/* Copyright (C) 2000 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef VST_SUPPORT #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOUNITS #include #endif #include #include #include #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; /* ********** FIXME: TYPE ************** * Inserts are still definitely audio only */ Insert::Insert(Session& s, string name, Placement p) : Redirect (s, name, p) { } Insert::Insert(Session& s, string name, Placement p, int imin, int imax, int omin, int omax) : Redirect (s, name, p, imin, imax, omin, omax) { } /*************************************************************** Plugin inserts: send data through a plugin ***************************************************************/ const string PluginInsert::port_automation_node_name = "PortAutomation"; PluginInsert::PluginInsert (Session& s, boost::shared_ptr plug, Placement placement) : Insert (s, plug->name(), placement) { /* the first is the master */ _plugins.push_back (plug); _plugins[0]->ParameterChanged.connect (mem_fun (*this, &PluginInsert::parameter_changed)); init (); { Glib::Mutex::Lock em (_session.engine().process_lock()); IO::MoreChannels (max(input_streams(), output_streams())); } RedirectCreated (this); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } PluginInsert::PluginInsert (Session& s, const XMLNode& node) : Insert (s, "will change", PreFader) { if (set_state (node)) { throw failed_constructor(); } set_automatable (); _plugins[0]->ParameterChanged.connect (mem_fun (*this, &PluginInsert::parameter_changed)); { Glib::Mutex::Lock em (_session.engine().process_lock()); IO::MoreChannels (max(input_streams(), output_streams())); } } PluginInsert::PluginInsert (const PluginInsert& other) : Insert (other._session, other.plugin()->name(), other.placement()) { uint32_t count = other._plugins.size(); /* make as many copies as requested */ for (uint32_t n = 0; n < count; ++n) { _plugins.push_back (plugin_factory (other.plugin (n))); } _plugins[0]->ParameterChanged.connect (mem_fun (*this, &PluginInsert::parameter_changed)); init (); RedirectCreated (this); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } int PluginInsert::set_count (uint32_t num) { bool require_state = !_plugins.empty(); /* this is a bad idea.... we shouldn't do this while active. only a route holding their redirect_lock should be calling this */ if (num == 0) { return -1; } else if (num > _plugins.size()) { uint32_t diff = num - _plugins.size(); for (uint32_t n = 0; n < diff; ++n) { _plugins.push_back (plugin_factory (_plugins[0])); if (require_state) { /* XXX do something */ } } } else if (num < _plugins.size()) { uint32_t diff = _plugins.size() - num; for (uint32_t n= 0; n < diff; ++n) { _plugins.pop_back(); } } return 0; } void PluginInsert::init () { set_automatable (); set::iterator s; } PluginInsert::~PluginInsert () { GoingAway (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } void PluginInsert::automation_list_creation_callback (uint32_t which, AutomationList& alist) { alist.automation_state_changed.connect (sigc::bind (mem_fun (*this, &PluginInsert::auto_state_changed), (which))); } void PluginInsert::auto_state_changed (uint32_t which) { AutomationList& alist (automation_list (which)); if (alist.automation_state() != Off) { _plugins[0]->set_parameter (which, alist.eval (_session.transport_frame())); } } ChanCount PluginInsert::output_streams() const { // FIXME: TYPE return ChanCount(DataType::AUDIO, _plugins[0]->get_info()->n_outputs * _plugins.size()); } ChanCount PluginInsert::input_streams() const { // FIXME: TYPE return ChanCount(DataType::AUDIO, _plugins[0]->get_info()->n_inputs * _plugins.size()); } ChanCount PluginInsert::natural_output_streams() const { // FIXME: TYPE return ChanCount(DataType::AUDIO, _plugins[0]->get_info()->n_outputs); } ChanCount PluginInsert::natural_input_streams() const { // FIXME: TYPE return ChanCount(DataType::AUDIO, _plugins[0]->get_info()->n_inputs); } bool PluginInsert::is_generator() const { /* XXX more finesse is possible here. VST plugins have a a specific "instrument" flag, for example. */ return _plugins[0]->get_info()->n_inputs == 0; } void PluginInsert::set_automatable () { set a; a = _plugins.front()->automatable (); for (set::iterator i = a.begin(); i != a.end(); ++i) { can_automate (*i); } } void PluginInsert::parameter_changed (uint32_t which, float val) { vector >::iterator i = _plugins.begin(); /* don't set the first plugin, just all the slaves */ if (i != _plugins.end()) { ++i; for (; i != _plugins.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_parameter (which, val); } } } void PluginInsert::set_block_size (nframes_t nframes) { for (vector >::iterator i = _plugins.begin(); i != _plugins.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_block_size (nframes); } } void PluginInsert::activate () { for (vector >::iterator i = _plugins.begin(); i != _plugins.end(); ++i) { (*i)->activate (); } } void PluginInsert::deactivate () { for (vector >::iterator i = _plugins.begin(); i != _plugins.end(); ++i) { (*i)->deactivate (); } } void PluginInsert::connect_and_run (BufferSet& bufs, nframes_t nframes, nframes_t offset, bool with_auto, nframes_t now) { uint32_t in_index = 0; uint32_t out_index = 0; /* Note that we've already required that plugins be able to handle in-place processing. */ if (with_auto) { map::iterator li; uint32_t n; for (n = 0, li = parameter_automation.begin(); li != parameter_automation.end(); ++li, ++n) { AutomationList& alist (*((*li).second)); if (alist.automation_playback()) { bool valid; float val = alist.rt_safe_eval (now, valid); if (valid) { /* set the first plugin, the others will be set via signals */ _plugins[0]->set_parameter ((*li).first, val); } } } } for (vector >::iterator i = _plugins.begin(); i != _plugins.end(); ++i) { (*i)->connect_and_run (bufs, in_index, out_index, nframes, offset); } /* leave remaining channel buffers alone */ } void PluginInsert::automation_snapshot (nframes_t now) { map::iterator li; for (li = parameter_automation.begin(); li != parameter_automation.end(); ++li) { AutomationList *alist = ((*li).second); if (alist != 0 && alist->automation_write ()) { float val = _plugins[0]->get_parameter ((*li).first); alist->rt_add (now, val); last_automation_snapshot = now; } } } void PluginInsert::transport_stopped (nframes_t now) { map::iterator li; for (li = parameter_automation.begin(); li != parameter_automation.end(); ++li) { AutomationList& alist (*(li->second)); alist.reposition_for_rt_add (now); if (alist.automation_state() != Off) { _plugins[0]->set_parameter (li->first, alist.eval (now)); } } } void PluginInsert::silence (nframes_t nframes, nframes_t offset) { uint32_t in_index = 0; uint32_t out_index = 0; uint32_t n; if (active()) { for (vector >::iterator i = _plugins.begin(); i != _plugins.end(); ++i) { n = (*i) -> get_info()->n_inputs; (*i)->connect_and_run (_session.get_silent_buffers (ChanCount(DataType::AUDIO, n)), in_index, out_index, nframes, offset); } } } void PluginInsert::run (BufferSet& bufs, nframes_t start_frame, nframes_t end_frame, nframes_t nframes, nframes_t offset) { if (active()) { if (_session.transport_rolling()) { automation_run (bufs, nframes, offset); } else { connect_and_run (bufs, nframes, offset, false); } } else { uint32_t in = _plugins[0]->get_info()->n_inputs; uint32_t out = _plugins[0]->get_info()->n_outputs; if (out > in) { /* not active, but something has make up for any channel count increase */ for (uint32_t n = out - in; n < out; ++n) { memcpy (bufs.get_audio(n).data(nframes, offset), bufs.get_audio(in - 1).data(nframes, offset), sizeof (Sample) * nframes); } } bufs.count().set(DataType::AUDIO, out); } } void PluginInsert::set_parameter (uint32_t port, float val) { /* the others will be set from the event triggered by this */ _plugins[0]->set_parameter (port, val); if (automation_list (port).automation_write()) { automation_list (port).add (_session.audible_frame(), val); } _session.set_dirty(); } void PluginInsert::automation_run (BufferSet& bufs, nframes_t nframes, nframes_t offset) { ControlEvent next_event (0, 0.0f); nframes_t now = _session.transport_frame (); nframes_t end = now + nframes; Glib::Mutex::Lock lm (_automation_lock, Glib::TRY_LOCK); if (!lm.locked()) { connect_and_run (bufs, nframes, offset, false); return; } if (!find_next_event (now, end, next_event)) { /* no events have a time within the relevant range */ connect_and_run (bufs, nframes, offset, true, now); return; } while (nframes) { nframes_t cnt = min (((nframes_t) floor (next_event.when) - now), nframes); connect_and_run (bufs, cnt, offset, true, now); nframes -= cnt; offset += cnt; now += cnt; if (!find_next_event (now, end, next_event)) { break; } } /* cleanup anything that is left to do */ if (nframes) { connect_and_run (bufs, nframes, offset, true, now); } } float PluginInsert::default_parameter_value (uint32_t port) { if (_plugins.empty()) { fatal << _("programming error: ") << X_("PluginInsert::default_parameter_value() called with no plugin") << endmsg; /*NOTREACHED*/ } return _plugins[0]->default_value (port); } void PluginInsert::set_port_automation_state (uint32_t port, AutoState s) { if (port < _plugins[0]->parameter_count()) { AutomationList& al = automation_list (port); if (s != al.automation_state()) { al.set_automation_state (s); _session.set_dirty (); } } } AutoState PluginInsert::get_port_automation_state (uint32_t port) { if (port < _plugins[0]->parameter_count()) { return automation_list (port).automation_state(); } else { return Off; } } void PluginInsert::protect_automation () { set automated_params; what_has_automation (automated_params); for (set::iterator i = automated_params.begin(); i != automated_params.end(); ++i) { AutomationList& al = automation_list (*i); switch (al.automation_state()) { case Write: case Touch: al.set_automation_state (Off); break; default: break; } } } boost::shared_ptr PluginInsert::plugin_factory (boost::shared_ptr other) { boost::shared_ptr lp; #ifdef VST_SUPPORT boost::shared_ptr vp; #endif #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOUNITS boost::shared_ptr ap; #endif if ((lp = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (other)) != 0) { return boost::shared_ptr (new LadspaPlugin (*lp)); #ifdef VST_SUPPORT } else if ((vp = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (other)) != 0) { return boost::shared_ptr (new VSTPlugin (*vp)); #endif #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOUNITS } else if ((ap = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (other)) != 0) { return boost::shared_ptr (new AUPlugin (*ap)); #endif } fatal << string_compose (_("programming error: %1"), X_("unknown plugin type in PluginInsert::plugin_factory")) << endmsg; /*NOTREACHED*/ return boost::shared_ptr ((Plugin*) 0); } int32_t PluginInsert::compute_output_streams (int32_t cnt) const { return _plugins[0]->get_info()->n_outputs * cnt; } int32_t PluginInsert::configure_io (int32_t magic, int32_t in, int32_t out) { return set_count (magic); } int32_t PluginInsert::can_support_input_configuration (int32_t in) const { int32_t outputs = _plugins[0]->get_info()->n_outputs; int32_t inputs = _plugins[0]->get_info()->n_inputs; if (inputs == 0) { /* instrument plugin, always legal, but it throws away any existing active streams. */ return 1; } if (outputs == 1 && inputs == 1) { /* mono plugin, replicate as needed */ return in; } if (inputs == in) { /* exact match */ return 1; } if ((inputs < in) && (inputs % in == 0)) { /* number of inputs is a factor of the requested input configuration, so we can replicate. */ return in/inputs; } /* sorry */ return -1; } XMLNode& PluginInsert::get_state(void) { return state (true); } XMLNode& PluginInsert::state (bool full) { char buf[256]; XMLNode *node = new XMLNode("Insert"); node->add_child_nocopy (Redirect::state (full)); node->add_property ("type", _plugins[0]->state_node_name()); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", _plugins[0]->name()); node->add_property("id", string(buf)); if (_plugins[0]->state_node_name() == "ladspa") { char buf[32]; snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%ld", _plugins[0]->get_info()->unique_id); node->add_property("unique-id", string(buf)); } node->add_property("count", string_compose("%1", _plugins.size())); node->add_child_nocopy (_plugins[0]->get_state()); /* add port automation state */ XMLNode *autonode = new XMLNode(port_automation_node_name); set automatable = _plugins[0]->automatable(); for (set::iterator x = automatable.begin(); x != automatable.end(); ++x) { XMLNode* child = new XMLNode("port"); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, *x); child->add_property("number", string(buf)); child->add_child_nocopy (automation_list (*x).state (full)); autonode->add_child_nocopy (*child); } node->add_child_nocopy (*autonode); return *node; } int PluginInsert::set_state(const XMLNode& node) { XMLNodeList nlist = node.children(); XMLNodeIterator niter; XMLPropertyList plist; const XMLProperty *prop; long unique = 0; ARDOUR::PluginType type; if ((prop = node.property ("type")) == 0) { error << _("XML node describing insert is missing the `type' field") << endmsg; return -1; } if (prop->value() == X_("ladspa") || prop->value() == X_("Ladspa")) { /* handle old school sessions */ type = ARDOUR::LADSPA; } else if (prop->value() == X_("vst")) { type = ARDOUR::VST; } else { error << string_compose (_("unknown plugin type %1 in plugin insert state"), prop->value()) << endmsg; return -1; } prop = node.property ("unique-id"); if (prop != 0) { unique = atol(prop->value().c_str()); } if ((prop = node.property ("id")) == 0) { error << _("XML node describing insert is missing the `id' field") << endmsg; return -1; } boost::shared_ptr plugin; if (unique != 0) { plugin = find_plugin (_session, "", unique, type); } else { plugin = find_plugin (_session, prop->value(), 0, type); } if (plugin == 0) { error << string_compose(_("Found a reference to a plugin (\"%1\") that is unknown.\n" "Perhaps it was removed or moved since it was last used."), prop->value()) << endmsg; return -1; } uint32_t count = 1; if ((prop = node.property ("count")) != 0) { sscanf (prop->value().c_str(), "%u", &count); } if (_plugins.size() != count) { _plugins.push_back (plugin); for (uint32_t n=1; n < count; ++n) { _plugins.push_back (plugin_factory (plugin)); } } for (niter = nlist.begin(); niter != nlist.end(); ++niter) { if ((*niter)->name() == plugin->state_node_name()) { for (vector >::iterator i = _plugins.begin(); i != _plugins.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_state (**niter); } break; } } for (niter = nlist.begin(); niter != nlist.end(); ++niter) { if ((*niter)->name() == Redirect::state_node_name) { Redirect::set_state (**niter); break; } } if (niter == nlist.end()) { error << _("XML node describing insert is missing a Redirect node") << endmsg; return -1; } if (niter == nlist.end()) { error << string_compose(_("XML node describing a plugin insert is missing the `%1' information"), plugin->state_node_name()) << endmsg; return -1; } /* look for port automation node */ for (niter = nlist.begin(); niter != nlist.end(); ++niter) { if ((*niter)->name() != port_automation_node_name) { continue; } XMLNodeList cnodes; XMLProperty *cprop; XMLNodeConstIterator iter; XMLNode *child; const char *port; uint32_t port_id; cnodes = (*niter)->children ("port"); for(iter = cnodes.begin(); iter != cnodes.end(); ++iter){ child = *iter; if ((cprop = child->property("number")) != 0) { port = cprop->value().c_str(); } else { warning << _("PluginInsert: Auto: no ladspa port number") << endmsg; continue; } sscanf (port, "%" PRIu32, &port_id); if (port_id >= _plugins[0]->parameter_count()) { warning << _("PluginInsert: Auto: port id out of range") << endmsg; continue; } if (!child->children().empty()) { automation_list (port_id).set_state (*child->children().front()); } else { if ((cprop = child->property("auto")) != 0) { /* old school */ int x; sscanf (cprop->value().c_str(), "0x%x", &x); automation_list (port_id).set_automation_state (AutoState (x)); } else { /* missing */ automation_list (port_id).set_automation_state (Off); } } } /* done */ break; } if (niter == nlist.end()) { warning << string_compose(_("XML node describing a port automation is missing the `%1' information"), port_automation_node_name) << endmsg; } // The name of the PluginInsert comes from the plugin, nothing else set_name(plugin->get_info()->name,this); return 0; } string PluginInsert::describe_parameter (uint32_t what) { return _plugins[0]->describe_parameter (what); } ARDOUR::nframes_t PluginInsert::latency() { return _plugins[0]->latency (); } ARDOUR::PluginType PluginInsert::type () { boost::shared_ptr lp; #ifdef VST_SUPPORT boost::shared_ptr vp; #endif #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOUNITS boost::shared_ptr ap; #endif PluginPtr other = plugin (); if ((lp = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (other)) != 0) { return ARDOUR::LADSPA; #ifdef VST_SUPPORT } else if ((vp = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (other)) != 0) { return ARDOUR::VST; #endif #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOUNITS } else if ((ap = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (other)) != 0) { return ARDOUR::AudioUnit; #endif } else { /* NOT REACHED */ return (ARDOUR::PluginType) 0; } } /*************************************************************** Port inserts: send output to a port, pick up input at a port ***************************************************************/ PortInsert::PortInsert (Session& s, Placement p) : Insert (s, string_compose (_("insert %1"), (bitslot = s.next_insert_id()) + 1), p, 1, -1, 1, -1) { init (); RedirectCreated (this); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } PortInsert::PortInsert (const PortInsert& other) : Insert (other._session, string_compose (_("insert %1"), (bitslot = other._session.next_insert_id()) + 1), other.placement(), 1, -1, 1, -1) { init (); RedirectCreated (this); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } void PortInsert::init () { if (add_input_port ("", this)) { error << _("PortInsert: cannot add input port") << endmsg; throw failed_constructor(); } if (add_output_port ("", this)) { error << _("PortInsert: cannot add output port") << endmsg; throw failed_constructor(); } } PortInsert::PortInsert (Session& s, const XMLNode& node) : Insert (s, "will change", PreFader) { if (set_state (node)) { throw failed_constructor(); } RedirectCreated (this); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } PortInsert::~PortInsert () { GoingAway (); } void PortInsert::run (BufferSet& bufs, nframes_t start_frame, nframes_t end_frame, nframes_t nframes, nframes_t offset) { if (n_outputs().get(_default_type) == 0) { return; } if (!active()) { /* deliver silence */ silence (nframes, offset); return; } deliver_output(bufs, start_frame, end_frame, nframes, offset); collect_input(bufs, nframes, offset); } XMLNode& PortInsert::get_state(void) { return state (true); } XMLNode& PortInsert::state (bool full) { XMLNode *node = new XMLNode("Insert"); char buf[32]; node->add_child_nocopy (Redirect::state(full)); node->add_property ("type", "port"); snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%" PRIu32, bitslot); node->add_property ("bitslot", buf); return *node; } int PortInsert::set_state(const XMLNode& node) { XMLNodeList nlist = node.children(); XMLNodeIterator niter; XMLPropertyList plist; const XMLProperty *prop; if ((prop = node.property ("type")) == 0) { error << _("XML node describing insert is missing the `type' field") << endmsg; return -1; } if (prop->value() != "port") { error << _("non-port insert XML used for port plugin insert") << endmsg; return -1; } if ((prop = node.property ("bitslot")) == 0) { bitslot = _session.next_insert_id(); } else { sscanf (prop->value().c_str(), "%" PRIu32, &bitslot); _session.mark_insert_id (bitslot); } for (niter = nlist.begin(); niter != nlist.end(); ++niter) { if ((*niter)->name() == Redirect::state_node_name) { Redirect::set_state (**niter); break; } } if (niter == nlist.end()) { error << _("XML node describing insert is missing a Redirect node") << endmsg; return -1; } return 0; } ARDOUR::nframes_t PortInsert::latency() { /* because we deliver and collect within the same cycle, all I/O is necessarily delayed by at least frames_per_cycle(). if the return port for insert has its own latency, we need to take that into account too. */ return _session.engine().frames_per_cycle() + input_latency(); } int32_t PortInsert::can_support_input_configuration (int32_t in) const { if (input_maximum() == ChanCount::INFINITE && output_maximum() == ChanCount::INFINITE) { /* not configured yet */ return 1; /* we can support anything the first time we're asked */ } else { /* the "input" config for a port insert corresponds to how many output ports it will have. */ if (output_maximum().get(_default_type) == static_cast(in)) { return 1; } } return -1; } int32_t PortInsert::configure_io (int32_t ignored_magic, int32_t in, int32_t out) { /* do not allow configuration to be changed outside the range of the last request config. or something like that. */ /* this is a bit odd: the number of inputs we are required to handle corresponds to the number of output ports we need. the number of outputs we are required to have corresponds to the number of input ports we need. */ set_output_maximum (ChanCount(_default_type, in)); set_output_minimum (ChanCount(_default_type, in)); set_input_maximum (ChanCount(_default_type, out)); set_input_minimum (ChanCount(_default_type, out)); if (in < 0) { in = n_outputs ().get(_default_type); } if (out < 0) { out = n_inputs ().get(_default_type); } return ensure_io (ChanCount(_default_type, out), ChanCount(_default_type, in), false, this); } int32_t PortInsert::compute_output_streams (int32_t cnt) const { /* puzzling, eh? think about it ... */ return n_inputs ().get(_default_type); } ChanCount PortInsert::output_streams() const { return n_inputs (); } ChanCount PortInsert::input_streams() const { return n_outputs (); }