/* Copyright (C) 2014 Paul Davis Author: David Robillard This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include "ardour/transform.h" #include "ardour/midi_model.h" namespace ARDOUR { Transform::Transform(const Program& prog) : _prog(prog) {} Variant Transform::Context::pop() { if (stack.empty()) { return Variant(); } const Variant top = stack.top(); stack.pop(); return top; } Variant Transform::Value::eval(const Context& ctx) const { switch (source) { case NOWHERE: return Variant(); case THIS_NOTE: return MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::get_value(ctx.this_note, prop); case PREV_NOTE: if (!ctx.prev_note) { return Variant(); } return MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::get_value(ctx.prev_note, prop); case INDEX: return Variant(Variant::INT, ctx.index); case N_NOTES: return Variant(Variant::INT, ctx.n_notes); case LITERAL: return value; case RANDOM: return Variant(g_random_double()); } return Variant(); } void Transform::Operation::eval(Context& ctx) const { if (op == PUSH) { const Variant a = arg.eval(ctx); if (!!a) { /* Argument evaluated to a value, push it to the stack. Otherwise, there was a reference to the previous note, but this is the first, so skip this operation and do nothing. */ ctx.stack.push(a); } return; } // Pop operands off the stack const Variant rhs = ctx.pop(); const Variant lhs = ctx.pop(); if (!lhs || !rhs) { // Stack underflow (probably previous note reference), do nothing return; } // We can get away with just using double math and converting twice double value = lhs.to_double(); switch (op) { case ADD: value += rhs.to_double(); break; case SUB: value -= rhs.to_double(); break; case MULT: value *= rhs.to_double(); break; case DIV: if (rhs.to_double() == 0.0) { return; // Program will fail safely } value /= rhs.to_double(); break; default: break; } // Push result on to the stack ctx.stack.push(Variant(lhs.type(), value)); } Command* Transform::operator()(boost::shared_ptr model, Evoral::MusicalTime position, std::vector& seqs) { typedef MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand Command; Command* cmd = new Command(model, name()); for (std::vector::iterator s = seqs.begin(); s != seqs.end(); ++s) { Context ctx; ctx.n_notes = (*s).size(); for (Notes::const_iterator i = (*s).begin(); i != (*s).end(); ++i) { const NotePtr note = *i; // Clear stack and run program ctx.stack = std::stack(); ctx.this_note = note; for (std::list::const_iterator o = _prog.ops.begin(); o != _prog.ops.end(); ++o) { (*o).eval(ctx); } // Result is on top of the stack if (!ctx.stack.empty() && !!ctx.stack.top()) { // Get the result from the top of the stack Variant result = ctx.stack.top(); if (result.type() != Command::value_type(_prog.prop)) { // Coerce to appropriate type result = Variant(Command::value_type(_prog.prop), result.to_double()); } // Apply change cmd->change(note, _prog.prop, result); } // else error or reference to note before the first, skip // Move forward ctx.prev_note = note; ++ctx.index; } } return cmd; } } // namespace ARDOUR