/* Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Paul Davis Some portions Copyright (C) Sophia Poirier. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/transmitter.h" #include "pbd/xml++.h" #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "pbd/whitespace.h" #include "pbd/file_utils.h" #include "pbd/locale_guard.h" #include #include #include #include #include "ardour/ardour.h" #include "ardour/audioengine.h" #include "ardour/audio_buffer.h" #include "ardour/debug.h" #include "ardour/midi_buffer.h" #include "ardour/filesystem_paths.h" #include "ardour/io.h" #include "ardour/audio_unit.h" #include "ardour/route.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/tempo.h" #include "ardour/utils.h" #include "appleutility/CAAudioUnit.h" #include "appleutility/CAAUParameter.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef WITH_CARBON #include #endif #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace PBD; using namespace ARDOUR; AUPluginInfo::CachedInfoMap AUPluginInfo::cached_info; static string preset_search_path = "/Library/Audio/Presets:/Network/Library/Audio/Presets"; static string preset_suffix = ".aupreset"; static bool preset_search_path_initialized = false; FILE * AUPluginInfo::_crashlog_fd = NULL; bool AUPluginInfo::_scan_only = true; static void au_blacklist (std::string id) { string fn = Glib::build_filename (ARDOUR::user_cache_directory(), "au_blacklist.txt"); FILE * blacklist_fd = NULL; if (! (blacklist_fd = fopen(fn.c_str(), "a"))) { PBD::error << "Cannot append to AU blacklist for '"<< id <<"'\n"; return; } assert(id.find("\n") == string::npos); fprintf(blacklist_fd, "%s\n", id.c_str()); ::fclose(blacklist_fd); } static void au_unblacklist (std::string id) { string fn = Glib::build_filename (ARDOUR::user_cache_directory(), "au_blacklist.txt"); if (!Glib::file_test (fn, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { PBD::warning << "Expected Blacklist file does not exist.\n"; return; } std::string bl; { std::ifstream ifs(fn.c_str()); bl.assign ((std::istreambuf_iterator(ifs)), (std::istreambuf_iterator())); } ::g_unlink (fn.c_str()); assert (!Glib::file_test (fn, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)); assert(id.find("\n") == string::npos); id += "\n"; // add separator const size_t rpl = bl.find(id); if (rpl != string::npos) { bl.replace(rpl, id.size(), ""); } if (bl.empty()) { return; } FILE * blacklist_fd = NULL; if (! (blacklist_fd = fopen(fn.c_str(), "w"))) { PBD::error << "Cannot open AU blacklist.\n"; return; } fprintf(blacklist_fd, "%s", bl.c_str()); ::fclose(blacklist_fd); } static bool is_blacklisted (std::string id) { string fn = Glib::build_filename (ARDOUR::user_cache_directory(), "au_blacklist.txt"); if (!Glib::file_test (fn, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { return false; } std::string bl; std::ifstream ifs(fn.c_str()); bl.assign ((std::istreambuf_iterator(ifs)), (std::istreambuf_iterator())); assert(id.find("\n") == string::npos); id += "\n"; // add separator const size_t rpl = bl.find(id); if (rpl != string::npos) { return true; } return false; } static OSStatus _render_callback(void *userData, AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags, const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp, UInt32 inBusNumber, UInt32 inNumberFrames, AudioBufferList* ioData) { if (userData) { return ((AUPlugin*)userData)->render_callback (ioActionFlags, inTimeStamp, inBusNumber, inNumberFrames, ioData); } return paramErr; } static OSStatus _get_beat_and_tempo_callback (void* userData, Float64* outCurrentBeat, Float64* outCurrentTempo) { if (userData) { return ((AUPlugin*)userData)->get_beat_and_tempo_callback (outCurrentBeat, outCurrentTempo); } return paramErr; } static OSStatus _get_musical_time_location_callback (void * userData, UInt32 * outDeltaSampleOffsetToNextBeat, Float32 * outTimeSig_Numerator, UInt32 * outTimeSig_Denominator, Float64 * outCurrentMeasureDownBeat) { if (userData) { return ((AUPlugin*)userData)->get_musical_time_location_callback (outDeltaSampleOffsetToNextBeat, outTimeSig_Numerator, outTimeSig_Denominator, outCurrentMeasureDownBeat); } return paramErr; } static OSStatus _get_transport_state_callback (void* userData, Boolean* outIsPlaying, Boolean* outTransportStateChanged, Float64* outCurrentSampleInTimeLine, Boolean* outIsCycling, Float64* outCycleStartBeat, Float64* outCycleEndBeat) { if (userData) { return ((AUPlugin*)userData)->get_transport_state_callback ( outIsPlaying, outTransportStateChanged, outCurrentSampleInTimeLine, outIsCycling, outCycleStartBeat, outCycleEndBeat); } return paramErr; } static int save_property_list (CFPropertyListRef propertyList, Glib::ustring path) { CFDataRef xmlData; int fd; // Convert the property list into XML data. xmlData = CFPropertyListCreateXMLData( kCFAllocatorDefault, propertyList); if (!xmlData) { error << _("Could not create XML version of property list") << endmsg; return -1; } // Write the XML data to the file. fd = open (path.c_str(), O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0664); while (fd < 0) { if (errno == EEXIST) { error << string_compose (_("Preset file %1 exists; not overwriting"), path) << endmsg; } else { error << string_compose (_("Cannot open preset file %1 (%2)"), path, strerror (errno)) << endmsg; } CFRelease (xmlData); return -1; } size_t cnt = CFDataGetLength (xmlData); if (write (fd, CFDataGetBytePtr (xmlData), cnt) != (ssize_t) cnt) { CFRelease (xmlData); close (fd); return -1; } close (fd); return 0; } static CFPropertyListRef load_property_list (Glib::ustring path) { int fd; CFPropertyListRef propertyList = 0; CFDataRef xmlData; CFStringRef errorString; // Read the XML file. if ((fd = open (path.c_str(), O_RDONLY)) < 0) { return propertyList; } off_t len = lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_END); char* buf = new char[len]; lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_SET); if (read (fd, buf, len) != len) { delete [] buf; close (fd); return propertyList; } close (fd); xmlData = CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy (kCFAllocatorDefault, (UInt8*) buf, len, kCFAllocatorNull); // Reconstitute the dictionary using the XML data. propertyList = CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData( kCFAllocatorDefault, xmlData, kCFPropertyListImmutable, &errorString); CFRelease (xmlData); delete [] buf; return propertyList; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void set_preset_name_in_plist (CFPropertyListRef plist, string preset_name) { if (!plist) { return; } CFStringRef pn = CFStringCreateWithCString (kCFAllocatorDefault, preset_name.c_str(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8); if (CFGetTypeID (plist) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) { CFDictionarySetValue ((CFMutableDictionaryRef)plist, CFSTR(kAUPresetNameKey), pn); } CFRelease (pn); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static std::string get_preset_name_in_plist (CFPropertyListRef plist) { std::string ret; if (!plist) { return ret; } if (CFGetTypeID (plist) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) { const void *p = CFDictionaryGetValue ((CFMutableDictionaryRef)plist, CFSTR(kAUPresetNameKey)); if (p) { CFStringRef str = (CFStringRef) p; int len = CFStringGetLength(str); len = (len * 2) + 1; char local_buffer[len]; if (CFStringGetCString (str, local_buffer, len, kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) { ret = local_buffer; } } } return ret; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // general implementation for ComponentDescriptionsMatch() and ComponentDescriptionsMatch_Loosely() // if inIgnoreType is true, then the type code is ignored in the ComponentDescriptions Boolean ComponentDescriptionsMatch_General(const ComponentDescription * inComponentDescription1, const ComponentDescription * inComponentDescription2, Boolean inIgnoreType); Boolean ComponentDescriptionsMatch_General(const ComponentDescription * inComponentDescription1, const ComponentDescription * inComponentDescription2, Boolean inIgnoreType) { if ( (inComponentDescription1 == NULL) || (inComponentDescription2 == NULL) ) return FALSE; if ( (inComponentDescription1->componentSubType == inComponentDescription2->componentSubType) && (inComponentDescription1->componentManufacturer == inComponentDescription2->componentManufacturer) ) { // only sub-type and manufacturer IDs need to be equal if (inIgnoreType) return TRUE; // type, sub-type, and manufacturer IDs all need to be equal in order to call this a match else if (inComponentDescription1->componentType == inComponentDescription2->componentType) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // general implementation for ComponentAndDescriptionMatch() and ComponentAndDescriptionMatch_Loosely() // if inIgnoreType is true, then the type code is ignored in the ComponentDescriptions Boolean ComponentAndDescriptionMatch_General(Component inComponent, const ComponentDescription * inComponentDescription, Boolean inIgnoreType); Boolean ComponentAndDescriptionMatch_General(Component inComponent, const ComponentDescription * inComponentDescription, Boolean inIgnoreType) { OSErr status; ComponentDescription desc; if ( (inComponent == NULL) || (inComponentDescription == NULL) ) return FALSE; // get the ComponentDescription of the input Component status = GetComponentInfo(inComponent, &desc, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (status != noErr) return FALSE; // check if the Component's ComponentDescription matches the input ComponentDescription return ComponentDescriptionsMatch_General(&desc, inComponentDescription, inIgnoreType); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // determine if 2 ComponentDescriptions are basically equal // (by that, I mean that the important identifying values are compared, // but not the ComponentDescription flags) Boolean ComponentDescriptionsMatch(const ComponentDescription * inComponentDescription1, const ComponentDescription * inComponentDescription2) { return ComponentDescriptionsMatch_General(inComponentDescription1, inComponentDescription2, FALSE); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // determine if 2 ComponentDescriptions have matching sub-type and manufacturer codes Boolean ComponentDescriptionsMatch_Loose(const ComponentDescription * inComponentDescription1, const ComponentDescription * inComponentDescription2) { return ComponentDescriptionsMatch_General(inComponentDescription1, inComponentDescription2, TRUE); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // determine if a ComponentDescription basically matches that of a particular Component Boolean ComponentAndDescriptionMatch(Component inComponent, const ComponentDescription * inComponentDescription) { return ComponentAndDescriptionMatch_General(inComponent, inComponentDescription, FALSE); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // determine if a ComponentDescription matches only the sub-type and manufacturer codes of a particular Component Boolean ComponentAndDescriptionMatch_Loosely(Component inComponent, const ComponentDescription * inComponentDescription) { return ComponentAndDescriptionMatch_General(inComponent, inComponentDescription, TRUE); } AUPlugin::AUPlugin (AudioEngine& engine, Session& session, boost::shared_ptr _comp) : Plugin (engine, session) , comp (_comp) , unit (new CAAudioUnit) , initialized (false) , _current_block_size (0) , _requires_fixed_size_buffers (false) , buffers (0) , input_maxbuf (0) , input_offset (0) , input_buffers (0) , frames_processed (0) , _parameter_listener (0) , _parameter_listener_arg (0) , last_transport_rolling (false) , last_transport_speed (0.0) { if (!preset_search_path_initialized) { Glib::ustring p = Glib::get_home_dir(); p += "/Library/Audio/Presets:"; p += preset_search_path; preset_search_path = p; preset_search_path_initialized = true; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose("AU Preset Path: %1\n", preset_search_path)); } init (); } AUPlugin::AUPlugin (const AUPlugin& other) : Plugin (other) , comp (other.get_comp()) , unit (new CAAudioUnit) , initialized (false) , _current_block_size (0) , _last_nframes (0) , _requires_fixed_size_buffers (false) , buffers (0) , input_maxbuf (0) , input_offset (0) , input_buffers (0) , frames_processed (0) , _parameter_listener (0) , _parameter_listener_arg (0) { init (); for (size_t i = 0; i < descriptors.size(); ++i) { set_parameter (i, other.get_parameter (i)); } } AUPlugin::~AUPlugin () { if (_parameter_listener) { AUListenerDispose (_parameter_listener); _parameter_listener = 0; } if (unit) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "about to call uninitialize in plugin destructor\n"); unit->Uninitialize (); } if (buffers) { free (buffers); } } void AUPlugin::discover_factory_presets () { CFArrayRef presets; UInt32 dataSize; Boolean isWritable; OSStatus err; if ((err = unit->GetPropertyInfo (kAudioUnitProperty_FactoryPresets, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &dataSize, &isWritable)) != 0) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "no factory presets for AU\n"); return; } assert (dataSize == sizeof (presets)); if ((err = unit->GetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_FactoryPresets, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, (void*) &presets, &dataSize)) != 0) { error << string_compose (_("cannot get factory preset info: errcode %1"), err) << endmsg; return; } if (!presets) { return; } CFIndex cnt = CFArrayGetCount (presets); for (CFIndex i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { AUPreset* preset = (AUPreset*) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (presets, i); string name = CFStringRefToStdString (preset->presetName); factory_preset_map[name] = preset->presetNumber; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose("AU Factory Preset: %1 > %2\n", name, preset->presetNumber)); } CFRelease (presets); } void AUPlugin::init () { OSErr err; CFStringRef itemName; /* these keep track of *configured* channel set up, not potential set ups. */ input_channels = -1; output_channels = -1; { CAComponentDescription temp; GetComponentInfo (comp.get()->Comp(), &temp, NULL, NULL, NULL); CFStringRef compTypeString = UTCreateStringForOSType(temp.componentType); CFStringRef compSubTypeString = UTCreateStringForOSType(temp.componentSubType); CFStringRef compManufacturerString = UTCreateStringForOSType(temp.componentManufacturer); itemName = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("%@ - %@ - %@"), compTypeString, compManufacturerString, compSubTypeString); if (compTypeString != NULL) CFRelease(compTypeString); if (compSubTypeString != NULL) CFRelease(compSubTypeString); if (compManufacturerString != NULL) CFRelease(compManufacturerString); } au_blacklist(CFStringRefToStdString(itemName)); try { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "opening AudioUnit\n"); err = CAAudioUnit::Open (*(comp.get()), *unit); } catch (...) { error << _("Exception thrown during AudioUnit plugin loading - plugin ignored") << endmsg; throw failed_constructor(); } if (err != noErr) { error << _("AudioUnit: Could not convert CAComponent to CAAudioUnit") << endmsg; throw failed_constructor (); } DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "count global elements\n"); unit->GetElementCount (kAudioUnitScope_Global, global_elements); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "count input elements\n"); unit->GetElementCount (kAudioUnitScope_Input, input_elements); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "count output elements\n"); unit->GetElementCount (kAudioUnitScope_Output, output_elements); if (input_elements > 0) { /* setup render callback: the plugin calls this to get input data */ AURenderCallbackStruct renderCallbackInfo; renderCallbackInfo.inputProc = _render_callback; renderCallbackInfo.inputProcRefCon = this; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "set render callback in input scope\n"); if ((err = unit->SetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, (void*) &renderCallbackInfo, sizeof(renderCallbackInfo))) != 0) { error << string_compose (_("cannot install render callback (err = %1)"), err) << endmsg; throw failed_constructor(); } } /* tell the plugin about tempo/meter/transport callbacks in case it wants them */ HostCallbackInfo info; memset (&info, 0, sizeof (HostCallbackInfo)); info.hostUserData = this; info.beatAndTempoProc = _get_beat_and_tempo_callback; info.musicalTimeLocationProc = _get_musical_time_location_callback; info.transportStateProc = _get_transport_state_callback; //ignore result of this - don't care if the property isn't supported DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "set host callbacks in global scope\n"); unit->SetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_HostCallbacks, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, //elementID &info, sizeof (HostCallbackInfo)); if (set_block_size (_session.get_block_size())) { error << _("AUPlugin: cannot set processing block size") << endmsg; throw failed_constructor(); } create_parameter_listener (AUPlugin::_parameter_change_listener, this, 0.05); discover_parameters (); discover_factory_presets (); // Plugin::setup_controls (); au_unblacklist(CFStringRefToStdString(itemName)); if (itemName != NULL) CFRelease(itemName); } void AUPlugin::discover_parameters () { /* discover writable parameters */ AudioUnitScope scopes[] = { kAudioUnitScope_Global, kAudioUnitScope_Output, kAudioUnitScope_Input }; descriptors.clear (); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof (scopes) / sizeof (scopes[0]); ++i) { AUParamInfo param_info (unit->AU(), false, /* include read only */ true, scopes[i]); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < param_info.NumParams(); ++i) { AUParameterDescriptor d; d.id = param_info.ParamID (i); const CAAUParameter* param = param_info.GetParamInfo (d.id); const AudioUnitParameterInfo& info (param->ParamInfo()); const int len = CFStringGetLength (param->GetName());; char local_buffer[len*2]; Boolean good = CFStringGetCString(param->GetName(),local_buffer,len*2,kCFStringEncodingMacRoman); if (!good) { d.label = "???"; } else { d.label = local_buffer; } d.scope = param_info.GetScope (); d.element = param_info.GetElement (); /* info.units to consider */ /* kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Generic = 0 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Indexed = 1 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Boolean = 2 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Percent = 3 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Seconds = 4 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_SampleFrames = 5 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Phase = 6 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Rate = 7 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Hertz = 8 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Cents = 9 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_RelativeSemiTones = 10 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_MIDINoteNumber = 11 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_MIDIController = 12 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Decibels = 13 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_LinearGain = 14 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Degrees = 15 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_EqualPowerCrossfade = 16 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_MixerFaderCurve1 = 17 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Pan = 18 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Meters = 19 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_AbsoluteCents = 20 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Octaves = 21 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_BPM = 22 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Beats = 23 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Milliseconds = 24 kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Ratio = 25 */ /* info.flags to consider */ /* kAudioUnitParameterFlag_CFNameRelease = (1L << 4) kAudioUnitParameterFlag_HasClump = (1L << 20) kAudioUnitParameterFlag_HasName = (1L << 21) kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayLogarithmic = (1L << 22) kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsHighResolution = (1L << 23) kAudioUnitParameterFlag_NonRealTime = (1L << 24) kAudioUnitParameterFlag_CanRamp = (1L << 25) kAudioUnitParameterFlag_ExpertMode = (1L << 26) kAudioUnitParameterFlag_HasCFNameString = (1L << 27) kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsGlobalMeta = (1L << 28) kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsElementMeta = (1L << 29) kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsReadable = (1L << 30) kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsWritable = (1L << 31) */ d.lower = info.minValue; d.upper = info.maxValue; d.normal = info.defaultValue; d.integer_step = (info.unit == kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Indexed); d.toggled = (info.unit == kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Boolean) || (d.integer_step && ((d.upper - d.lower) == 1.0)); d.sr_dependent = (info.unit == kAudioUnitParameterUnit_SampleFrames); d.automatable = /* !d.toggled && -- ardour can automate toggles, can AU ? */ !(info.flags & kAudioUnitParameterFlag_NonRealTime) && (info.flags & kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsWritable); d.logarithmic = (info.flags & kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayLogarithmic); d.au_unit = info.unit; switch (info.unit) { case kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Decibels: d.unit = ParameterDescriptor::DB; break; case kAudioUnitParameterUnit_MIDINoteNumber: d.unit = ParameterDescriptor::MIDI_NOTE; break; case kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Hertz: d.unit = ParameterDescriptor::HZ; break; } d.min_unbound = 0; // lower is bound d.max_unbound = 0; // upper is bound d.update_steps(); descriptors.push_back (d); uint32_t last_param = descriptors.size() - 1; parameter_map.insert (pair (d.id, last_param)); listen_to_parameter (last_param); } } } static unsigned int four_ints_to_four_byte_literal (unsigned char n[4]) { /* this is actually implementation dependent. sigh. this is what gcc and quite a few others do. */ return ((n[0] << 24) + (n[1] << 16) + (n[2] << 8) + n[3]); } std::string AUPlugin::maybe_fix_broken_au_id (const std::string& id) { if (isdigit (id[0])) { return id; } /* ID format is xxxx-xxxx-xxxx where x maybe \xNN or a printable character. Split at the '-' and and process each part into an integer. Then put it back together. */ unsigned char nascent[4]; const char* cstr = id.c_str(); const char* estr = cstr + id.size(); uint32_t n[3]; int in; int next_int; char short_buf[3]; stringstream s; in = 0; next_int = 0; short_buf[2] = '\0'; while (*cstr && next_int < 4) { if (*cstr == '\\') { if (estr - cstr < 3) { /* too close to the end for \xNN parsing: treat as literal characters */ nascent[in] = *cstr; ++cstr; ++in; } else { if (cstr[1] == 'x' && isxdigit (cstr[2]) && isxdigit (cstr[3])) { /* parse \xNN */ memcpy (short_buf, &cstr[2], 2); nascent[in] = strtol (short_buf, NULL, 16); cstr += 4; ++in; } else { /* treat as literal characters */ nascent[in] = *cstr; ++cstr; ++in; } } } else { nascent[in] = *cstr; ++cstr; ++in; } if (in && (in % 4 == 0)) { /* nascent is ready */ n[next_int] = four_ints_to_four_byte_literal (nascent); in = 0; next_int++; /* swallow space-hyphen-space */ if (next_int < 3) { ++cstr; ++cstr; ++cstr; } } } if (next_int != 3) { goto err; } s << n[0] << '-' << n[1] << '-' << n[2]; return s.str(); err: return string(); } string AUPlugin::unique_id () const { return AUPluginInfo::stringify_descriptor (comp->Desc()); } const char * AUPlugin::label () const { return _info->name.c_str(); } uint32_t AUPlugin::parameter_count () const { return descriptors.size(); } float AUPlugin::default_value (uint32_t port) { if (port < descriptors.size()) { return descriptors[port].normal; } return 0; } framecnt_t AUPlugin::signal_latency () const { return unit->Latency() * _session.frame_rate(); } void AUPlugin::set_parameter (uint32_t which, float val) { if (which >= descriptors.size()) { return; } if (get_parameter(which) == val) { return; } const AUParameterDescriptor& d (descriptors[which]); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("set parameter %1 in scope %2 element %3 to %4\n", d.id, d.scope, d.element, val)); unit->SetParameter (d.id, d.scope, d.element, val); /* tell the world what we did */ AudioUnitEvent theEvent; theEvent.mEventType = kAudioUnitEvent_ParameterValueChange; theEvent.mArgument.mParameter.mAudioUnit = unit->AU(); theEvent.mArgument.mParameter.mParameterID = d.id; theEvent.mArgument.mParameter.mScope = d.scope; theEvent.mArgument.mParameter.mElement = d.element; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "notify about parameter change\n"); AUEventListenerNotify (NULL, NULL, &theEvent); Plugin::set_parameter (which, val); } float AUPlugin::get_parameter (uint32_t which) const { float val = 0.0; if (which < descriptors.size()) { const AUParameterDescriptor& d (descriptors[which]); // DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("get value of parameter %1 in scope %2 element %3\n", d.id, d.scope, d.element)); unit->GetParameter(d.id, d.scope, d.element, val); } return val; } int AUPlugin::get_parameter_descriptor (uint32_t which, ParameterDescriptor& pd) const { if (which < descriptors.size()) { pd = descriptors[which]; return 0; } return -1; } uint32_t AUPlugin::nth_parameter (uint32_t which, bool& ok) const { if (which < descriptors.size()) { ok = true; return which; } ok = false; return 0; } void AUPlugin::activate () { if (!initialized) { OSErr err; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "call Initialize in activate()\n"); if ((err = unit->Initialize()) != noErr) { error << string_compose (_("AUPlugin: %1 cannot initialize plugin (err = %2)"), name(), err) << endmsg; } else { frames_processed = 0; initialized = true; } } } void AUPlugin::deactivate () { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "call Uninitialize in deactivate()\n"); unit->Uninitialize (); initialized = false; } void AUPlugin::flush () { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "call Reset in flush()\n"); unit->GlobalReset (); } bool AUPlugin::requires_fixed_size_buffers() const { return _requires_fixed_size_buffers; } int AUPlugin::set_block_size (pframes_t nframes) { bool was_initialized = initialized; UInt32 numFrames = nframes; OSErr err; if (initialized) { deactivate (); } DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("set MaximumFramesPerSlice in global scope to %1\n", numFrames)); if ((err = unit->SetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_MaximumFramesPerSlice, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &numFrames, sizeof (numFrames))) != noErr) { error << string_compose (_("AU: cannot set max frames (err = %1)"), err) << endmsg; return -1; } if (was_initialized) { activate (); } _current_block_size = nframes; return 0; } bool AUPlugin::configure_io (ChanCount in, ChanCount out) { AudioStreamBasicDescription streamFormat; bool was_initialized = initialized; int32_t audio_in = in.n_audio(); int32_t audio_out = out.n_audio(); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("configure %1 for %2 in %3 out\n", name(), in, out)); if (initialized) { //if we are already running with the requested i/o config, bail out here if ( (audio_in==input_channels) && (audio_out==output_channels) ) { return 0; } else { deactivate (); } } streamFormat.mSampleRate = _session.frame_rate(); streamFormat.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM; streamFormat.mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagIsFloat|kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked|kAudioFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved; #ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ /* relax */ #else streamFormat.mFormatFlags |= kAudioFormatFlagIsBigEndian; #endif streamFormat.mBitsPerChannel = 32; streamFormat.mFramesPerPacket = 1; /* apple says that for non-interleaved data, these values always refer to a single channel. */ streamFormat.mBytesPerPacket = 4; streamFormat.mBytesPerFrame = 4; streamFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = audio_in; if (set_input_format (streamFormat) != 0) { return -1; } streamFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = audio_out; if (set_output_format (streamFormat) != 0) { return -1; } /* reset plugin info to show currently configured state */ _info->n_inputs = in; _info->n_outputs = out; if (was_initialized) { activate (); } return 0; } ChanCount AUPlugin::input_streams() const { ChanCount c; if (input_channels < 0) { // force PluginIoReConfigure -- see also commit msg e38eb06 c.set (DataType::AUDIO, 0); c.set (DataType::MIDI, 0); } else { c.set (DataType::AUDIO, input_channels); c.set (DataType::MIDI, _has_midi_input ? 1 : 0); } return c; } ChanCount AUPlugin::output_streams() const { ChanCount c; if (output_channels < 0) { // force PluginIoReConfigure - see also commit msg e38eb06 c.set (DataType::AUDIO, 0); c.set (DataType::MIDI, 0); } else { c.set (DataType::AUDIO, output_channels); c.set (DataType::MIDI, _has_midi_output ? 1 : 0); } return c; } bool AUPlugin::can_support_io_configuration (const ChanCount& in, ChanCount& out) { // Note: We never attempt to multiply-instantiate plugins to meet io configurations. int32_t audio_in = in.n_audio(); int32_t audio_out; bool found = false; AUPluginInfoPtr pinfo = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(get_info()); /* lets check MIDI first */ if (in.n_midi() > 0) { if (!_has_midi_input) { return false; } } vector >& io_configs = pinfo->cache.io_configs; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("%1 has %2 IO configurations, looking for %3 in, %4 out\n", name(), io_configs.size(), in, out)); //Ardour expects the plugin to tell it the output //configuration but AU plugins can have multiple I/O //configurations in most cases. so first lets see //if there's a configuration that keeps out==in if (in.n_midi() > 0 && audio_in == 0) { audio_out = 2; // prefer stereo version if available. } else { audio_out = audio_in; } for (vector >::iterator i = io_configs.begin(); i != io_configs.end(); ++i) { int32_t possible_in = i->first; int32_t possible_out = i->second; if ((possible_in == audio_in) && (possible_out == audio_out)) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("\tCHOSEN: %1 in %2 out to match in %3 out %4\n", possible_in, possible_out, in, out)); out.set (DataType::MIDI, 0); out.set (DataType::AUDIO, audio_out); return 1; } } /* now allow potentially "imprecise" matches */ audio_out = -1; for (vector >::iterator i = io_configs.begin(); i != io_configs.end(); ++i) { int32_t possible_in = i->first; int32_t possible_out = i->second; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("\tpossible in %1 possible out %2\n", possible_in, possible_out)); if (possible_out == 0) { warning << string_compose (_("AU %1 has zero outputs - configuration ignored"), name()) << endmsg; /* XXX surely this is just a send? (e.g. AUNetSend) */ continue; } if (possible_in == 0) { /* instrument plugin, always legal but throws away inputs ... */ if (possible_out == -1) { /* any configuration possible, provide stereo output */ audio_out = 2; found = true; } else if (possible_out == -2) { /* plugins shouldn't really use (0,-2) but might. any configuration possible, provide stereo output */ audio_out = 2; found = true; } else if (possible_out < -2) { /* explicitly variable number of outputs. Since Ardour can handle any configuration, we have to somehow pick a number. We'll use the number of inputs to the master bus, or 2 if there is no master bus. */ boost::shared_ptr master = _session.master_out(); if (master) { audio_out = master->input()->n_ports().n_audio(); } else { audio_out = 2; } found = true; } else { /* exact number of outputs */ audio_out = possible_out; found = true; } } if (possible_in == -1) { /* wildcard for input */ if (possible_out == -1) { /* out much match in */ audio_out = audio_in; found = true; } else if (possible_out == -2) { /* any configuration possible, pick matching */ audio_out = audio_in; found = true; } else if (possible_out < -2) { /* explicitly variable number of outputs, pick maximum */ audio_out = -possible_out; found = true; } else { /* exact number of outputs */ audio_out = possible_out; found = true; } } if (possible_in == -2) { if (possible_out == -1) { /* any configuration possible, pick matching */ audio_out = audio_in; found = true; } else if (possible_out == -2) { /* plugins shouldn't really use (-2,-2) but might. interpret as (-1,-1). */ audio_out = audio_in; found = true; } else if (possible_out < -2) { /* explicitly variable number of outputs, pick maximum */ audio_out = -possible_out; found = true; } else { /* exact number of outputs */ audio_out = possible_out; found = true; } } if (possible_in < -2) { /* explicit variable number of inputs */ if (audio_in > -possible_in) { /* request is too large */ } if (possible_out == -1) { /* any output configuration possible, provide stereo out */ audio_out = 2; found = true; } else if (possible_out == -2) { /* plugins shouldn't really use (<-2,-2) but might. interpret as (<-2,-1): any configuration possible, provide stereo output */ audio_out = 2; found = true; } else if (possible_out < -2) { /* explicitly variable number of outputs. Since Ardour can handle any configuration, we have to somehow pick a number. We'll use the number of inputs to the master bus, or 2 if there is no master bus. */ boost::shared_ptr master = _session.master_out(); if (master) { audio_out = master->input()->n_ports().n_audio(); } else { audio_out = 2; } found = true; } else { /* exact number of outputs */ audio_out = possible_out; found = true; } } if (possible_in && (possible_in == audio_in)) { /* exact number of inputs ... must match obviously */ if (possible_out == -1) { /* any output configuration possible, provide stereo output */ audio_out = 2; found = true; } else if (possible_out == -2) { /* plugins shouldn't really use (>0,-2) but might. interpret as (>0,-1): any output configuration possible, provide stereo output */ audio_out = 2; found = true; } else if (possible_out < -2) { /* explicitly variable number of outputs, pick maximum */ audio_out = -possible_out; found = true; } else { /* exact number of outputs */ audio_out = possible_out; found = true; } } if (found) { break; } } if (found) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("\tCHOSEN: in %1 out %2\n", in, out)); } else { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("\tFAIL: no io configs match %1\n", in)); return false; } out.set (DataType::MIDI, 0); out.set (DataType::AUDIO, audio_out); return true; } int AUPlugin::set_input_format (AudioStreamBasicDescription& fmt) { return set_stream_format (kAudioUnitScope_Input, input_elements, fmt); } int AUPlugin::set_output_format (AudioStreamBasicDescription& fmt) { if (set_stream_format (kAudioUnitScope_Output, output_elements, fmt) != 0) { return -1; } if (buffers) { free (buffers); buffers = 0; } buffers = (AudioBufferList *) malloc (offsetof(AudioBufferList, mBuffers) + fmt.mChannelsPerFrame * sizeof(::AudioBuffer)); return 0; } int AUPlugin::set_stream_format (int scope, uint32_t cnt, AudioStreamBasicDescription& fmt) { OSErr result; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("set stream format for %1, scope = %2 element %3\n", (scope == kAudioUnitScope_Input ? "input" : "output"), scope, cnt)); if ((result = unit->SetFormat (scope, i, fmt)) != 0) { error << string_compose (_("AUPlugin: could not set stream format for %1/%2 (err = %3)"), (scope == kAudioUnitScope_Input ? "input" : "output"), i, result) << endmsg; return -1; } } if (scope == kAudioUnitScope_Input) { input_channels = fmt.mChannelsPerFrame; } else { output_channels = fmt.mChannelsPerFrame; } return 0; } OSStatus AUPlugin::render_callback(AudioUnitRenderActionFlags*, const AudioTimeStamp*, UInt32, UInt32 inNumberFrames, AudioBufferList* ioData) { /* not much to do with audio - the data is already in the buffers given to us in connect_and_run() */ // DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("%1: render callback, frames %2 bufs %3\n", // name(), inNumberFrames, ioData->mNumberBuffers)); if (input_maxbuf == 0) { error << _("AUPlugin: render callback called illegally!") << endmsg; return kAudioUnitErr_CannotDoInCurrentContext; } uint32_t limit = min ((uint32_t) ioData->mNumberBuffers, input_maxbuf); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < limit; ++i) { ioData->mBuffers[i].mNumberChannels = 1; ioData->mBuffers[i].mDataByteSize = sizeof (Sample) * inNumberFrames; /* we don't use the channel mapping because audiounits are never replicated. one plugin instance uses all channels/buffers passed to PluginInsert::connect_and_run() */ ioData->mBuffers[i].mData = input_buffers->get_audio (i).data (cb_offset + input_offset); } cb_offset += inNumberFrames; return noErr; } int AUPlugin::connect_and_run (BufferSet& bufs, ChanMapping in_map, ChanMapping out_map, pframes_t nframes, framecnt_t offset) { Plugin::connect_and_run (bufs, in_map, out_map, nframes, offset); AudioUnitRenderActionFlags flags = 0; AudioTimeStamp ts; OSErr err; if (requires_fixed_size_buffers() && (nframes != _last_nframes)) { unit->GlobalReset(); _last_nframes = nframes; } DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("%1 in %2 out %3 MIDI %4 bufs %5 (available %6)\n", name(), input_channels, output_channels, _has_midi_input, bufs.count(), bufs.available())); /* the apparent number of buffers matches our input configuration, but we know that the bufferset has the capacity to handle our outputs. */ assert (bufs.available() >= ChanCount (DataType::AUDIO, output_channels)); input_buffers = &bufs; input_maxbuf = bufs.count().n_audio(); // number of input audio buffers input_offset = offset; cb_offset = 0; buffers->mNumberBuffers = output_channels; for (int32_t i = 0; i < output_channels; ++i) { buffers->mBuffers[i].mNumberChannels = 1; buffers->mBuffers[i].mDataByteSize = nframes * sizeof (Sample); /* setting this to 0 indicates to the AU that it can provide buffers here if necessary. if it can process in-place, it will use the buffers provided as input by ::render_callback() above. a non-null values tells the plugin to render into the buffer pointed at by the value. */ buffers->mBuffers[i].mData = 0; } if (_has_midi_input) { uint32_t nmidi = bufs.count().n_midi(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nmidi; ++i) { /* one MIDI port/buffer only */ MidiBuffer& m = bufs.get_midi (i); for (MidiBuffer::iterator i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); ++i) { Evoral::MIDIEvent ev (*i); if (ev.is_channel_event()) { const uint8_t* b = ev.buffer(); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("%1: MIDI event %2\n", name(), ev)); unit->MIDIEvent (b[0], b[1], b[2], ev.time()); } /* XXX need to handle sysex and other message types */ } } } /* does this really mean anything ? */ ts.mSampleTime = frames_processed; ts.mFlags = kAudioTimeStampSampleTimeValid; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("%1 render flags=%2 time=%3 nframes=%4 buffers=%5\n", name(), flags, frames_processed, nframes, buffers->mNumberBuffers)); if ((err = unit->Render (&flags, &ts, 0, nframes, buffers)) == noErr) { input_maxbuf = 0; frames_processed += nframes; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("%1 rendered %2 buffers of %3\n", name(), buffers->mNumberBuffers, output_channels)); int32_t limit = min ((int32_t) buffers->mNumberBuffers, output_channels); int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < limit; ++i) { Sample* expected_buffer_address= bufs.get_audio (i).data (offset); if (expected_buffer_address != buffers->mBuffers[i].mData) { /* plugin provided its own buffer for output so copy it back to where we want it */ memcpy (expected_buffer_address, buffers->mBuffers[i].mData, nframes * sizeof (Sample)); } } /* now silence any buffers that were passed in but the that the plugin did not fill/touch/use. */ for (;i < output_channels; ++i) { memset (bufs.get_audio (i).data (offset), 0, nframes * sizeof (Sample)); } return 0; } error << string_compose (_("AU: render error for %1, status = %2"), name(), err) << endmsg; return -1; } OSStatus AUPlugin::get_beat_and_tempo_callback (Float64* outCurrentBeat, Float64* outCurrentTempo) { TempoMap& tmap (_session.tempo_map()); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "AU calls ardour beat&tempo callback\n"); /* more than 1 meter or more than 1 tempo means that a simplistic computation (and interpretation) of a beat position will be incorrect. So refuse to offer the value. */ if (tmap.n_tempos() > 1 || tmap.n_meters() > 1) { return kAudioUnitErr_CannotDoInCurrentContext; } Timecode::BBT_Time bbt; TempoMetric metric = tmap.metric_at (_session.transport_frame() + input_offset); tmap.bbt_time (_session.transport_frame() + input_offset, bbt); if (outCurrentBeat) { float beat; beat = metric.meter().divisions_per_bar() * bbt.bars; beat += bbt.beats; beat += bbt.ticks / Timecode::BBT_Time::ticks_per_beat; *outCurrentBeat = beat; } if (outCurrentTempo) { *outCurrentTempo = floor (metric.tempo().beats_per_minute()); } return noErr; } OSStatus AUPlugin::get_musical_time_location_callback (UInt32* outDeltaSampleOffsetToNextBeat, Float32* outTimeSig_Numerator, UInt32* outTimeSig_Denominator, Float64* outCurrentMeasureDownBeat) { TempoMap& tmap (_session.tempo_map()); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "AU calls ardour music time location callback\n"); /* more than 1 meter or more than 1 tempo means that a simplistic computation (and interpretation) of a beat position will be incorrect. So refuse to offer the value. */ if (tmap.n_tempos() > 1 || tmap.n_meters() > 1) { return kAudioUnitErr_CannotDoInCurrentContext; } Timecode::BBT_Time bbt; TempoMetric metric = tmap.metric_at (_session.transport_frame() + input_offset); tmap.bbt_time (_session.transport_frame() + input_offset, bbt); if (outDeltaSampleOffsetToNextBeat) { if (bbt.ticks == 0) { /* on the beat */ *outDeltaSampleOffsetToNextBeat = 0; } else { *outDeltaSampleOffsetToNextBeat = (UInt32) floor (((Timecode::BBT_Time::ticks_per_beat - bbt.ticks)/Timecode::BBT_Time::ticks_per_beat) * // fraction of a beat to next beat metric.tempo().frames_per_beat (_session.frame_rate())); // frames per beat } } if (outTimeSig_Numerator) { *outTimeSig_Numerator = (UInt32) lrintf (metric.meter().divisions_per_bar()); } if (outTimeSig_Denominator) { *outTimeSig_Denominator = (UInt32) lrintf (metric.meter().note_divisor()); } if (outCurrentMeasureDownBeat) { /* beat for the start of the bar. 1|1|0 -> 1 2|1|0 -> 1 + divisions_per_bar 3|1|0 -> 1 + (2 * divisions_per_bar) etc. */ *outCurrentMeasureDownBeat = 1 + metric.meter().divisions_per_bar() * (bbt.bars - 1); } return noErr; } OSStatus AUPlugin::get_transport_state_callback (Boolean* outIsPlaying, Boolean* outTransportStateChanged, Float64* outCurrentSampleInTimeLine, Boolean* outIsCycling, Float64* outCycleStartBeat, Float64* outCycleEndBeat) { bool rolling; float speed; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "AU calls ardour transport state callback\n"); rolling = _session.transport_rolling(); speed = _session.transport_speed (); if (outIsPlaying) { *outIsPlaying = _session.transport_rolling(); } if (outTransportStateChanged) { if (rolling != last_transport_rolling) { *outTransportStateChanged = true; } else if (speed != last_transport_speed) { *outTransportStateChanged = true; } else { *outTransportStateChanged = false; } } if (outCurrentSampleInTimeLine) { /* this assumes that the AU can only call this host callback from render context, where input_offset is valid. */ *outCurrentSampleInTimeLine = _session.transport_frame() + input_offset; } if (outIsCycling) { Location* loc = _session.locations()->auto_loop_location(); *outIsCycling = (loc && _session.transport_rolling() && _session.get_play_loop()); if (*outIsCycling) { if (outCycleStartBeat || outCycleEndBeat) { TempoMap& tmap (_session.tempo_map()); /* more than 1 meter means that a simplistic computation (and interpretation) of a beat position will be incorrect. so refuse to offer the value. */ if (tmap.n_meters() > 1) { return kAudioUnitErr_CannotDoInCurrentContext; } Timecode::BBT_Time bbt; if (outCycleStartBeat) { TempoMetric metric = tmap.metric_at (loc->start() + input_offset); _session.tempo_map().bbt_time (loc->start(), bbt); float beat; beat = metric.meter().divisions_per_bar() * bbt.bars; beat += bbt.beats; beat += bbt.ticks / Timecode::BBT_Time::ticks_per_beat; *outCycleStartBeat = beat; } if (outCycleEndBeat) { TempoMetric metric = tmap.metric_at (loc->end() + input_offset); _session.tempo_map().bbt_time (loc->end(), bbt); float beat; beat = metric.meter().divisions_per_bar() * bbt.bars; beat += bbt.beats; beat += bbt.ticks / Timecode::BBT_Time::ticks_per_beat; *outCycleEndBeat = beat; } } } } last_transport_rolling = rolling; last_transport_speed = speed; return noErr; } set AUPlugin::automatable() const { set automates; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < descriptors.size(); ++i) { if (descriptors[i].automatable) { automates.insert (automates.end(), Evoral::Parameter (PluginAutomation, 0, i)); } } return automates; } string AUPlugin::describe_parameter (Evoral::Parameter param) { if (param.type() == PluginAutomation && param.id() < parameter_count()) { return descriptors[param.id()].label; } else { return "??"; } } void AUPlugin::print_parameter (uint32_t /*param*/, char* /*buf*/, uint32_t /*len*/) const { // NameValue stuff here } bool AUPlugin::parameter_is_audio (uint32_t) const { return false; } bool AUPlugin::parameter_is_control (uint32_t param) const { assert(param < descriptors.size()); if (descriptors[param].automatable) { /* corrently ardour expects all controls to be automatable * IOW ardour GUI elements mandate an Evoral::Parameter * for all input+control ports. */ return true; } return false; } bool AUPlugin::parameter_is_input (uint32_t param) const { /* AU params that are both readable and writeable, * are listed in kAudioUnitScope_Global */ return (descriptors[param].scope == kAudioUnitScope_Input || descriptors[param].scope == kAudioUnitScope_Global); } bool AUPlugin::parameter_is_output (uint32_t param) const { assert(param < descriptors.size()); // TODO check if ardour properly handles ports // that report is_input + is_output == true // -> add || descriptors[param].scope == kAudioUnitScope_Global return (descriptors[param].scope == kAudioUnitScope_Output); } void AUPlugin::add_state (XMLNode* root) const { LocaleGuard lg (X_("C")); CFDataRef xmlData; CFPropertyListRef propertyList; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "get preset state\n"); if (unit->GetAUPreset (propertyList) != noErr) { return; } // Convert the property list into XML data. xmlData = CFPropertyListCreateXMLData( kCFAllocatorDefault, propertyList); if (!xmlData) { error << _("Could not create XML version of property list") << endmsg; return; } /* re-parse XML bytes to create a libxml++ XMLTree that we can merge into our state node. GACK! */ XMLTree t; if (t.read_buffer (string ((const char*) CFDataGetBytePtr (xmlData), CFDataGetLength (xmlData)))) { if (t.root()) { root->add_child_copy (*t.root()); } } CFRelease (xmlData); CFRelease (propertyList); } int AUPlugin::set_state(const XMLNode& node, int version) { int ret = -1; CFPropertyListRef propertyList; LocaleGuard lg (X_("C")); if (node.name() != state_node_name()) { error << _("Bad node sent to AUPlugin::set_state") << endmsg; return -1; } #ifndef NO_PLUGIN_STATE if (node.children().empty()) { return -1; } XMLNode* top = node.children().front(); XMLNode* copy = new XMLNode (*top); XMLTree t; t.set_root (copy); const string& xml = t.write_buffer (); CFDataRef xmlData = CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy (kCFAllocatorDefault, (UInt8*) xml.data(), xml.length(), kCFAllocatorNull); CFStringRef errorString; propertyList = CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData( kCFAllocatorDefault, xmlData, kCFPropertyListImmutable, &errorString); CFRelease (xmlData); if (propertyList) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "set preset\n"); if (unit->SetAUPreset (propertyList) == noErr) { ret = 0; /* tell the world */ AudioUnitParameter changedUnit; changedUnit.mAudioUnit = unit->AU(); changedUnit.mParameterID = kAUParameterListener_AnyParameter; AUParameterListenerNotify (NULL, NULL, &changedUnit); } CFRelease (propertyList); } #endif Plugin::set_state (node, version); return ret; } bool AUPlugin::load_preset (PresetRecord r) { Plugin::load_preset (r); bool ret = false; CFPropertyListRef propertyList; Glib::ustring path; UserPresetMap::iterator ux; FactoryPresetMap::iterator fx; /* look first in "user" presets */ if ((ux = user_preset_map.find (r.label)) != user_preset_map.end()) { if ((propertyList = load_property_list (ux->second)) != 0) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "set preset from user presets\n"); if (unit->SetAUPreset (propertyList) == noErr) { ret = true; /* tell the world */ AudioUnitParameter changedUnit; changedUnit.mAudioUnit = unit->AU(); changedUnit.mParameterID = kAUParameterListener_AnyParameter; AUParameterListenerNotify (NULL, NULL, &changedUnit); } CFRelease(propertyList); } } else if ((fx = factory_preset_map.find (r.label)) != factory_preset_map.end()) { AUPreset preset; preset.presetNumber = fx->second; preset.presetName = CFStringCreateWithCString (kCFAllocatorDefault, fx->first.c_str(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "set preset from factory presets\n"); if (unit->SetPresentPreset (preset) == 0) { ret = true; /* tell the world */ AudioUnitParameter changedUnit; changedUnit.mAudioUnit = unit->AU(); changedUnit.mParameterID = kAUParameterListener_AnyParameter; AUParameterListenerNotify (NULL, NULL, &changedUnit); } } return ret; } void AUPlugin::do_remove_preset (std::string) { } string AUPlugin::do_save_preset (string preset_name) { CFPropertyListRef propertyList; vector v; Glib::ustring user_preset_path; std::string m = maker(); std::string n = name(); strip_whitespace_edges (m); strip_whitespace_edges (n); v.push_back (Glib::get_home_dir()); v.push_back ("Library"); v.push_back ("Audio"); v.push_back ("Presets"); v.push_back (m); v.push_back (n); user_preset_path = Glib::build_filename (v); if (g_mkdir_with_parents (user_preset_path.c_str(), 0775) < 0) { error << string_compose (_("Cannot create user plugin presets folder (%1)"), user_preset_path) << endmsg; return string(); } DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "get current preset\n"); if (unit->GetAUPreset (propertyList) != noErr) { return string(); } // add the actual preset name */ v.push_back (preset_name + preset_suffix); // rebuild user_preset_path = Glib::build_filename (v); set_preset_name_in_plist (propertyList, preset_name); if (save_property_list (propertyList, user_preset_path)) { error << string_compose (_("Saving plugin state to %1 failed"), user_preset_path) << endmsg; return string(); } CFRelease(propertyList); user_preset_map[preset_name] = user_preset_path;; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose("AU Saving Preset to %1\n", user_preset_path)); return string ("file:///") + user_preset_path; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // this is just a little helper function used by GetAUComponentDescriptionFromPresetFile() static SInt32 GetDictionarySInt32Value(CFDictionaryRef inAUStateDictionary, CFStringRef inDictionaryKey, Boolean * outSuccess) { CFNumberRef cfNumber; SInt32 numberValue = 0; Boolean dummySuccess; if (outSuccess == NULL) outSuccess = &dummySuccess; if ( (inAUStateDictionary == NULL) || (inDictionaryKey == NULL) ) { *outSuccess = FALSE; return 0; } cfNumber = (CFNumberRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(inAUStateDictionary, inDictionaryKey); if (cfNumber == NULL) { *outSuccess = FALSE; return 0; } *outSuccess = CFNumberGetValue(cfNumber, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &numberValue); if (*outSuccess) return numberValue; else return 0; } static OSStatus GetAUComponentDescriptionFromStateData(CFPropertyListRef inAUStateData, ComponentDescription * outComponentDescription) { CFDictionaryRef auStateDictionary; ComponentDescription tempDesc = {0,0,0,0,0}; SInt32 versionValue; Boolean gotValue; if ( (inAUStateData == NULL) || (outComponentDescription == NULL) ) return paramErr; // the property list for AU state data must be of the dictionary type if (CFGetTypeID(inAUStateData) != CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) { return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; } auStateDictionary = (CFDictionaryRef)inAUStateData; // first check to make sure that the version of the AU state data is one that we know understand // XXX should I really do this? later versions would probably still hold these ID keys, right? versionValue = GetDictionarySInt32Value(auStateDictionary, CFSTR(kAUPresetVersionKey), &gotValue); if (!gotValue) { return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; } #define kCurrentSavedStateVersion 0 if (versionValue != kCurrentSavedStateVersion) { return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; } // grab the ComponentDescription values from the AU state data tempDesc.componentType = (OSType) GetDictionarySInt32Value(auStateDictionary, CFSTR(kAUPresetTypeKey), NULL); tempDesc.componentSubType = (OSType) GetDictionarySInt32Value(auStateDictionary, CFSTR(kAUPresetSubtypeKey), NULL); tempDesc.componentManufacturer = (OSType) GetDictionarySInt32Value(auStateDictionary, CFSTR(kAUPresetManufacturerKey), NULL); // zero values are illegit for specific ComponentDescriptions, so zero for any value means that there was an error if ( (tempDesc.componentType == 0) || (tempDesc.componentSubType == 0) || (tempDesc.componentManufacturer == 0) ) return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; *outComponentDescription = tempDesc; return noErr; } static bool au_preset_filter (const string& str, void* arg) { /* Not a dotfile, has a prefix before a period, suffix is aupreset */ bool ret; ret = (str[0] != '.' && str.length() > 9 && str.find (preset_suffix) == (str.length() - preset_suffix.length())); if (ret && arg) { /* check the preset file path name against this plugin ID. The idea is that all preset files for this plugin include "/" in their path. */ Plugin* p = (Plugin *) arg; string match = p->maker(); match += '/'; match += p->name(); ret = str.find (match) != string::npos; if (ret == false) { string m = p->maker (); string n = p->name (); strip_whitespace_edges (m); strip_whitespace_edges (n); match = m; match += '/'; match += n; ret = str.find (match) != string::npos; } } return ret; } bool check_and_get_preset_name (Component component, const string& pathstr, string& preset_name) { OSStatus status; CFPropertyListRef plist; ComponentDescription presetDesc; bool ret = false; plist = load_property_list (pathstr); if (!plist) { return ret; } // get the ComponentDescription from the AU preset file status = GetAUComponentDescriptionFromStateData(plist, &presetDesc); if (status == noErr) { if (ComponentAndDescriptionMatch_Loosely(component, &presetDesc)) { /* try to get the preset name from the property list */ if (CFGetTypeID(plist) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) { const void* psk = CFDictionaryGetValue ((CFMutableDictionaryRef)plist, CFSTR(kAUPresetNameKey)); if (psk) { const char* p = CFStringGetCStringPtr ((CFStringRef) psk, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); if (!p) { char buf[PATH_MAX+1]; if (CFStringGetCString ((CFStringRef)psk, buf, sizeof (buf), kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) { preset_name = buf; } } } } } } CFRelease (plist); return true; } std::string AUPlugin::current_preset() const { string preset_name; CFPropertyListRef propertyList; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "get current preset for current_preset()\n"); if (unit->GetAUPreset (propertyList) == noErr) { preset_name = get_preset_name_in_plist (propertyList); CFRelease(propertyList); } return preset_name; } void AUPlugin::find_presets () { vector preset_files; user_preset_map.clear (); find_files_matching_filter (preset_files, preset_search_path, au_preset_filter, this, true, true, true); if (preset_files.empty()) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "AU No Preset Files found for given plugin.\n"); return; } for (vector::iterator x = preset_files.begin(); x != preset_files.end(); ++x) { string path = *x; string preset_name; /* make an initial guess at the preset name using the path */ preset_name = Glib::path_get_basename (path); preset_name = preset_name.substr (0, preset_name.find_last_of ('.')); /* check that this preset file really matches this plugin and potentially get the "real" preset name from within the file. */ if (check_and_get_preset_name (get_comp()->Comp(), path, preset_name)) { user_preset_map[preset_name] = path; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose("AU Preset File: %1 > %2\n", preset_name, path)); } else { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose("AU INVALID Preset: %1 > %2\n", preset_name, path)); } } /* now fill the vector with the names we have */ for (UserPresetMap::iterator i = user_preset_map.begin(); i != user_preset_map.end(); ++i) { _presets.insert (make_pair (i->second, Plugin::PresetRecord (i->second, i->first))); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose("AU Adding User Preset: %1 > %2\n", i->first, i->second)); } /* add factory presets */ for (FactoryPresetMap::iterator i = factory_preset_map.begin(); i != factory_preset_map.end(); ++i) { /* XXX: dubious */ string const uri = string_compose ("%1", _presets.size ()); _presets.insert (make_pair (uri, Plugin::PresetRecord (uri, i->first, i->second))); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose("AU Adding Factory Preset: %1 > %2\n", i->first, i->second)); } } bool AUPlugin::has_editor () const { // even if the plugin doesn't have its own editor, the AU API can be used // to create one that looks native. return true; } AUPluginInfo::AUPluginInfo (boost::shared_ptr d) : descriptor (d) { type = ARDOUR::AudioUnit; } AUPluginInfo::~AUPluginInfo () { type = ARDOUR::AudioUnit; } PluginPtr AUPluginInfo::load (Session& session) { try { PluginPtr plugin; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "load AU as a component\n"); boost::shared_ptr comp (new CAComponent(*descriptor)); if (!comp->IsValid()) { error << ("AudioUnit: not a valid Component") << endmsg; } else { plugin.reset (new AUPlugin (session.engine(), session, comp)); } AUPluginInfo *aup = new AUPluginInfo (*this); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("plugin info for %1 = %2\n", this, aup)); plugin->set_info (PluginInfoPtr (aup)); boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (plugin)->set_fixed_size_buffers (aup->creator == "Universal Audio"); return plugin; } catch (failed_constructor &err) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "failed to load component/plugin\n"); return PluginPtr (); } } Glib::ustring AUPluginInfo::au_cache_path () { return Glib::build_filename (ARDOUR::user_config_directory(), "au_cache"); } PluginInfoList* AUPluginInfo::discover (bool scan_only) { XMLTree tree; /* AU require a CAComponentDescription pointer provided by the OS. * Ardour only caches port and i/o config. It can't just 'scan' without * 'discovering' (like we do for VST). * * "Scan Only" means * "Iterate over all plugins. skip the ones where there's no io-cache". */ _scan_only = scan_only; if (!Glib::file_test (au_cache_path(), Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { ARDOUR::BootMessage (_("Discovering AudioUnit plugins (could take some time ...)")); } // create crash log file au_start_crashlog (); PluginInfoList* plugs = new PluginInfoList; discover_fx (*plugs); discover_music (*plugs); discover_generators (*plugs); discover_instruments (*plugs); // all fine if we get here au_remove_crashlog (); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::PluginManager, string_compose ("AU: discovered %1 plugins\n", plugs->size())); return plugs; } void AUPluginInfo::discover_music (PluginInfoList& plugs) { CAComponentDescription desc; desc.componentFlags = 0; desc.componentFlagsMask = 0; desc.componentSubType = 0; desc.componentManufacturer = 0; desc.componentType = kAudioUnitType_MusicEffect; discover_by_description (plugs, desc); } void AUPluginInfo::discover_fx (PluginInfoList& plugs) { CAComponentDescription desc; desc.componentFlags = 0; desc.componentFlagsMask = 0; desc.componentSubType = 0; desc.componentManufacturer = 0; desc.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Effect; discover_by_description (plugs, desc); } void AUPluginInfo::discover_generators (PluginInfoList& plugs) { CAComponentDescription desc; desc.componentFlags = 0; desc.componentFlagsMask = 0; desc.componentSubType = 0; desc.componentManufacturer = 0; desc.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Generator; discover_by_description (plugs, desc); } void AUPluginInfo::discover_instruments (PluginInfoList& plugs) { CAComponentDescription desc; desc.componentFlags = 0; desc.componentFlagsMask = 0; desc.componentSubType = 0; desc.componentManufacturer = 0; desc.componentType = kAudioUnitType_MusicDevice; discover_by_description (plugs, desc); } bool AUPluginInfo::au_get_crashlog (std::string &msg) { string fn = Glib::build_filename (ARDOUR::user_cache_directory(), "au_crashlog.txt"); if (!Glib::file_test (fn, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { return false; } std::ifstream ifs(fn.c_str()); msg.assign ((std::istreambuf_iterator(ifs)), (std::istreambuf_iterator())); au_remove_crashlog (); return true; } void AUPluginInfo::au_start_crashlog () { string fn = Glib::build_filename (ARDOUR::user_cache_directory(), "au_crashlog.txt"); assert(!_crashlog_fd); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("Creating AU Log: %1\n", fn)); if (!(_crashlog_fd = fopen(fn.c_str(), "w"))) { PBD::error << "Cannot create AU error-log" << fn << "\n"; cerr << "Cannot create AU error-log" << fn << "\n"; } } void AUPluginInfo::au_remove_crashlog () { if (_crashlog_fd) { ::fclose(_crashlog_fd); _crashlog_fd = NULL; } string fn = Glib::build_filename (ARDOUR::user_cache_directory(), "au_crashlog.txt"); ::g_unlink(fn.c_str()); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("Remove AU Log: %1\n", fn)); } void AUPluginInfo::au_crashlog (std::string msg) { if (!_crashlog_fd) { fprintf(stderr, "AU: %s\n", msg.c_str()); } else { fprintf(_crashlog_fd, "AU: %s\n", msg.c_str()); ::fflush(_crashlog_fd); } } void AUPluginInfo::discover_by_description (PluginInfoList& plugs, CAComponentDescription& desc) { Component comp = 0; au_crashlog(string_compose("Start AU discovery for Type: %1", (int)desc.componentType)); comp = FindNextComponent (NULL, &desc); while (comp != NULL) { CAComponentDescription temp; GetComponentInfo (comp, &temp, NULL, NULL, NULL); CFStringRef itemName = NULL; { if (itemName != NULL) CFRelease(itemName); CFStringRef compTypeString = UTCreateStringForOSType(temp.componentType); CFStringRef compSubTypeString = UTCreateStringForOSType(temp.componentSubType); CFStringRef compManufacturerString = UTCreateStringForOSType(temp.componentManufacturer); itemName = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("%@ - %@ - %@"), compTypeString, compManufacturerString, compSubTypeString); au_crashlog(string_compose("Scanning ID: %1", CFStringRefToStdString(itemName))); if (compTypeString != NULL) CFRelease(compTypeString); if (compSubTypeString != NULL) CFRelease(compSubTypeString); if (compManufacturerString != NULL) CFRelease(compManufacturerString); } if (is_blacklisted(CFStringRefToStdString(itemName))) { info << string_compose (_("Skipped blacklisted AU plugin %1 "), CFStringRefToStdString(itemName)) << endmsg; comp = FindNextComponent (comp, &desc); continue; } AUPluginInfoPtr info (new AUPluginInfo (boost::shared_ptr (new CAComponentDescription(temp)))); /* although apple designed the subtype field to be a "category" indicator, its really turned into a plugin ID field for a given manufacturer. Hence there are no categories for AudioUnits. However, to keep the plugins showing up under "categories", we'll use the "type" as a high level selector. NOTE: no panners, format converters or i/o AU's for our purposes */ switch (info->descriptor->Type()) { case kAudioUnitType_Panner: case kAudioUnitType_OfflineEffect: case kAudioUnitType_FormatConverter: comp = FindNextComponent (comp, &desc); continue; case kAudioUnitType_Output: info->category = _("AudioUnit Outputs"); break; case kAudioUnitType_MusicDevice: info->category = _("AudioUnit Instruments"); break; case kAudioUnitType_MusicEffect: info->category = _("AudioUnit MusicEffects"); break; case kAudioUnitType_Effect: info->category = _("AudioUnit Effects"); break; case kAudioUnitType_Mixer: info->category = _("AudioUnit Mixers"); break; case kAudioUnitType_Generator: info->category = _("AudioUnit Generators"); break; default: info->category = _("AudioUnit (Unknown)"); break; } au_blacklist(CFStringRefToStdString(itemName)); AUPluginInfo::get_names (temp, info->name, info->creator); ARDOUR::PluginScanMessage(_("AU"), info->name, false); au_crashlog(string_compose("Plugin: %1", info->name)); info->type = ARDOUR::AudioUnit; info->unique_id = stringify_descriptor (*info->descriptor); /* XXX not sure of the best way to handle plugin versioning yet */ CAComponent cacomp (*info->descriptor); if (cacomp.GetResourceVersion (info->version) != noErr) { info->version = 0; } const int rv = cached_io_configuration (info->unique_id, info->version, cacomp, info->cache, info->name); if (rv == 0) { /* here we have to map apple's wildcard system to a simple pair of values. in ::can_do() we use the whole system, but here we need a single pair of values. XXX probably means we should remove any use of these values. for now, if the plugin provides a wildcard, treat it as 1. we really don't care much, because whether we can handle an i/o configuration depends upon ::can_support_io_configuration(), not these counts. they exist because other parts of ardour try to present i/o configuration info to the user, which should perhaps be revisited. */ int32_t possible_in = info->cache.io_configs.front().first; int32_t possible_out = info->cache.io_configs.front().second; if (possible_in > 0) { info->n_inputs.set (DataType::AUDIO, possible_in); } else { info->n_inputs.set (DataType::AUDIO, 1); } if (possible_out > 0) { info->n_outputs.set (DataType::AUDIO, possible_out); } else { info->n_outputs.set (DataType::AUDIO, 1); } DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, string_compose ("detected AU %1 with %2 i/o configurations - %3\n", info->name.c_str(), info->cache.io_configs.size(), info->unique_id)); plugs.push_back (info); } else if (rv == -1) { error << string_compose (_("Cannot get I/O configuration info for AU %1"), info->name) << endmsg; } au_unblacklist(CFStringRefToStdString(itemName)); au_crashlog("Success."); comp = FindNextComponent (comp, &desc); if (itemName != NULL) CFRelease(itemName); itemName = NULL; } au_crashlog(string_compose("End AU discovery for Type: %1", (int)desc.componentType)); } int AUPluginInfo::cached_io_configuration (const std::string& unique_id, UInt32 version, CAComponent& comp, AUPluginCachedInfo& cinfo, const std::string& name) { std::string id; char buf[32]; /* concatenate unique ID with version to provide a key for cached info lookup. this ensures we don't get stale information, or should if plugin developers follow Apple "guidelines". */ snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%u", (uint32_t) version); id = unique_id; id += '/'; id += buf; CachedInfoMap::iterator cim = cached_info.find (id); if (cim != cached_info.end()) { cinfo = cim->second; return 0; } if (_scan_only) { PBD::info << string_compose (_("Skipping AU %1 (not indexed. Discover new plugins to add)"), name) << endmsg; return 1; } CAAudioUnit unit; AUChannelInfo* channel_info; UInt32 cnt; int ret; ARDOUR::BootMessage (string_compose (_("Checking AudioUnit: %1"), name)); try { if (CAAudioUnit::Open (comp, unit) != noErr) { return -1; } } catch (...) { warning << string_compose (_("Could not load AU plugin %1 - ignored"), name) << endmsg; return -1; } DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::AudioUnits, "get AU channel info\n"); if ((ret = unit.GetChannelInfo (&channel_info, cnt)) < 0) { return -1; } if (ret > 0) { /* no explicit info available, so default to 1in/1out */ /* XXX this is wrong. we should be indicating wildcard values */ cinfo.io_configs.push_back (pair (-1, -1)); } else { /* store each configuration */ for (uint32_t n = 0; n < cnt; ++n) { cinfo.io_configs.push_back (pair (channel_info[n].inChannels, channel_info[n].outChannels)); } free (channel_info); } add_cached_info (id, cinfo); save_cached_info (); return 0; } void AUPluginInfo::add_cached_info (const std::string& id, AUPluginCachedInfo& cinfo) { cached_info[id] = cinfo; } #define AU_CACHE_VERSION "2.0" void AUPluginInfo::save_cached_info () { XMLNode* node; node = new XMLNode (X_("AudioUnitPluginCache")); node->add_property( "version", AU_CACHE_VERSION ); for (map::iterator i = cached_info.begin(); i != cached_info.end(); ++i) { XMLNode* parent = new XMLNode (X_("plugin")); parent->add_property ("id", i->first); node->add_child_nocopy (*parent); for (vector >::iterator j = i->second.io_configs.begin(); j != i->second.io_configs.end(); ++j) { XMLNode* child = new XMLNode (X_("io")); char buf[32]; snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%d", j->first); child->add_property (X_("in"), buf); snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%d", j->second); child->add_property (X_("out"), buf); parent->add_child_nocopy (*child); } } Glib::ustring path = au_cache_path (); XMLTree tree; tree.set_root (node); if (!tree.write (path)) { error << string_compose (_("could not save AU cache to %1"), path) << endmsg; g_unlink (path.c_str()); } } int AUPluginInfo::load_cached_info () { Glib::ustring path = au_cache_path (); XMLTree tree; if (!Glib::file_test (path, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { return 0; } if ( !tree.read (path) ) { error << "au_cache is not a valid XML file. AU plugins will be re-scanned" << endmsg; return -1; } const XMLNode* root (tree.root()); if (root->name() != X_("AudioUnitPluginCache")) { return -1; } //initial version has incorrectly stored i/o info, and/or garbage chars. const XMLProperty* version = root->property(X_("version")); if (! ((version != NULL) && (version->value() == X_(AU_CACHE_VERSION)))) { error << "au_cache is not correct version. AU plugins will be re-scanned" << endmsg; return -1; } cached_info.clear (); const XMLNodeList children = root->children(); for (XMLNodeConstIterator iter = children.begin(); iter != children.end(); ++iter) { const XMLNode* child = *iter; if (child->name() == X_("plugin")) { const XMLNode* gchild; const XMLNodeList gchildren = child->children(); const XMLProperty* prop = child->property (X_("id")); if (!prop) { continue; } string id = prop->value(); string fixed; string version; string::size_type slash = id.find_last_of ('/'); if (slash == string::npos) { continue; } version = id.substr (slash); id = id.substr (0, slash); fixed = AUPlugin::maybe_fix_broken_au_id (id); if (fixed.empty()) { error << string_compose (_("Your AudioUnit configuration cache contains an AU plugin whose ID cannot be understood - ignored (%1)"), id) << endmsg; continue; } id = fixed; id += version; AUPluginCachedInfo cinfo; for (XMLNodeConstIterator giter = gchildren.begin(); giter != gchildren.end(); giter++) { gchild = *giter; if (gchild->name() == X_("io")) { int in; int out; const XMLProperty* iprop; const XMLProperty* oprop; if (((iprop = gchild->property (X_("in"))) != 0) && ((oprop = gchild->property (X_("out"))) != 0)) { in = atoi (iprop->value()); out = atoi (oprop->value()); cinfo.io_configs.push_back (pair (in, out)); } } } if (cinfo.io_configs.size()) { add_cached_info (id, cinfo); } } } return 0; } void AUPluginInfo::get_names (CAComponentDescription& comp_desc, std::string& name, std::string& maker) { CFStringRef itemName = NULL; // Marc Poirier-style item name CAComponent auComponent (comp_desc); if (auComponent.IsValid()) { CAComponentDescription dummydesc; Handle nameHandle = NewHandle(sizeof(void*)); if (nameHandle != NULL) { OSErr err = GetComponentInfo(auComponent.Comp(), &dummydesc, nameHandle, NULL, NULL); if (err == noErr) { ConstStr255Param nameString = (ConstStr255Param) (*nameHandle); if (nameString != NULL) { itemName = CFStringCreateWithPascalString(kCFAllocatorDefault, nameString, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()); } } DisposeHandle(nameHandle); } } // if Marc-style fails, do the original way if (itemName == NULL) { CFStringRef compTypeString = UTCreateStringForOSType(comp_desc.componentType); CFStringRef compSubTypeString = UTCreateStringForOSType(comp_desc.componentSubType); CFStringRef compManufacturerString = UTCreateStringForOSType(comp_desc.componentManufacturer); itemName = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("%@ - %@ - %@"), compTypeString, compManufacturerString, compSubTypeString); if (compTypeString != NULL) CFRelease(compTypeString); if (compSubTypeString != NULL) CFRelease(compSubTypeString); if (compManufacturerString != NULL) CFRelease(compManufacturerString); } string str = CFStringRefToStdString(itemName); string::size_type colon = str.find (':'); if (colon) { name = str.substr (colon+1); maker = str.substr (0, colon); strip_whitespace_edges (maker); strip_whitespace_edges (name); } else { name = str; maker = "unknown"; strip_whitespace_edges (name); } } std::string AUPluginInfo::stringify_descriptor (const CAComponentDescription& desc) { stringstream s; /* note: OSType is a compiler-implemenation-defined value, historically a 32 bit integer created with a multi-character constant such as 'abcd'. It is, fundamentally, an abomination. */ s << desc.Type(); s << '-'; s << desc.SubType(); s << '-'; s << desc.Manu(); return s.str(); } bool AUPluginInfo::needs_midi_input () { return is_effect_with_midi_input () || is_instrument (); } bool AUPluginInfo::is_effect () const { return is_effect_without_midi_input() || is_effect_with_midi_input(); } bool AUPluginInfo::is_effect_without_midi_input () const { return descriptor->IsAUFX(); } bool AUPluginInfo::is_effect_with_midi_input () const { return descriptor->IsAUFM(); } bool AUPluginInfo::is_instrument () const { return descriptor->IsMusicDevice(); } void AUPlugin::set_info (PluginInfoPtr info) { Plugin::set_info (info); AUPluginInfoPtr pinfo = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(get_info()); _has_midi_input = pinfo->needs_midi_input (); _has_midi_output = false; } int AUPlugin::create_parameter_listener (AUEventListenerProc cb, void* arg, float interval_secs) { #ifdef WITH_CARBON CFRunLoopRef run_loop = (CFRunLoopRef) GetCFRunLoopFromEventLoop(GetCurrentEventLoop()); #else CFRunLoopRef run_loop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent(); #endif CFStringRef loop_mode = kCFRunLoopDefaultMode; if (AUEventListenerCreate (cb, arg, run_loop, loop_mode, interval_secs, interval_secs, &_parameter_listener) != noErr) { return -1; } _parameter_listener_arg = arg; return 0; } int AUPlugin::listen_to_parameter (uint32_t param_id) { AudioUnitEvent event; if (!_parameter_listener || param_id >= descriptors.size()) { return -2; } event.mEventType = kAudioUnitEvent_ParameterValueChange; event.mArgument.mParameter.mAudioUnit = unit->AU(); event.mArgument.mParameter.mParameterID = descriptors[param_id].id; event.mArgument.mParameter.mScope = descriptors[param_id].scope; event.mArgument.mParameter.mElement = descriptors[param_id].element; if (AUEventListenerAddEventType (_parameter_listener, _parameter_listener_arg, &event) != noErr) { return -1; } event.mEventType = kAudioUnitEvent_BeginParameterChangeGesture; event.mArgument.mParameter.mAudioUnit = unit->AU(); event.mArgument.mParameter.mParameterID = descriptors[param_id].id; event.mArgument.mParameter.mScope = descriptors[param_id].scope; event.mArgument.mParameter.mElement = descriptors[param_id].element; if (AUEventListenerAddEventType (_parameter_listener, _parameter_listener_arg, &event) != noErr) { return -1; } event.mEventType = kAudioUnitEvent_EndParameterChangeGesture; event.mArgument.mParameter.mAudioUnit = unit->AU(); event.mArgument.mParameter.mParameterID = descriptors[param_id].id; event.mArgument.mParameter.mScope = descriptors[param_id].scope; event.mArgument.mParameter.mElement = descriptors[param_id].element; if (AUEventListenerAddEventType (_parameter_listener, _parameter_listener_arg, &event) != noErr) { return -1; } return 0; } int AUPlugin::end_listen_to_parameter (uint32_t param_id) { AudioUnitEvent event; if (!_parameter_listener || param_id >= descriptors.size()) { return -2; } event.mEventType = kAudioUnitEvent_ParameterValueChange; event.mArgument.mParameter.mAudioUnit = unit->AU(); event.mArgument.mParameter.mParameterID = descriptors[param_id].id; event.mArgument.mParameter.mScope = descriptors[param_id].scope; event.mArgument.mParameter.mElement = descriptors[param_id].element; if (AUEventListenerRemoveEventType (_parameter_listener, _parameter_listener_arg, &event) != noErr) { return -1; } event.mEventType = kAudioUnitEvent_BeginParameterChangeGesture; event.mArgument.mParameter.mAudioUnit = unit->AU(); event.mArgument.mParameter.mParameterID = descriptors[param_id].id; event.mArgument.mParameter.mScope = descriptors[param_id].scope; event.mArgument.mParameter.mElement = descriptors[param_id].element; if (AUEventListenerRemoveEventType (_parameter_listener, _parameter_listener_arg, &event) != noErr) { return -1; } event.mEventType = kAudioUnitEvent_EndParameterChangeGesture; event.mArgument.mParameter.mAudioUnit = unit->AU(); event.mArgument.mParameter.mParameterID = descriptors[param_id].id; event.mArgument.mParameter.mScope = descriptors[param_id].scope; event.mArgument.mParameter.mElement = descriptors[param_id].element; if (AUEventListenerRemoveEventType (_parameter_listener, _parameter_listener_arg, &event) != noErr) { return -1; } return 0; } void AUPlugin::_parameter_change_listener (void* arg, void* src, const AudioUnitEvent* event, UInt64 host_time, Float32 new_value) { ((AUPlugin*) arg)->parameter_change_listener (arg, src, event, host_time, new_value); } void AUPlugin::parameter_change_listener (void* /*arg*/, void* /*src*/, const AudioUnitEvent* event, UInt64 /*host_time*/, Float32 new_value) { ParameterMap::iterator i; if ((i = parameter_map.find (event->mArgument.mParameter.mParameterID)) == parameter_map.end()) { return; } switch (event->mEventType) { case kAudioUnitEvent_BeginParameterChangeGesture: StartTouch (i->second); break; case kAudioUnitEvent_EndParameterChangeGesture: EndTouch (i->second); break; case kAudioUnitEvent_ParameterValueChange: ParameterChanged (i->second, new_value); break; default: break; } }