# -*- python -*- import os import os.path import sys import glob fst_src = glob.glob('*.c') Import('env install_prefix') fst = env.Copy(CC="winegcc") fst.Append (CPPPATH=".") hackSDK = fst.Command('vst/aeffectx.h', 'vstsdk2.3/source/common/aeffectx.h', [ Delete ('${TARGET.dir}'), Copy ('${TARGET.dir}', '${SOURCE.dir}'), "sed -i '/struct VstFileType\|struct VstFileSelect/,/};/d' $TARGET" ]) a = fst.Object ('fst', 'fst.c') b = fst.Object ('fstinfofile', 'fstinfofile.c') c = fst.Object ('vstwin', 'vstwin.c') d = fst.Object ('vsti', 'vsti.c') if fst['VST']: if os.access ('vst/aeffectx.h', os.F_OK): Default([hackSDK,a,b,c,d]) else: print 'You have not installed the VST SDK in the correct location.' print 'Please see http://ardour.org/building_vst_support for more information' sys.exit (1) env.Alias('tarball', env.Distribute (env['DISTTREE'], fst_src + ['SConscript', 'fst.h', 'jackvst.h' ] ))