]: + Antialiased canvas constructor fixed + aa property changed from gulong to bool * libgnomecanvas/src/pixbuf.[hg|ccg]: implemented * libgnomecanvas/src/rich-text.[hg|ccg]: implemented * Added demo, based on the C demo - needs some more classes to be implemented. 1.3.2: 2002-02-20 Murray Cumming * Wrapped remaining methods and signals in Canvas and Item. * Art::Affine(const double[6]) constructor is now explicit, and the arg is const, with a fixed array size. * Increased version number. 2002-02-17 Murray Cumming * Removed an if{} check from init(). This would have prevented Gnome::Canvas::init() or Gnome::Conf::init() from working after one of them had run first. 2002-02-15 Murray Cumming * Added GnomeCanvasShape wrapper, and corrected RectEllpise and Polygon to inherit from it. 2002-02-15 Andreas Holzmann * Fixed name and description in the pkg-config file. * Uncommented Canvas::get_item_at(). Don't know why it was commented. Release 1:3.1: vfuncs.defs parsing problems solved. Updated for latest gtkmm Release 1.3.0: 2002-01-08 Murray Cumming * canvas-properties.[h|c]: Properly implemented the shared streams-based properties, using the gtkmm2 PropertyProxy* templates, and put them in the Gnome::Canvas::Properties namespace instead of Gnome::CanvasHelpers. I think that the implementation is much clearer than before. We probably need to review the properties in case any streams-based properties need to be added. 2002-01-05 Murray Cumming * Change properties to normal gtkmm-1.3 properties. The streams-based shared property objects need more work so they can deal with BoxedType and Glib::Object properties. However, this streams stuff is separate from normal property proxies. 2002-01-04 Murray Cumming * Canvas::CanvasGroup, Canvas::CanvasItem, etc are now Canvas::Group, Canvas::Item, etc. Canvas::RE is now Canvas::RectEllipse. 2002-01-03 Murray Cumming * Moved things into the Gnome::Canvas namespace. We might want to rename things such as Gnome::Canvas::CanvasGroup to Gnome::Canvas::Group. 2002-01-02 ERDI Gergo * libgnomecanvas/src/canvas-text.hg: * libgnomecanvas/src/canvas-polygon.hg: * libgnomecanvas/src/canvas-line.hg: Use Gdk::Bitmaps instead of Gdk::Pixmaps for stipples 2001-12-15 Murray Cumming * Committed Paul Davis's first patch to properly wrap the old CanvasItem 'signals' as vfuncs, using his hand-written libgnomecanvas_vfuncs.defs. He also fixed the canvas/canvas example, which now runs. * Fixed libgnomecanvasmm.h and added Gnome::canvas_init() which should be used before Gtk::Main, if you are not using libgnomeuimm and Gnome::Main. 2001-12-12 Murray Cumming * Changed build files to use -I instead of --m4 with gtkmmproc, as needed by the latest gtkmm-1.3. The new gtkmmproc doesn't seem to be picking up the libgnomecanvasmm conversions so I had to comment out a _MEMBER_GET in CanvasItem. 2001-12-11 Murray Cumming * Gnome::wrap_init() is now Gnome::canvas_wrap_init() to avoid a clash with other wrap_init() functions. This requires the latest gtkmm-1.3. 2001-12-04 Murray Cumming * Created libgnomecanvasmm for libgnomeui in GNOME2. The following notes are from gnome-- 1.2.x, which previously contained the GnomeCanvas wrappers: Release 1.2.2 * Gnome::UI::Help fixed: This should be added to the Help menu to automatically add items from the topics.dat file. (Murray Cumming) * gnome-hello example: The About box is now closed and deleted when [Close] is clicked (Murray Cumming) Release 1.2.1 * App::create_toolbars fixed to use member UI::Array. This allows access to the widgets, as well as properly managing memory for the UI Items. - menu example modified to demonstrate disabling of menu item widgets. (Murray Cumming) * configure.in: Don't add -I$prefix/include to GNOMEMM_INCLUDEDIR if $prefix=/usr. -I/usr/include should never be used because it overrides the order of gcc's implicit include path. gtkmm-config.in has been corrected too. (Daniel Elstner) * Dialog, MessageBox, PropertyBox: Added extra documentation so people know that these are not self-destructed when run() or run_and_close() returns. (Murray Cumming) Release 1.2.0 * Canvas example: Added example.png to test CanvasImage. Items are now deleted in the destructor. (Murray Cumming) * Reference Documentation: Location of perl not hardcoded. (Cedric Gustin) * Some gcc 3.0 std namespace fixes. (Claudio Bley) Release 1.1.21 * CanvasText: set_font(const GdkFont&) conversion fixed and set_font(const string&) added. (Murray Cumming) * CanvasItem: event signal marshalled again. We lost this fix sometime after 1.1.17. (Gergõ Érdi) * Uncommented the CanvasHelper::anchor property, adding the necessary gtkpacker.h #include. (Murray Cumming) * Fixed CanvasHelpers::font for Gdk_Font input and added a string constructor. (Murray Cumming) * Added CanvasText::set_fontset(). (Murray Cumming) Release 1.1.20 Unofficial, with some 1.1.21 changes. Release 1.1.19 * canvas-property.h is installed. (Murray Cumming) Release 1.1.18 * Namespace and other fixes for gcc 3. (Murray Cumming and Joe Yandle) * New Canvas API (KEN) Adds streams-style interface. See examples. * MDIChild: Comments in code. Implemented set_config_string(), remove_view(), and set_active(). (Murray Cumming) Release 1.1.17 * Improved configure checks for Gtkmm and libsigc++. (Eric Bourque) * App: create_menus() and create_toolbar() now return UI::Array<>s that provide the widget pointers. Added insert_menus() and remove_menus(). Added menu example, to demonstrate access to menu item widgets and insert_menus(). (Murray Cumming) * Added Gnome::Pixmap::find_file() as wrapper for gnome_pixmap_file(). (Murray Cumming) * CanvasItem::event()'s propagation can be stopped by returning TRUE in signal handler (Gergõ Érdi) Release 1.1.16 * Fixed AppBar default constructor. (Murray Cumming) * Improved Point and AffineTrans wrappers. Put them in their own point.h/.cc and affinetrans.h/.cc files, in the Gnome::Art namespace. (Agustin Ferrin Pozuelo) * Added canvas_events example. (Agustin Ferrin Pozuelo) * Added canvas_affine example. (Agustin Ferrin Pozuelo) * configure: fixed check for perl. (Agustin Ferrin Pozuelo) * IconList: Removed default constructor. Fixed signals. Added selection() method, with SelectionList. Added examples. (Andreas Holzmann) * Canvas, CanvasItem: Changed some pointer args to references (Andreas Holzmann). * AM_PATH_GNOMEMM() macro installed. (Agustin Ferrin Pozuelo) Release 1.1.15 * Changed AffineTrans::operator[] to return reference. (Falk Hueffner) * Examples now quit when close button is clicked, instead of just hiding their windows. (Murray Cumming) * Fixed Clock constructor problems, and added demo. (Murray Cumming) * CanvasItem sub-classes: - Removed default constructors - there's nothing in libgnomeui for these. - IconTextItem (icon-item.gen_h): Constructors are now like other CanvasItems. (Murray Cumming) * Fixed Druid constructor problems, and added demo. (Murray Cumming) * Fixed MessageBox constructor problems, and added demo. (Murray Cumming) * Fixed Dialog self-destruct by correcting close signal wrapping. (Karl Nelson) * Dialogs (and sub-classes) now use close_hides() as default, to prevent self-destruction. (Murray Cumming) * Reference documentation now builds (Murray Cumming) * Fixes to app-helper to allow Slot1 and Slot0 on UI::Info items. (Karl Nelson) ================================================================== Release 1.1.14 ? ================================================================== Release 1.1.13 * Static string problem on initialization * gcc 2.96 fixes. ================================================================== Release 1.1.12 * Massive cleanup of internals (Murray Cumming) * Animator and demo (Murray Cumming) * HRef (Murray Cumming) * Fixes to UIInfo (Murray Cumming) * added add_button to dialog (Murray Cumming) * cleanups of types to match GNOME * Canvas fixes (Sebastian Rittau) * MDI fixes (Manuel Clos and Sebastian Rittau) * Complete demo for MDI (Manuel Clos) * Added radio items (Karl) * Improved UIInfo conversions (Karl) * Demos for UIInfo (Karl) * STL name cleanups (Karl)