/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Robin Gareus * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/file_utils.h" #include "pbd/compose.h" #include "ardour/luascripting.h" #include "ardour/search_paths.h" #include "lua/luastate.h" #include "LuaBridge/LuaBridge.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace std; LuaScripting* LuaScripting::_instance = 0; LuaScripting& LuaScripting::instance () { if (!_instance) { _instance = new LuaScripting; } return *_instance; } LuaScripting::LuaScripting () : _sl_dsp (0) , _sl_session (0) , _sl_hook (0) , _sl_action (0) { ; } LuaScripting::~LuaScripting () { if (getenv ("ARDOUR_RUNNING_UNDER_VALGRIND")) { // don't bother, just exit quickly. delete _sl_dsp; delete _sl_session; delete _sl_hook; delete _sl_action; } } void LuaScripting::check_scan () { if (!_sl_dsp || !_sl_session || !_sl_hook || !_sl_action) { scan (); } } void LuaScripting::refresh () { Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock, Glib::Threads::TRY_LOCK); if (!lm.locked()) { return; } delete _sl_dsp; delete _sl_session; delete _sl_hook; delete _sl_action; _sl_dsp = 0; _sl_session = 0; _sl_hook = 0; _sl_action = 0; } struct ScriptSorter { bool operator () (LuaScriptInfoPtr a, LuaScriptInfoPtr b) { return a->name < b->name; } }; void LuaScripting::scan () { Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock lm (_lock, Glib::Threads::TRY_LOCK); if (!lm.locked()) { return; } #define CLEAR_OR_NEW(LIST) \ if (LIST) { LIST->clear (); } else { LIST = new LuaScriptList (); } CLEAR_OR_NEW (_sl_dsp) CLEAR_OR_NEW (_sl_session) CLEAR_OR_NEW (_sl_hook) CLEAR_OR_NEW (_sl_action) #undef CLEAR_OR_NEW vector luascripts; find_files_matching_pattern (luascripts, lua_search_path (), "*.lua"); for (vector::iterator i = luascripts.begin(); i != luascripts.end (); ++i) { LuaScriptInfoPtr lsi = scan_script (*i); if (!lsi) { PBD::info << string_compose (_("Script '%1' has no valid descriptor."), *i) << endmsg; continue; } switch (lsi->type) { case LuaScriptInfo::DSP: _sl_dsp->push_back(lsi); break; case LuaScriptInfo::Session: _sl_session->push_back(lsi); break; case LuaScriptInfo::EditorHook: _sl_hook->push_back(lsi); break; case LuaScriptInfo::EditorAction: _sl_action->push_back(lsi); break; default: break; } } std::sort (_sl_dsp->begin(), _sl_dsp->end(), ScriptSorter()); std::sort (_sl_session->begin(), _sl_session->end(), ScriptSorter()); std::sort (_sl_hook->begin(), _sl_hook->end(), ScriptSorter()); std::sort (_sl_action->begin(), _sl_action->end(), ScriptSorter()); } void LuaScripting::lua_print (std::string s) { PBD::info << "Lua: " << s << "\n"; } LuaScriptInfoPtr LuaScripting::scan_script (const std::string &fn, const std::string &sc) { LuaState lua; if (!(fn.empty() ^ sc.empty())){ // give either file OR script assert (0); return LuaScriptInfoPtr(); } lua_State* L = lua.getState(); lua.Print.connect (&LuaScripting::lua_print); lua.do_command ("io = nil;"); lua.do_command ( "ardourluainfo = {}" "function ardour (entry)" " ardourluainfo['type'] = assert(entry['type'])" " ardourluainfo['name'] = assert(entry['name'])" " ardourluainfo['author'] = entry['author'] or 'Unknown'" " ardourluainfo['license'] = entry['license'] or ''" " ardourluainfo['description'] = entry['description'] or ''" " end" ); try { int err; if (fn.empty()) { err = lua.do_command (sc); } else { err = lua.do_file (fn); } if (err) { return LuaScriptInfoPtr(); } } catch (...) { // luabridge::LuaException return LuaScriptInfoPtr(); } luabridge::LuaRef nfo = luabridge::getGlobal (L, "ardourluainfo"); if (nfo.type() != LUA_TTABLE) { return LuaScriptInfoPtr(); } if (nfo["name"].type() != LUA_TSTRING || nfo["type"].type() != LUA_TSTRING) { return LuaScriptInfoPtr(); } std::string name = nfo["name"].cast(); LuaScriptInfo::ScriptType type = LuaScriptInfo::str2type (nfo["type"].cast()); if (name.empty() || type == LuaScriptInfo::Invalid) { return LuaScriptInfoPtr(); } LuaScriptInfoPtr lsi (new LuaScriptInfo (type, name, fn)); for (luabridge::Iterator i(nfo); !i.isNil (); ++i) { if (!i.key().isString() || !i.value().isString()) { return LuaScriptInfoPtr(); } std::string key = i.key().tostring(); std::string val = i.value().tostring(); if (key == "author") { lsi->author = val; } if (key == "license") { lsi->license = val; } if (key == "description") { lsi->description = val; } } return lsi; } LuaScriptList & LuaScripting::scripts (LuaScriptInfo::ScriptType type) { check_scan(); switch (type) { case LuaScriptInfo::DSP: return *_sl_dsp; break; case LuaScriptInfo::Session: return *_sl_session; break; case LuaScriptInfo::EditorHook: return *_sl_hook; break; case LuaScriptInfo::EditorAction: return *_sl_action; break; default: return _empty_script_info; break; } } std::string LuaScriptInfo::type2str (const ScriptType t) { switch (t) { case LuaScriptInfo::DSP: return "DSP"; case LuaScriptInfo::Session: return "Session"; case LuaScriptInfo::EditorHook: return "EditorHook"; case LuaScriptInfo::EditorAction: return "EditorAction"; default: return "Invalid"; } } LuaScriptInfo::ScriptType LuaScriptInfo::str2type (const std::string& str) { const char* type = str.c_str(); if (!strcasecmp (type, "DSP")) {return LuaScriptInfo::DSP;} if (!strcasecmp (type, "Session")) {return LuaScriptInfo::Session;} if (!strcasecmp (type, "EditorHook")) {return LuaScriptInfo::EditorHook;} if (!strcasecmp (type, "EditorAction")) {return LuaScriptInfo::EditorAction;} return LuaScriptInfo::Invalid; } LuaScriptParamList LuaScripting::script_params (LuaScriptInfoPtr lsi, const std::string &fn) { LuaScriptParamList rv; assert (lsi); LuaState lua; lua_State* L = lua.getState(); lua.Print.connect (&LuaScripting::lua_print); lua.do_command ("io = nil;"); lua.do_command ("function ardour () end"); try { lua.do_file (lsi->path); } catch (luabridge::LuaException const& e) { return rv; } luabridge::LuaRef lua_params = luabridge::getGlobal (L, fn.c_str()); if (lua_params.isFunction ()) { luabridge::LuaRef params = lua_params (); if (params.isTable ()) { for (luabridge::Iterator i (params); !i.isNil (); ++i) { if (!i.key ().isString ()) { continue; } if (!i.value ().isTable ()) { continue; } if (!i.value ()["title"].isString ()) { continue; } std::string name = i.key ().cast (); std::string title = i.value ()["title"].cast (); std::string dflt; bool optional = false; if (i.value ()["default"].isString ()) { dflt = i.value ()["default"].cast (); } if (i.value ()["optional"].isBoolean ()) { optional = i.value ()["optional"].cast (); } LuaScriptParamPtr lsspp (new LuaScriptParam(name, title, dflt, optional)); rv.push_back (lsspp); } } } return rv; } bool LuaScripting::try_compile (const std::string& script, const LuaScriptParamList& args) { const std::string& bytecode = get_factory_bytecode (script); if (bytecode.empty()) { return false; } LuaState l; lua_State* L = l.getState(); l.do_command ("" " function checkfactory (b, a)" " assert(type(b) == 'string', 'ByteCode must be string')" " load(b)()" " assert(type(f) == 'string', 'Assigned ByteCode must be string')" " local env = _ENV; env.f = nil env.debug = nil os.exit = nil" " load (string.dump(f, true), nil, nil, env)(a)" " end" ); try { luabridge::LuaRef lua_test = luabridge::getGlobal (L, "checkfactory"); l.do_command ("checkfactory = nil"); // hide it. l.do_command ("collectgarbage()"); lua_test (bytecode); return true; // OK } catch (luabridge::LuaException const& e) { } return false; } std::string LuaScripting::get_factory_bytecode (const std::string& script) { LuaState l; l.Print.connect (&LuaScripting::lua_print); lua_State* L = l.getState(); l.do_command ( " function ardour () end" "" " function dump_function (f)" " assert(type(f) == 'function', 'Factory is a not a function')" " return string.format(\"f = %q\", string.dump(f, true))" " end" ); try { luabridge::LuaRef lua_dump = luabridge::getGlobal (L, "dump_function"); l.do_command ("dump_function = nil"); // hide it l.do_command (script); // register "factory" luabridge::LuaRef lua_factory = luabridge::getGlobal (L, "factory"); if (lua_factory.isFunction()) { return (lua_dump(lua_factory)).cast (); } } catch (luabridge::LuaException const& e) { } return ""; }