/* Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Paul Davis Author: Sakari Bergen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "ardour/export_graph_builder.h" #include #include #include "audiographer/process_context.h" #include "audiographer/general/chunker.h" #include "audiographer/general/interleaver.h" #include "audiographer/general/normalizer.h" #include "audiographer/general/analyser.h" #include "audiographer/general/peak_reader.h" #include "audiographer/general/sample_format_converter.h" #include "audiographer/general/sr_converter.h" #include "audiographer/general/silence_trimmer.h" #include "audiographer/general/threader.h" #include "audiographer/sndfile/tmp_file.h" #include "audiographer/sndfile/sndfile_writer.h" #include "ardour/audioengine.h" #include "ardour/export_channel_configuration.h" #include "ardour/export_filename.h" #include "ardour/export_format_specification.h" #include "ardour/export_timespan.h" #include "ardour/session_directory.h" #include "ardour/sndfile_helpers.h" #include "pbd/file_utils.h" #include "pbd/cpus.h" using namespace AudioGrapher; using std::string; namespace ARDOUR { ExportGraphBuilder::ExportGraphBuilder (Session const & session) : session (session) , thread_pool (hardware_concurrency()) { process_buffer_frames = session.engine().samples_per_cycle(); } ExportGraphBuilder::~ExportGraphBuilder () { } int ExportGraphBuilder::process (framecnt_t frames, bool last_cycle) { assert(frames <= process_buffer_frames); for (ChannelMap::iterator it = channels.begin(); it != channels.end(); ++it) { Sample const * process_buffer = 0; it->first->read (process_buffer, frames); ConstProcessContext context(process_buffer, frames, 1); if (last_cycle) { context().set_flag (ProcessContext::EndOfInput); } it->second->process (context); } return 0; } bool ExportGraphBuilder::process_normalize () { for (std::list::iterator it = normalizers.begin(); it != normalizers.end(); /* ++ in loop */) { if ((*it)->process()) { it = normalizers.erase (it); } else { ++it; } } return normalizers.empty(); } unsigned ExportGraphBuilder::get_normalize_cycle_count() const { unsigned max = 0; for (std::list::const_iterator it = normalizers.begin(); it != normalizers.end(); ++it) { max = std::max(max, (*it)->get_normalize_cycle_count()); } return max; } void ExportGraphBuilder::reset () { timespan.reset(); channel_configs.clear (); channels.clear (); normalizers.clear (); analysis_map.clear(); } void ExportGraphBuilder::cleanup (bool remove_out_files/*=false*/) { ChannelConfigList::iterator iter = channel_configs.begin(); while (iter != channel_configs.end() ) { iter->remove_children(remove_out_files); iter = channel_configs.erase(iter); } } void ExportGraphBuilder::set_current_timespan (boost::shared_ptr span) { timespan = span; } void ExportGraphBuilder::add_config (FileSpec const & config) { ExportChannelConfiguration::ChannelList const & channels = config.channel_config->get_channels(); for(ExportChannelConfiguration::ChannelList::const_iterator it = channels.begin(); it != channels.end(); ++it) { (*it)->set_max_buffer_size(process_buffer_frames); } // If the sample rate is "session rate", change it to the real value. // However, we need to copy it to not change the config which is saved... FileSpec new_config (config); new_config.format.reset(new ExportFormatSpecification(*new_config.format, false)); if(new_config.format->sample_rate() == ExportFormatBase::SR_Session) { framecnt_t session_rate = session.nominal_frame_rate(); new_config.format->set_sample_rate(ExportFormatBase::nearest_sample_rate(session_rate)); } if (!new_config.channel_config->get_split ()) { add_split_config (new_config); return; } // Split channel configurations are split into several channel configurations, // each corresponding to a file, at this stage typedef std::list > ConfigList; ConfigList file_configs; new_config.channel_config->configurations_for_files (file_configs); unsigned chan = 1; for (ConfigList::iterator it = file_configs.begin(); it != file_configs.end(); ++it, ++chan) { FileSpec copy = new_config; copy.channel_config = *it; copy.filename.reset (new ExportFilename (*copy.filename)); copy.filename->include_channel = true; copy.filename->set_channel (chan); add_split_config (copy); } } void ExportGraphBuilder::get_analysis_results (AnalysisResults& results) { for (AnalysisMap::iterator i = analysis_map.begin(); i != analysis_map.end(); ++i) { ExportAnalysisPtr p = i->second->result (); if (p) { results.insert (std::make_pair (i->first, p)); } } } void ExportGraphBuilder::add_split_config (FileSpec const & config) { for (ChannelConfigList::iterator it = channel_configs.begin(); it != channel_configs.end(); ++it) { if (*it == config) { it->add_child (config); return; } } // No duplicate channel config found, create new one channel_configs.push_back (new ChannelConfig (*this, config, channels)); } /* Encoder */ template <> boost::shared_ptr > ExportGraphBuilder::Encoder::init (FileSpec const & new_config) { config = new_config; init_writer (float_writer); return float_writer; } template <> boost::shared_ptr > ExportGraphBuilder::Encoder::init (FileSpec const & new_config) { config = new_config; init_writer (int_writer); return int_writer; } template <> boost::shared_ptr > ExportGraphBuilder::Encoder::init (FileSpec const & new_config) { config = new_config; init_writer (short_writer); return short_writer; } void ExportGraphBuilder::Encoder::add_child (FileSpec const & new_config) { filenames.push_back (new_config.filename); } void ExportGraphBuilder::Encoder::destroy_writer (bool delete_out_file) { if (delete_out_file ) { if (float_writer) { float_writer->close (); } if (int_writer) { int_writer->close (); } if (short_writer) { short_writer->close (); } if (std::remove(writer_filename.c_str() ) != 0) { std::cout << "Encoder::destroy_writer () : Error removing file: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl; } } float_writer.reset (); int_writer.reset (); short_writer.reset (); } bool ExportGraphBuilder::Encoder::operator== (FileSpec const & other_config) const { return get_real_format (config) == get_real_format (other_config); } int ExportGraphBuilder::Encoder::get_real_format (FileSpec const & config) { ExportFormatSpecification & format = *config.format; return format.format_id() | format.sample_format() | format.endianness(); } template void ExportGraphBuilder::Encoder::init_writer (boost::shared_ptr > & writer) { unsigned channels = config.channel_config->get_n_chans(); int format = get_real_format (config); config.filename->set_channel_config(config.channel_config); writer_filename = config.filename->get_path (config.format); writer.reset (new AudioGrapher::SndfileWriter (writer_filename, format, channels, config.format->sample_rate(), config.broadcast_info)); writer->FileWritten.connect_same_thread (copy_files_connection, boost::bind (&ExportGraphBuilder::Encoder::copy_files, this, _1)); } void ExportGraphBuilder::Encoder::copy_files (std::string orig_path) { while (filenames.size()) { ExportFilenamePtr & filename = filenames.front(); PBD::copy_file (orig_path, filename->get_path (config.format).c_str()); filenames.pop_front(); } } /* SFC */ ExportGraphBuilder::SFC::SFC (ExportGraphBuilder &parent, FileSpec const & new_config, framecnt_t max_frames) : data_width(0) { config = new_config; data_width = sndfile_data_width (Encoder::get_real_format (config)); unsigned channels = new_config.channel_config->get_n_chans(); _analyse = config.format->analyse(); if (_analyse) { framecnt_t sample_rate = parent.session.nominal_frame_rate(); framecnt_t sb = config.format->silence_beginning_at (parent.timespan->get_start(), sample_rate); framecnt_t se = config.format->silence_end_at (parent.timespan->get_end(), sample_rate); framecnt_t duration = parent.timespan->get_length () + sb + se; max_frames = min ((framecnt_t) 8192 * channels, max ((framecnt_t) 4096 * channels, max_frames)); chunker.reset (new Chunker (max_frames)); analyser.reset (new Analyser (config.format->sample_rate(), channels, max_frames, (framecnt_t) ceil (duration * config.format->sample_rate () / (double) sample_rate))); chunker->add_output (analyser); parent.add_analyser (config.filename->get_path (config.format), analyser); } if (data_width == 8 || data_width == 16) { short_converter = ShortConverterPtr (new SampleFormatConverter (channels)); short_converter->init (max_frames, config.format->dither_type(), data_width); add_child (config); if (_analyse) { analyser->add_output (short_converter); } } else if (data_width == 24 || data_width == 32) { int_converter = IntConverterPtr (new SampleFormatConverter (channels)); int_converter->init (max_frames, config.format->dither_type(), data_width); add_child (config); if (_analyse) { analyser->add_output (int_converter); } } else { int actual_data_width = 8 * sizeof(Sample); float_converter = FloatConverterPtr (new SampleFormatConverter (channels)); float_converter->init (max_frames, config.format->dither_type(), actual_data_width); add_child (config); if (_analyse) { analyser->add_output (float_converter); } } } void ExportGraphBuilder::SFC::set_peak (float gain) { if (_analyse) { analyser->set_normalization_gain (gain); } } ExportGraphBuilder::FloatSinkPtr ExportGraphBuilder::SFC::sink () { if (_analyse) { return chunker; } else if (data_width == 8 || data_width == 16) { return short_converter; } else if (data_width == 24 || data_width == 32) { return int_converter; } else { return float_converter; } } void ExportGraphBuilder::SFC::add_child (FileSpec const & new_config) { for (boost::ptr_list::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it) { if (*it == new_config) { it->add_child (new_config); return; } } children.push_back (new Encoder()); Encoder & encoder = children.back(); if (data_width == 8 || data_width == 16) { short_converter->add_output (encoder.init (new_config)); } else if (data_width == 24 || data_width == 32) { int_converter->add_output (encoder.init (new_config)); } else { float_converter->add_output (encoder.init (new_config)); } } void ExportGraphBuilder::SFC::remove_children (bool remove_out_files) { boost::ptr_list::iterator iter = children.begin (); while (iter != children.end() ) { if (remove_out_files) { iter->destroy_writer(remove_out_files); } iter = children.erase (iter); } } bool ExportGraphBuilder::SFC::operator== (FileSpec const & other_config) const { return config.format->sample_format() == other_config.format->sample_format(); } /* Normalizer */ ExportGraphBuilder::Normalizer::Normalizer (ExportGraphBuilder & parent, FileSpec const & new_config, framecnt_t /*max_frames*/) : parent (parent) { std::string tmpfile_path = parent.session.session_directory().export_path(); tmpfile_path = Glib::build_filename(tmpfile_path, "XXXXXX"); std::vector tmpfile_path_buf(tmpfile_path.size() + 1); std::copy(tmpfile_path.begin(), tmpfile_path.end(), tmpfile_path_buf.begin()); tmpfile_path_buf[tmpfile_path.size()] = '\0'; config = new_config; uint32_t const channels = config.channel_config->get_n_chans(); max_frames_out = 4086 - (4086 % channels); // TODO good chunk size buffer.reset (new AllocatingProcessContext (max_frames_out, channels)); peak_reader.reset (new PeakReader ()); normalizer.reset (new AudioGrapher::Normalizer (config.format->normalize_target())); threader.reset (new Threader (parent.thread_pool)); normalizer->alloc_buffer (max_frames_out); normalizer->add_output (threader); int format = ExportFormatBase::F_RAW | ExportFormatBase::SF_Float; tmp_file.reset (new TmpFile (&tmpfile_path_buf[0], format, channels, config.format->sample_rate())); tmp_file->FileWritten.connect_same_thread (post_processing_connection, boost::bind (&Normalizer::start_post_processing, this)); add_child (new_config); peak_reader->add_output (tmp_file); } ExportGraphBuilder::FloatSinkPtr ExportGraphBuilder::Normalizer::sink () { return peak_reader; } void ExportGraphBuilder::Normalizer::add_child (FileSpec const & new_config) { for (boost::ptr_list::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it) { if (*it == new_config) { it->add_child (new_config); return; } } children.push_back (new SFC (parent, new_config, max_frames_out)); threader->add_output (children.back().sink()); } void ExportGraphBuilder::Normalizer::remove_children (bool remove_out_files) { boost::ptr_list::iterator iter = children.begin (); while (iter != children.end() ) { iter->remove_children (remove_out_files); iter = children.erase (iter); } } bool ExportGraphBuilder::Normalizer::operator== (FileSpec const & other_config) const { return config.format->normalize() == other_config.format->normalize() && config.format->normalize_target() == other_config.format->normalize_target(); } unsigned ExportGraphBuilder::Normalizer::get_normalize_cycle_count() const { return static_cast(std::ceil(static_cast(tmp_file->get_frames_written()) / max_frames_out)); } bool ExportGraphBuilder::Normalizer::process() { framecnt_t frames_read = tmp_file->read (*buffer); return frames_read != buffer->frames(); } void ExportGraphBuilder::Normalizer::start_post_processing() { const float gain = normalizer->set_peak (peak_reader->get_peak()); for (boost::ptr_list::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { (*i).set_peak (gain); } tmp_file->seek (0, SEEK_SET); tmp_file->add_output (normalizer); parent.normalizers.push_back (this); } /* SRC */ ExportGraphBuilder::SRC::SRC (ExportGraphBuilder & parent, FileSpec const & new_config, framecnt_t max_frames) : parent (parent) { config = new_config; converter.reset (new SampleRateConverter (new_config.channel_config->get_n_chans())); ExportFormatSpecification & format = *new_config.format; converter->init (parent.session.nominal_frame_rate(), format.sample_rate(), format.src_quality()); max_frames_out = converter->allocate_buffers (max_frames); add_child (new_config); } ExportGraphBuilder::FloatSinkPtr ExportGraphBuilder::SRC::sink () { return converter; } void ExportGraphBuilder::SRC::add_child (FileSpec const & new_config) { if (new_config.format->normalize()) { add_child_to_list (new_config, normalized_children); } else { add_child_to_list (new_config, children); } } void ExportGraphBuilder::SRC::remove_children (bool remove_out_files) { boost::ptr_list::iterator sfc_iter = children.begin(); while (sfc_iter != children.end() ) { converter->remove_output (sfc_iter->sink() ); sfc_iter->remove_children (remove_out_files); sfc_iter = children.erase (sfc_iter); } boost::ptr_list::iterator norm_iter = normalized_children.begin(); while (norm_iter != normalized_children.end() ) { converter->remove_output (norm_iter->sink() ); norm_iter->remove_children (remove_out_files); norm_iter = normalized_children.erase (norm_iter); } } template void ExportGraphBuilder::SRC::add_child_to_list (FileSpec const & new_config, boost::ptr_list & list) { for (typename boost::ptr_list::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { if (*it == new_config) { it->add_child (new_config); return; } } list.push_back (new T (parent, new_config, max_frames_out)); converter->add_output (list.back().sink ()); } bool ExportGraphBuilder::SRC::operator== (FileSpec const & other_config) const { return config.format->sample_rate() == other_config.format->sample_rate(); } /* SilenceHandler */ ExportGraphBuilder::SilenceHandler::SilenceHandler (ExportGraphBuilder & parent, FileSpec const & new_config, framecnt_t max_frames) : parent (parent) { config = new_config; max_frames_in = max_frames; framecnt_t sample_rate = parent.session.nominal_frame_rate(); #ifdef MIXBUS silence_trimmer.reset (new SilenceTrimmer(max_frames_in, -90)); #else // TODO silence-threshold should be per export-preset, with Config->get_silence_threshold being the default silence_trimmer.reset (new SilenceTrimmer(max_frames_in, Config->get_export_silence_threshold ())); #endif silence_trimmer->set_trim_beginning (config.format->trim_beginning()); silence_trimmer->set_trim_end (config.format->trim_end()); framecnt_t sb = config.format->silence_beginning_at (parent.timespan->get_start(), sample_rate); framecnt_t se = config.format->silence_end_at (parent.timespan->get_end(), sample_rate); silence_trimmer->add_silence_to_beginning (sb); silence_trimmer->add_silence_to_end (se); add_child (new_config); } ExportGraphBuilder::FloatSinkPtr ExportGraphBuilder::SilenceHandler::sink () { return silence_trimmer; } void ExportGraphBuilder::SilenceHandler::add_child (FileSpec const & new_config) { for (boost::ptr_list::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it) { if (*it == new_config) { it->add_child (new_config); return; } } children.push_back (new SRC (parent, new_config, max_frames_in)); silence_trimmer->add_output (children.back().sink()); } void ExportGraphBuilder::SilenceHandler::remove_children (bool remove_out_files) { boost::ptr_list::iterator iter = children.begin(); while (iter != children.end() ) { silence_trimmer->remove_output (iter->sink() ); iter->remove_children (remove_out_files); iter = children.erase (iter); } } bool ExportGraphBuilder::SilenceHandler::operator== (FileSpec const & other_config) const { ExportFormatSpecification & format = *config.format; ExportFormatSpecification & other_format = *other_config.format; return (format.trim_beginning() == other_format.trim_beginning()) && (format.trim_end() == other_format.trim_end()) && (format.silence_beginning_time() == other_format.silence_beginning_time()) && (format.silence_end_time() == other_format.silence_end_time()); } /* ChannelConfig */ ExportGraphBuilder::ChannelConfig::ChannelConfig (ExportGraphBuilder & parent, FileSpec const & new_config, ChannelMap & channel_map) : parent (parent) { typedef ExportChannelConfiguration::ChannelList ChannelList; config = new_config; framecnt_t max_frames = parent.session.engine().samples_per_cycle(); interleaver.reset (new Interleaver ()); interleaver->init (new_config.channel_config->get_n_chans(), max_frames); // Make the chunk size divisible by the channel count int chan_count = new_config.channel_config->get_n_chans(); max_frames_out = 8192; if (chan_count > 0) { max_frames_out -= max_frames_out % chan_count; } chunker.reset (new Chunker (max_frames_out)); interleaver->add_output(chunker); ChannelList const & channel_list = config.channel_config->get_channels(); unsigned chan = 0; for (ChannelList::const_iterator it = channel_list.begin(); it != channel_list.end(); ++it, ++chan) { ChannelMap::iterator map_it = channel_map.find (*it); if (map_it == channel_map.end()) { std::pair result_pair = channel_map.insert (std::make_pair (*it, IdentityVertexPtr (new IdentityVertex ()))); assert (result_pair.second); map_it = result_pair.first; } map_it->second->add_output (interleaver->input (chan)); } add_child (new_config); } void ExportGraphBuilder::ChannelConfig::add_child (FileSpec const & new_config) { assert (*this == new_config); for (boost::ptr_list::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it) { if (*it == new_config) { it->add_child (new_config); return; } } children.push_back (new SilenceHandler (parent, new_config, max_frames_out)); chunker->add_output (children.back().sink ()); } void ExportGraphBuilder::ChannelConfig::remove_children (bool remove_out_files) { boost::ptr_list::iterator iter = children.begin(); while(iter != children.end() ) { chunker->remove_output (iter->sink ()); iter->remove_children (remove_out_files); iter = children.erase(iter); } } bool ExportGraphBuilder::ChannelConfig::operator== (FileSpec const & other_config) const { return config.channel_config == other_config.channel_config; } } // namespace ARDOUR