Changes between glibmm 2.2 (previously part of gtkmm) and glibmm 2.4: * glibmm is now a separate module, for use with non-GUI software. (Note that glibmm 2.4 and gtkmm 2.4 install in parallel with gtkmm 2.2 - so you can install and use both simultaneously and port to 2.4 whenever you are ready.) * glibmm now uses libsigc++ 2 rather than libsigc++ 1.2. There is a libsigc++ compatibility header. The new, undeprecated, API is slightly improved. - Connecting signal handlers: signal_something().connect( SigC::slot(*this, &Something::on_something) ); should become signal_something().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Something::on_something) ); or, for non-member methods: signal_something().connect( sigc::ptr_fun(&Something::on_something) ); - Binding extra parameters: SigC::bind(...) should become sigc::bind(...) - Declaring signals: SigC::Signal1 should become sigc::signal - Declaring slots: SigC::Slot1 should become sigc::slot - Inheriting from the libsigc++ base class: class Something : public SigC::Object should become class Something : public sigc::trackable