/* Copyright (C) 2000 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. $Id$ */ #include /* This is is very hacky way to get pread and pwrite declarations. First, include so that we can avoid its #undef __USE_UNIX98. Then define __USE_UNIX98, include , and then undef it again. If #define _XOPEN_SOURCE actually worked, I'd use that, but despite claims in the header that it does, it doesn't. features.h isn't available on osx and it compiles fine without it. */ #ifdef HAVE_FEATURES_H #include #endif #if __GNUC__ >= 3 // #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 #include #else #define __USE_UNIX98 #include #undef __USE_UNIX98 #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for rename(2) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; string prepare_string(string& regex); char FileSource::bwf_country_code[3] = "us"; char FileSource::bwf_organization_code[4] = "las"; char FileSource::bwf_serial_number[13] = "000000000000"; string FileSource::search_path; void FileSource::set_search_path (string p) { search_path = p; } FileSource::FileSource (string pathstr, jack_nframes_t rate, bool repair_first) { /* constructor used when the file cannot already exist or might be damaged */ if (repair_first && repair (pathstr, rate)) { throw failed_constructor (); } if (init (pathstr, false, rate)) { throw failed_constructor (); } SourceCreated (this); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } FileSource::FileSource (const XMLNode& node, jack_nframes_t rate) : Source (node) { if (set_state (node)) { throw failed_constructor(); } /* constructor used when the file must already exist */ if (init (_name, true, rate)) { throw failed_constructor (); } SourceCreated (this); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } int FileSource::init (string pathstr, bool must_exist, jack_nframes_t rate) { bool new_file = false; int ret = -1; PathScanner scanner; /* all native files end in .wav. this lets us discard SndFileSource paths, which have ":N" at the end to indicate which channel to read from, as well as any other kind of non-native file. obviously, there are more subtle checks later on. */ if (pathstr.length() < 4 || pathstr.rfind (".wav") != pathstr.length() - 4) { return ret; } is_bwf = false; _length = 0; fd = -1; remove_at_unref = false; next_peak_clear_should_notify = false; if (pathstr[0] != '/') { /* find pathstr in search path */ if (search_path.length() == 0) { error << _("FileSource: search path not set") << endmsg; goto out; } /* force exact match on the filename component by prefixing the regexp. otherwise, "Drums-2.wav" matches "Comp_Drums-2.wav". */ string regexp = "^"; regexp += prepare_string(pathstr); regexp += '$'; vector* result = scanner (search_path, regexp, false, true, -1); if (result == 0 || result->size() == 0) { error << compose (_("FileSource: \"%1\" not found when searching %2 using %3"), pathstr, search_path, regexp) << endmsg; goto out; } if (result->size() > 1) { string msg = compose (_("FileSource: \"%1\" is ambigous when searching %2\n\t"), pathstr, search_path); vector::iterator x = result->begin(); while (true) { msg += *(*x); ++x; if (x == result->end()) { break; } msg += "\n\t"; } error << msg << endmsg; goto out; } _name = pathstr; _path = *(result->front()); vector_delete (result); delete result; } else { /* old style sessions include full paths */ _path = pathstr; _name = pathstr.substr (pathstr.find_last_of ('/') + 1); } if (access (_path.c_str(), F_OK) != 0) { if (must_exist) { error << compose(_("Filesource: cannot find required file (%1): %2"), _path, strerror (errno)) << endmsg; goto out; } if (errno == ENOENT) { new_file = true; } else { error << compose(_("Filesource: cannot check for existing file (%1): %2"), _path, strerror (errno)) << endmsg; goto out; } } if ((fd = open64 (_path.c_str(), O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644)) < 0) { error << compose(_("FileSource: could not open \"%1\": (%2)"), _path, strerror (errno)) << endmsg; goto out; } /* if there was no timestamp available via XML, then get it from the filesystem. */ if (_timestamp == 0) { struct stat statbuf; fstat (fd, &statbuf); _timestamp = statbuf.st_mtime; } if (lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_END) == 0) { new_file = true; } /* check that its a RIFF/WAVE format file */ if (new_file) { is_bwf = Config->get_native_format_is_bwf (); if (fill_header (rate)) { error << compose (_("FileSource: cannot write header in %1"), _path) << endmsg; goto out; } struct tm* now; time_t xnow; time (&xnow); now = localtime (&xnow); update_header (0, *now, xnow); } else { if (discover_chunks (must_exist)) { error << compose (_("FileSource: cannot locate chunks in %1"), _path) << endmsg; goto out; } if (read_header (must_exist)) { error << compose (_("FileSource: cannot read header in %1"), _path) << endmsg; goto out; } if (check_header (rate, must_exist)) { error << compose (_("FileSource: cannot check header in %1"), _path) << endmsg; goto out; } compute_header_size (); } if ((ret = initialize_peakfile (new_file, _path))) { error << compose (_("FileSource: cannot initialize peakfile for %1"), _path) << endmsg; } out: if (ret) { if (fd >= 0) { close (fd); } if (new_file) { unlink (_path.c_str()); } } return ret; } FileSource::~FileSource () { GoingAway (this); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ if (fd >= 0) { if (remove_at_unref || is_empty (_path)) { unlink (_path.c_str()); unlink (peakpath.c_str()); } close (fd); } } int FileSource::discover_chunks (bool silent) { WAVEChunk rw; off64_t end; off64_t offset; char null_terminated_id[5]; if ((end = lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_END)) < 0) { error << _("FileSource: cannot seek to end of file") << endmsg; return -1; } if (::pread64 (fd, &rw, sizeof (rw), 0) != sizeof (rw)) { error << _("FileSource: cannot read RIFF/WAVE chunk from file") << endmsg; return -1; } if (memcmp (rw.id, "RIFF", 4) || memcmp (rw.text, "WAVE", 4)) { if (!silent) { error << compose (_("FileSource %1: not a RIFF/WAVE file"), _path) << endmsg; } return -1; } null_terminated_id[4] = '\0'; /* OK, its a RIFF/WAVE file. Find each chunk */ memcpy (null_terminated_id, rw.id, 4); chunk_info.push_back (ChunkInfo (null_terminated_id, rw.size, 0)); offset = sizeof (rw); while (offset < end) { GenericChunk this_chunk; if (::pread64 (fd, &this_chunk, sizeof (this_chunk), offset) != sizeof (this_chunk)) { error << _("FileSource: can't read a chunk") << endmsg; return -1; } memcpy (null_terminated_id, this_chunk.id, 4); if (end != 44) if ((memcmp(null_terminated_id, "data", 4) == 0)) if ((this_chunk.size == 0) || (this_chunk.size > (end - offset))) this_chunk.size = end - offset; chunk_info.push_back (ChunkInfo (null_terminated_id, this_chunk.size, offset)); /* skip to the next chunk */ offset += sizeof(GenericChunk) + this_chunk.size; } return 0; } FileSource::ChunkInfo* FileSource::lookup_chunk (string what) { for (vector::iterator i = chunk_info.begin(); i != chunk_info.end(); ++i) { if ((*i).name == what) { return &*i; } } return 0; } int FileSource::fill_header (jack_nframes_t rate) { /* RIFF/WAVE */ memcpy (header.wave.id, "RIFF", 4); header.wave.size = 0; /* file size */ memcpy (header.wave.text, "WAVE", 4); /* BROADCAST WAVE EXTENSION */ if (is_bwf) { /* fill the entire BWF header with nulls */ memset (&header.bext, 0, sizeof (header.bext)); memcpy (header.bext.id, "bext", 4); snprintf (header.bext.description, sizeof (header.bext.description), "%s", "ambiguity is clearer than precision."); struct passwd *pwinfo; struct utsname utsinfo; if ((pwinfo = getpwuid (getuid())) == 0) { error << compose(_("FileSource: cannot get user information for BWF header (%1)"), strerror(errno)) << endmsg; return -1; } if (uname (&utsinfo)) { error << compose(_("FileSource: cannot get host information for BWF header (%1)"), strerror(errno)) << endmsg; return -1; } snprintf (header.bext.originator, sizeof (header.bext.originator), "ardour:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s)", pwinfo->pw_gecos, utsinfo.nodename, utsinfo.sysname, utsinfo.release, utsinfo.version); header.bext.version = 1; /* XXX do something about this field */ snprintf (header.bext.umid, sizeof (header.bext.umid), "%s", "fnord"); /* add some coding history */ char buf[64]; /* encode: PCM,rate,mono,24bit,ardour-version Note that because we use JACK, there is no way to tell what the original bit depth of the signal was. */ snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "F=%u,A=PCM,M=mono,W=24,T=ardour-%d.%d.%d", rate, libardour_major_version, libardour_minor_version, libardour_micro_version); header.coding_history.push_back (buf); /* initial size reflects coding history + "\r\n" */ header.bext.size = sizeof (BroadcastChunk) - sizeof (GenericChunk) + strlen (buf) + 2; } memcpy (header.format.id, "fmt ", 4); header.format.size = sizeof (FMTChunk) - sizeof (GenericChunk); header.format.formatTag = 3; /* little-endian IEEE float format */ header.format.nChannels = 1; /* mono */ header.format.nSamplesPerSec = rate; header.format.nAvgBytesPerSec = rate * sizeof (Sample); header.format.nBlockAlign = 4; header.format.nBitsPerSample = 32; /* DATA */ memcpy (header.data.id, "data", 4); header.data.size = 0; return 0; } void FileSource::compute_header_size () { off64_t end_of_file; int32_t coding_history_size = 0; end_of_file = lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_END); if (is_bwf) { /* include the coding history */ for (vector::iterator i = header.coding_history.begin(); i != header.coding_history.end(); ++i) { coding_history_size += (*i).length() + 2; // include "\r\n"; } header.bext.size = sizeof (BroadcastChunk) - sizeof (GenericChunk) + coding_history_size; data_offset = bwf_header_size + coding_history_size; } else { data_offset = wave_header_size; } if (end_of_file == 0) { /* newfile condition */ if (is_bwf) { /* include "WAVE" then all the chunk sizes (bext, fmt, data) */ header.wave.size = 4 + sizeof (BroadcastChunk) + coding_history_size + sizeof (FMTChunk) + sizeof (GenericChunk); } else { /* include "WAVE" then all the chunk sizes (fmt, data) */ header.wave.size = 4 + sizeof (FMTChunk) + sizeof (GenericChunk); } header.data.size = 0; } else { header.wave.size = end_of_file - 8; /* size of initial RIFF+size pseudo-chunk */ header.data.size = end_of_file - data_offset; } } int FileSource::update_header (jack_nframes_t when, struct tm& now, time_t tnow) { LockMonitor lm (_lock, __LINE__, __FILE__); if (is_bwf) { /* random code is 9 digits */ int random_code = random() % 999999999; snprintf (header.bext.originator_reference, sizeof (header.bext.originator_reference), "%2s%3s%12s%02d%02d%02d%9d", bwf_country_code, bwf_organization_code, bwf_serial_number, now.tm_hour, now.tm_min, now.tm_sec, random_code); snprintf (header.bext.origination_date, sizeof (header.bext.origination_date), "%4d-%02d-%02d", 1900 + now.tm_year, now.tm_mon, now.tm_mday); snprintf (header.bext.origination_time, sizeof (header.bext.origination_time), "%02d-%02d-%02d", now.tm_hour, now.tm_min, now.tm_sec); header.bext.time_reference_high = 0; header.bext.time_reference_low = when; } compute_header_size (); if (write_header()) { error << compose(_("FileSource[%1]: cannot update data size: %2"), _path, strerror (errno)) << endmsg; return -1; } stamp (tnow); return 0; } int FileSource::read_header (bool silent) { /* we already have the chunk info, so just load up whatever we have */ ChunkInfo* info; if ((info = lookup_chunk ("RIFF")) == 0) { error << _("FileSource: can't find RIFF chunk info") << endmsg; return -1; } /* just fill this chunk/header ourselves, disk i/o is stupid */ memcpy (header.wave.id, "RIFF", 4); header.wave.size = 0; memcpy (header.wave.text, "WAVE", 4); if ((info = lookup_chunk ("bext")) != 0) { is_bwf = true; if (::pread64 (fd, &header.bext, sizeof (header.bext), info->offset) != sizeof (header.bext)) { error << _("FileSource: can't read RIFF chunk") << endmsg; return -1; } if (read_broadcast_data (*info)) { return -1; } } if ((info = lookup_chunk ("fmt ")) == 0) { error << _("FileSource: can't find format chunk info") << endmsg; return -1; } if (::pread64 (fd, &header.format, sizeof (header.format), info->offset) != sizeof (header.format)) { error << _("FileSource: can't read format chunk") << endmsg; return -1; } if ((info = lookup_chunk ("data")) == 0) { error << _("FileSource: can't find data chunk info") << endmsg; return -1; } if (::pread (fd, &header.data, sizeof (header.data), info->offset) != sizeof (header.data)) { error << _("FileSource: can't read data chunk") << endmsg; return -1; } return 0; } int FileSource::read_broadcast_data (ChunkInfo& info) { int32_t coding_history_size; if (::pread (fd, (char *) &header.bext, sizeof (header.bext), info.offset + sizeof (GenericChunk)) != sizeof (header.bext)) { error << compose(_("FileSource: cannot read Broadcast Wave data from existing audio file \"%1\" (%2)"), _path, strerror (errno)) << endmsg; return -1; } if (info.size > sizeof (header.bext)) { coding_history_size = info.size - (sizeof (header.bext) - sizeof (GenericChunk)); char data[coding_history_size]; if (::pread (fd, data, coding_history_size, info.offset + sizeof (BroadcastChunk)) != coding_history_size) { error << compose(_("FileSource: cannot read Broadcast Wave coding history from audio file \"%1\" (%2)"), _path, strerror (errno)) << endmsg; return -1; } /* elements of the coding history are divided by \r\n */ char *p = data; char *end = data + coding_history_size; string tmp; while (p < end) { if (*p == '\r' && (p+1) != end && *(p+1) == '\n') { if (tmp.length()) { header.coding_history.push_back (tmp); tmp = ""; } p += 2; } else { tmp += *p; p++; } } } return 0; } int FileSource::check_header (jack_nframes_t rate, bool silent) { if (header.format.formatTag != 3) { /* IEEE float */ if (!silent) { error << compose(_("FileSource \"%1\" does not use floating point format.\n" "This is probably a programming error."), _path) << endmsg; } return -1; } /* compute the apparent length of the data */ data_offset = 0; for (vector::iterator i = chunk_info.begin(); i != chunk_info.end();) { vector::iterator n; n = i; ++n; if ((*i).name == "data") { data_offset = (*i).offset + sizeof (GenericChunk); if (n == chunk_info.end()) { off64_t end_of_file; end_of_file = lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_END); _length = end_of_file - data_offset; } else { _length = (*n).offset - data_offset; } _length /= sizeof (Sample); break; } i = n; } if (data_offset == 0) { error << compose(_("FileSource \"%1\" has no \"data\" chunk"), _path) << endmsg; return -1; } if (_length * sizeof (Sample) != (jack_nframes_t) header.data.size) { warning << compose(_("%1: data length in header (%2) differs from implicit size in file (%3)"), _path, header.data.size, _length * sizeof (Sample)) << endmsg; } if ((jack_nframes_t) header.format.nSamplesPerSec != rate) { warning << compose(_("\"%1\" has a sample rate of %2 instead of %3 as used by this session"), _path, header.format.nSamplesPerSec, rate) << endmsg; } return 0; } int FileSource::write_header() { off64_t pos; /* write RIFF/WAVE boilerplate */ pos = 0; if (::pwrite64 (fd, (char *) &header.wave, sizeof (header.wave), pos) != sizeof (header.wave)) { error << compose(_("FileSource: cannot write WAVE chunk: %1"), strerror (errno)) << endmsg; return -1; } pos += sizeof (header.wave); if (is_bwf) { /* write broadcast chunk data without copy history */ if (::pwrite64 (fd, (char *) &header.bext, sizeof (header.bext), pos) != sizeof (header.bext)) { return -1; } pos += sizeof (header.bext); /* write copy history */ for (vector::iterator i = header.coding_history.begin(); i != header.coding_history.end(); ++i) { string x; x = *i; x += "\r\n"; if (::pwrite64 (fd, x.c_str(), x.length(), pos) != (int32_t) x.length()) { return -1; } pos += x.length(); } } /* write fmt and data chunks */ if (::pwrite64 (fd, (char *) &header.format, sizeof (header.format), pos) != sizeof (header.format)) { error << compose(_("FileSource: cannot write format chunk: %1"), strerror (errno)) << endmsg; return -1; } pos += sizeof (header.format); if (::pwrite64 (fd, (char *) &header.data, sizeof (header.data), pos) != sizeof (header.data)) { error << compose(_("FileSource: cannot data chunk: %1"), strerror (errno)) << endmsg; return -1; } return 0; } void FileSource::mark_for_remove () { remove_at_unref = true; } jack_nframes_t FileSource::read (Sample *dst, jack_nframes_t start, jack_nframes_t cnt) const { LockMonitor lm (_lock, __LINE__, __FILE__); return read_unlocked (dst, start, cnt); } jack_nframes_t FileSource::read_unlocked (Sample *dst, jack_nframes_t start, jack_nframes_t cnt) const { int32_t byte_cnt; int nread; byte_cnt = cnt * sizeof (Sample); if ((nread = pread (fd, (char *) dst, byte_cnt, data_offset + (start * sizeof (Sample)))) != (off64_t) byte_cnt) { cerr << "FileSource: \"" << _path << "\" bad read at frame " << start << ", of " << cnt << " (bytes=" << byte_cnt << ") frames [length = " << _length << " eor = " << start + cnt << "] (" << strerror (errno) << ") (read " << nread / sizeof (Sample) << " (bytes=" <frame + pbr->cnt == oldlen) { /* the last PBR extended to the start of the current write, so just extend it again. */ pbr->cnt += cnt; } else { pending_peak_builds.push_back (new PeakBuildRecord (oldlen, cnt)); } _peaks_built = false; } } if (_build_peakfiles) { queue_for_peaks (*this); } return cnt; } bool FileSource::is_empty (string path) { struct stat statbuf; stat (path.c_str(), &statbuf); /* its a bit of a problem if an audio file happens to be a regular WAVE file with just enough data to match the size of an empty BWF. hmmm. not very likely however - that represents a duration of less than 1msec at typical sample rates. */ /* NOTE: 700 bytes is the size of a BWF header structure *plus* our minimal coding history */ return (statbuf.st_size == 0 || statbuf.st_size == wave_header_size || statbuf.st_size == 700); } void FileSource::mark_streaming_write_completed () { LockMonitor lm (_lock, __LINE__, __FILE__); next_peak_clear_should_notify = true; if (_peaks_built || pending_peak_builds.empty()) { _peaks_built = true; PeaksReady (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } } string FileSource::peak_path(string audio_path) { return Session::peak_path_from_audio_path (audio_path); } string FileSource::old_peak_path(string audio_path) { return Session::old_peak_path_from_audio_path (audio_path); } void FileSource::mark_take (string id) { _take_id = id; } int FileSource::move_to_trash (const string trash_dir_name) { string newpath; /* don't move the file across filesystems, just stick it in the `trash_dir_name' directory on whichever filesystem it was already on. */ newpath = PBD::dirname (_path); newpath = PBD::dirname (newpath); newpath += '/'; newpath += trash_dir_name; newpath += '/'; newpath += PBD::basename (_path); if (access (newpath.c_str(), F_OK) == 0) { /* the new path already exists, try versioning */ char buf[PATH_MAX+1]; int version = 1; string newpath_v; snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s.%d", newpath.c_str(), version); newpath_v = buf; while (access (newpath_v.c_str(), F_OK) == 0 && version < 999) { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s.%d", newpath.c_str(), ++version); newpath_v = buf; } if (version == 999) { error << compose (_("there are already 1000 files with names like %1; versioning discontinued"), newpath) << endmsg; } else { newpath = newpath_v; } } else { /* it doesn't exist, or we can't read it or something */ } if (::rename (_path.c_str(), newpath.c_str()) != 0) { error << compose (_("cannot rename audio file source from %1 to %2 (%3)"), _path, newpath, strerror (errno)) << endmsg; return -1; } if (::unlink (peakpath.c_str()) != 0) { error << compose (_("cannot remove peakfile %1 for %2 (%3)"), peakpath, _path, strerror (errno)) << endmsg; /* try to back out */ rename (newpath.c_str(), _path.c_str()); return -1; } _path = newpath; peakpath = ""; remove_at_unref = false; return 0; } string prepare_string(string& str) { string prepared; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i){ char c = str[i]; if (isdigit(c) || isalpha(c)){ prepared += c; } else { prepared += '\\'; prepared += c; } } return prepared; } int FileSource::repair (string path, jack_nframes_t rate) { FILE* in; char buf[700]; char* ptr; struct stat statbuf; size_t i; int ret = -1; if (stat (path.c_str(), &statbuf)) { return -1; } if (statbuf.st_size <= (off_t) sizeof (buf)) { /* nothing was ever written to the file, so there is nothing really to do. */ return 0; } if ((in = fopen (path.c_str(), "r+")) == NULL) { return -1; } if (fread (buf, sizeof (buf), 1, in) != 1) { goto out; } if (memcmp (&buf[0], "RIFF", 4) || memcmp (&buf[8], "WAVE", 4)) { /* no header. too dangerous to proceed */ goto out; } /* reset the size of the RIFF chunk header */ *((int32_t *)&buf[4]) = statbuf.st_size - 8; /* find data chunk and reset the size */ ptr = buf; for (i = 0; i < sizeof (buf); ) { if (memcmp (ptr, "fmt ", 4) == 0) { FMTChunk fmt; memcpy (&fmt, ptr, sizeof (fmt)); fmt.nSamplesPerSec = rate; fmt.nAvgBytesPerSec = rate * 4; /* put it back */ memcpy (ptr, &fmt, sizeof (fmt)); ptr += sizeof (fmt); i += sizeof (fmt); } else if (memcmp (ptr, "data", 4) == 0) { *((int32_t *)&ptr[4]) = statbuf.st_size - i - 8; break; } else { ++ptr; ++i; } } /* now flush it back to disk */ rewind (in); if (fwrite (buf, sizeof (buf), 1, in) != 1) { goto out; } ret = 0; fflush (in); out: fclose (in); return ret; }