#include #include #include "ardour/interpolation.h" using namespace ARDOUR; nframes_t LinearInterpolation::interpolate (int channel, nframes_t nframes, Sample *input, Sample *output) { // index in the input buffers nframes_t i = 0; double acceleration; double distance = 0.0; if (_speed != _target_speed) { acceleration = _target_speed - _speed; } else { acceleration = 0.0; } distance = phase[channel]; for (nframes_t outsample = 0; outsample < nframes; ++outsample) { i = floor(distance); Sample fractional_phase_part = distance - i; if (fractional_phase_part >= 1.0) { fractional_phase_part -= 1.0; i++; } if (input && output) { // Linearly interpolate into the output buffer output[outsample] = input[i] * (1.0f - fractional_phase_part) + input[i+1] * fractional_phase_part; } distance += _speed + acceleration; } i = floor(distance); phase[channel] = distance - floor(distance); return i; } nframes_t CubicInterpolation::interpolate (int channel, nframes_t nframes, Sample *input, Sample *output) { // index in the input buffers nframes_t i = 0; double acceleration; double distance = 0.0; if (_speed != _target_speed) { acceleration = _target_speed - _speed; } else { acceleration = 0.0; } distance = phase[channel]; for (nframes_t outsample = 0; outsample < nframes; ++outsample) { i = floor(distance); Sample fractional_phase_part = distance - i; if (fractional_phase_part >= 1.0) { fractional_phase_part -= 1.0; i++; } if (input && output) { // Cubically interpolate into the output buffer output[outsample] = cube_interp(fractional_phase_part, input[i-1], input[i], input[i+1], input[i+2]); } distance += _speed + acceleration; } i = floor(distance); phase[channel] = distance - floor(distance); return i; }